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Items in the subject area " Specific methods"

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Number of items at this level: 128.

Oberhänsli, Thomas (Ed.) (2024) 2nd Oxford Nanopore-Symposium on April 11, 2024 at Frick, Switzerland. . Proceedings of 2nd Oxford Nanopore-Symposium, Frick, Switzerland, 11 April 2024. [Completed]

Koller, Martin; Rayns, Francis; Cubison, Stella and Schmutz, Ulrich (Eds.) (2016) Guidelines for Experimental Practice in Organic Greenhouse Horticulture. Research Report. BioGreenhouse COST Action FA 1105, www.biogreenhouse.org.

International Food Quality and health Association, FQH (Ed.) (2005) What we achieved - where we will go. International Research Association for Organic Food Quality and Health, Witzenhausen, Germany. Proceedings of Proceedings of the 1st scientific FQH Conference, CH-Frick, 28.11.2005 - 29.11.2005.

Landesanstalt für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenschutz, Mainz and Stiftung Ökologie und Landbau, Bad Dürkheim (Eds.) (2002) Bodenbearbeitung und Bodengesundheit. Zwischenergebnisse im Projekt Ökologische Bodenbewirtschaftung in Wörrstadt-Rommersheim (Rheinhessen, Rheinland-Pfalz) [Soil cultivation and soil health - first results of the project "ecological soil management" (POEB) in Woerrstadt-Rommersheim (Rhineland-Palatinate/Germany)]. Schriftenreihe der Landesanstalt für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenschutz, Mainz, no. 13. Landesanstalt für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenschutz, Mainz und Stiftung Ökologie und Landbau, Bad Dürkheim.

(2002) Internationale biologisch-dynamische Forschertagung vom 13. bis 16. Juni 2002 auf dem "Gut Rheinau" (CH). [International biodynamic conference of researchers at Gut Rheinau / Switzerland from June 13 to June 16, 2002.] . Online at http://www.forschungsring.de/Projekte/Forschung/fo_forschertagung_2002.html.

(2001) Internationale biologisch-dynamische Forschertagung vom 16.- 20. Juni 2001 auf Skillebyholm / Schweden. [International biodynamic conference of researchers 2001 at Skillebyholm / Sweden from June 16 to June 20 2001.] . Online at http://www.forschungsring.de/Projekte/Forschung/fo_forschertagung_2001.html.

{Project} Überprüfung der Effektivität der maschinellen Ampferregulierung im Grünland mittels WUZI unter differenzierten Standortbedingungen. Runs 2004 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Böhm, Dr. Herwart, Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft .

{ Programme part} Formas I: Ekologisk jordbruks- och trädgårdsproduktion, Formasprogrammet 2001-2004, Kunskapshantering. [Organic agricultural and horticultural production, Formas programme 2001-2004 - Knowledge management.] Runs 2001 - 2004.

{Project} Guideline for analysis on plant and mulches. Runs 2019 - 2022. Project Leader(s): Polverigiani, Serena and Neri, Davide.

Alföldi, Thomas; Hasinger, Gerhard and Fliessbach, Andreas (2016) Le test à la bêche – Évaluation du sol sur le terrain. [The Spade Test – Visual Soil Assessment in the Field.] Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique (FiBL), CH-Frick , Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Hasinger, Gerhard and Fliessbach, Andreas (2016) Il test della Vanga - Valutazione visiva del suolo in campo (Video). [The Spade Test – Visual Soil Assessment in the Field.] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, CH-Frick , Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Hasinger, Gerhard and Fliessbach, Andreas (2016) The Spade Test – Visual Soil Assessment in the Field. [The Spade Test – Visual Soil Assessment in the Field (with Slovenian subtitles).] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, CH-Frick , Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Hasinger, Gerhard and Fliessbach, Andreas (2016) Video: Mit der Spatenprobe die Bodenstruktur im Feld beurteilen. [The Spade Test – Visual Soil Assessment in the Field (with Hungarian subtitles).] Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick , Frick.

Askegaard, Margrethe; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2005) Long-term organic crop rotation experiments for cereal production – yield development and dynamics. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Bachinger, J.; Stein-Bachinger, K. and Werner, A. (2002) On-Farm Experimente - Leitfaden zur Planung und Durchführung. [On-farm experiments - Guide for planning and realisation.] In: Maidl, F.-X. and Diepenbrock, W. (Eds.) 45. Jahrestagung vom 26. bis 28. September 2002 in Berlin: Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster, Freisinger Künstlerpresse W. Bode, Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, no. 14, pp. 189-190.

Bachinger, J. and Zander, P. (2002) Modell zur Unterstützung strategischer und taktischer Fruchtfolgeplanung im Ökologischen Landbau. [Model to support for strategic and tactical crop rotation planning in Organic Agriculture.] In: Maidl, Franz-Xaver and Diepenbrock, Wulf (Eds.) 45. Jahrestagung vom 26. bis 28. September 2002 in Berlin: Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster, Verlag Freisinger Künstlerpresse W. Bode, Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, no. 14, pp. 88-89.

{Tool} SMART- Sustainability Monitoring and Assessment RouTine. Creator(s): Baumgart, Lukas; Bircher, Richard; Blockeel, Johan; Chevillat, Véronique S.; Curran, Michael; Garibay, Salvador; Harrer, Felix; Keller, Olivia; Landert, Jan; Lazzarini, Gianna; Papagiannakis, Haris; Petrasek, Richard; Pfeifer, Catherine; Schader, Christian; Schlatter, Bernhard; Schwitter, Patricia; Stefani, Patrick; Teriete, Moritz; Weisshaidinger, Rainer and Wirz, Axel. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2016)

Beste, Andrea (2003) Weiterentwicklung und Erprobung der Spatendiagnose als Feldmethode zur Bestimmung ökologisch wichtiger Gefügeeigenschaften landwirtschaftlich genutzter Böden [Further Development and Improvement of Spade Diagnosis as Field Method for the Evaluation of Ecological Significant Structure Parameters of Soils under Agricultural Management]. Thesis, Justus-von-Liebig-Universität Gießen , Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung. Schriftenreihe Agrarwissenschaft, no. 11. Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin.

Bettina, Maccagnani; Roberto, Ferrari and Marco, Pozzati (2014) Combattere il colpo di fuoco con l’aiuto di Osmia cornuta. [Biological control of pear fire blight with the help of the pollinator Osmia cornuta.] Agricoltura, May 2014, 2 (April), pp. 62-63.

Blank, Arie F.; Silva, Thássia B.; Matos, Maurício L. ; Carvalho Filho, José L. S. and Silva-Mann, Renata (2013) Parâmetros genotípicos, fenotípicos e ambientais para caracteres morfológicos e agronômicos em abóbora. [Genotypic, phenotypic and environmental parameters for morphological and agronomic characters in pumpkin.] Horticultura Brasileira, 31 (1), pp. 106-111.

Bloksma, Joke; Huber, Machteld; Northolt, Martin; Zanen, Marleen and Jansonius, Pieterjans (2004) Parameters for apple quality - 2 - and the development of the ‘inner quality concept’ 2001-2003. [Parametern für Apfelqualität und die weitere Entwicklung des Begriffs der ‘Inneren Qualität’ 2001-2003. Parameters voor appelkwaliteit en de verdere ontwikkeling van het ‘innerlijke kwaliteits concept’ 2001-2003.] Louis Bolk Instituut Publications, no. GVV04. Louis Bolk Instituut .

Bloksma, Joke; Northolt, Martin and Huber, Machteld (2001) Parameters for apple quality: and an outline for a new quality concept - part 1 report. [Met Nederlandse samenvatting: Parameters voor appelkwaliteit en een aanzet tot een nieuw kwaliteitsconcept / mit Deutschen Zusammenfassung: Parametern für Apfelqualität und ein Entwurf eines neuen Qualitätsbegriffes.] Louis Bolk Instituut publications, no. GVV01/FQH01. Louis Bolk Instituut .

Bourne, Mitchel E.; Lucas-Barbosa, Dani and Vehulst, Niels O. (2024) Host-location by arthropod vectors: Are microorganisms in control? Current Opinion in Insect Science, 65 (101239), pp. 1-8.

Boutry, Clémence; Bohr, Anne; Buchleither, Sascha; Ludwig, Mathias; Oberhänsli, Thomas; Tamm, Lucius; Schärer, Hans-Jakob and Flury, Pascale (2023) Monitoring spore dispersal and early infections of Diplocarpon coronariae causing apple blotch using selected spore traps and a new qPCR method. In: The International Society for Plant Pathology, The French Phytopathological Society (Eds.) 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology. Book of Abstract ICPP 2023, 20-25 August 2023, Lyon, France, pp. 437-438.

Boutry, Clémence; Bohr, Anne; Buchleither, Sascha; Ludwig, Mathias; Oberhänsli, Thomas; Tamm, Lucius; Schärer, Hans-Jakob and Flury, Pascale (2023) Monitoring Spore Dispersal and Early Infections of Diplocarpon coronariae Causing Apple Blotch Using Spore Traps and a New qPCR Method. Phytopathology, 113 (3), pp. 470-483.

Brandt, Kirsten (2002) Økologisk kost og sundhed. [Organic food and human health.] Speech at: LMC "Food Congress", KVL, Copenhagen, 17-18 Jan. 2002.

Brandt, Kirsten; Bügel, Susanne Højbjerg; Ritskes-Hoitinga, Merel and Frøsig, Lars (2003) Organic food and health – a multigeneration animal experiment. Poster at: the EFFoST conference "New Functional Ingredients and Foods - Safety, Health and Convenience", Bella Center, Copenhagen, April 9-11 2003.

Brandt, Kirsten; Nygaard Larsen, Hanne; Andersen, Jens-Otto; Mølgaard, Jens-Peter; Lauridsen, Charlotte; Jørgensen, Henry; Gundersen, Vagn; Larsen, Erik; Badsberg, Jens Henrik and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2001) Organic Food and Health: A new project to study the effects of plant cultivation methods (organic and conventional) on nutritional value, health and reproduction in an animal experiment. Poster at: FOOD and NUTRITION for BETTER HEALTH" (HEALFO Conference), Lanciano, Italy, 13-15 June 2001.

Busscher, Nicolaas; Kahl, Johannes; Mergardt, Gaby; Andersen, Jens-Otto; Huber, Machteld and Meier-Ploeger, Angelika (2003) Vergleichbarkeit von Qualitätsuntersuchungen mit den Bildschaffenden Methoden (Kupferchlorid-Kristallisation). In: Freyer, Bernd (Ed.) Ökologischer Landbau der Zukunft - Beiträge zur 7. Wissenschaftstatung zum Ökologischen Landbau, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Institut für Ökologischen Landbau, pp. 217-220.

Canali , S. (2015) INTERVEG - Enhancing multifunctional benefits of cover crops − vegetables intercropping. AIAB - Associazione Italiana per l'Agricoltura Biologica , Italy.

Chanev, Milen and Filchev, Lachezar (2020) Possibilities of forecasting the yield of organic wheat using aerospace methods. Paper at: 16th international conference 'Space, Ecology, Safety' (SES'2020), Sofia, Bulgaria, 2-4 December 2020.

Chanev, Milen; Filchev, Lachezar and Ivanova, Dimka (2020) Opportunities for Remote Sensing Applications in Organic Cultivation of Cereals – a Review. Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society, 43, pp. 31-36.

Ciolfi, Marco; Lorenzoni, Deborah and Petrangeli, Enrico (2023) FOODLEVERS Milestone 3.1: Report on Fuzzy CogniEve Mapping. National Research Council (CNR) Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET), Italy .

Costantini, E.A.C.; Priori, S.; Landi, S.; Lagomarsino, A.; Castaldini, M.; Giffard, B.; Fulchin, E.; Tardaguila, J.; Schroers, H.J.; Martensson, A.; Tangolar, S. and Akca, E. (2018) Protocols for soil functionality assessment in vineyards. .

Damgaard, Christian; Kjellsson, Gösta and Haldrup, Christian (2007) Prediction of the combined effect of various GM contamination sources of seed: a case study of oilseed rape under Danish conditions. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science, 57 (3), pp. 247-253.

Devide, Antonio Carlos Pries (2013) Gestão ambiental de sistemas agroflorestais com Guanandi(Calophyllum braziliense). [Environmental management of agroforestry system with Guanandi (Calophyllum brasiliense).] Working paper, Departamento de Fitotecnia, Instituto de Agronomia - UFRRJ . [Unpublished]

Entz, Martin; Hoeppner, J.W.; Tenuta, M.; Bamford, K.C.; Holliday, N. and Wilson, Leanne C. (2005) Influence of Organic Management with Different Crop Rotations on Selected Productivity Parameters in a Long-Term Canadian Field Study. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Fittje, Susanne; Menzel, Dr. Wulf; Saucke, Dr. Helmut and Vetten, Dr. Heinrich-Josef (2005) Viruserkrankungen in Möhren - gegenwärtige Probleme und verfügbare Nachweismethoden. [Virus diseases in carrots – current status and diagnostic methods.] In: Heß, J and Rahmann, G (Eds.) Ende der Nische, Beiträge zur 8. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, kassel university press GmbH, Kassel.

Freyer, Bernhard; Surboeck, Andreas; Friedel, Juergen K.; Heinzinger, Markus and Gollner, Manfred (2005) Monitoring the Conversion to Organic Farming. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Fried, Padruot M.; Zihlmann, Urs; Strasser, Fredi; Tschachtli, Ruedi; Ammann, Helmut and Dubois, David (2005) How economic is organic? Results of a long-term trial at Burgrain/Lucerne, Switzerland. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Gambelli, Danilo; Vairo, Daniela and Zanoli, Raffaele (2010) Exploiting Qualitative Information for Decision Support in Scenario Analysis. Journal of Decision Systems, 19 (4), pp. 407-422.

Geier, Uwe and Meischner, Tabea (2011) Der kleine Unterschied - Die Qualität biologisch-dynamisch und biologisch erzeugter Produkte im Vergleich. Lebendige Erde, June 2011, 5, pp. 44-49.

Grovermann, Christian; Chuluunbaatar, D.; Blockeel, J.; Sulaiman, R.V.; Djamen, P. and Holley, A. (editor): FAO (Ed.) (2022) The Extension and Advisory Service Systems Yardstick (EAS-Y). Report. FAO , Rome, Italy.

Grundy, Andrea C and Turner, Rebecca J (2002) Horticultural weed control in organic systems – a modelling approach. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 295-298.

Gutiérrez, S.; Diago, M.P; Fernandez-Novales, J. and Tardaguila, J. (2018) Vineyard water status assessment using on-the-go thermal imaging and machine learning. Plos One, 13 (2), pp. 1-18.

Haas, G.; Wetterich, F. and Geier, U. (2000) Framework in agriculture on the farm level. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 5 (6), pp. 345-348.

Haas, G.; Wetterich, F. and Geier, U. (2000) Framework in Agriculture on the Farm Level. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 5 (6), pp. 345-348.

Haas, Guido (1995) Auswahl von Feldversuchsflächen auf heterogenem Auenboden: Bestandeskartierung - Uniformitätsernten - Luftbildaufnahmen - Exaktvermessung. [Improved selection of experimental sites on a heterogeneous soil by field crop monitoring and mapping, uniformity trials, aerial photography and precise surveyin.] Thesis, Institut für Organischen Landbau - Universität Bonn . Schriftenreihe Institut für Organischen Landbau - Universität Bonn, no. 1. Verlag Dr. Koester, Berlin.

Hagel, I.; Bauer, D.; Haneklaus, S. and Schnug, E. (2000) Quality Assessment of Summer and Autumn Carrots from a Biodynamic Breeding Project and Correlations of Physico-Chemical Parameters and Features Determined by Picture Forming Methods. In: Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William and Niggli, Urs (Eds.) Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, IFOAM, pp. 284-287.

Hagel, Ingo (2002) Zum biologisch-dynamischen Forschungsansatz – Nur philosophisches Beiwerk oder Erkenntnisbedingung einer Wissenschaft vom Leben? [The bio-dynamic approach to research - philosophic accessories or precondition for understanding in a science of life?] Lebendige Erde (5), pp. 41-43.

Hansen, Preben Klarskov; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Kristensen, Kristian and Willas, Jakob (2004) Forslag til forsøgsdesign for WP1 2004 og 2005 på Forskningscenter Flakkebjerg. [Proporsal of experimental desing for WP1 in 2004 and 2005 at Research Centre Flakkebjerg.] Danmarks JordbrugsForskning , Afdeling for Plantebeskyttelse.

Hassan, Affendy; Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin; Rasmussen, Camilla Ruø; Lyhne-Kjæbye, Annemette; Nicolaisen, Mette; Stokholm, Michaela Schiller; Lund, Ole Søgaard and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2019) Root distribution in intercropping systems – a comparison of DNA based methods and visual distinction of roots. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 67 (1), pp. 15-28.

Hoa, Thi Do; Whitney, Cory W. and Luedeling, Eike (2018) Agroforestry Options in Northwest Vietnam. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag, September 17-19, 2018. Ghent, Belgium "Global food security and food safety: The role of universities". Book of Abstracts., p. 210.

Home, Robert and Moschitz, Heidrun (2013) Incentive Mechanisms for Researchers to Participate in Targeted Interactive Research and Innovation Processes–Beyond Academic Relevance. In: EU SCAR (Ed.) Agricultural knowledge and innovation systems towards 2020 - an orientation paper on linking innovation and research. European Union, Brussels, Belgium, chapter 5, pp. 75-93.

Hüppi, Roman; Felber, Raphael; Krauss, Maike; Six, Johan; Leifeld, Jens and Fuß, Roland (2018) Restricting the nonlinearity parameter in soil greenhouse gas flux calculation for more reliable flux estimates. PLoS ONE, 13 (7), pp. 1-17.

Institut für Biologisch-Dynamische Forschung e.V., DE-Darmstadt (2003) Arbeitsbericht 2002 [Annual Report 2002]. Institut für Biologisch-Dynamische Forschung, Darmstadt e.V. .

Jegstrup, Inger Marie; Nygaard Hansen, Marianne; Brandt, Kirsten and Ritskes-Hoitinga, Merel (2003) The effects of organically and conventionally cultivated plant feed on fertility and health in two inbred rat strains. Speech at: Scand-LAS 2003, MICE AND MEN FOR SCIENCE, 33rd Annual Symposium and Educational Days of the Scandinavian Society for Laboratory Animal Science, Lahti, Finland, 22-24 May 2003.

Jensen, Bent Borg and Rebsdorf, Thomas (2012) Androstenon-indol-skatol-protokol. Working paper, Department of Animal Science, ANIS, Aarhus University, AU . [Unpublished]

Kaffka, Stephen; Bryant, Dennis and Denison, Ford (2005) Comparisons of organic and conventional maize and tomato cropping systems from a long-term experiment in California. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Kahl, Dr. Johannes; Busscher, Dr. Nicolaas and Meier-Ploeger, Prof.Dr. Angelika (2005) Validierung: Charakterisierte Methoden für klare Fragen. [Validation: Characterised methods for clear questions.] In: Heß, J and Rahmann, G (Eds.) Ende der Nische, Beiträge zur 8. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, kassel university press GmbH, Kassel.

Kaur, Simardeep; Godara, Samarth; Singh, Naseeb; Kumar, Amit; Pandey, Renu; Adhikari, Sneha; Jaiswal, Sandeep; Kumar Singh, Sanjeev; Rana, Jai Chand; Bhardwaj, Rakesh; Kumar Singh, Binay and Riar, Amritbir (2024) Multivariate Data Analysis Assisted Mining of Nutri-rich Genotypes from North Eastern Himalayan Germplasm Collection of Perilla (Perilla frutescens L.). Plant Foods of Human Nutrition, 79, pp. 843-850.

Kaur, Simardeep; Singh, Naseeb; Dagar, Preety; Kumar, Amit; Jaiswal, Sandeep; Singh, Binay K.; Bhardwaj, Rakesh; Rana, Jai Chand and Riar, Amritbir (2024) Comparative analysis of modified partial least squares regression and hybrid deep learning models for predicting protein content in Perilla (Perilla frutescens L.) seed meal using NIR spectroscopy. Food Bioscience, 61 (104821), x-xx.

Kaur, Simardeep; Singh, Naseeb; Tomar, Maharishi; Kumar, Amit; Godara, Samarth; Padhi, Siddhant Ranjan; Rana, Jai Chand; Bhardwaj, Rakesh; Singh, Binay K. and Riar, Amritbir (2024) NIRS-based prediction modeling for nutritional traits in Perilla germplasm from NEH Region of India: comparative chemometric analysis using mPLS and deep learning. Food Measure, 18, pp. 9019-9035.

Köhler, B.; Strube, J.; Fölsch, D.W. and Lange, K. (2002) Mit Grünfutter und Tageslicht strahlen Hühnereier anders. Ökologie und Landbau, 123 (3), pp. 39-41.

Lagerberg, Charlotte (2000) Emergianalys – hur gör man? . Online at http://www.cul.slu.se/emergi/index.html.

Lazado, Carlo Cabacang; Lund, Ivar; Skov, Peter V.; Jokumsen, Alfred; Gesto, Manuel; Nguyen, Huy Quang and Pedersen, Per Bovbjerg (2017) Crosstalk between Innate Immunity and Circadian Rhythm: Do fish immune defences have a sense of time? [Krydstale mellem naturlig immunitet og døgnrytme: Har fiske immun forsvars systemer en fornemmelse af tid?] Poster at: European Aquaculture 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 17 - 20 October 2017.

Lernoud, Julia and Willer, Helga (2019) Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Key results from the FiBL survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2019 Part 2: Crop data. . [Completed]

Lernoud, Julia and Willer, Helga (2019) Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Key results from the FiBL survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2019 Part 3: Organic agriculture in the regions. . [Completed]

Loges, Ralf; Ingwersen, Kathrin and Taube, Friedhelm (2001) Methodische Aspekte zur Bestimmung der symbiontischen N2-Fixierungsleistung von Leguminosen. [Methodological aspects of determining nitrogen fixation of different forage legumes.] In: 45. Jahrestagung vom 23. bis 25. August 2001 in Gumpenstein. Kurzfassungen der Referate und Poster, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Grünland und Futterbau in der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, Wissenschaftlicher Fachverlag: Giessen, pp. 29-32.

Loges, Ralf and Taube, Friedhelm (2002) Methodological aspects of determination of biological N-fixation of different forage legumes [Methodische Aspekte der Bestimmung der biologischen N-Fixierung verschiedener Futterleguminosen]. In: Helgadóttir, A. and Dalmannsdóttir, S. (Eds.) Proceedings of the kick-off meeting, Solsona, Spain. Quality legume-based forage systems for contrasting environments., Reykjavík: Agricultural Reserach Institute, pp. 101-104.

Lünzer, Immo (2003) Biologisch-dynamische Forschung. [Biodynamic research.] Ökologie & Landbau, Jahrbuch Öko-Landbau 2003, 125 (1/2003), pp. 78-81.

Matthes, Christoph; Spieß, Hartmut and Haneklaus, Silvia (2005) Gefäßversuch mit gesteigerter Kaliumdüngung als methodischer Ansatz einer Wirksamkeitsprüfung biologisch-dynamischer Präparationen. [Potassium fertilization response trial in a pot experiment as an approach for testing the effectiveness of biodynamic preparations.] In: Heß, J and Rahmann, G (Eds.) Ende der Nische, Beiträge zur 8. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, kassel university press GmbH, Kassel.

Meier-Ploeger, A.; Kahl, J.; Busscher, N.; Mergardt, G.; Strube, J.; Mende, G.; Negendank, C.; Stolz, P.; Böhm, B.; Köhl-Gies, B.; Staller, B.; Merschel, M.; Werries, A.; Rahmann, G.; Weirauch, K.; Treutter, D.; Degert, A. and Kromidas, S. (2003) Ganzheitliche Untersuchungsmethoden zur Erfassung und Prüfung der Qualität ökologischer Lebensmittel: Stand der Entwicklung und Validierung. [Status Quo and validation of holistic methods for the differentation of organically grown from conventionally grown food.] Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE), Bonn , Geschäftsstelle Bundesprogramm Ökologischer Landbau.

Messmer, Monika (2020) Genom-Editierung: Transparente Deklaration ist für den Biosektor unverzichtbar. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick . [Completed]

Müller, Adrian (2021) Assessing livestock systems – how indicators, system boundaries and methods may influence results. Paper at: EAAP 2021, Davos, Switzerland, September 2, 2021. [Completed]

Müller, Carsten W.; Steffens, Markus and Buddenbaum, Henning (2021) Permafrost soil complexity evaluated by laboratory imaging Vis‐NIR spectroscopy. European Journal of Soil Science, 72 (1), pp. 114-119.

Müller, Karl-Josef (2000) Beurteilung von Zuchtmethoden bei Getreide unter Gesichtspunkten des ökologischen Landbaus [Evaluating cereal breeding methods from an organic farming perspective]. Paper at: ExpertInnenworkshop Methodik und Techniken der Pflanzenzüchtung, Frankfurt am Main, 04.04.2000. [Unpublished]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Borec, Andreja (2015) Healthy Growth of Value Based Organic Food Chains: Management, value communication and perspectives of growing values-based food chains. Workshop at: Agrimba-Ava Conference, Porec, Croatia, 17.-19. June 2015. [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Knickel, Karlheinz (2016) The concept of the business logic for the management of values-based food businesses and chains - Task 2 report, HealthyGrowth WP5. .

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Knickel, Karlheinz; Lasner, Tobias and Milestad, Rebecka (2016) Adaptation strategies and performances of three producer groups during times of change: lessons learned from the application of the Conditions-Strategies-Performances (CSP) concept in three case studies. In: Social and technological transformation of farming systems: Diverging and converging pathways.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Knickel, Karlheinz; Milestad, Rebecka and Lasner, Tobias (2016) What drives farmers’ sustainability performance? Application of the CSP Modell for the analysis of farmers’ Conditions, adaptation Strategies and sustainability Performances – a case study analysis of German and Swedish producer groups in times of change. Studies of Agricultural Economics, 2017, xx-xx. [Submitted]

Munkholm, Lars J. (2002) Soil Fragmentation and Friability. Effects of Soil Water and Soil Management. Thesis, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Crop Physiology and Soil Science. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences.

Nascimento, Alexandre Ferreira do (2008) Calibração e validação dos modelos CENTURY, APSIM e NDICEA de decomposição de materiais orgânicos e mineralização de N para a Mata Atlântica. [Calibration and validation of models CENTURY, APSIM and NDICEA decomposition of organic materials and N mineralization for the Atlantic.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa . , Viçosa.

Nemecek, Thomas; Dubois, David; Gunst, Lucie and Gaillard, Gérard (2005) Life Cycle Assessment of Conventional and Organic Farming in the DOC trial. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Northolt, Martin; van der Burgt, Geert-Jan; Buisman, Thiemo and Vanden Bogaerde, Arne (2004) Parameters for Carrot Quality: and the development of the Inner Quality concept. [Met Nederlandse samenvatting: Parameters voor wortelkwaliteit en de ontwikkeling van het Innerlijke Kwaliteitsconcept / mit deutscher Zusammenfassung: Parametern für Möhrenqualität und die Entwicklung des Begriffs der Inneren Qualität.] Louis Bolk Instituut Publications, no. GVV05 / FQH04. Louis Bolk Instituut .

Oberholzer, Simon; Summerauer, Laura; Steffens, Markus and Speranza, Chinwe Ifejika (2023) Dataset variability and carbonate concentration influence the performance of local visible-near infrared spectral models. EGUsphere [preprint], xx, xx-xx. [Submitted]

Padel, Susan (2002) Studying conversion as a human activity system. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 101-104.

Pedersen, Susanne; Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica and Thøgersen, John (2017) Deliverable 3.2: Survey instrument. Aarhus University , Department of Management. [Completed]

Pedersen, Susanne; Schwendel, Eva; Paternoga, Maria; Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica and Thøgersen, John (2016) Deliverable 2.2: Interviewguide, SOMDwIT project. Aarhus University , Department of Management.

Peigne, Joséphine; Huber, Kathrin and Pfiffner, Lukas (2018) Earthworm sampling. FertilCrop Technical Note. ISARA Lyon and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Lyon and Frick.

Pfister, Christian; Spuhler, Markus; Kellermann, Liv and Hasinger, Gerhard (2024) Die Spatenprobe - Entnahme und Beurteilung nach der Methode BodenDOK. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Povlsen, Karen Klitgaard (2012) Qualitative methodologies: Media Use in Relation to Food. In: submitted to Media Food: Practices, Politics and Identities, Ashgate, Critical Food Studies. [Completed]

QUANTIN, Martin (2020) Site de veille scientifique sur l'agriculture biodynamique. Association Biodynamie Recherche. Online at https://biodynamie-recherche.org, accessed on: 18 June 2020.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2005) LONG-TERM ORGANIC CROP ROTATION EXPERIMENTS FOR CEREAL PRODUCTION – PERENNIAL WEED CONTROL AND NITROGEN LEACHING. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Rasmussen, Jim and Høgh-Jensen, Henning (2004) Origin and composition of Dissolved Organic C and N from grass-clover mixtures. Poster at: Cost Action 627 - Carbon Storage in European grasslands, Ghent, Belgium, June 3-6 2004. [Unpublished]

Raupp, Dr Joachim (2002) Enzymatic browning of potatoes is greatly reduced with organic fertilization compared to mineral fertilization. In: Proceedings 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress, p. 67.

Raupp, Dr Joachim (2002) Monitoring nutrient turnover during composting has to be based on a constant reference parameter. Is total ash content really a good choice? In: Thompson, Robert (Ed.) Proceedings 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress, p. 66.

Raupp, Dr Joachim (1997) Vergleichende Bewertung mikrobiologisch-biochemischer Parameter zur Qualitätsbestimmung pflanzlicher Produkte anhand von Untersuchungen zu einem langjährigen Düngungsversuch. In: Köpke, Prof Dr U. and Eisele, Dr J.-A. (Eds.) Beiträge zur 4. Wiossenschaftstagung zum Ökologischen Landbau, Institut für Organischen Landbau, Bonn, Schriftenreihe Institut für Organischen Landbau.

Ravn, Dr. Helle Weber; Kristensen, Charlotte V.; Christensen, Trine F.; Diedrichsen, Brigitte and Brandt, Kirsten (2002) A New Phytochemical Screening Programme used for Crops grown with Organic and Conventional Methods. National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) , Dept. of Terrestrial Ecology.

Ravnskov, Sabine; Jensen, Birgit; Nielsen, Steen Lykke and Larsen, John (2004) Quantification of root fungi using signature fatty acids. Poster at: Rhizosphere Congress, Perspectives and Challenges – a tribute to Lorenz Hiltner”, September 12-17, 2004, Munich, Germany, Munich, Germany, September 12-17, 2004. [Unpublished]

Romano, Ida; Bodenhausen, Natacha; Ventorino, Valeria; Schneider, Michael; Reinhard, Sonja; Magaraci, Giuseppina; Müller, Ralf; Walser, Jean-Claude and Pepe, Olimpia (2024) Advancing Microbial Identification in Complex Matrices: Oxford Nanopore Sequencing in High-Throughput Analysis. Paper at: 2nd Oxford Nanopore-Symposium, Frick, Switzerland, 11 April 2024. [Completed]

Ruch, Beate and Kleeberg, Hubertus (2001) Abschätzung des Rückstandsverhaltens von NeemAzal-T/S aus Analysen der Leitsubstanz Azadirachtin A. [Estimation of the Residue Behaviour of NeemAzal-T/S by Analyzing the Major Active Compound Azadirachtin A.] In: Kühne, Stefan (Ed.) Azadirachtin und Pyrethrine; Berichte aus der Biologischen Bundesanstalt, Saphir Verlag, D-Ribbesbüttel, 76, pp. 84-87.

Schäfer, Winfried (2007) The role of engineering in organic farming – case energy crops. [The role of engineering in organic farming – case energy crops.] Paper at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Schäfer, Winfried (2002) Methodical Problems in Organic Farming Research. Speech at: Research Seminar "Approaches of research on organic agri-food systems", Mikkeli, Finland, 12.-13. December 2002.

Schneider, Michael (2024) Advancing Microbial Identification in Complex Matrices: Oxford Nanopore Sequencing in High-Throughput Analysis. Paper at: 2nd Oxford Nanopore-Symposium, Frick, Switzerland, 11 April 2024. [Completed]

Schumacher, Valérie; Kehraus, Saskia and Südekum, Karl-Heinz (2023) Eine einfache Labormethode zur Schätzung der standardisiert praecaecal verdaulichen Aminosäuren beim Schwein. [A simple laboratory method to estimate standardised precaecally digestible amino acids for pigs.] In: 77. GfE Tagung. Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, 7.-9. März 2023, D-Göttingen, DLG, Frankfurt am Main, 32, p. 32.

Schumacher, Valérie; Kehraus, Saskia and Südekum, Karl-Heinz (2023) Schätzung des standardisiert praecaecal verdaulichen Rohproteins mittels einer einfachen Labormethode. [A simple laboratory method for estimating the standardised precaecally digestible crude protein.] In: 21. BOKU-SYMPOSIUM TIERERNÄHRUNG: Fütterungsstrategien in Zeiten knapper Ressourcen, p. 216.

Schwichtenberg, Marcel; Hörning, Bernhard; Hanika, Andrej and Trei, Gerriet (2015) Untersuchungen zu Nahrungsangebot und -aufnahme von Legehennen aus dem Grünauslauf. Paper at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 17. - 20. März 2015.

Skinner, Colin; Gattinger, Andreas; Krauss, Maike; Krause, Hans-Martin; Mayer, Jochen; van der Heijden, Marcel G. A. and Mäder, Paul (2019) The impact of long-term organic farming on soil-derived greenhouse gas emissions. Scientific Reports, 9 (1702), pp. 1-10.

Steffens, Markus; Zeh, Lilli; Rogge, Derek M. and Buddenbaum, Henning (2021) Quantitative mapping and spectroscopic characterization of particulate organic matter fractions in soil profiles with imaging VisNIR spectroscopy. Scientific reports, 11, p. 16725.

Stöckli, Sibylle; Felber, Raphael and Haye, Tim (2020) Current distribution and voltinism of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, in Switzerland and its response to climate change using a high-resolution CLIMEX model. International Journal of Biometeorology, online, pp. 1-14.

Stolz, P. and Strube, J. (2005) Die Bestimmung des Physiologischen Aminosäurenstatus von Möhren und Weizen zur Unterscheidung ökol. und konv. Anbauvarianten. [Determination of the Physiological Aminoacid Status of Carrots and Wheat for the Differentiation of Organic and Conventional cultivars.] In: Heß, J and Rahmann, G (Eds.) Ende der Nische, Beiträge zur 8. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, kassel university press GmbH, Kassel.

Strube, J. and Stolz, P. (2005) Identifizierung von ökol. u. konv. Anbauvarianten bei DOK-Weizen mittels Fluoreszenz-Anregungs-Spektroskopie. [Identification of organic and conventional culture variants of DOK-wheat by fluorescence-excitation-spectroscopy.] In: Heß, J and Rahmann, G (Eds.) Ende der Nische, Beiträge zur 8. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, kassel university press GmbH, Kassel.

Strube, Jürgen and Stolz, Peter (2002) Fluoreszenz-Anregungs-Spektroskopie zur Bestimmung der Qualität von Äpfeln aus ökologischem Anbau. [Flourescence-Excitation-Spectroscopy for Determination of Quality of Apples from Organic Farming.] Paper at: 37. Vortragstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Qualitätsforschung e.V., Hannover, 04.03.2002 - 05.03.2002.

Strube, Jürgen and Stolz, Peter (2001) Untersuchungen zur Qualität von Calendula-Samen mittels zeitaufgelöster Fluoreszenz-Anregungs-Spektroskopie. [Investigation of quality of Calendula-Seeds by time-resolved Flourescence Excitation Spectroscopy.] Paper at: 36. Vortragstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Qualitätsforschung e.V., Jena.

Strube, Jürgen and Stolz, Peter (2000) Flourescence Excitation Spectroscopy for the Evaluation of Seeds. In: Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William and Niggli, Urs (Eds.) Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, IFOAM, pp. 306-309.

Suhadolc, M.; Baškovč, M.; Kaurin, A.; Kastelec, D. and Mihelič, R. (2017) Microbial Community Structure and Litter Decomposition in Stratified Soils of a Long Term Reduced Tillage Experiment. Poster at: 14th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology, Aberdeen/Scotland, 4–8 June 2017. [Unpublished]

Sundrum, Albert (2013) Ökologische Bewirtschaftung erfordert die Steuerung von innerbetrieblichen Nährstoffflüssen. Paper at: 12. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, 5. bis 8. März 2013.

Tamm, Lucius; Heng, Ming Yuan; Thürig, Barbara; Danton, Ombeline; Ramseyer, Justine; Gupta, Mahabir P.; Hamburger, Matthias; Potterat, Olivier and Oberhänsli, Thomas (2023) Ingadosides A-C, acacic acid-type saponins from Inga sapindoides with potent inhibitory activity against grapevine downy mildew as potential alternatives to copper fungicides. In: The International Society for Plant Pathology, The French Phytopathological Society (Eds.) 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology. Book of Abstract ICPP, pp. 935-936.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian; Halberg, Niels; Nicolaisen, Mette; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin (2020) Exposing Deep Roots: A Rhizobox Laboratory. Trends in plant science, 25 (4), pp. 418-419.

Van Stappen, Florence (2022) Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to capture indirect effects of crop diversification – how to consider the multiple functions of diversified cropping systems? [Analyse du cycle de vie (ACV) pour saisir les effets indirects de la diversification des cultures - comment prendre en compte les fonctions multiples des systèmes de culture diversifiés ?] Walloon agricultural Research Center.

Vanhala, P.; Kurstjens, D.; Ascard, J.; Bertram, A.; Cloutier, D.C.; Mead, A.; Raffaelli, M. and Rasmussen, Jesper (2004) Guidelines for physical weed control research: flame weeding, weed harrowing and intra-row cultivation. In: Proceedings 6th EWRS Workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, 194-225, pp. 194-225.

Vidal, Alix; Klöffel, Tobias; Guigue, Julien; Angst, Gerrit; Steffens, Markus; Hoeschen, Carmen and Mueller, Carsten W. (2021) Visualizing the transfer of organic matter from decaying plant residues to soil mineral surfaces controlled by microorganisms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 160, p. 108347.

Wander, Michelle M.; Marriott, Emily E. and Wang, Yun (2005) Interpreting soil organic matter characteristics in organic farming systems. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Wilbois, Klaus-Peter; Schwab, Andreas; Fischer, Holger; Bachinger, Johann; Palme, Stefan; Peters, Heiner and Dongus, Sara (2004) Leitfaden für Praxisversuche. [Guide to on-farm research trails.] Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau Deutschland e.V., D-Frankfurt .

Wilbois, Klaus-Peter; Schwab, Andreas; Fischer, Holger; Bachinger, Johann; Palme, Stefan; Peters, Heiner and Dongus, Sarah (2003) Entwicklung eines Online-Leitfadens für On-Farm Research. [Development of an Online-Guide for On-Farm Research.] Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau Deutschland e.V., D-Frankfurt .

Wittwer, Raphaël; Tombez, Grégoire and van der Heijden, Marcel (2015) Drohnenbilder zur Untersuchung von Pflanzenwachstum und Nährstoffdynamik. [Drone imagery for plant growth and nutrient dynamic assessment.] Poster at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 17. - 20. März 2015.

Znaor, Darko and Landau, Seth (2014) Unlocking the Future: Sustainable Agriculture as a Path to Prosperity for the Western Balkans. Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Zagreb Office, Zagreb.

This list was generated on Sat Mar 29 11:20:52 2025 CET.