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Items in the subject area " Farming Systems"

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Number of items at this level: 1631.

Submitted for peer-review but not yet accepted

Andersen, Lillie; Köpcke, Dirk; Bertelsen, Marianne and Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne (2014) Low oxygen improves storage possibility of organic Elstar apples. Food Science and Technology International. [draft]

Blakemore, R.J. (2017) Veni, Vidi, Vermi... I. On the contribution of Darwin’s ‘humble earthworm’ to soil health, pollution-free primary production, organic ‘waste’ management & atmospheric carbon capture for a safe and sustainable global climate. VermEcology Occasional Papers, 2 (1), pp. 1-36. [Submitted]

Blakemore, R.J. (2017) Veni, Vidi, Vermi... II. EARTHWORMS IN ORGANIC FIELDS RESTORE SOM & H2O AND FIX CO2. Vermecology Occasional Papers, 2 (2), pp. 1-26. [Submitted]

Chabbi, Abad; Ananias, Melissa and Rittl, Tatiana (2023) Refining Soil Conservation and Regenerative Practices to Enhance Carbon Sequestration and Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Speech at: Annual Science Days, Riga, Latvia, 12-14 June, 2023.

Damgaard, PhD Christian and Kjellsson, PhD Gösta (2003) Gene Flow Between Rapeseed Fields: A Meta-analysis of Available Data. Working paper, Terrestrial Ecology, National Environmental Research Institute . [Unpublished]

DOSSA, K. F. and MIASSI, Y. E. S. (2018) Facteurs socio-économiques influençant l’adoption du coton biologique au Nord- Est du Bénin: Cas de la commune de Kandi. [Socio-economic factors affecting organic cotton adoption in North-East of Benin : case study of Kandi district.] Journal of organic agriculture and environnement, 6, pp. 2437-2021. [Submitted]

Fernandez, Maria Santamaria; Ytting, Nanna Karkov; Lübeck, Mette and Uellendahl, Hinrich (2018) Nutrient recovery in a green biorefinery for production of feed, fuel and fertilizer for organic farming. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 1, pp. 1-22. [Submitted]

Herrmann, G.A. and Padel, Susanne (2023) DIGICHECK: Verbesserung des Ökokontroll- und Zertifizierungssystems durch die Integration von digitalen Zertifizierungs- und Produkttransaktionsdaten und von geografischen Daten und die Entwicklung eines umsetzbaren technologischen Konzepts am Beispiel der Getreidekette (Verbundvorhaben). [DIGICHECK: Improving the organic control and certification system by integrating digital certification and product transaction data and geographic data.] 1. Organic Services GmbH, D-Tutzing 2. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, D-Braunschweig .

Jensen, Thomas Secher; Olsen, Kent; Hansen, Tine Sussi and Vedel-Smith, Christina (2012) Home range and dispersal of the field vole Microtus agrestis in an organic agro-ecosystem. Mammalian Biology, , - . [Submitted]


Kastberg, Peter (2013) Animating Domain-Specific Complex Knowledge: An Analysis of Organic Food Communication. Zeitschrift für Translationswissenschaft und Fachkommunikation, 7 (1), pp. 30-49.

KEMENT, NURAY (2010) Einstellung und Kaufverhalten der Türkischen Konsumenten in Bio-Lebensmitteln. [Attitude and Purchase Behaviour of Türkish Consumer towards Organic Food.] Masters thesis, Marmara Universitaet , Institut für Soziale Wissenschaften, Marketing und Produktionsmanagement. Marmara Universitaet, Istanbul. [Submitted]

Lamine, Claire and Noe, Egon (2016) Values and volume in sustainable organic markets chains – a multiperspectival analysis. .

Nascimento, Alexandre Ferreira do and Mattos, Jorge Luiz Schirmer de (2007) Benefícios com a utilização de adubos verdes. [Benefits with green use.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 2 (3), pp. 41-55.

Petersen, Sune (2003) Vegetation in Danish field boundaries: A comparative study related to effects of agricultural practise. [Submitted]

Pommeresche, Reidun and Rittl, Tatiana (2023) Assessing on-farm soil health indicators under Norwegian conditions. Speech at: Annual Science Days, Riga, Lativa, 12-14 June, 2023.

Steinmetz, Lucille; Martin, Guillaume; Dumont, Bertrand; Veysset, Patrick; Ulukan, Defne; MOERMAN, Marie and Benoit, Marc (2021) A new analytical framework to assess on-farm integration in diversified agricultural systems. Agricultural systems. [Submitted]

Ulukan, Defne; Grillot, Myriam; BENOIT, Marc; Bernes, Gun; Dumont, Bertrand; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Monteiro, leonardo; Parsons, David; Veysset, Patrick; Ryschawy, Julie; Steinmetz, Lucille and Martin, Guillaume (2021) Positive deviant strategies implemented by organic multi-species livestock farms in Europe. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 0-0. [Submitted]

Peer-reviewed and accepted

Rahmann, Gerold; Rey, Frédéric; Ardakani, M. Reza; AZIM, Khalid; CHABLE, Véronique; Heckendorn, Felix; Migliorini, Paola; Moeskops, Bram; Neuhoff, Daniel; Rembialkowska, Ewa; Shade, Jessica and Tchamitchian, Marc (Eds.) (2021) From its roots, organic inspires science, and vice versa. Book of Abstracts of the Science Forum at the Organic World Congress 2021. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunwschweig, Thünen Report, no. 88, pp. 1-236. Proceedings of Organic World Congress 2021, Rennes, France, September 8-10.

Spanish Society of Organic Farming and Agroecology, SEAE (Ed.) (2021) XXIX SEAE Conference: "One health. A planet. A diverse rural world”. .

Spanish Society of Organic Farming and Agroecology, SEAE (Ed.) (2021) Proceedings of XXVIII SEAE Conference:"Health of agroecosystems and human well-being: Indicators of organic production". SEAE. Proceedings of XXVIII SEAE Conference:"Health of agroecosystems and human well-being: Indicators of organic production", Online, 28 y 29th october 2020.

IFOAM, Organics International (Ed.) (2021) Book of Abstracts: Organic World Congress 2021. . Proceedings of Organic World Congress 2021, Rennes, France, September 8-10, 2020. [Completed]

Kidane, Alemayehu; Sørheim, Kristin and Steinshamn, Håvard (Eds.) (2020) Lamb growth on pastures containing chicory (Cichorium intybus) under spring and summer conditions. The Organising Committee of the 28th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Helsinki, 25, Grassland Science in Europe, pp. 294-296. Proceedings of General meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Helsinki, Finland, 19.-22. October 2020.

Azim, Khalid; Hafidi, Mohamed; Bouizgarne, Brahim and Rahman, Gerold (Eds.) (2019) BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: 1st EU/North-African Conference on Organic Agriculture (EU-NACOA) “Bridging the Gap, Empowering Organic Africa”. pp. 1-143. Proceedings of 1st EU/North-African Conference on Organic Agriculture (EU-NACOA), Marrakesh, 11-12 november 2019.

Ak, İbrahim and Duman, İbrahim (Eds.) (2019) Türkiye 6. Organik Tarım Sempozyumu. [6th symposium on organic agriculture.] İzmir Fuarcılık Hizmetleri Kültür ve Sanat İşleri, İzmir.

Rahmann, G; Andres, C.; Yadav, A.K.; Ardakani, M.R.; Babalad, H.B.; Devakumar, N.; Goel, S.L.; Olowe, V; Ravisankar, N.; Saini, J.P.; Soto, G. and Willer, H. (Eds.) (2017) Innovative Research for Organic 3.0 - Proceedings of the Scientific Track. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, 1, Thünen report, no. 54, pp. 1-511. Proceedings of Organic World Congress 2017, Delhi, India, 9-11 November 2107.

Bellon, Stéphane and Penvern, Servane (Eds.) (2014) Organic Farming, Prototype for Sustainable Agricultures. [L'agriculture biologique, prototype d'agricultures durables.] Springer, Dordrecht.

INRA, INRA and ITAB, ITAB (Eds.) (2013) Recueil des résumés des présentations du colloque DinABio2013. [Book of abstracts of DinABio2013 congress.] . Proceedings of DinABio2013, Tours, France, November 13th-14th, 2013.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) (2013) Organic farming systems as a driver for change. NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 1-184. Proceedings of NJF Seminar 461, Bredsten, Denmark, 21 - 23 August 2013.

Zikeli, S.; Claupein, W.; Dabbert, S.; Kaufmann, B.; Müller, T. and Valle Zárate, A. (Eds.) (2007) Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - Beiträge zur 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau - Band 1 und 2. [Between Tradition and Globalisation - 9th German Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture.] Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin.

Rahmann, Pr Gerold (Ed.) (2006) Ressortforschung für den Ökologischen Landbau 2006. [Organic Farming Research of the Federal Ministry of Nutrition, Agricultural and Consumer Protection 2006.] Landbauforschung Völkenrode - Sonderheft, no. 298. Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft.

Radomsky, Guilherme Francisco Waterloo and Leal, Ondina Fachel (2012) From the production of rules to seed production: global intellectual property and local knowledge. [A partir da produção de regras para a produção de sementes : global de propriedade intelectual e conhecimento local.] Vibrant: Virtual Brazilian Anthropology, 9 (1), pp. 451-472.

Aare, Ane Kirstine and Hansen, Stine Rosenlund (2024) Living labs in agrifood studies: An opportunity to revisit fundamental questions about participatory research? Agricultural Systems, 219, pp. 1-4.

Aare, Ane Kirstine; Hansen, Stine Rosenlund; Kristensen, Niels Heine and Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik (2023) Valuing in the Agrifood System: The Case of Fresh Grain Legumes in Denmark. Sustainability, 15 (4), p. 2946.

Abreu, Lucimar Santiago; Bellon, Stéphane; Alfio, Brandenburg; Ollivier, Guillame; Lamine, Claire; Darolt, Moacir Roberto and Aventurier, Pascal (2012) Relações entre agricultura orgânica e agroecologia: desafios atuais em torno dos princípios da agroecologia. [Relations between organic agriculture and agroecology: current challenges around the principles of agroecology.] Revista Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, 26, pp. 143-160.

Abreu, Lucimar Santiago de and Almeida, Gustavo Ferreira (2011) Policies for a greener agriculture: the agro-ecological approach of current programs in Brazil. [Políticas para a agricultura mais verde: a abordagem agro-ecológica de programas atuais no Brasil.] In: Inequality and Diversity in European Rural Areas, European Society for Rural Sociology, ., pp. 69-70.

Abreu, Lucimar Santiago de; Lamine, Claire; Brandenburg, Alfio; Bellon, Stéphane and Mazarotto, Angelo A .V.de Sá (2011) Agroecologia, movimento social, ciência, práticas e políticas públicas: uma abordagem comparativa. [Agroecology, social movement, science, practice and public policy: a comparative approach.] Cadernos de Agroecologia, 6 (2), pp. 1-5.

Acevedo-Osorio, Alvaro (2013) ESCUELAS DE AGROECOLOGIA EN COLOMBIA LA CONSTRUCCIÓN DEL CONOCIMIENTO AGROECOLÓGICO EN MANOS CAMPESINAS. In: Altieri, Miguel A.; Sarandon, Santiago; Morales, Carmen Felipe; Funes, Fernando and Siura, Saray (Eds.) Congreso Latinoamericana de agroecologia articulos completos, Sociedad Centifica Latinoamericana de Agroecologia (SOCLA), Lima, Peru.

Adamtey, Noah; Musyoka, Martha W.; Zundel, Christine; Cobo, Juan Guillermo; Karanja, Edward; Fiaboe, Komi K.M.; Muriuki, Anne; Mucheru-Muna, Monica; Vanlauwe, Bernard; Berset, Estelle; Messmer, Monika M.; Gattinger, Andreas; Bhullar, Gurbir S.; Cadisch, Georg; Fliessbach, Andreas; Mäder, Paul; Niggli, Urs and Forster, Dionys (2016) Productivity, profitability and partial nutrient balance in maize-based conventional and organic farming systems in Kenya. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 235, pp. 61-79.

Adler, Steffen Andreas and Frøseth, Randi Berland (2021) Farmers’ Approaches Towards Increased Self-Sufficiency With Feed On Organic Dairy Farms. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Adler, Steffen A.; Honkapää, Kaisu; Saarela, Maria; Slizyte, Rasa; Sterten, Hallgeir; Vikman, Minna and Løes, Anne-Kristin (editor): Wibe, Atle; Aursand, Marit and Carvajal, Ana Karina (Eds.) (2014) Utilisation of co-streams in the Norwegian food processing industry. Bioforsk Report, no. Vol. 9 Nr. 82 2014. Bioforsk, Bioforsk - Organic Food and Farming Division.

Adu-Gyamfi, J. J.; Myaka, F.A.; Sakala, W.D.; Odgaard, R.; Vesterager, J. M. and Høgh-Jensen, Henning (2007) Biological nitrogen fixation and nitrogen and phosphorus budgets in farmer-managed intercrops of maize-pigeonpea in semi-arid southern and eastern Africa. Plant and Soil, 295, pp. 127-136.

Agnolin, Carlos Alberto ; Olivo, Clair Jorge ; Sangioni, Luis Antonio ; Parra, Carla Lieda Cezimbra ; Diehl, Michelle Schalemberg ; Santos, Juliano Costa dos ; Aguirre, Priscila Flores ; Camillo, Giovana and Irgang, Deonise Mrozinski (2010) Concentrações de óleo de citronela no controle do carrapato de bovinos. [Citronella oil concentrations in the control of cattle tick.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (2), pp. 187-193.

Aguiar, Jozeneida Lúcia Pimenta de (1993) Análise da eficiência técnica em zonas agroecológicas brasileiras. [Analysis of technical efficiency in Brazilian agro-ecological zones.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa . .

Al-Oun, M. ; Browne, A. W. ; Harris, P. J. C. ; Barrett, H. R. ; Olabiyi, T. I. and Wright, J. (2008) An Action Plan to Promote the Adoption of Organic Farming in Jordan. In: Cultivate the future. Proceedings of 16 IFOAM world congress (CD-Rom).

Alaru, Maarika; Talgre, Liina; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Riisalu, Anu; Loit, Evelin and Luik, Anne (2017) Viljelusviisi mõju talinisu tärkliseteradele ja jahusaagile. In: Metspalu, Luule; Luik, Anne and Peetsmann, Elen (Eds.) Kogumik "Teaduselt mahepõllumajandusele 2017" , November 28, 2017, Tartu, Estonia, 3, pp. 9-14.

Alaru, Marika; Talgre, Liina; Luik, Anne; Tein, Berit; Eremeev, Viacheslav and Loit, Evelin (2017) Barley undersown with red clover in organic and conventional systems: nitrogen aftereffect on legume growth. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 104 (2), pp. 131-138.

Albiero, Daniel ; Daher, Sérgio ; Monteiro, Leonardo de Almeida and Canafístula, Francisco José Firmino (2014) Turbina eólica para agricultura familiar do semiárido com inovações tecnológicas para baixas velocidades de vento. [Wind turbine for family farming in semi-arid areas with technological innovations for low wind speeds.] Revista Ciência Agronômica, 45 (1), pp. 186-196.

Allain, Sophie (2013) Organic Farming as a Commons for Protecting Water Resources / L’agriculture biologique comme bien commun pour protéger la ressource en eau. Innovations Agronomiques, 32, pp. 467-479. [Submitted]

Almeida, Ana Cristina Oliveira de; Pinheiro, Raquelle Carolline dos Santos and Santos, Amaury da Silva dos (2014) Concepções e iniciativas agroecológicas no estado de Sergipe. [Conceptions and agroecological initiatives in the state of Sergipe.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (1), pp. 158-169.

Almeida, Anna Christina de; Soares, Thais Maria Pinheiro; Silva, Délcio Bueno; Silva, Bárbara Cardoso da Mata ; Almeida, Patricia Natalicia Mendes and Santos, Claudinei Alves dos (2011) Atividade de bioterápicos para o tratamento de mastite subclínica bovina. [Ativity of biotherapics for treatment of subclinical mastitis bovine.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (2), pp. 134-141.

Almeida, Karina de and Câmara, Francisco Luiz Araújo (2012) Preparados homeopáticos e adubação verde no controle de Cyperus rotundus L. [Homeopathic preparations and green manure to control Cyperus rotundus L.] Revista Ceres, 59 (3), pp. 422-426.

Almeida de Alburquerque, Adna and Oliveira da Silva, Regina (2013) Levantamento, uso da Agrobiodiversidade e as redes de troca realizados pelas mulheres agricultoras no Projeto de Assentamento Mártires de Abril. In: Altieri, Miguel A.; Sarandon, Santiago; Morales, Carmen Felipe; Funes, Fernando and Siura, Saray (Eds.) Congreso Latinoamericana de agroecologia articulos completos, Sociedad Centifica Latinoamericana de Agroecologia (SOCLA), Lima, Peru.

Alvares, Suzana M.R. and Ferraz, José Maria G. (2013) Análise da efetividade de projetos socioambientais: estudo de caso em assentamento no arco de desmatamento na Amazônia Matogrossense. [Analysis of the effectiveness of social environmental projects: case study of a settlement in the deforestation arc in the Amazon region of Mato Grosso.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (2), pp. 87-99.

Alves, Alda Cristiane Oliveira ; Santos, André Luis de Sousa dos and Azevedo, Rose Mary Maduro Camboim de (2012) Agricultura orgânica no Brasil: sua trajetória para a certificação compulsória. [Organic agriculture in Brazil: its history to the compulsory certification.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (2), pp. 19-27.

Alves, Arlete Maria da Silva and Botelho, Maria Izabel Vieira (2014) Agroecologia e novos meios de vida para o desenvolvimento local sustentável. [Agroecology and new livelihoods for sustainable local development.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (2), pp. 114-129.

Alves, Helionora da Silva ; Azevedo, Rodrigo Aleixo Brito de and Albuquerque, Maria Cristina de Figueiredo e (2011) Colheita, armazenamento e qualidade de sementes cultivadas em roças do Bairro da Serra – Iporanga – SP. [Harvesting, storage and seed quality grown in gardens of Neighborhood Saw–Iporanga/SP.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (3), pp. 138-150.

Alves, Rogério M.O. ; Carvalho, Carlos A.L. ; Souza, Bruno A. and Santos, Wyratan S. (2012) Areas of natural occurrence of Melipona scutellaris Latreille, 1811 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the state of Bahia, Brazil. [Áreas de ocorrência natural de Melipona scutellaris Latreille, 1811 (Hymenoptera: Apidae ), no estado da Bahia, Brasil.] Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 84 (3), pp. 679-688.

Alves de Oliveira, Renato and Vicente Caixeta Filho, José (2013) Análise da maximização do lucro e minimização do custo no processo de conversão do café convencional para o orgânico: um estudo de caso. [Profit maximization and cost minimization analysis in the conventional coffee conversion to organic : a case study.] Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural., 51 (3), pp. 535-554.

Ambrosano, Edmilson José; Cantarella, Heitor; Rossi, Fabricio; Schammass, Eliana Aparecida ; Silva, Edson Cabral da; Ambrosano, Glaucia Maria Bovi; Dias, Fábio Luis Ferreira; Trivelin, Paulo Cesar Ocheuze and Muraoka, Takashi (2013) Desempenho de adubos verdes e da primeira soqueira de cana-de-açúcar cultivados consorciadamente. [Behavior of sugar cane first ratoon and green manures in intercropping system.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (3), pp. 80-90.

Ambrosano, Edmilson José ; Foltran, Dulcineia Elizabete ; Camargo, Mônica Sartori ; Rossi, Fabrício ; Schammass, Eliana Aparecida ; Silva, Edson Cabral da ; Ambrosano, Gláucia Maria Bovi and Dias, Fábio LuisFerreira (2013) Acúmulo de biomassa e nutrientes por adubos verdes e produtividade da canaplanta cultivada em sucessão, em duas localidades de São Paulo, Brasil. [Mass and nutrient accumulation by green manures and sugarcane plant yield grown in succession, in two locations of Sao Paulo, Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (1), pp. 199-209.

Andrada, Cris Fernández and Sato, Leny (2014) Trabalho e política no cotidiano da autogestão: a rede Justa Trama. [Work and politics in everyday life of self-management: the Justa Trama network.] Psicologia & Sociedade, 26 (spe.), pp. 3-13.

Andrade, Fernanda Maria Coutinho de and Casali, Vicente Wagner Dias (2011) Homeopatia, agroecologia e sustentabilidade. [Homeopathy, agroecology and sustainability.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (1), pp. 49-56.

Andrade, Fernanda Maria Coutinho de ; Casali, Vicente Wagner Dias and Cupertino, Maria do Carmo (2010) Seleção de indicadores, monitoramento e sistematização de experiências com homeopatia em unidades agrícolas familiares. [Selection of the indicators, monitoring and systematization to experiences to homeopathy in family agriculture systems.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (1), pp. 61-73.

Andrade Filho, Nézio Neri; Roel, Antonia Railda; Yano, Mami; Cardoso, Claudia Andreia Lima and Matias, Rosemary (2013) Toxicity of oil from Anacardium humile Saint Hill (Anacardiaceae), on Bemisia tuberculata (Bondar, 1923) (Hemipttera: Aleyrodidae) on cassava plants. [Toxicidade do óleo de Anacardium humile Saint Hill (Anacardiaceae) em Bemisia tuberculata (Bondar, 1923) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) em plantas de mandioca.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (2), pp. 185-190.

Anyango, John; Bautze, David; Fiaboe, Komi K.M.; Lagat, Zipporah; Muriuki, Anne; Stöckli, Sibylle; Riedel, Judith; Onyambu, Gladys; Musyoka, Martha W.; Karanja, Edward N. and Adamtey, Noah (2020) The impact of conventional and organic farming on soil biodiversity conservation: a case study on termites in the long-term farming systems comparison trials in Kenya. BMC Ecology, 20, p. 13.

Anyango, John; Bautze, David; Fiaboe, Komi K.M.; Lagat, Zipporah; Muriuki, Anne W.; Stöckli, Sibylle; Onyambu, Gladys; Musyoka, Martha W.; Karanja, Edward N. and Adamtey, Noah (2019) Termite-Induced Injuries to Maize and Baby Corn under Organic and Conventional Farming Systems in the Central Highlands of Kenya. Insects, 10 (10), p. 367.

Aquino, Adriana Maria de and Assis, Renato Linhares de (2007) Agricultura orgânica em áreas urbanas e periurbanas com base na agroecologia. [Challenges of organic agriculture in urban and suburban areas.] Ambiente & sociedade, 10 (1), pp. 137-150.

Araujo, Afrânio César de; Aloufa, Magdi Ahmed Ibrahim; Silva, Apolino José Nogueira da Silva; Costa, Ana Alessandra and Santos, Iranilson Silva dos (2014) Análise não destrutiva de crescimento do gergelim consorciado com feijão caupi em sistema orgânico de cultivo. [Nondestructive growth analysis of sesame intercropped with cowpea bean in organic system.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (1), pp. 259-268.

Araújo, Afrânio César de; Araújo, Ariosto Céleo de; Dantas, Max Kleber Laurentino; Pereira, Walter Esfrain and Aloufa, Magdi Ahmed Ibrahim (2013) Utilização de substratos orgânicos na produção de mudas de mamoeiro Formosa. [Use of organic substrates on the production of ‘Formosa’ papaya seedlings.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (1), pp. 210-216.

Araujo, Alisson Vinicius de ; Brandão Junior, Delacyr da Silva ; Ferreira, Izabel Cristina Pereira Vaz; Costa, Cândido Alves da ; Porto, Bruna Béssel Almeida and Korsgaard, Maren (2013) Desempenho agronômico de variedades crioulas e híbridos de milho cultivados em diferentes sistemas de manejo. [Agronomic performance of landrace and hybrid maize varieties cultivated under different management systems.] Revista Ciência Agronômica, 44 (4), pp. 885-892.

Araújo, Ana Leônia de; Oliveira, Renato Teixeira de; Ferreira, Tiago Osório and Romero, Ricardo Espíndola (2013) Evaluation of soil structure using participatory methods in the semiarid region of Brazil. [Avaliação da estrutura do solo utilizando métodos participatórios na região semiárida brasileira.] Revista Ciência Agronômica, 44 (3), pp. 411-418.

Araújo, Ana Leônia de ; Oliveira, Renato Teixeira de ; Ferreira, Tiago Osório Ferreira; Romero, Ricardo Espíndola and Oliveira, Teógenes Senna de (2013) Evaluation of soil structure using participatory methods in the semiarid region of Brazil. [Avaliação da estrutura do solo utilizando métodos participatórios na região semiárida brasileira.] Revista Ciência Agronômica, 44 (3), pp. 411-418.

Araújo, Érica de Oliveira ; Santana, Cássia Nascimento and Espírito Santo, Catarina Lima do (2011) Potencial alelopático de extratos vegetais de Crotalaria juncea sobre a germinação de milho e feijão. [Alellopathic potential of vegetable extracts of Crotalaria juncea on germination of corn and beans.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (1), pp. 108-116.

Araújo, Érica de Oliveira ; Santo, Catarina Lima do Espirito and Santana, Cássia Nascimento (2010) Potencial alelopático de extratos vegetais de Crotalaria juncea sobre a germinação de plantas daninhas. [Alellopathyc potential of vegetable extracts of Crotalaria juncea on germination of weed.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (2), pp. 109-115.

Araújo, Keila Cássia Santos; Borges, Janice Rodrigues Placeres and Lopes, Paulo Rogério (2012) Condições de vida e qualidade do saneamento ambiental rural como fator para o desenvolvimento de práticas agroecológicas. [Life conditions and quality of the rural environmental sanitation as factor for the development of practical agroecologyc.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (1), pp. 39-50.

Araújo Neto, Sebastião Elviro de ; Silva, Eliana Mara Napoli Correia de Paula da ; Ferreira, Regina Lúcia Félix and Cecílio Filho, Arthur Bernardes (2012) Rentabilidade da produção orgânica de alface em função do ambiente, preparo do solo e época de plantio. [Profitability of the organic production of lettuce as a function of the environment, preparation of the soil and planting season.] Revista Ciência Agronômica, 43 (4), pp. 783-791.

Armengot, Laura; Naoki, Kazuya; Marconi, Luis; Limachi, Miguel; Seidel, Renate; Gómez, Isabel; Zegada Herbas, Leslie Julieta; Saavedra, Francisco; Lafuente Cartagena, Indyra; Rüegg, Johanna and Schneider, Monika (2022) Biodiversity and food production in different cacao production systems. Poster at: Tropentag 2022, Prague, Czech Republic, 14 – 16 September 2022.

Aronsson, Helena; Hellstrand, Ebba; Salomon, Eva; Wahlund, Lotten; Odelros, Åsa and Lovang, Malin (2021) Phosphorus Retention Materials In Outdoor Laying Hen Paddocks For Reduced Environmental Impact And Increased Nutrient Use Efficiency. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Arruda, Carlos Alberto Simões de; Vilanova, Silvia Regina Fernandes and Chichorro, José Franklim (2008) Turismo rural e agricultura familiar: o caso de Nossa Senhora do Livramento-MT. [Agricultural tourism and familiar agriculture: the case of Nossa Senhora do Livramento-MT.] Interações (Campo Grande), 9 (2), pp. 149-157.

Askegaard, Margrethe and Eriksen, Jørgen (2002) Exchangeable potassium in soil as indicator of potassium status in an organic crop rotation on loamy sand. Soil Use and Management, 18, pp. 84-90.

Askegaard, Margrethe and Eriksen, Jørgen (2000) Potassium retention and leaching in an organic crop rotation on loamy sand as affected by contrasting potassium budgets. Soil Use and Management, 16, pp. 200-205.

Assis, Renato Linhares de and Romeiro, Ademar Ribeiro (2005) Agroecologia e agricultura familiar na região Centro-Sul do Estado do Paraná. [Agroecology and family farming in the region of Central South of the state of Paraná.] Economia e Sociologia Rural, 43 (01), pp. 155-177.

Assis, Renato Linhares de and Romeiro, Ademar Ribeiro (2005) Agroecologia e Agricultura Familiar na Região Centro-Sul do Estado do Paraná. Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 43 (1), pp. 155-177.

Atasay, Adem and Türemiş, Nurgül (2009) Effect of Some Nutrient Applications on Plant Properties in Organic Strawberry Production. Acta Hortuculture, 838, pp. 83-86.

Atasay, Adem and Türemiş, Nurgül (2008) Eğirdir (Isparta) Koşullarında Organik Çilek Yetiştiriciliğinin Uygulanabilirliği Üzerine Bir Araştırma. [An Investigation On The Application Of Organic Strawberry Production In Egirdir Isparta) Conditions.] Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi , 18 (3), pp. 72-81.

ATEŞ, Fadime; ÜNAL, Akay; ÇAKIR, Engin and YAĞCI, Adem (2016) The effects of different tillage methods on mineral substance of raisins in organic grape growing. Acta Horticulturae, 1115, pp. 155-160.

Audeh, Samira Jaber Suliman ; Lima, Ana Cláudia Rodrigues de ; Cardoso, Irene Maria ; Jucksch, Ivo and Casalinho, Helvio Debli (2011) Qualidade do solo: uma visão etnopedológica em propriedades agrícolas familiares produtoras de fumo orgânico. [Soil quality: an etnopedologic vision in organic tobacco family farms.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (3), pp. 34-48.

Avila, João Eduardo ; Assad, Maria Leonor Lopes and Lima, Abdeel Silva (2012) Avaliação de biomassa vegetal em sistema de produção em transição agroecológica. [Evaluation of plant biomass production system in agroecological transition.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (3), pp. 72-84.

Ávila, Julia Maria Machado de ; Toralles, Ricardo Peraça ; Cantillano, Rufino Fernando Flores ; Peralba, Maria do Carmo Ruaro and Pizzolato, Tânia Mara (2012) Influência do sistema de produção e do armazenamento refrigerado nas características físico-químicas e no desenvolvimento de compostos voláteis em morangos. [Influence of planting system and cold storage on the physical-chemistries characteristicsand volatile compounds development in strawberries.] Ciência Rural, 42 (12), pp. 2265-2271.

Azevedo, Elaine de ; Schmidt, Wilson and Karam, Karen Folador (2011) Agricultura familiar orgânica e qualidade de vida: um estudo de caso em Santa Rosa de Lima, SC, Brasil. [Family organic farming and quality of life: a study case in Santa Rosa de Lima, SC, Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (3), pp. 81-106.

Badía, Marcia M. Rojas; Hernández, Berto Tejera; Murrel, Jeny A. Larrea; Mahillon, Jacques and Perez, Mayra Heydrich (2011) Aislamiento y caracterización de cepas de Bacillus asociadas al cultivo del arroz (Oryza sativa L.). [Isolation and characterization of strains of the Bacillus associated to rice (Oryza sativa L.) crop.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (1), pp. 90-99.

Balla, João Vitor Quintas; Massukado, Luciana Miyoko and Pimentel, Vania Costa (2014) Panorama dos cursos de agroecologia no Brasil. [Panorama of agroecology courses in Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (2), pp. 3-14.

Baltenweck, I.; Mubiru, S.; Nanyeenya, W.; Njororge, L.; Halberg, N. and Romney, D. (2007) Dairy farming in Uganda. Production Efficiency and Soil Nutrients under Different Farming Systems. Research Report, no. 1. International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) .

Baños, Yoerlandy Santana; Concepción, Armando del Busto; Lazo, Ricardo Cruz; González, Irisley Aguiar and Morejón, Liudmila Palomino (2010) Efecto de enmiendas orgánicas y Trichoderma spp. en El manejo de Meloidogyne spp. [Effect of organics amendements and Trichoderma spp on Meloydogine spp management.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (2), pp. 224-233.

Baptistussi, Roberta Carrara ; Margarido, Luis Antonio Corrêa and Castilho, Hélio José (2011) Ação de efeitos ambientais na mortalidade natural da cigarrinha Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stal) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) comparada a inseticidas alternativos em cultivo orgânico de cana-de-açúcar. [The action of environmental effects in the natural mortality of the froghopper Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stal) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) compared with alternative insecticides in the sugar-cane organic culture.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (3), pp. 151-158.

Barbieri, Pietro; Pellerin, Sylvain; Smith, Laurence; Seufert, Verena; Ramankutty, Navin and Nesme, Thomas (2021) Nitrogen Availability Is Likely To Challenge Organic Farming Production At The Global Scale. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Barbosa, Flávia Silva ; Aguiar-Menezes, Elen Lima ; Arruda, Leilson Novaes ; Santos, Carlos Leandro Rodrigues dos and Pereira, Maurício Ballesteiro (2011) Potencial das flores na otimização do controle biológico de pragas para uma agricultura sustentável. [Potential of the flowers in the optimization of the biological control of pests for a sustainable agriculture.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (2), pp. 101-110.

Barbosa, Francisca E. L. ; Lacerda, Claudivan F. de ; Feitosa, Hernandes de O. ; Soares, Ismail ; Andrade Filho, Francisco L. de and Amorim, Aiala V. (2013) Crescimento, nutrição e produção da bananeira associados a plantas de cobertura e lâminas de irrigação. [Growth, nutrition and yield of banana associated with cover crops and irrigation depths.] Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 17 (12), pp. 1271-1277.

Bareille, Nathalie; Robin, Marion; Brunet, Laurent and Delaby, Luc (2021) Performance And Health Of Holstein And Montbéliarde Dairy Cows In Organic Low Inputs Systems. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Barrêto, Artur Franco; Araújo, Egberto and Bonifácio, Benedito Ferreira (2010) Eficiência de extratos de Agave sisalana (Perrine) sobre o ácaro rajado Tetranychus urticae (Koch) e ocorrência de fitotoxidez em plantas de algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum L. r latifolium Hutch). [Efficiency of Agave sisalana extracts on the two-spotted spider mites Tetranychus urticae (Koch, 1836) and the occurrence of toxicity symptoms in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. r latifolium Hutch) plants.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (2), pp. 207-215.

Barreto, Hilton Felipe Marinho ; Soares, João Paulo Guimarães; Façanha, Débora Andréa Evangelista and Silva, Andréa Cristina Capriatta (2013) Impactos sócio-econômicos do manejo agroecológico da caatinga no Rio Grande do Norte. [Socioeconomic impacts agroecological handling of the caatinga in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (3), pp. 46-56.

Barton, Gregory A. (2018) The Global History of Organic Farming by Gregory A. Barton. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

Barton, Gregory A. (2017) The Myth of the Peasant in the Global Organic Farming Movement. Itinerario, 41 (1), pp. 75-91.

Batista, Debora Lima and Barbosa, Reinaldo Imbrozio (2014) Agrobiodiversidade urbana: composição florística, riqueza e diversidade de plantas nos quintais de Boa Vista, Roraima. [Urban agrobiodiversity: floristic composition, plant species richness and diversity in home gardens of Boa Vista, Roraima.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (2), pp. 130-150.

Battheu-Noirfalise, Caroline; Froidmont, Eric; Mathot, Michaël and Stilmant, Didier (2022) Decision support tools for grass-based fodder management on Walloon dairy farms: current adoption and perspectives. Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ., 26, pp. 261-274.

Battisti, Rafael; Sentelhas, Paulo Cesar; Pilau, Felipe Gustavo and Wollmann, Cássio Arthur (2013) Eficiência climática para as culturas da soja e do trigo no estado do Rio Grande do Sul em diferentes datas de semeadura. [Climatic effi ciency for soybean and wheat crops in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in different sowing date.] Ciência Rural, 43 (3), pp. 390-396.

Battisti, Rafael; Sentelhas, Paulo César and Pilau, Felipe Gustavo (2012) Eficiência agrícola da produção de soja, milho e trigo no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul entre 1980 e 2008. [Efficiency of agricultural production of soybeans, corn and wheat in the State of Rio Grande do Sul between 1980 and 2008.] Ciência Rural, 42 (1), pp. 24-30.

Bauer, Márcio André Leal and Mesquita, Zilá (2008) Organizações sociais e agroecologia: construção de identidades e transformações sociais. [Social organizations and agroecology: constructing identity and social transformation.] Revista de Administração de Empresas, 48 (3), pp. 23-34.

Bavec , Martina; Štraus, Saša; Turinek, Matjaž; Narodoslawsky, Michael; Robačer, Martina; Grobelnik Mlakar, Silva; Jakop, Manfred and Bavec, Franc (2014) ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT AS A METHOD FOR EVALUATION DIFFERENT AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION SYSTEMS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 945-948.

Bellon, S.; Desclaux, D. and LE PICHON, V. (2010) Innovation and research in organic farming: A multi‐level approach to facilitate cooperation among stakeholders. Paper at: 9 European IFSA Symposium, Vienna (Austria) , 4‐7 July 2010.

Bellon, S.; Lamine, Claire; Olivier, G. and Abreu, Lucimar Santiago de (2011) The relationships between organic farming and agroecology. [As relações entre a agricultura orgânica e agroecologia.] .

Bellon, Stéphane and Abreu, Lucimar Santiago de (2005) Formas sociais de desenvolvimento da horticultura orgânica familiar em áreas de cinturão verde de território de Ibiúna, estado de São Paulo. [Social forms of development of organic horticulture family in green belt areas of territory Ibiúna, state of São Paulo.] Cadernos de Ciência & Tecnologia, 22 (2), pp. 381-398.

Bencze, Szilvia; Makádi, Marianna; Aranyos, Tibor József; Földi, Mihály; Mikó, Péter and Drexler, Dora (2019) Őszi tönke és alakor fajták és tájfajták alkalmazhatóságának vizsgálata ökológiai gazdálkodásban – extenzív termesztési tapasztalatok. In: Karsai, Ildikó (Ed.) Növénynemesítés a 21. század elején: kihívások és válaszok, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Agrártudományok Osztályának Növénynemesítési Tudományos Bizottsága, Budapest, pp. 226-230.

Benoit, Marc; Dumont, Bertrand; Barbieri, Pietro; Pellerin, Sylvain and Nesme, Thomas (2021) How Could Livestock Farming Maximize Organic Production At A Global Scale? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

BENOIT, Marc; Martin, Guillaume; Bernes, Gun; Blanc, Mathilde; Brock, Christopher; Destruel, Marie; Dumont, Bertrand; Grillot, Myriam; Ulukan, Defne; Lang, Elise; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Meischner, Tabea; MOERMAN, Marie; Oehen, Bernadette; Parsons, David; Primi, Riccardo; Schanz, Lisa; Steinmetz, Lucille; Veysset, Patrick and Winckler, Christoph (2021) A typology of European organic multi-species livestock farms. Workshop at: IAHA Preconference OWC, Rennes (France), 2021-09-06. [In Press]

Benoit, Marc; Vazeille, Karine; Jury, Clément; Troquier, Christophe; Veysset, Patrick and Prache, Sophie (2023) Combining beef cattle and sheep in an organic system. II. Benefits for economic and environmental performance. Animal, 17, pp. 1-12.

Bergslid, Ildri (Rose) Kristine and Hansen, Sissel (2016) Klimaverksted - klimaråd til bonden. NORSØK Faginfo, no. 4/2016. Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture .

Berntsen, J.; Grant, R.; Olesen, J.E.; Kristensen, I.S.; Vinther, F.P.; Mølgaard, J.P. and Petersen, B.M. (2006) Nitrate leaching from organic farming systems with rotational grass-clover and arable crops. Soil Use and Management, 22, pp. 197-208.

Bertalot, Maria José Alves; Carvalho-Pupatto, Juliana Garcia ; Furtado, Edson Luiz; Rosa, Daniel Dias; Mendoza, Eduardo and Lima, Adriano Balarin de (2010) Métodos alternativos para controle de doenças fúngicas na cultura de jambu (Spilanthes oleraceae L.) através de Equisetum spp e preparado biodinâmico 501. [Alternative methods to control fungal diseases of jambu crop (Spilanthes oleracea L.) with Equisetum spp and biodynamic preparation 501.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (2), pp. 264-274.

Bertalot, Maria José Alves ; Carvalho-Pupatto, Juliana Garcia ; Furtado, Edson Luiz ; Mendoza, Eduardo ; Mendes, Robson Dias and Buso, Débora R. (2012) Controle alternativo de Mycosphaerella fragariae na cultura de morango orgânico(Fragaria vesca). [Alternative control of Mycosphaerella fragariae in organic strawberry (Fragaria vesca).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (2), pp. 170-177.

Bertuol, Tiago José; Galbiati, Carla; Pereira, Mônica Josene Barbosa and Amaral, Anderson Marques do (2008) Avaliação de mutualismo entre acacia mangium wild (Mimosaceae) e formigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). [Evaluation of mutualism between Acacia mangium Willd (Mimosaceae) and ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 3 (1), pp. 41-47.

Bestman, Monique and Wagenaar, Jan-Paul (2014) Health and Welfare in Dutch Organic Laying Hens. Animals, 4 (2), pp. 374-390.

Bettiol, Wagner ; Ghini, Raquel ; Galvão, José Abrahão Haddad ; Ligo, Marcos Antônio Vieira and Mineiro, Jeferson Luiz de Carvalho (2002) Soil organism in organic and conventional cropping systems. [Organismos do solo em sistemas de cultivo orgânico e convencional.] Scientia Agricola, 59 (3), pp. 565-572.

Bettiol, Wagner ; Ghini, Raquel ; Galvão, José Abrahão Haddad and Siloto, Romildo Cássio (2004) Organic and conventional tomato cropping systems. [Sistemas de cultivo orgânico e convencional de tomateiro.] Scientia Agricola, 61 (3), pp. 253-259.

Bezerra, Vinícius Pereira (2012) O projeto de novo Código Florestal e o paradigma da Educação do Campo: antíteses inconciliáveis. [The proposed new Forest Code and the paradigm of Field Education: irreconcilable antitheses.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (3), pp. 40-52.

Bezerra, Nicolle Rafaella Costa (2011) A Amazônia e os novos paradigmas de desenvolvimento rural: uma breve reflexão teórica. [The Amazon and the new paradigms for rural development: a brief theoretical reflection.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (2), pp. 40-54.

Bhatta, G.D. and Doppler, W. (2010) Farming Differentiation in the Rural-urban Interface of the Middle Mountains, Nepal: Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)Modeling. Journal of Agricultural Science, 2 (4), pp. 37-51.

Bhatta, G.D. and Doppler, W. (2010) SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF FARMING PRACTICES IN THE PERI-URBAN HINTERLANDS OF NEPAL. Journal of Agriculture and Environment, 11, pp. 26-39.

Bhatta, G.D. and Neupane, N. (2010) Simulating farm income under the current soil management regime in the mid-hills of Nepal. Himalayan Journal of Sciences, 6 (8), pp. 27-34.

Bhering, Silvio Barge; Chagas, César da Silva; Carvalho Junior, Waldir; Pereira, Nilson Rendeiro; Amaral, Fernando Cézar Saraiva; Zaroni, Maria José and Gonçalves, Alexandre Ortega (2013) Geotecnologias aplicadas ao zoneamento agroecológico do estado do Mato Grosso do Sul. [Geotechnologies applied for agroecological zoning of the Mato Grosso do Sul State (Brazil).] Sociedade & Natureza, 26 (1), pp. 171-187.

Biassio, Adriana de and Silva, Ivan Crespo (2014) Agrobiodiversidade em sistemas produtivos tradicionais nos municípios de Antonia e Morretes no estado do Paraná. [Agrobiodiversity prodcutive systems in the minipalities of traditional Antonia and Morretes of state Paraná.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (1), pp. 102-110.

Bieber, Anna; Probst, Johanna; Leiber, Florian and Spengler Neff, Anet (2021) Effect Of Environmental Factors On Stress Indicating Parameters In Cattle At The Abbatoir. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Bieber, A.; Spengler Neff, A.; Fuerst-Waltl, B.; Ivemeyer, S.; Simantke, C.; Stricker, C.; Walczak, J.; Wallenbeck, A.; Winckler, C. and Wojcik, P. (2016) Comparison of native and commercial dairy breeds on organic farms in five European countries. [Vergleich von lokalen und kommerziellen Milchrindrassen auf Biobetrieben in fünf europäischen Ländern.] In: Book of Abstracts of the 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publisher, The Netherlands, Book of abstracts, no. 22, p. 307.

Biedrzycki, Aline ; Révillion, Jean Philippe Palma ; Fava, Luisa Wolker ; Lima, Mateus Silva de and Schmidt, Verônica (2012) Restrições mercadológicas, produtivas e institucionais que afetam o desempenho de agroindústrias processadoras de lácteos orgânicos. [Marketing, production and institutional restrictions affecting the performance or organic dairy agroindustries.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (2), pp. 28-41.

Bilalis, Ass. Prof. Dimitris; Kanatas, MSC Panagiotis and Konstantas, MSC Aristidis (2008) Effects of shading on root and shoot development of melon (Cucubrita pepo) transplants in conventional and organic float system nurseries. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Binotti, Túlio Caio; Stolf, Rubismar; Costa, Manoel Baltasar Baptista da and Antonini, Sandra Regina Ceccato (2013) Avaliação interdisciplinar de um sistema de captação de água de chuva construído através de processo participativo com agricultores familiares paulistas. [Interdisciplinary assessment of rainwater catchment system built through a participative process with family farmers from São Paulo.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (1), pp. 130-141.

Birech, Mrs Rhoda; Freyer, Prof. Bernhard; Friedel, Prof. Juergen and Leonhartsberger, Mr. Philipp (2008) Effect of weather on organic cropping systems in Kenya. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Blanco, Helga and Diaz, Alex (2008) Organization of a Sustainable Agroforestry Model for Small Farmers in the Montes de Oro Region, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Blumenstein, Benjamin; Finkh, Maria Renate; Schmidt, Jan Hendrik; Westaway, Sally; Brandsæter, Lars Olav and Möller, Detlev (2017) Implications of subsidiary cropping and tillage system on economics and production risk. In: Rahmann, Gerold (Ed.) .: Implications of subsidiary cropping and tillage system on economics and production risk., Köster, Berlin, pp. 686-689.

Blumenstein, Benjamin and Möller, Detlev (2011) On the Economics of Organic Grassland and Alternative Bio-energy Systems – A Risk Modelling Approach. In: Organic is Life - Knowledge for tomorrow. Vol. 2: Socio-economy, Livestock, Food Quality, Agro-ecology and Knowledge Dissemination, ISOFAR, Korea, 2, Proceedings of the 3rd sceintific Conference of ISOFAR, pp. 64-67.

Blumenstein, Benjamin; Siegmeier, Torsten; Selsam, Franziska; Hofmann, Frank; Zerger, Uli and Möller, Detlev (2015) Auswirkungen einer integrierten Biogaserzeugung auf ökologische Betriebssysteme: Monetäre Bewertung. [Implications of the integrated biogas production on organic farming systems: monetary assessment.] Paper at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 17. - 20. März 2015.

BOCQUIER, F. (2009) Technical challenges from the production to the transformation : elements for debate. [Défis techniques de la production à la transformation : éléments de débat.] Carrefours de l'Innovation Agronomique, 4, pp. 1-7.

Bodapati, Subrahmanyeswari and Chander, Mahesh (2011) ORGANIC AGRICULTURE: A WAY FORWARD TO ACHIEVE GENDER EQUALITY IN INDIA. Journal of Organic systems, 6 (3), pp. 13-19.

Bodapati, Subrahmanyeswari and Chander, Mahesh (2008) Animal Husbandry Practices of Organic Farmers: An Appraisal. Veterinary World, 1 (10), pp. 303-305.

Bodapati, Subrahmanyeswari and Chander, Mahesh (2008) A scale to measure attitude of registered organic farmers towards organic livestock farming. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 20 (2), pp. 1-9.

Bodapti, Subrahmanyeswari and Chander, Mahesh (2013) Integrating indigenous knowledge of farmers for sustainable organic farming: An assessment in Uttarakhand state of India. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 12 (2), pp. 259-264.

Boisdon, Isabelle and Capitaine, Mathieu (2008) Impact of the drought on the fodder self-sufficiency of organic and conventional highland dairy farms. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Bonett, Lucimar Pereira ; Muller, Giovana Mayara ; Wessling, Cláudia Regina and Gamelo, Fernanda Pompermeyer (2012) Extrato etanólico de representantes de cinco famílias de plantas e óleo essencial da família Asteraceae sobre o fungo Colletotrichum gloeosporioides coletados de frutos de mamoeiro (Carica papaya L.). [Ethanol extract of representatives of five families of plants and essential oil family Asteraceae on Colletotrichum gloeosporioides collected from fruits of papaya (Carica papaya L.).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (3), pp. 116-125.

Bongiorno, Valentina; Gariglio, Marta; Zambotto, Valeria; Cappone, Eleonora Erika; Biasato, Ilaria; Renna, Manuela; Forte, Claudio; Coudron, Carl; Bergagna, Stefania; Gai, Francesco and Schiavone, Achille (2022) Black soldier fly larvae used for environmental enrichment purposes: Can they affect the growth, slaughter performance, and blood chemistry of medium-growing chickens? Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, pp. 1-13.

Bonjorno, Ivan Iuri; Martins, Lauro Artur Otávio; Lana, Marcos Alberto; Bittencourt, Henrique von Hertwig; Wildner, Leandro do Prado; Parizotto, Círio; Fayad, Jamil Abdala; Comin, Jucinei José; Altieri, Miguel Angel and Lovato, Paulo Emílio (2010) Efeito de plantas de cobertura de inverno sobre cultivo de milho em sistema de plantio direto. [Effect of winter cover crops on corn growing under zero-tillage system.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (2), pp. 99-108.

Bonnefous, Claire; Collin, Anne; Niemi, Jarkko; Väre, Minna; Parrott, Patricia; Walley, Keith; Re, Martina; Ponzio, Raffaella; Rodenburg, T. Bas; Tallet, Céline; Merlot, Elodie; Montagne, Lucile; Faure, Justine; Guilloteau, Laurence; Guesdon, Vanessa; Leruste, Hélène; Delanoue, Elsa; Alibert, Laurent; Roinsard, Antoine; Warin, Laura and Leterrier, Christine (2021) Organic Pig And Poultry Production: What Are The Animal Welfare Challenges? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Borges, Enio U.; Escobar, Inés M. R.; Rodríguez, Juan Adriano C.; Guevara, Donaldo M. and Sánchez, Sandra G. (2008) Los biosólidos de aguas residuales urbanas en el contenido de metales pesados en un suelo cultivado de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill). [The Biosolids in the Heavy Metals Content in Cultivated Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) Soil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 3 (3), pp. 3-12.

Borges, Wander Luis Barbosa ; Freitas, Rogério Soares de ; Mateus, Gustavo Pavan ; Sá, Marco Eustáquio de and Alves, Marlene Cristina (2014) Absorção de nutrientes e alterações químicas em Latossolos cultivados com plantas de cobertura em rotação com soja e milho. [Nutrient uptake and chemical changes in Oxisols planted to cover crops in rotation with soybean and corn.] Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 38 (1), pp. 252-261.

Borsatto, Ricardo Serra and Carmo, Maristela Simões do (2013) A construção do discurso agroecológico no Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem-Terra (MST). [The construction of agroecological speech at the Movement of Rural Workers Landless (MST).] Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 51 (4), pp. 645-660.

Borsatto, Ricardo Serra and Carmo, Maristela Simões do (2013) A Agroecologia como um campo científico. [The Agroecology as a scientific field.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (2), pp. 4-13.

Bostan, Saim Zeki and kan, Tuncay (2010) Farklı Uygulamaların Organik ve Geleneksel Kayısı Örneklerinde Nem Düzeylerine Etkisi. [Effect of Different Practices on Moisture Levels in Organic and Conventional Apricot Fruits.] Paper at: Türkiye IV. Organik Tarım Sempozyumu, Erzurum, 28 Haziran - 1 Temmuz 2010.

Bragatto, Rosane Dalpiva ; Martini, Cezar Augusto ; Steffani, Marco Aurélio ; Barreto-Rodrigues, Marcio and Junior, Henrique Emilio Zorel (2012) Indicadores ambientais de sustentabilidade sistematizados pelo modelo pressão-estado-resposta (PER): análise de águas superficiais na microbacia hidrográfica Passo da Pedra, em Pato Branco – PR. [Environmental sustainability indicators for systematic model pressure-state-response (PSR): analysis of surface water in the catchment Step Stone, in Pato Branco – PR.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (2), pp. 87-103.

Brahm, Rafael Ücker; Medeiros, Carlos Alberto Barbosa; Cardoso, Joel Henrique and Reisser Junior, Carlos (2013) Avaliação do efeito de diferentes substratos sobre o desenvolvimento de Euterpe Edulis (Mart.) e Roystonea regia (Kunth). [Evaluation of the effect of different substrates on the development of Euterpe edulis(Mart.) and Roystonea regia (Kunth).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (2), pp. 148-160.

Branco, Marina Castelo ; Liz, Ronaldo S de ; Alcântara, Flávia A ; Martins, Hélio AG and Hanson, James C (2011) Agricultura apoiada pela comunidade: poderia a experiência dos agricultores americanos ser útil para os agricultores urbanos brasileiros? [Community supported agriculture: could the experience of American farmers be useful to Brazilian urban farmers?] Horticultura Brasileira, 29 (1), pp. 43-49.

Brandemburg, Alfio (2010) Do rural tradicional ao rural socioambiental. [From the traditional rural to the socioenvironmental rural.] Revista Ambiente & Sociedade, 13 (2), pp. 417-428.

Brandenburg, Alfio and Souza, Cimone Rozendo de (2009) Recomposição socioambiental dos espaços rurais e agricultura familiar na região metropolitana de Curitiba. [Recomposition of rural and environmental family farming in the metropolitan region of Curitiba.] Novos Cadernos NAEA, 12 (2), pp. 89-114.

Brandenburg, Alfio (2011) Os novos atores da reconstrução do ambiente rural no Brasil: o movimento ecológico na agricultura. [The new actors of the reconstruction of the rural environment in Brazil: the ecological movement in agriculture.] Revista Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura, 19 (1), pp. 126-148.

Brandenburg, Alfio (2002) Movimento agroecológico: trajetória, contradições e perspectivas. [The agro-ecology movement: trajectories, contradictions and perspectives.] Revista Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, 6, pp. 11-28.

Brandenburg, Alfio ; Ferreira, Angela Duarte Damasceno and Santos, Leonardo José Cordeiro (2004) Dimensões socioambientais do rural contemporâneo. [Socio-environmental dimensions of contemporary rurality.] Revista Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, 10, pp. 119-125.

Brandenburg , Alfio (2008) Mouvement agroécologique au Brésil : trajectoire, contradictions et perspectives. [The Agroecological movement in Brazil, its trajectory, contradictions and perspectives.] EDP Sciences Natures Sciences Sociétés, 16 (2), pp. 142-147.

Brandt, Kirsten and Kidmose, Ulla (2003) Nutritional Consequences of Using Organic Agricultural Methods in Developing Countries. In: Cakmak, Ismail; Graham, Robin D. and Welch, Ross M. (Eds.) Impacts of Agriculture on Human Health and Nutrition. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO. EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK.

Brito, Fabiane Silva; Miller, Paul Richard Momsen and Stadnik, Marciel (2010) Presença de Trichoderma spp em composto e suas características para o controle de fitopatógenos. [Compost-borne Trichoderma spp and attributes useful for the control of plant pathogens.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (1), pp. 43-53.

Brito, Renata; Lopes, Higino Marcos; Fernandes, Maria do Carmo de Araújo; Aguiar, Luiz Augusto de and Ceará, Paula Senna (2013) Avaliação da qualidade fisiológica e sanitária de sementes de feijão-vagem (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) produzidas sob manejo orgânico e submetidas ao congelamento. [Physiological and Sanitary Quality Evaluation of Organic Seeds of Snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Subjected to Freezing.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (3), pp. 131-140.

Broglio, Sônia Maria Forti; Santos, Adriano Jorge Nunes dos; Dias-Pini, Nivia da Silva; Valente, Ellen Carine Neves and Micheletti, Lígia Broglio (2014) Utilização de substâncias naturais para o manejo de Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach, 1843) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) em cultivo orgânico de brócolis, Brassica oleracea var. italica (Brassicaceae). [Use of natural substances for management of Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach, 1843) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on broccoli, Brassica oleracea var. italica (Brassicaceae) in organic system.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (1), pp. 232-239.

Brozova, Ivana (2017) A Comparative Analysis of Organic and Conventional Farming Profitability. Agris on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, IX, pp. 3-15.

Brozova, Ivana (2010) Economic profit of ecologically managing farmers in the Czech Republic. [Ekonomický profit ekologicky hospodařících zemědělců v České republice.] Agricultural Economics, 56 (5), pp. 243-248.

Brozova, Ivana and Vanek, Jiri (2013) Assessment of economic efficiency of conventional and organic agricultural enterprises in a chosen region. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2, pp. 297-307.

Brunberg, Emma; Grøva, Lise and Serikstad, Grete Lene (2014) Gener viktig for dyrevelferden i økologisk egg- og kyllingproduksjon. [Genes are important for animal welfare in production of organic eggs and broilers.] Fjørfe, 2014, 131 (11), pp. 24-25.

Cabral, Wendel Silva ; Curi, Rosires Catão ; Curi, Wilson Fadlo and Alencar, Vladimir Costa (2011) Análise das variações na receita líquida otimizada de uma área irrigada sujeita a manejo convencional e ecológico. [Analysis of variations in the net optimized revenue obtained in a irrigated area subject to conventional and ecological agricultural handling.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (2), pp. 30-39.

Caicedo, Daniel Rodríguez; Torres, Jose Miguel Cotes and Cure, José Ricardo (2012) Comparison of eight degree-days estimation methods in four agroecological regions in Colombia. [Comparação de oito métodos para calcular graus-dia em quatro regiões agroecológicas.] Bragantia, 71 (2), pp. 299-307.

Camargo, Regina Aparecida Leite de and Oliveira, Julieta Teresa Aier de (2012) Agricultura familiar, multifuncionalidade da agricultura e ruralidade: interfaces de uma realidade complexa. [Family farming, multifunctionality of agriculture and rurality: interfaces of a complex reality.] Ciência Rural, 42 (9), pp. 1707-1714.

Camatti-Sartori, Valdirene; Magrini, Flaviane Eva ; Crippa, Liziane Bertoti ; Venturin, Leandro ; Silva-Ribeiro, Rute Terezinha and Marchett, Cassiano (2011) Avaliação in vitro de extratos vegetais para o controle de fungos patogênicos de flores. [In vitro evaluation of plant extracts to control pathogenic fungi of flowers.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (2), pp. 117-122.

Campagnolo, Marcelo Angelo and Pio, Rafael (2012) Produção da amoreira-preta 'Tupy' sob diferentes épocas de poda. [Productive of 'Tupy' blackberry under different pruning time.] Ciência Rural, 42 (2), pp. 225-231.

CAPITAINE, M. ; DAVID, C. and FREYCENON, R. (2009) Evaluation and improvement of the sustainability of organic farming : elements for debate. [Evaluation et amélioration de la durabilité de l’agriculture biologique : éléments de débats.] Carrefours de l'Innovation Agronomique, 4, pp. 209-215.

Carmo, Janaina Braga do and Lambais, Marcio Rodrigues (2013) Transformações do nitrogênio em solos tratados com lodo de esgoto. [Nitrogen transformation in soil treated with sewage sludge.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (3), pp. 152-162.

Carneiro, Maria Gerlândia Rabelo; Camurça, Andréa Machado; Esmeraldo, Gema Galgani Silveira Leite and Sousa, Natália Ribeiro de (2013) Quintais produtivos: contribuição à segurança alimentar e ao desenvolvimento sustentável local na perspectiva da agricultura familiar (O caso do assentamento Alegre, município de Quixeramobim/CE). [Productive backyards: contribution to food security and sustainable local development in the perspective of family farming (The case of the Alegre settlement, town of Quixeramobim/CE).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (2), pp. 135-147.

Carvalho, Daniel F. de; Silva, Dione G. da; Rocha, Hermes S. da; Almeida, Wilk S. de and Sousa, Eraldo da S. (2013) Evapotranspiration and crop coefficient for potato in organic farming. [Evapotranspiração e coeficiente de cultivo da batata em sistema agroecológico de produção.] Engenharia Agrícola, 33 (1), pp. 201-211.

Casagrande, Marion; Lefèvre, Vincent; Capitaine, Mathieu and Peigne, Joséphine (2015) Participative design of conservation agriculture cropping systems in organic agriculture. Poster at: The 5th International Symposium for Farming Systems Design, Montpellier, France, 7th-10th September 2015. [Completed]

Castel, Laurie; Plessix, Segolene; Gaspari, Chloe and WARLOP, FRANCOIS (2019) Concevoir et expérimenter des vergers agroforestiers en Agriculture Biologique (VERtiCAL). [Designing and testing organic agroforestry orchards (Vertical Project).] Innovations Agronomiques, 76, pp. 273-289.

Castro, Albejamere Pereira de ; Fraxe, Therezinha de Jesus Pinto; Santiago, Jozane Lima ; Matos, Raimundo Barbosa and Pinto, Ilzon Castro (2009) Os sistemas agroflorestais como alternativa de sustentabilidade em ecossistemas de várzea no Amazonas. [The agroforestry systems as an alternative of sustainable land use in várzea (floodplain) ecosystems in Amazon state.] Acta Amazonica, 39 (2), pp. 279-288.

Cesar, Marcius Nei Zanin ; Guerra, José Guilherme Marinho ; Ribeiro, Raul de Lucena Duarte ; Urquiaga, Segundo Sacramento Caballero and Padovan, Milton Parron (2011) Performance de adubos verdes cultivados em duas épocas do ano no Cerrado do Mato Grosso do Sul. [Performance of green manure crops grown in two seasons in the Cerrado of Mato Grosso do Sul.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (2), pp. 159-169.

ÇETİNKAYA, Nedim and ATEŞ, Fadime (2016) Effects of Soil Application and Cultivation Methods on the Development of Powdery Mildew (Erysiphe necator Schwein.) and Yield in Sultanina Grape. [Toprak Uygulamaları ve Yetiştirme Yöntemlerinin Sultani Çekirdeksiz Üzümde Külleme Hastalığı (Erysiphe necator Schwein.) ve Verim Üzerine Etkileri.] The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, 45, pp. 45-52.

ÇETİNKAYA, Nedim and ATEŞ, Fadime (2016) Organik Bağcılıkta Yaprak Alma ve Yeşil Aksam Uygulamalarının Külleme Hastalığı ve Üzüm Verim-Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri. [Effect of Leaf Removal and FoliarApplications on Powdery Mildew and Yield/Quality of Grape in Organic Viticulture.] The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, 45, pp. 73-86.

Chagas, Jolemia Cristina Nascimento das; Fraxe, Therezinha de Jesus Pinto2;; Elias, Maria Elisabeth de Assis; Castro, Albejamere Pereira de and Vasques, Marinete da Silva (2014) Os sistemas produtivos de plantas medicinais, aromáticas e condimentares nas comunidades São Francisco, Careiro da Várzea e Santa Luzia do Baixio em Iranduba no Amazonas. [Productive systems of medicinal plants, aromatic and spice in the folowing communities: São Francisco, Careiro da Várzea and Santa Luzia do Baixio in Iranduba Amazon.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (1), pp. 111-121.

Chambó, Emerson Dechechi; Garcia, Regina Conceição; Oliveira, Newton Tavares Escocard de and Duarte-Júnior, José Barbosa (2010) Aplicação de inseticida e seus impactos sobre a visitação de abelhas (Apis mellifera L.) no girassol (Helianthus annuus L.). [Application of insecticide and its impact on the visitation of bees (Apis mellifera L.) in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (1), pp. 37-42.

Chamorro, Lourdes; Armengot, Laura; José-María, Laura and Sans, F. Xavier (2014) ORGANIC FARMING ENHANCES THE RECOVERY OF ANCIENT CROPS AND SEGETAL WEEDS IN CATALONIA (NE OF SPAIN). In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 979-982.

Chander, Mahesh and Mukherjee, Reena (2005) Organic animal husbandry: concept, status and possibilities in India-A review. The Indian Journal of Animal sciences, 75 (12), pp. 1460-1469.

Chanev, Milen (2021) REDUCED TILLAGE IN ORGANIC FRMING. In: Mardirosian, Garo (Ed.) proceedings, pp. 322-327.

Chanev, Milen and Filchev, Lachezar (2024) REVIEW OF THE APPLICATIONS OF SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING IN ORGANIC FARMING – PART II. Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 36 (1), pp. 201-209.

Chanev, Milen and Filchev, Lachezar (2023) Review of the Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing in Organic Farming (Part I). Aerospace Research in Bulgaria., 35, pp. 183-191.

Chaparro Africano , Adriana (2013) SOSTENIBILIDAD DE LA ECONOMÍA CAMPESINA EN EL PROCESO MERCADOS CAMPESINOS (COLOMBIA). In: Altieri, Miguel A.; Sarandon, Santiago; Morales, Carmen Felipe; Funes, Fernando and Siura, Saray (Eds.) Congreso Latinoamericana de agroecologia articulos completos, Sociedad Centifica Latinoamericana de Agroecologia (SOCLA), Lima, Peru.

Chirinda, N.; Carter, M.S; Albert, K.R.; Ambus, P.; Olesen, J.E.; Porter, J.R. and Petersen, S.O. (2010) Emissions of nitrous oxide from arable organic and conventional cropping systems on two soil types. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 136, pp. 199-208.

Christensen, B.T. (2004) Tightening the nitrogen cycle. In: Schjønning, P.; Elmholt, S. and Christensen, B.T. (Eds.) Managing Soil Quality - Challenges in Modern Agriculture. CABI, chapter 3, pp. 47-67.

Cicek, Harun and Ates, Serkan (2020) Effect of nurse crops and seeding rate on the persistence, productivity and nutritive value of sainfoin in a cereal‐based production system. Grass and Forage Science, 75 (1), pp. 86-95.

Cicek, Harun; Thiessen-martens, J.R.; Bamford, K.C. and Entz, Martin (2015) Late-season catch crops reduce nitrate leaching risk after grazed green manures but release N slower than wheat demand. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 202 (1), pp. 31-41.

Cintra, Anael Pinheiro de Ulhôa and Brandenburg, Alfio (2008) Vida social e trabalho no campo: um estudo sobre a diversidade do espaço rural nos pequenos municípios paranaenses. [Social life and work in the field: a study on the diversity of the countryside in the small municipalities of Paraná.] In: Anais do 3º Rede de Estudos Rurais. GT 4 – Formas de organização do trabalho e agricultura familiar, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, pp. 61-76.

Ciprandi, Olivio and Neto, João Fert (1996) As perspectivas da pequena produção familiar na agricultura. [The perspectives for the small familiar farming.] Ciência Rural, 26 (1), pp. 135-141.

Čižek, Jan and Znaor, Darko (1994) Ekološka poljoprivreda u razvoju hrvatskog sela. [The role of ecological agriculture in development of Croatian rural areas.] In: roceedings of the scientific conference "Agriculture and food production in new European surroundings", Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, pp. 75-84.

Clavin, D.; Crosson, P.; Grant, J. and O'Kiely, P. (2016) Red clover for silage: management impacts on herbage yield, nuitritive value, ensilability and persistence, and relativity to perennial ryegrass. Grass and Forage Science, 72, pp. 414-431.

Coelho, Flávia Monteiro; Oliveira, Sthefani Gonçalves de; Baliza, Danielle Pereira and Campos, André Narvaes da Rocha (2014) Efeito de extratos de plantas espontâneas na germinação e no crescimento inicial do feijão comum. [Effect of extracts of spontaneous plants on germination and early growth of the common bean.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (2), pp. 185-192.

COLOMB, B. ; GLANDIERES, A. ; CARPY-GOULARD, F. ; LECAT, N. ; PELLETIER, A. and PRIEUR, L. (2009) Energy analysis of organic crop systems. Impact of intensification level. [Analyse énergétique des systèmes de grandes cultures biologiques. Impact du niveau d’intensification.] Carrefours de l'Innovation Agronomique, 4, pp. 176-181.

Cömert Acar, Muazzez and Kir, Alev (2022) 4 th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ORGANIC AGRICULTURE IN MEDITERRANEAN CLIMATES: THREATS AND SOLUTIONS. This conference abstract e‐book was pressed by ETO Derneği., Ecology Fair Izmir (Gaziemir / Izmir/ Türkiye).

Constancis, Caroline; Leligois, Morgane; Brisseau, Nadine; Lehebel, Anne; Chauvin, Alain; Chartier, Christophe and Ravinet, Nadine (2021) Suckling Dairy Calves/Nurse Cows System And Risk Of Gastrointestinal Nematodes Infection During The First Grazing Season In Organic Farms. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Constancis, Caroline; Ravinet, Nadine; Bareille, Nathalie and Chartier, Christophe (2022) Dynamique d’infestation par les strongles gastro-intestinaux des génisses laitières 1 élevées sous vaches nourrices. [Dynamics of gastrointestinal nematodes infection in dairy heifers reared with nurse cow during their first two grazing seasons.] In: Recherche rencontre ruminants.

COQUIL, X. ; FIORELLI, J.-L. ; MIGNOLET, C. ; BLOUET, A. ; FOISSY, D. ; TROMMENSCHLAGER, J.M. ; BAZARD, C. ; GAUJOUR, E. ; GOUTTENOIRE, L. and SCHRACK, D. (2009) Assessing the agro-environmental sustainability of organic mixed-crop dairy systems on the basis of a multivariate approach. [Evaluation multicritère de la durabilité agro-environnementale de systèmes de polyculture élevage laitiers biologiques.] Carrefours de l'Innovation Agronomique, 4, pp. 239-247.

Corre-Hellou, Guénaëlle; Viguier, Loïc; Van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Canali, Stefano; Campanelli, Gabriele; Carton, Nicolas; Krauss, Maike and Lefevre, Amélie (2021) Combination Of Temporal And Spatial Diversification In Organic Systems In Europe. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Correa, Maria Lita Padinha; Galvão, João Carlos Cardoso; Fontanetti, Anastácia ; Lemos, João Paulo and Conceição, Patricia Marluci da (2014) Interferência do feijão-de-porco na dinâmica de plantas espontâneas no cultivo do milho orgânico em sistemas de plantio direto e convencional. [Interference caused by the jack bean in weeds dynamics occurring in direct plantation systems of organic maize cultures.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (2), pp. 160-172.

Correia, Ana Maria Magalhães; Silva, Armistrong Martins da; Lucena, André Duarte; Gomes, Maria de Lourdes Barreto and Thiollent, Michel Jean-Marie (2011) Análise qualitativa das práticas de cooperação em uma associação agrícola de produtos orgânicos na percepção dos associados. [Qualitative analysis of the cooperation practical in an association of agricultural organics producers in the perception of members.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (1), pp. 147-162.

Costa, Danúbia Maria; Campos, Maria Bernadete Silva and Margarido, Luiz Antônio Correia (2014) Levantamento de Formicidae (Hymenoptera) em adubação verde: durante seu desenvolvimento e após o manejo incorporação da matéria seca ao solo. [Survey of Formicidae (Hymenoptera) in green manures: during development and after management incorporation of dry matter to the soil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (2), pp. 223-232.

Costa, Tiago Viana da ; Farias, Carlos Alexandre Góes and Brandão, Clévison dos Santos (2012) Meliponicultura em comunidades tradicionais do Amazonas. [Beekeeping in traditional communities of the Amazon.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (3), pp. 106-115.

Crespi, Brunna and Guerra, Gutemberg Armando Diniz (2013) Ocorrência, coleta, processamento primário e usos do pracaxi (Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze) na Ilha de Cotijuba, Belém- PA. [Occurrence, collection, primary processing and use of the pracaxi (Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze) in the Cotijuba Island, Belém- PA (Brazil).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (3), pp. 176-189.

Cruz, Fabiana Thomé da and Schneider, Sergio (2010) Qualidade dos alimentos, escalas de produção e valorização de produtos tradicionais. [Quality of food, scale of production and traditional food enhancement.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (2), pp. 22-38.

Cruz, Suenya Santos da (2012) O fenômeno da pluriatividade no meio rural: atividade agrícola de base familiar. [The phenomenon of pluriactivity in rural areas: family-based farming.] Serviço Social & Sociedade, s/v (110), pp. 241-269.

Cruz, Wilton Pires da; Rodrigues, Diego Macedo; Sarmento, Renato de Almeida; Ferreira Junior, Diogenis Fontenele and Ribeiro, Fábio Reis (2013) Avaliação da diversidade de plantas espontâneas e a densidade de ácaros predadores em cultivo de pinhão-manso. [Assessment of the diversity of spontaneous plants and the density of predaceous mites in jatropha nut crop.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (2), pp. 176-184.

Cruz Uribe, Fabian and Prieto Cristancho, Carolina (2014) Approach to the assessment of sustainability in organic livestock farms in a Colombian Andean region. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 159-162.

Cunha, José Alex da Silva; Barros, Roseli Farias Melo; Mhel, Herony Ulisses and Silva, Paulo Roberto Ramalho (2014) Atributos agroecológicos de solo e caracterização de predadores generalistas no cultivo de melancia nos tabuleiros litorâneos do Piauí, Brasil. [Attributes agroecological of soil and characterization of generalist predators in the cultivation of watermelon in the coastal tablelands of Piauí State, Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (1), pp. 269-281.

Dalgaard, R.; Halberg, N.; Kristensen, I.S. and Larsen, I. (2004) An LC inventory based on representative and coherent farm types. In: Halberg, N. (Ed.) Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-food sector, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (61), DIAS Report, Animal Husbandry, pp. 98-106.

Damgaard, Christian; Kjellsson, Gösta and Haldrup, Christian (2007) Prediction of the combined effect of various GM contamination sources of seed: a case study of oilseed rape under Danish conditions. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science, 57 (3), pp. 247-253.

del Pino, Mariana; Nico, Andres; Granitto, Georgina; Gamboa, Susana and Pineda, Carlos (2014) Evaluation of tomato varieties for their use by small organic farmers in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1-4. [Completed]

DESCLAUX, D. ; CHIFFOLEAU, Y. and NOLOT, J.M. (2009) Diversity of organic farming systems: Challenges for the construction of markets, varieties and plant breeding techniques. [Pluralité des agricultures biologiques : Enjeux pour la construction des marchés, le choix des variétés et les schémas d’amélioration des plantes.] Carrefours de l'Innovation Agronomique, 4, pp. 297-306.

Devide, Antonio Carlos Pries; Castro, Cristina; Ribeiro, Raul de Lucena Duarte and Pereira, Marcos Gervasio (2020) Comparative herbaceous phytosociology in agroforestry and Calophyllum brasiliense monoculture on a river terrace. [Fitossociologia herbácea comparada em sistemas agroflorestais e monocultivo de guanandi em terraço. fluvial.] Revista Agrogeoambiental, 12 (1), pp. 217-233.

DIAKITE, Zakary R.; MOSNIER, Claire.; BRUNSCHWIG, Gilles.; CORSON, Michael S. and BAUMONT, René. (2023) Environmental assessment of mountain grassland farms with mixed cattle systems: use of bioeconomic simulations. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 19, x-100259.

Dias, Jaqueline Evangelista; Laureano, Lourdes Cardozo and Ming, Lin Chau (2014) Cadeia produtiva do óleo de amêndoas de gueroba (Syagrus oleracea): geração de renda para agricultores familiares e promoção da agrobiodiversidade. [Production chain for gueroba oil (Syagrus oleracea): generating income for small family farms and promoting agrobiodiversity.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (1), pp. 122-133.

Dias, José Eduardo; Abboud, Antônio Carlos de Souza; Guerra, José Guilherme Marinho ; Salles, Rodrigo dos Reis; Ferreira, Vagner Gonçalves and Silva, Jorge Xavier da (2010) Monitoring land use and plant cover on an integrated agroecological production system through GIS. [Monitoramento do uso da terra e da cobertura vegetal em sistema integrado de produção agroecológico por meio de sistema de informação geográfica.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (2), pp. 275-287.

Do Amaral , Adriana and R. M Von Simson , Olga R. M Von Simson (2013) Memória de horta orgânica comunitária em solo urbano. In: Altieri, Miguel A.; Sarandon, Santiago; Morales, Carmen Felipe; Funes, Fernando and Siura, Saray (Eds.) Congreso Latinoamericana de agroecologia articulos completos, Sociedad Centifica Latinoamericana de Agroecologia (SOCLA), Lima, Peru.

Dockès , Anne-Charlotte; Boisdon, Isabelle; Experton , Catherine and Fourdin, S. (2013) Creation of innovative tools for the development of organic dairy production in mountain areas. [Mise au point de méthodes et outils innovants pour développer l’élevage laitier biologique en zones de piémont et montagne.] Innovations Agronomiques, 32, pp. 243-257.

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Dvorak, Petr; Hamouz, Karel; Kuchtová, Perla and Tomasek, Jaroslav (2009) Vliv povrchového mulčování na velikost a výnos brambor v ekologickém zemědělství. [Effect of grass mulch application on tubers size and yield of ware potatoes in organic farming.] Úroda : časopis pro rostlinnou produkci, 12, pp. 315-318.

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Faux, Anne-Michelle; Stilmant, Didier; Guillaume, Mary and Decruyenaere, Virginie (2021) Feed Autonomy In Organic Cattle Farming Systems: A Technical And Economic Assessment. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

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Fernandes, Eires Tosta and Favero, Silvio (2014) Óleo essencial de Schinus molle L. para o controle de Sitophilus zeamais Most.1855 (Coleoptera:Curculionidae) em milho. [Essential oil of Schinus molle L. for Most.1855 Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera Curculionidae) in maize.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (1), pp. 225-231.

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Ferreira, Angela Duarte Damasceno ; Brandenburg, Alfio ; Silva, Osvaldo Heller da ; Rodrigues, Almir Sandro ; Santos, Eduardo Britto and Pinheiro, Gustavo (2007) Resistência e empoderamento no mundo rural. [Resistance and empowerment in the rural world.] Revista Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura, 15 (1), pp. 123-159.

Ferreira, Gizelia Barbosa; Costa, Manoel Baltasar Baptista da; Silva, Maria Sonia Lopes da; Moreira, Márcia Moura; Gava, Carlos Alberto Tuão; Chaves, Vanessa Carine and Mendonça, Cláudio Evangelista Santos (2011) Sustentabilidade de agroecossistemas com barragens subterrâneas no semiárido brasileiro: a percepção dos agricultores na Paraíba¹. [Sustainability of agroecosystems with subsurface dams in Brazilian semiarid: perception of farmers in Paraíba.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (1), pp. 19-36.

Ferreira, Patrícia Aparecida ; Pereira, José Roberto ; Alencar, Edgard and Santana, Ana Carolina (2009) Estado e agricultores familiares: uma análise interpretativa sobre o desenvolvimento rural no Sul de Minas Gerais. [State and farmers: an interpretative analysis on rural development in southern Minas Gerais.] Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 47 (3), pp. 767-792.

Ferreira, Tiago Silveira; da Silva, Valeska Martins and Budke, Jean Carlos (2013) Estrutura do componente arbóreo de um remanescente de floresta estacional semidecídua ribeirinha em Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul. [Tree species structure from a semideciduous seasonal forest under flooding at Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (3), pp. 91-100.

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Figueira, Adriana França ; Berbara, Ricardo Luis Louro and Pimentel, João Pedro (2011) Estrutura da população de nematoides do solo em uma unidade de produção agroecológica no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. [Structure of soil nematode population under an organically managed crop in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil.] Acta Scientiarum Agronomy, 33 (02), pp. 223-229.

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Fog, Erik; Ytting, Nanna Karkov and Lübeck, Mette (2017) Biorefining of proteins from grass clover as an innovative solution to a truly sustainable organic production. In: Innovative Research for Organic 3.0 - Proceedings of the Scientific Track, Organic World Congress 2017, Johann Heinrich von Th�nstitut, 2, Thünen Report, no. 54, pp. 514-517.

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Formentini, Marina Andressa; Alves, Luis Francisco Angeli; Pinto, Fabiana Gisele da Silva and Mamprim, Ana Paula (2014) In vitro assay of alternative phytosanitary products and plant extracts on Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorok (Clavicipitaceae). [Avaliação in vitro de produtos fitossanitários alternativos e extratos vegetais sobre Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorok. (Clavicipitaceae).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (1), pp. 195-204.

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Freitas, Helana Célia de Abreu (2011) O curso técnico em agropecuária da Escola 25 de Maio: conflitos em torno da construção da proposta agroecológica. [The agroecology technical course of the “Escola 25 de Maio”: conflicts around the building of the agroecological proposal.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (2), pp. 13-29.

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Friis Pedersen, Susanne and Hansdotter, Sara (editor): Serikstad, Grete Lene and Botterli, Vegard (Eds.) (2024) Skogshage - hvorfor, hvor, hvordan? - konsept for agroøkologi. [Forrest garden - why, where, how? - concept for agroecology.] NORSØK Faginfo, no. 13, vol 9. NORSØK, Tingvoll.

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Friis Pedersen, Susanne and Ebbesvik, Martha (2020) Innovative greenhouse cultivation in compost barn. Acta Horticulturae, 1 (1296), pp. 1123-1126.

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Frison, Edilza and Rover, Oscar José (2014) Entraves para a certificação orgânica do leite numa central cooperativa de agricultores familiares do oeste catarinense. [Barries to organic milk certification in a family farming central cooperative of the west of Santa Catarina.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (2), pp. 70-83.

Froehlich, José Marcos (2010) A novelesca reforma curricular das ciências agrárias e a sustentabilidade: novas demandas, velhos problemas. [The novelistic curriculum reform of the agricultural sciences and the sustainability: new demands, old problems.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (2), pp. 3-15.

Frost, David; Ardeshir, Danny and Davies, Owen (2005) The environmental and socio-economic impacts of organic farming in Wales. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Fyfe, William S.; Leonardos, Othon H. and Theodoro, Suzi H. (2006) Sustainable farming with native rocks: the transition without revolution. [Agricultura sustentável com rochas nativas: a transição, sem revolução.] Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 78 (4), pp. 715-720.

García-Prado, José Alejandro and Freitas, Rodrigo Randow de (2008) Pesca e aqüicultura: ações de gestão multidisciplinar em busca de melhorias sócio-econômicas e ambientais. [Fisheries and aquaculture: multidisciplinary management actions to seek socioeconomic and environment improvements.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 3 (1), pp. 13-19.

Gargoloff, Natalia Agustina; Abbona, Esteban Andres and Sarandón, Santiago Javier (2010) Análisis de la racionalidad ecológica en agricultores hortícolas de La Plata, Argentina. [Ecological rationality analysis in horticulturalist in La Plata, Argentina.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (2), pp. 288-302.

Garofolo, Ana Cristina Siewert and Amancio, Cristhiane Oliveira da Graça (2013) Impacto prospectivo da tecnologia do xaxim agroecológico utilizando o Inova-Tec System v 2.0. [Prospective Impact of technology Xaxim Agroecological using the Inova-Tec System v 2.0.] Ciência Rural, 43 (11), pp. 1991-1997.

Gaudare, Ulysse; Benoit, Marc; Durand, Guillaume; Dumont, Betrand; Barbieri, Pietro; Pellerin, Sylvain and Nesme, Thomas (2021) A Global Meta-Analysis About Organic Vs Conventional Livestock Production. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Gavioli, Felipe Rosafa and Costa, Manoel Baltasar Baptista (2011) As múltiplas funções da agricultura familiar: um estudo no assentamento Monte Alegre, região de Araraquara (SP). [The multiple roles of family farming: a study in settlement Monte Alegre region of Araraquara (SP).] Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 49 (2), pp. 449-472.

Gazzano, Inês and Achkar, Marcel (2014) Transformación territorial: análisis del proceso de intensificación agraria en la cuenca del área protegida Esteros de Farrapos, Uruguay. [Territorial transformation: analysis of the process of agricultural intensification in the catchment of the protected area of Esteros de Farrapos, Uruguay.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (2), pp. 30-43.

Gbadamosi, R.O. and AdeOluwa, O.O. (2014) IMPROVING THE YIELD OF Celosia argentea IN ORGANIC FARMING SYSTEM WITH SYSTEM OF CROP INTENSIFICATION. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 859-862.

Gemma, Sandra Francisca Bezerra ; Tereso, Mauro José Andrade and Abrahão, Roberto Funes (2010) Ergonomia e complexidade: o trabalho do gestor na agricultura orgânica na região de Campinas - SP. [Complexity and ergonomy: the manager work at the organic agriculture in Campinas – SP Brazil.] Ciência Rural, 40 (2), pp. 318-324.

GERBER, M. ; ASTIGARRAGA, L. ; BOCKSTALLER, C. ; FIORELLI, J.-L. ; HOSTIOU, N. ; INGRAND, S. ; MARIE, M. ; SADOK, W. ; VEYSSET, P. ; AMBROISE, R. ; PEIGNE, J. ; PLANTUREUX, S. and COQUIL, X. (2009) The Dexi-SH* model for a multivariate assessment of agro-ecological sustainability of dairy grazing systems. [Le modèle Dexi-SH* pour une évaluation multicritère de la durabilité agroécologique des systèmes d’élevage bovins laitiers herbagers.] Carrefours de l'Innovation Agronomique, 4, pp. 249-252.

Gewehr, Clóvis Eliseu; Follmann, Diogo Davi; Rosniecek, Marcos; Costenaro, Jonatan and Pagno, Gabriel (2010) Rendimento do capim elefante com adubação orgânica para uso em cama de aviário. [Profit of the grass elephant with organic fertilizing for use in broiler litter.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (1), pp. 32-36.

Gidenne, Thierry; Savietto, Davi; Fortun, Laurence and Roinsard, Antoine (2021) A New Simplified Performance Referencing System Adapted To Organic Rabbit Farming. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Giepen, Michael; Neto, Francisco Skora and Köpke, Ulrich (2014) Controlling weeds with natural phytotoxic Substances (NPS) in direct seeded soybean. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 469-472.

Godoy, Wilson Itamar and Rech, Rogério (2013) Aspectos socioeconômicos e de produção relacionados às feiras-livres do Sudoeste do Paraná. [Socioeconomic and production aspects related to open-air markets in the Southwest of Paraná.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (1), pp. 40-47.

Gomes, Donato Sangiacomo; Bevilaqua, Natalia Cunha; Silva, Felipe Barreto and Monquero, Patrícia Andrea (2014) Supressão de plantas espontâneas pelo uso de cobertura vegetal de crotalária e sorgo. [Weed suppression by sunn hemp and sorghum cover crop.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (2), pp. 206-213.

Gomes, Fernanda Melo; Fortes, Andréa Maria Teixeira; Silva, Jéssica da; Bonamigo, Thaliny and Pinto, Tassiane Terezinha (2013) Efeito alelopático da fitomassa de Lupinus angustifolius (L.) sobre a germinação e desenvolvimento inicial de Zea mays (L.) e Bidens pilosa (L.). [Allelopathic effect of the phytomass of Lupinus angustifolius (L.) on germination and early development of Zea mays (L.) and Bidens pilosa (L.).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (1), pp. 48-56.

Gomes, Josilda Junqueira Ayres; Costa, Cintia Viviane Araújo; Teixeira, Ana Paula Rosa Teixeira and Dias, Valdirene Socorro (2008) Comparação química do composto orgânico de esterco bovino e leguminosas: leucena (Leucaena lleucocephalla (Lam )de Wit) e sombreiro (Clitoria fairchildiana Haward). [Chemical comparison of organic compost of bovine manure and leguminous plants: leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam ) de Wit) and philippine pigeonwings (Clitoria fairchildiana Haward ).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 3 (1), pp. 78-84.

Gomes, Josilda Junqueira Ayres; Teixeira, Ana Paula Rosa; Dias, Valdirene S and Costa, Cíntia V. Araújo (2008) Composição química de composto orgânico preparado com esterco de eqüino e leucena. (Leucaena lleucocephalla Lam de Wit). [Composition of organic compost prepared with equine manure and leucena (Leucaena leucocephala Lam de Wit).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 3 (1), pp. 71-77.

Gonçalves, Alexandre (2003) Agroecologia, saber local e mercado - um estudo sobre a agricultura familiar de Poço Fundo - MG. [Agroecology, local knowledge and market - a study of family farming of Poço Fundo - MG.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Lavras . .

Gonçalves, Marcio de Medeiros; Medeiros, Carlos Alberto and Nava, Dori Edson (2011) Consumo foliar de batata submetida a diferentes tinturas de Meliácias e óleo de nim por adultos de Diabrótica speciosa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae). [Foliar consumption of potato under different dyes of Meliaceae and neen oil by adults of Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (2), pp. 92-100.

Gonçalves, Maria da Penha Moreira; Higa, Antônio Rioyei; Silva, Ivan Crespo; Silva, Luciana Duque and Oliveira, Rafael Kuster (2013) Sustentabilidade ambiental de um sistema agroflorestal com bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella Bent.) através da analise emergética. [Environmental sustainability of an agroforestry system with bracatinga through emergy analysis.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (1), pp. 18-27.

Gonçalves, Morgana Suszek; Facchi, Débora Pietrobon; Brandão, Marcia Ines; Bauer, Maryana and Paris Junior, Orlando de (2014) Produção de mudas de alface e couve utilizando composto proveniente de resíduos agroindustriais. [Production of lettuce and cabbage seedlings using compost from agroindustrial residues.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (1), pp. 216-224.

Gonçalves, Paulo Antonio de Souza ; Boff, Pedro and Boff, Mari Inês Carissimi (2010) Preparado homeopático de losna, Artemisia vulgaris L., no manejo de tripes e seu efeito sobre a produção de cebola em sistema orgânico. [Homeopathic preparation of mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris L., on the thrips management and its effect on onion yield on organic system.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (2), pp. 16-21.

Gonçalves, Paulo Antonio de Souza and Vieira Neto, João (2011) Influência da incidência de tripes, Thrips tabaci Lind. (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) na produtividade de cebola em sistemas convencional e orgânico. [The influence of thrips incidence, Thrips tabaci Lind. (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and the yield in onion on conventional and organic system.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (2), pp. 152-158.

Gonçalves, Paulo Antonio de Souza and Wamser, Gerson Henrique (2007) Produção orgânica de cebola com agricultores familiares. [Organic onion production with small farmers.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 2 (3), pp. 63-68.

Gonçalves , Paulo Antonio de Souza; Carré-Missio, Vivian ; Boff, Pedro and Boff, Mari Inês Carissimi (2012) Dosagens em altas diluições de Natrum muriaticum e calcário de conchas no manejo de tripes, míldio e produtividade de cebola em sistema orgânico. [Dosages at high dilutions of Natrum muriaticum and limestone shells in manage thrips, mildew and yield of onion in an organic system.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (3), pp. 152-160.

González Espinosa, Ángel and Funes Aguilar, Fernando (2013) Integración Ganadería Agricultura en una pequeña finca familiar. CCSF José Santiago Ercilla, Las Tunas. In: Altieri, Miguel A.; Sarandon, Santiago; Morales, Carmen Filipe and Siura, Saray (Eds.) Congreso Latinoamericana de agroecologia articulos completos, Sociedad Centifica Latinoamericana de Agroecologia (SOCLA), Lima, Peru.

Göransson, Lina; Yngvesson, Jenny and Gunnarsson, Stefan (2020) Bird health, housing and management routines in Swedish organic broiler chicken farms. Animals, 10 (11), p. 2098.

Gottwald, Prof. Dr. Franz-Theo and Borgen, I. (2008) Innovations within the organic food sector – basis for novel business relations between agricultural and processing enterprises. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Goulart, Fernando; Vandermeer, John; Perfecto, Ivette and Matta-Machado, Rodrigo P. (2009) Análise agroecológica de dois paradigmas modernos. [Agroecological analysis of two modern paradigms.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 4 (3), pp. 76-85.

Gouvea, Alfredo de; Zanotti, Josinaldo ; Luckmann, Daiane ; Pizzatto, Mariana ; Mazaro, Sérgio Miguel and Possenti, Jean Carlo (2011) Efeito de extratos vegetais em soja sob condições de laboratório e campo. [Effect of plant extracts in soybean under laboratory and field conditions.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (2), pp. 70-78.

Gratecap, J.B.; Wezel, A.; Casagrande, Marion and Martin, P. (2013) Similarity of technical logics of cropping systems organization between conventional and recently converted organic farmers in a water catchment area. [Une typologie d’agriculteurs pour étudier les proximités techniques à l’agriculture biologique à l’échelle d’une zone à enjeu eau.] Innovations Agronomiques, 32, pp. 509-524.

Grisa, Catia and Schneider, Sergio (2008) "Plantar pro gasto": a importância do autoconsumo entre famílias de agricultores do Rio Grande do Sul. ["Planting pro spent": the importance of self-consumption among farm families of Rio Grande do Sul.] Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 46 (2), pp. 481-515.

Grosse, Meike; Weiner, Mareike; Thompson, Michael; Berner, Alfred; Frei, Robert; Messmer, Monika; Perrochet, Frederic; Mäder, Paul and Krauss, Maike (2023) Costs and benefits of reduced tillage compared to ploughing in an organic long-term trial on Loess in Switzerland. In: Book of Abstracts: Long Term Experiments: Meeting future challenges, 20.-22.06.2023, Hertfordshire, UK, p. 142.

Grossi, Mauro Eduardo Del and Marques, Vicente P. M. de Azevedo (2010) Family farming in the agricultural census of 2006: the legal mark and the options for their identification. [A agricultura familiar no censo agropecuário de 2006: o marco legal e as opções para a sua identificação.] Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura, 5 (se).

Grovermann, Christian; Quiedeville, Sylvain; Stolze, Matthias; Leiber, Florian and Moakes, Simon (2021) The Impacts Of Organic Certification On Dairy Farm Performance In Europe - A Latent Class Counterfactual Analysis. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Guichard, L.; Ballot, R.; Glachant, C. and Aubert, C. (2013) PERSYST, a model for ex ante assessment of cropping systems performances. Adaptation to organic farming in the Ile-de-France region. [PERSYST, un outil d’estimation des PERformances agronomiques de SYSTèmes de culture - Adaptation à l’agriculture biologique en Île-de-France.] Innovations Agronomiques, 32, pp. 123-138.

Guimarães, Gabriel Pinto; Mendonça, Eduardo de Sá; Passos, Renato Ribeiro; Andrade, Felipe Vaz and Machado, Ramires Ventura (2013) Avaliação da qualidade do solo e de cafeeiros em propriedade familiar do Território do Caparaó-ES. [Evaluation of soil and coffee plants quality in a family farm in Territory Caparaó-ES.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (3), pp. 236-246.

Haas, Guido (2005) Ökologischer Landbau in Nordrhein-Westfalen: Empirische Analyse und Bestimmungsgründe der heterogenen räumlichen Verteilung. [Organic agriculture in North-Rhine-Westphalia: Empirical Analysis of the heterogeneous spatial distribution.] Zeitschrift Agrarwirtschaft - Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, Marktforschung und Agrarpolitik, 54/2, pp. 119-127.

Haas, Jucelaine; Tomkiel, Michele V.; Alves, Luis Francisco A. and Fanti, André Luis P. (2010) Efeito de óleo de sementes de nim (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) sobre Gyropsylla spegazziniana (Lizer & Trelles), na cultura da erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.). [Effect of neem seed oil (Azadirachta indica) on Gyropsylla spegazziniana (Lizer & Trelles) on Paraguay tea plants (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (2), pp. 194-199.

Hainaut, Hélène; Weekers, Thimoty; Leroy, Nicolas; Emptaz, Paul; De Meue, Victoria; Festre, Xavier; Molenberg, Jean-Marc; Hostie, Yannick; Henreaux, Jérôme; Kerckhove, Marc; Pauly, Alain; Lateur, Marc; Jamar, Laurent and Vereecken, Nicolas (2016) Can organic arable and silvoarable micro-farms contribute to biodiversityconservation? A survey of wild bees community structure in the Brabant Wallonprovince (Belgium) (PDF) Can organic arable and silvoarable micro-farms contribute to biodiversity conservation? A survey of wild bees community structure in the Brabant Wallon province (Belgium). In: From diversity of speciesto diversity of players, pp. 35-37.

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Halberg, Niels; Verschuur, Gerwin and Goodlass, Gillian (2005) Farm level environmental indicators; are they useful? An overview of Green Accounting Systems for European farms. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment (105), pp. 195-212.

Hanisch, Ana Lúcia ; Fonseca, José Alfredo da and Vogt, Gilcimar Adriano (2012) Adubação do milho em um sistema de produção de base agroecológica: desempenho da cultura e fertilidade do solo. [Fertilization of corn in agroecologic system production: agronomic performance of corn and fertility of soil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (1), pp. 176-186.

Hansen, Kristian Nikolai Jæger; Koesling, Matthias; Steinshamn, Håvard and Hansen, Sissel (2024) Bør en drikke økologisk eller konvensjonelt produsert melk i Norge fra et klimagassperspektiv? Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring, 22 (3), pp. 149-153.

Hansen, Kristian Nikolai Jæger Habsen (2024) Revisiting agricultural science and organic farming. Agricultural & Environmental Letters, 9 (2), pp. 1-2.

Hashemi, Fatemeh; Mogensen, Lisbeth; Van Der Werf, Hayo; Cederberg, Christel and Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2023) Organic food has lower environmental impacts per area unit and similar climate impacts per mass unit compared to conventional. Communications Earth & Environment, 5 (250), pp. 1-18. [Submitted]

Hassan, Affendy (2020) Root methods for intercropping. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen , Plant and Environmental Sciences. . [Completed]

Hassan, Affendy; Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin; Rasmussen, Camilla Ruø; Lyhne-Kjæbye, Annemette; Nicolaisen, Mette; Stokholm, Michaela Schiller; Lund, Ole Søgaard and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2019) Root distribution in intercropping systems – a comparison of DNA based methods and visual distinction of roots. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 67 (1), pp. 15-28.

Heerkens, Jasper and Tuyttens, Frank (2012) Consumer perception and communication on welfare in organic laying hen farming. In: Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry, Braunschweig: vTI, pp. 75-78.

Hegglin, Django; Vlerc, Maurice and Dierauer, Hansueli (2015) Redukované zpracování půdy. Možnosti využití pro ekologické zemědělství. [Reduced tillage. Possible use in organic farming.] 1 edition. Bioinstitut, Olomouc.

Hellec, Florence; Belluz, Mathilde and Bareille, Nathalie (2021) Nurse Cows For Young Calves: Analysis Of A Bottom-Up Innovation In Organic Dairy Farming. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Hennart, Sylvain; Mertens, Alexandre; Lagneaux, Séverine; Lamarque, P.; Lehuraux, Raphaël; Stilmant, Didier and Mathot, Michaël (2024) Quelles performances peut-on espérer de systèmes polycultures-élevages mobilisant des pratiques agroécologiques en Centre Ardenne (Belgique, Wallonie) ? [What kind of performance can we expect from mixed crop-livestock systems using agroecological practices in the Centre Ardenne (Belgium, Wallonia)?] Workshop at: Comment mobiliser les interactions culture-élevage, à différentes échelles, pour rendre l’agriculture plus résiliente face au changement global ?, Montpellier, 19-20-21/03/2024.

Henriksen, Christian Bugge; Rasmussen, Jesper and Søgaard, Carsten (2005) Ridging in autumn as an alternative to mouldboard ploughing in a humid-temperate region. Soil & Tillage Research. [In Press]

Hermansen, John Erik; Noe, Egon and Halberg, Niels (2006) Exploring the multifundtional role of farming systems. In: Changing European farming systems for a better future: New visions for rural areas. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, pp. 109-116.

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Home, Robert (2015) Soziale Faktoren der Umstellung auf Biolandbau in der Deutschschweiz. Paper at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 17. - 20. März 2015.

Home, Robert; Indermuehle, Annina; Tschanz, Anna; Ries, Elke and Stolze, Matthias (2018) Factors in the decision by Swiss farmers to convert to organic farming. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, online, pp. 1-11.

Home, Robert; Lewis, Olivia; Bauer, Nicole; Fliessbach, Andreas; Frey, David; Lichtsteiner, Stéphanie; Moretti, Marco; Tresch, Simon; Young, Christopher; Zanetta, Andrea and Stolze, Matthias (2019) Effects of garden management practices, by different types of gardeners, on human wellbeing and ecological and soil sustainability in Swiss cities. Urban Ecosystems, 22 (1), pp. 189-199.

Honorato, Luciana Aparecida and Hötzel, Maria José (2012) A interação humano-animal e o uso de homeopatia no manejo sanitário de rebanhos leiteiros em pequenas propriedades no Sul do Brasil. [Human-animal interactions and the use of homeopathy in small dairy farms in southern Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (2), pp. 77-86.

Honorato, Luciana Aparecida ; Silveira, Isabella Dias Barbosa and Machado Filho, Luiz Carlos Pinheiro (2014) Produção de leite orgânico e convencional no Oeste de Santa Catarina: caracterização e percepção dos produtores. [Organic and conventional dairy in western of Santa Catarina: characterization and farmers’ perception.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (2), pp. 60-69.

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Lenzi, Alexandre (2012) Fundamentos do pastoreio racional voisin. [Fundamentals of rational grazing voisin.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (1), pp. 82-94.

LIMA, Bruno Marcus Freire Vieira; MOREIRA, José Osmã Teles and ARAGÃO, Carlos Alberto (2013) Avaliação de extratos vegetais no controle de mosca-branca, Bemisia abaci biótipo B em abóbora. [Evaluation of plant extracts in the control of whitefly Bemisia tabaci biotype B in squash.] Revista Ciência Agronômica, 44 (3), pp. 622-627.

Lima, Herdjania Veras de (2001) Influência dos sistemas de cultivo orgânico e convencional de algodão sobre a qualidade do solo no município de Tauá - CE. [Influence of organic and conventional cotton farming systems on soil quality in the municipality of Taua - EC.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal do Ceará . .

Lima, Josanidia; Rezende, F. A.; Costa, C.R. and Newport, A.M. (2008) Rede de cooperação no êxito de iniciativas voltadas para a utilização de composto orgânico na produção de hortaliças por pequenos agricultores em Camaçari-Ba. [Cooperation networks for the success of initiatives that use organic compost for vegetable production by small farmers in Camacari-Ba.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 3 (3), pp. 47-52.

LIMA, Kilvia Kalidia Sales de and LOPES, Priscila Fabiana Macedo (2012) A qualidade sócioambiental em assentamentos rurais do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. [The socio-environmental quality of rural settlements in Rio Grande do Norte State, northeastern Brazil.] Ciência Rural, 42 (12), pp. 2295-2300.

Lima, Márcio E. de; Carvalho, Daniel F. de; Souza, Adilson P. de and Rocha, Hermes S. (2012) Desempenho do cultivo da berinjela em plantio direto submetida a diferentes lâminas de irrigação. [Eggplant crop in no tillage system under different irrigation depths.] Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agr�cola e Ambiental, 16 (6), pp. 604-610.

LIMA, Olivia de; MELLONI, Rogério and MELLONI, Eliane Guimarães Pereira (2013) Antropização da zona de amortecimento da reserva biológica serra dos toledos (Itajubá-MG) e seu efeito na qualidade do solo. [Damping zone in the biological reserve Serra dos Toledos (Itajubá-MG) and its efeect on soil quality.] Cerne, 19 (3), pp. 373-381.

Lipinski, Leandro Cavalcante ; Martinez, José Lino ; Santos, Marcus Vinícius Rezende ; Ferreira, Joelma Nunes and Pfau, Diogo Roberto (2011) Avaliação do efeito anti-helmíntico e das alterações metabólicas em búfalos (Bubalus bubalis ) com administração da torta de neem e do alho desidratado no Sul do Paraná. [Evaluation of the anthelmintic effect and metabolic changes in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) with the administration of neem cake and dehydrated garlic in the Southern of Parana State.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (3), pp. 168-175.

Löbbering, Sophie (2018) Zukunftsfähige Wirtschaftsgemeinschaften - Übertragung des Community Supported Agriculture-Ansatzes (CSA) auf das Bäckerhandwerk (CSB). [Sustainable economic communities - Transfer of the Community Supported Agriculture approach (CSA) on the bakery trade (CSB).] Masters thesis, Fachhochschule Münster, Fachbereich Oecotrophologie, D-Münster . .

Lohr, Dr. Luanne and Park, Dr. Timothy (2008) Gender Effects on Adoption of Organic Weed Management Techniques. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Lopes, Paulo Rogério ; Araújo, Keila Cássia Santos ; Ferraz, José Maria Gusman ; Lopes, Iara Maria and Fernandes, Lêda Gonçalves (2012) Produção de café agroecológico no sul de Minas Gerais: sistemas alternativos à produção intensiva em agroquímicos. [Producing agroecological coffee in Southern Minas Gerais: alternative systems for intensive production of agrochemicals.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (1), pp. 25-38.

Lopes, Paulo Rogério ; Ferraz, José Maria Guzman ; Theodoro, Vanessa Christina and Lopes, Iara Maria (2012) Evolução da ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix) e da cercosporiose (Cercospora coffeicola) em agroecossistemas cafeeiros convencional, organo-mineral e orgânico. [Evolution of coffee rust (Hemileia vastatrix) and brown eye spot (Cercospora coffeicola) in conventional, organic-mineral and organic coffee agroecosystem.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (1), pp. 160-168.

Loss, Arcângelo ; Pereira, Marcos Gervasio; Schultz, Nivaldo ; Ferreira, Edilene Pereira ; Silva, Eliane Maria Ribeiro da and Beutler, Sidinei Julio (2009) Distribuição dos agregados e carbono orgânico influenciados por manejos agroecológicos. [Aggregate and organic carbon distribution influenced by agroecological handling.] Acta Scientiarum Agronomy, 31 (03), pp. 523-528.

Lourenço, Ana Eliza Port (2012) Plantando, colhendo, vendendo, mas não comendo: práticas alimentares e de trabalho associadas à obesidade em agricultores familiares do Bonfim, Petrópolis, RJ. [Growing, harvesting, selling, but not eating: food and work related practices associated to obesity among family farmers in Bonfim, Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional, 37 (125), pp. 127-142.

Lovatto, Patrícia; Voos, José Guilherme; Strohschoen, Eduardo; Dalla Colletta, Vanessa; Staub, Jair and Lobo, Eduardo Alexis (2010) Desempenho de extratos aquosos de Solanum fastigiatum var. acicularium Dunal. (Solanaceae) no manejo de Brevicoryne brassicae Linnaeus (Hemiptera: Aphididae). [Performance of aqueous extracts of Solanum fastigiatum var. acicularium Dunal. (Solanaceae) in the wielding of Brevicoryne brassicae Linnaeus (Hemiptera: Aphididae).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (1), pp. 54-60.

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Lüth, Maren; Spiller, Prof. Dr. Achim and Enneking, Prof. Dr. Ulrich (2005) Zielgruppen für Bioangebote in der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung. [Target groups for organic products in communal feeding.] In: Heß, J and Rahmann, G (Eds.) Ende der Nische, Beiträge zur 8. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, kassel university press GmbH, Kassel.

Machado, Altair Toledo (2014) Construção histórica do melhoramento genético de plantas: do convencional ao participativo. [Historical construction of plant breeding: from conventional to participatory.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (1), pp. 35-50.

Machado, Altair Toledo; Machado, Cynthia Torres de Toledo and Nass, Luciano Lourenço (2011) Manejo da diversidade genética e melhoramento participativo de milho em sistemas agroecológicos. [Genetic diversity management and maize participatory breeding under agroecological systems.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (1), pp. 127-136.

Machado, Claudio Cesar de Lima and Santos, Régis Sivori Silva dos (2013) Pulgões do trigo e ação de parasitoides em Augusto Pestana, noroeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. [Aphids of the wheat and action of parasitoids in the district of Augusto Pestana, northwest of the Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (1), pp. 179-186.

Machado, Raphael (2008) Sistemas de produção orgânicos para a soca da cultura da cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp), consorciado com milho(Zea Mays), feijão (Phaseolus Vulgaris) e mandioca (Manihot Esculenta). [Organic production systems for the ratoon crop of cane sugar (Saccharum spp), intercropped with maize (Zea Mays), beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris) and cassava (Manihot Esculenta).] Masters thesis, UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SÃO CARLOS , CCA - Programa de Pós-graduação em Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Rutal. .

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Mäder, Paul; Fließbach, Andreas; Dubois, David; Gunst, Lucie; Fried, Padrout and Niggli, Urs (2002) The Ins and Outs of Organic Farming. FiBL response to the letter of Goklany in Science Vol 298. Science, 298 (5600), pp. 1889-1890.

Mäder, Paul; Fliessbach, Andreas; Dubois, David; Gunst, Lucie; Fried, Padrout and Niggli, Urs (2002) Organic Farming and Energy Efficiency. FiBL response to the letter of Zoebl in Science Vol 298. Science, 298 (5600), pp. 1890-1891.

Madsen, Helena; Talgre, Liina; Eremeev, Viacheslav and Luik, Anne (2016) Pestitsiidid suruvad alla mulla mikroobide hüdrolüütilist aktiivsust. Eesti Taimekaitse 95, ., pp. 79-82.

Magalhães, Ivomberg Dourado; Soares, Cláudio Silva; Costa, Francisco Edinaldo; Almeida, Antônio Ewerton da Silva; Oliveira, Alexandre Bosco de and Vale, Leandro Silva do (2013) Viabilidade do consórcio mamona-gergelim para a agricultura familiar no semiárido paraibano: influência de diferentes épocas de plantio. [Viability of castor bean x sesame intercrop in Paraiba, brazilian semiarid: influence of different planting dates.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (1), pp. 57-65.

Magalhães, Reginaldo Sales (2009) A "masculinização" da produção de leite. [A "masculinization" milk production.] Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 47 (1), pp. 275-300.

Maia, Janini Tatiane Lima Souza; Guilherme, Denilson Oliveira; Paulino, Marney Aparecida de Oliveira; Barbosa, Flávia Silva; Fernandes, Rodrigo Carvalho; Maio, Marck Morais; Valadares, Samuel Vasconcelos; Costa, Cândido Alves da and Martins, Ernane Ronie (2008) Produção de alface e cenoura em cultivo solteiro e consorciado com manjericão e hortelã. [Intercrop of lettuce and carrot with basil and mint.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 3 (1), pp. 58-64.

Maia, Janini Tatiane Lima Souza; Martins, Ernane Ronie; Costa, Cândido Alves da; Guilherme, Denilson Oliveira; Paulino, Marney Aparecida de Oliveira; Barbosa, Flávia Silva; Ferraz, Elza de Oliveira and Alvarenga, Ivan Caldeira de Almeida (2008) Viabilidade econômica do cultivo de alface e cenoura em sistemas consorciados. [Economic viability of the culture lettuce and carrot of the intercropping systems.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 3 (1), pp. 65-70.

Malgioglio, Giuseppe; Rizzo, Giulio Flavio; Nigro, Sebastian; Lefebvre du Prey, Vincent; Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle; Catara, Vittoria and Branca, Ferdinando (2022) Plant-Microbe Interaction in Sustainable Agriculture: The Factors That May Influence the Efficacy of PGPM Application. Sustainability, 14 (4), p. 2253.

Malheiros, Rafael Soares Pozzi; Santana, Farley Silva; Linhares Neto, Manoel Viana; Machado, Luciana Lucas and Mapeli, Ana Maria (2014) Atividade alelopática de extratos de Lafoensia pacari A. ST.-HIL. sobre Lactuca sativa L. e Zea mays L. em condições de laboratório. [Allelopathic activity of extracts of Lafoensia pacari A. ST.-HIL. on Lactuca sativa L. and Zea mays L. under laboratory conditions.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (1), pp. 185-194.

Mancio, Daniel; Mendonça, Eduardo de Sá; Cardoso, Irene Maria and Muggler, Cristine Carole (2013) Construção do conhecimento em solos no assentamento Olga Benário: O problema das voçorocas. [Construction of soil knowledge in Olga Benário Settlement: The problem of the gullies.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (2), pp. 121-134.

Manici, L.M. ; Baab , G.; Canet, R.; Kaymak, S.; Kelderer, M.; Insam , H.; Naef, A.; Pinar, H.; Rühmer, T and Whittle , I. (2012) Exploitation of natural resources to increase soil health: BIO-INCROP, a project on organic fruit tree cropping systems. In: ESA12 Abstracts, University of Helsinky, Department of Agricultural Science publication series , Helsinki, Finland, Vol 14, pp. 24-25.

Mansur, Maria Luisa (2013) Análise do uso de agrotóxicos em Assentamentos Rurais. Paper at: IV Congreso SOCLA, Lima, Perú, 10-12 Setiembre 2013. [Completed]

March, Solveig; Brinkmann, Jan and Haager, Daniela (2021) Public Benefits Of Organic Livestock Farming As For Aspects Of Animal Welfare Compared To Con-Ventional Agriculture - Results Of A Systematic Literature Review -. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

María Londoño M., Ángela; Chagüezá V., Yamileth; Velásquez I., Elena; Lavelle, Patrick and Asakawa, Neuza (2013) ADOPCIÓN POTENCIAL DE ALTERNATIVAS BIOLOGICAS POR LOS CULTIVADORES DE PLATANO DEL QUINDÍO, COLOMBIA, BAJO LA PERSPECTIVA DEL ANALISIS MULTICRITERIAL. In: Altieri, Miguel A.; Sarandon, Santiago; Morales, Carmen Filipe; Funes, Fernando and Siura, Saray (Eds.) Congreso Latinoamericana de agroecologia articulos completos, Sociedad Centifica Latinoamericana de Agroecologia (SOCLA), Lima, Peru.

Marinho, Francisco José Loureiro ; Tavares, Adriana Carneiro ; Santos, Shirleyde Alves dos ; Marcovicz, Fabian ; Cruz, Marcelo Pereira ; Souto, Erinaldo Almeida and Rocha, Elizabete Nunes da (2012) Destilador solar destinado a fornecer água potável para as famílias de agricultores de base familiar. [Solar still designed to provide drinking water to families in family-based farmers.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (3), pp. 53-60.

Marques, Luciano Façanha; Medeiros, Damiana Cleuma de; Coutinho, Ozimar de Lima; Marques, Luciana Façanha; Medeiros, Catarina de Bandeira and Vale, Leandro Silva do (2010) Produção e qualidade da beterraba em função da adubação com esterco bovino. [Yield and quality of the beetroot in function of bovine dung manning.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (1), pp. 24-31.

Marques, Paulo Jorge Pazin; Richter, Ana Simone and Nazareno, Nilceu Ricetti Xavier (2010) Produção de batata (Solanum tuberosum L.) em diferentes sistemas de manejo orgânico na região metropolitana de Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. [Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) growing under different organic production systems in Curitiba metropolitan region, Parana State, Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (2), pp. 116-125.

Marroni, Igor V.; Schinke, Claudia and Germani, José C. (2013) Nova proposta para uso de bacteriófagos no controle de mancha foliar em repolho, causada por Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris. [A novel technique for use of bacteriophages and its use to control leaf spot of cabbage, caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (1), pp. 142-155.

Marroni, Igor Villela and Germani, José Carlos (2011) Eficiência de rizobactérias Bacillus spp. no controle in vitro de Macrophomina phaseolina agente etiológico da podridão de tronco da mamona (Ricinus communis L). [Efficiency of rhizobacteria Bacillus spp. in the control of Macrophomina phaseolina in vitro agent of stem rot of castor bean (Ricinus communis L).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (3), pp. 159-167.

Martel, Gilles; Mischler, Pierre; Durant, Daphne and Choisis, Jean-Philippe (2021) Evaluating The Level Of Integration Between Livestock And Crops On Farms To Promote The Benefits Of Integrated Farming. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Martelleto, Luiz Aurélio Peres ; Ribeiro, Raul de Lucena Duarte ; Martelleto, Mariluci Sudo; Vasconcellos, Marco Antônio da Silva ; Marin, Sérgio Lúcio David and Pereira, Maurício Ballesteiro (2008) Cultivo orgânico do mamoeiro 'Baixinho de Santa Amália' em diferentes ambientes de proteção. [Cycle development and agronomic performance of organic papaya cultivation in protected environment.] Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 30 (3), pp. 662-666.

Martelleto, Luiz Aurélio Peres ; Ribeiro, Raul de Lucena Duarte ; Martelleto, Mariluci Sudo; Vasconcellos, Marco Antônio da Silva and Pereira, Maurício Ballesteiro (2011) Expressão da esterilidade feminina e da carpeloidia em mamoeiro sob diferentes ambientes de cultivo protegido. [Expression of female sterility and carpelloidy on papaya tree under diferent environments of protected cultivation.] Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 33 (4), pp. 1185-1193.

Martin, Guillaume (2022) Final report for the CORE Organic Cofund funded project “MIX-ENABLE: MIXEd livestock farming for improved sustaiNABiLity and robustnEss of organic livestock”. .

Martin, Guillaume; Bancarel, Alexandre; Baron, Benoît; Beciu, Brigitte; Belleil, Aurélie; Blanc, Mathilde; Bouttes, Maëlys; Cassel, Séverine; Doumayzel, Stéphane; Durand, Mathilde; Dominique, Eve; Grenier, Julie; Guilhou, Robin; Lacarce, Eva; Maleysson, François; Mouchard, Thierry; Nael, Elsa; Nayet, Christelle; Patout, Olivier; Perrin, Augustine; Piquard-Hebert, Anne; Roy, David; Uzureau, Anne; Varchavsky, Marc; Verger, Martine; Experton, Catherine and Pavie, Jérôme (2021) Resilience Along The Organic Dairy Cattle, Sheep And Goat Farms And Sectors. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Martin, Guillaume; Barth, Kerstin; Benoit, Marc; Brock, Christopher; Destruel, Marie; Dumont, Bertrand; Grillot, Myriam; Hübner, Severin; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Moerman, Marie; Mosnier, Claire; Parsons, David; Ronchi, Bruno; Schanz, Lisa; Steinmetz, Lucille; Werne, Steffen; Winckler, Christoph and Primi, Riccardo (2020) Potential of multi-species livestock farming to improve the sustainability of livestock farms: A review. Agricultural Systems, 181, pp. 102821-00.

Martin, Guillaume; Barth, Kerstin; Blanc, Mathilde; Dumont, Bertrand; Hübner, Severin; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Mosnier, Claire; Primi, Riccardo; Schanz, Lisa; Werne, Steffen and Winckler, Christoph (2019) Diversified farming systems for improved sustainability of agriculture: potentialities and challenges. Speech at: 6th Farming Systems Design Symposium, Montevideo, 18-21 August 2019.

Martinez, EJ; Mirolucci, Federico; Gomez, X; Molinuevo-Salces, Beatriz and Uellendahl, Hinrich (2018) Anaerobic digestion of residual liquid effluent (brown juice) from a green biorefinery. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2018 (1), pp. 1-10.


Martini, Luiz Carlos Pittol and Trentini, Élen Cristin (2011) Agricultura em zonas ripárias do sul do Brasil: conflitos de uso da terra e impactos nos recursos hídricos. [Agriculture in the riparian zone of southern Brazil: land use conflicts and impacts on water resources.] Sociedade e Estado, 26 (3), pp. 613-630.

Martins, Denise de Souza ; Schwengber, José Ernani ; Strassburger, André Samuel and Silva, Jurandir Buchweitz da (2011) O cultivo do morangueiro em sistema de transição ecológica: componentes do rendimento e incidência de doenças. [Strawberry crop in an ecological transitional production system: yield components and diseases occurrence.] Revista brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (1), pp. 117-126.

Martins, Williane Maria de Oliveira Martins; Ferreira, Regina Lúcia Fêlix; Costa, Fabiana Cruz and Araujo Neto, Sebastião Elviro de (2014) Compatibilidade e desempenho agronômico em sistema orgânico de pimentão enxertado. [Compatibility and agronomic performance in organic system of grafted sweet pepper.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (1), pp. 205-215.

Martins , José de Souza (2003) A reforma agrária no segundo mandato de Fernando Henrique Cardoso. [Agrarian reform in the second term Fernando Henrique Cardoso.] Tempo Social, 15 (2), pp. 141-175.

Martorano, Lucieta G. ; Angelocci, Luiz Roberto ; Vettorazzi, Carlos Alberto and Valente, Roberta de Oliveira Averna (1999) Zoneamento agroecológico para a região de Ribeirão Preto utilizando um sistema de informações geográficas. [Agroecologic zoning for the Ribeirão Preto region using a geographic information system.] Scientia Agricola, 56 (3), pp. 739-747.

Mathot, Michaël; Lamarque, P.; Mertens, Alexandre; Lehuraux, Raphaël; Hennart, S.; Seutin, Yves and Lagneaux, Séverine (2024) Conception et évolution de systèmes polyculture-élevage au regard des enjeux environnementaux et alimentaires. [Design and development of mixed crop-livestock systems to address environmental and food issues.] Workshop at: Les interactions culture-élevage, leviers de résilience des agricultures face aux crises du XXIème siècle ?, Montpellier, 19-21 mars 2024.

Matt, Darja; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Tein, Berit; Roasto, Mati; Pehme, Sirli and Luik, Anne (2014) The metabolomic fingerprint and microbiological quality of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in different organic growing systems "TILMAN-ORG Session". In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 227-230.

Mattei, Lauro (2007) A relevância da família como unidade de análise nos estudos sobre pluriatividade. [The importance of the family as the unit of analysis in studies of pluri.] Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 45 (4), pp. 1055-1073.

Maurer, Veronika; Oberhänsli, Thomas and Werne, Steffen (2021) Duddingtonia Flagrans: A Promising Fungal Biocontrol Agent For Gastrointestinal Nematodes In Small Ruminants. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Mayer, Philipp; Vogl, Christian R. and Kummer, Susanne (2013) Bäuerliche Experimente in Österreich – Beurteilung von Video als möglicher Auslöser der Experimentiertätigkeit von Biobäuerinnen und Biobauern. Poster at: 12. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, 5. bis 8. März 2013.

Maziyar, Mehran; M.Reza, Ardakani; Hamid, Madani; Mohammad , Zahedi; Mohsen, Amirabadi and Saeed, Mafakheri (2011) Response of Sunflower Yield and Phytohormonal Changes to Azotobacter,Azospirillum,Pseudomonas and Animal Manure in a Chemical Free Agroecosystem. Annals of Biological Research, 2 (6), pp. 425-430.

Mazzoleni, Eduardo Mello and Nogueira, Jorge Madeira (2006) Agricultura orgânica: características básicas do seu produtor. [Organic agriculture: the basic characteristics of its producer.] Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 44 (2), pp. 263-293.

McKinnon, Kirsty; Serikstad, Grete Lene; Sturite , Ievina and Østrem, Liv (2015) Studietur i Latvia 20.-21. juni 2015. [Study tour in Latvia June 20.th-21.st 2015.] Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk.

Medeiros, Damiana Cleuma; Marques, Luciano Façanha; Dantas, Maeli Rayane da Silva; Moreira, Joserlan Nonato and Azevedo, Celicina Maria da Silveira Borges (2010) Produção de mudas de meloeiro com efluente de piscicultura em diferentes tipos de substratos e bandejas. [Melon seedling production with fish farming wastewater in different types of substrates and trays.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (2), pp. 65-71.

Medeiros, Monique and Marques, Flávia Charão (2014) Conhecendo a trajetória de emergência de ‘novidades’: agricultores familiares, recriações e transformações no meio rural do sul do Rio Grande do Sul. [Knowing the trajectory of the emergence of 'novelties': family farmers, recreations and transformations in rural areas of southern Rio Grande do Sul.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (1), pp. 51-71.

Mello, Renato de and Staub, Geraldo Augusto (2012) Análise e indicações de adequações do financiamento da agricultura orgânica pelo Banco do Brasil no Estado do Paraná, a partir da visão dos gerentes de financiamento rural. [Analysis and indications of adequacies of the financing of organic agriculture by the Banco do Brasil in the State of the Paraná-Br, from the perspective of the bank’s rural managers.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (2), pp. 42-50.

Melo, Juliana Franco de Melo and Cardoso, Lívia de Rezende (2011) Pensar o ensino de ciências e o campo a partir da agroecologia: uma experiência com alunos do sertão sergipano. [Thinking about the science's teaching and the field from agroecology: a field experience with students from the Sergipe’s hinterland.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (1), pp. 37-48.

Melo, Raul da Mota Silveira and Duarte, Gisléia Benini (2010) Impacto do programa bolsa família sobre a frequência escolar: o caso da agricultura familiar no Nordeste do Brasil. [Impact of family grant program on school attendance: the case of family agriculture in Northeast Brazil.] Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 48 (3), pp. 635-656.

Meludu, Nkiru T. and Adesina, Jimoh B. (2014) BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN OLD AND NEW TECHNOLOGY: CONSIDERATION OF INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE IN MAIZE PESTS MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN NIGERIA. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 851-854.

Meludu, Nkiru Theresa; Okanlawon, Oluwatoyin Mayowa; Olanrewaju, Peter Olatunde and Olopade, Tolulope (2015) Perception of Leafy Vegetable Farmers on Neem Extract for the Control of Insects in Akinyele Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. In: Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rAfrican Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 213-218.

Meng, Xiaoyi; Sørensen, Peter; Møller, Henrik B. and Petersen, Søren O. (2023) Greenhouse gas balances and yield-scaled emissions for storage and field application of organic fertilizers derived from cattle manure. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 345, p. 108327.

Metadiua, Celso Américo Pedro; Stolf, Rubismar and Abreu, Lucimar Santiago de (2014) Adoção de práticas de manejo da agrobiodiversidade e estratégias de diversificação dos meios de vida das comunidades rurais em Pirenópolis - Goiás. [Adoption of management practices of agrobiodiversity and livelihoods diversification strategies of rural communities in Pirenópolis - Goiás.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (1), pp. 134-140.

Meyerhoff, Hanke Carsten; Möller, Detlev; Mühlrath, Daniel and Siegmeier, Torsten (2011) Kooperation eigenständiger Betriebe auf einer gemeinsamen Hofstelle: Das Organisationsmodell „Gemeinschaftshof“. [Co-operation of independent businesses on joint farm premises: The organizational model of "associated farms".] Paper at: 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Gießen, 15.-18. März 2011.

Mie, Axel; Laursen, Kristian Holst; Aberg, K. Magnus; Forshed, Jenny; Lindahl, Anna; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian; Olsson, Marie; Knuthsen, Pia; Larsen, Erik Huusfeldt and Husted, Søren (2014) Discrimination of conventional and organic white cabbage from a long-term field trial study using untargeted LC-MS-based metabolomics. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 406 (12), pp. 2885-2897.

Minin, Vladislav; Ustroev, Anatoly; Mbaiholoie, Esteme and Subbotin, Igor (2017) Technical provision of organic farming in Russia: problems and prospects. [Техническое обеспечение органического земледелия в России: проблемы и перспективы.] In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 133-134.

Modrzejewski, D. (2017) Ergebnisse zur Befragung über Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von neuen Pflanzenzüchtungstechniken im Öko-Landbau. Poster at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising-Weihenstephan, 07.-10. März 2017.

Mogensen, Lisbeth; Hermansen, John E.; Halberg, Niels; Dalgaard, Randi; Vis, J.C. and Smith, B. Gail (2009) Life Cycle Assessment across the Food Supply Chain. In: Baldwin, Cheryl J. (Ed.) Sustainability in the Food Industry. IFT Press. Wiley-Blackwell, chapter 5, pp. 115-144.

Mogensen, Lisbeth; Knudsen, Marie Trydeman; Hashemi, Fatemeh; Jensen, Andreas and Kristensen, Troels (2022) Vidensyntese om livcyklusvurderinger og klimaeffektivitet i landbrugssektoren. [Knowledge synthesis on life cycle assessment and climate efficiency in the agricultural sector.] DCA rapport - Rådgivning, no. 200. DCA – Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug, Aarhus Universitet, Tjele.

Montedo, Uiara Bandineli and Sznelwar, Laerte Idal (2008) Análise ergonômica do trabalho agrícola familiar na produção de leite. [The ergonomic work analysis of dairy family farmers.] Produção, 18 (1), pp. 142-154.

Montenegro, Abelardo A. A. ; Ribeiro, Mateus R. ; Montenegro, Suzana M. G. L. ; Corrêa, Marcus M. and Santos, Thais E. M. (2009) Potencialidades hídricas superficiais de Fernando de Noronha, PE, e alternativas para incremento da oferta. [Surface water availability in Fernando de Noronha, PE, and alternatives for supply increment.] Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 13, pp. 931-939.

Montero, Daniel Antonio Villamil and Camargo, Jorge Eliecer Robles (2011) Efecto del extracto de Casearia Corymbosa sobre la germinación de Passiflora edulis var. edulis. [Effect of the extract of Casearia corymbosa on the germination of Passiflora edulis var. edulis.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (2), pp. 63-69.

Morais, Lilia Aparecida Salgado de (2011) Controle fitossanitário em assentamento de base agroecológica: um resgate do conhecimento tradicional. [Control of pests and diseases in a settlement of agroecological base: a rescue of traditional knowledge.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (1), pp. 57-66.

Moschitz, Heidrun and Frick, Rebekka (2020) City food flow analysis. A new method to study local consumption. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 35, pp. 1-13.

Moudry, Jan; Konvalina, Petr; Moudry, Jan (Jr.) and Kalinova, Jana (2007) Ekologické zemědělství. Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Zemědělská fakulta, Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Ekonomická fakulta, ediční středisko.

Moudry, Jan; Moudry, Jan (Jr.); Konvalina, Petr; Kopta, Daniel and Sramek, Jan (2008) Ekonomická efektivnost rostlinné bioprodukce. Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Zemědělská fakulta, Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Ekonomická fakulta, ediční středisko.

Moudry, Jan (Jr.); Hartl, Wilfried; Cudlinova, Eva; Moudry, Jan; Konvalina, Petr and Sramek, Jan (2009) Major problems of organic farming – experience transmission. Lucrări Ştiinţifice, Seria Agronomie, 52 (2009), pp. 327-333.

Moudry, Jan (Jr.); Jirouskova, Zuzana; Plch, Radek; Moudry, Jan; Konvalina, Petr and Hyspler, Robin (2011) Emisní zátěž při pěstování a zpracování pšenice. [The emission load during growing and processing of wheat.] Úroda : časopis pro rostlinnou produkci, 59 (12), pp. 501-506.

Moudry, Jan (Jr.) and Konvalina, Petr (2007) Differences between organic and conventional farming systems in Czech Republic. Lucrări Ştiinţifice, Seria Agronomie, 50 (2007), pp. 282-289.

Moudry, Jan (Jr.) and Konvalina, Petr (2007) Systems of farming and rural landscape in Czech Republic. [Systém hospodaření a zemědělská krajina v České Republice.] Research for rural development 2007, 19 (2007), pp. 7-13.

Moudry, Jan (Jr.); Moudry, Jan; Cudlinova, Eva; Hartl, Wilfried; Kromp, Bernhard; Konvalina, Petr; Sramek, Jan; Kolarova, Pavlina; Fuka, David and Kostkova, Miroslava (2008) Ekologické zemědělství v ČR a Rakousku, hlavní problémy a přenos zkušeností. [Organic farming in the Czech Republic and Austria, main problems and experience transfer.] Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Zemědělská fakulta, Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Ekonomická fakulta, ediční středisko.

Moudry, Jan (Jr.); Moudry, Jan; Jirouskova, Zuzana and Konvalina, Petr (2010) Pěstitelské technologie a emise CO2 The Cultivation Technologies and Emission of CO2. Uroda, 58 (12), pp. 725-728.

Moudry, Jan (Jr.); Moudry, Jan; Konvalina, Petr and Kalinova, Jana (2007) Základní principy ekologického zemědělství. [Basic principles of organic farming.] Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Zemědělská fakulta, Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Ekonomická fakulta, ediční středisko.

Moudry, Jan (Jr.); Moudry, Jan and Rozsypal, Roman (2007) Analýza ekologického hospodaření na orné půdě. Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Zemědělská fakulta, Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Ekonomická fakulta, ediční středisko.

Moura, Emanoel Gomes de ; Silva, Antônio José de França ; Furtado, Mariléia Barros and Aguiar, Alana das Chagas Ferreira (2008) Avaliação de um sistema de cultivo em aléias em um argissolo franco-arenoso da região amazônica. [Evaluation of an alley cropping system under humid tropical conditions of the amazon region.] Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 32 (4), pp. 1735-1742.

Mühlrath, Daniel; Schumacher, Jörg; Salomé, Clémence and Möller, Detlev (2015) Fairness und Zufriedenheit im Schweizer Bio-Markt: Neue empirische Ergebnisse und aktuelle Entwicklungen. [Fairness and Satisfaction in Swiss Organic Markets: New empirical results and current developments.] Paper at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 17. - 20. März 2015.

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Nalubwama, Sylvia; Kabi, Fred; Vaarst, Mette; Kiggundu, Muhammad and Smolders, Gidi (2006) Cattle management practices and milk production on mixed smallholder organic pineapple farms in Central Uganda. Journal Animal Production and Health, 48, pp. 1525-1532.

Nascimento, Humberto Miranda do (2007) Percepção agroambiental dos agricultores familiares no sudoeste do Paraná: o caso de Capanema. [The agro-environmental perception family farmers of Paraná's southeast region: the case of Capanema municipality.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 2 (3), pp. 20-40.

Nascimento, Humberto Miranda do (2008) A questão ambiental na origem do problema agrário brasileiro e o caso da região Sul. [The environmental problem in the basis of the agrarian transformations in Brazil: the case of the South region.] Economia e Sociedade, 17 (2), pp. 103-132.

Nascimento, Paulo C. do; Bissani, Carlos A.; Levien, Renato; Losekann, Marno E. and Finato, Tatiana (2014) Uso da terra e atributos de solos do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. [Land use and attributes of soils of the state of Rio Grande do Sul.] Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 18 (9), pp. 920-926.

Navarrete, Mireille; Bellon, Stéphane; Géniaux, Ghislain; Lamine, Claire; Penvern, Servane; Sautereau, Natacha and Tchamitchian, Marc (2012) L'écologisation des pratiques en arboriculture et maraichage. Enjeux et perspectives de recherches. Le courrier de l'environnement de l'Inra, 62, pp. 57-70.

Neto, José Alves Carneiro ; Andrade, Eunice Maia de ; Rosa, Morsyleide de Freitas ; Mota, Francisco Suetônio Bastos and Lopes, José Frédson Bezerra (2008) Índice de sustentabilidade agroambiental para o perímetro irrigado Ayres de Souza. [Environmental sustainability index for Ayres de Souza irrigated district.] Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 32 (4), pp. 1272-1279.

Neves, Hugo Hermsdorff das ; Hötzel, Maria José ; Honorato, Luciana Aparecida ; Fonseca, Carlos Elysio Moreira da; Mata, Maria Gabriela Ferreira da and Silva, Jenevaldo Barbosa da (2012) Controle de verminoses gastrintestinais em caprinos utilizando preparados homeopáticos. [Control of gastrointestinal worms in goats using homeopathy.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (1), pp. 145-151.

Neves, Marcos; Corrales, Francisco Miguel and Moriconi, Waldemore (2011) Contribuições do núcleo interinstitucional de agroecologia de Jaguariúna/Sp em processos participativos de desenvolvimento rural sustentável. [Contributions core interagency agroecology Jaguariúna/SP participatory processes for sustainable rural development.] Cadernos de Agroecologia, 6 (2), pp. 1-4.

Neves, Sérgio Leandro Sousa; Geraseev, Luciana de Castro and Augusto, Hélder dos Anjos (2013) Dos saberes tradicionais à agroecologia: um estudo de caso das práticas agrícolas da comunidade vazanteira da Ilha do Jenipapo, Itacarambi-MG. [Of traditional knowledge to agroecology: a case study of agricultural practices of the community vazanteira Island Jenipapo, Itacarambi-MG.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (2), pp. 44-61.

Niero, Monia; Ingvordsen, Cathrine Heinz; Peltonen-Sainio, Pirjo; Jalli, Marja; Lyngkjær, M. F.; Haushildt, Michael Z. and Jørgensen, Rikke B. (2015) Eco-efficient production of spring barley in a changed climate: a Life Cycle Assessment including primary data from future climate scenarios. Agricultural Systems, 136, pp. 46-60.

Niero, Monia; Ingvordsen, Cathrine Heinz; Jørgensen, Rikke B. and Hauschild, Michael Z (2015) How to manage uncertainty in future Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) scenarios addressing the effect of climate change in crop production. Journal of Cleaner Production, 107, 693 -706.

Nkurunziza, Libère; Rosenqvist, Eva and Streibig, Jens Carl (2010) Photosynthesis and growth of newly established shoots of Cirsium arvense and Tussilago farfara are resource independent. Weed Research, 51, pp. 33-40.

Nobre, Henderson Gonçalves ; Souza, Tatiane de Jesus Marques ; Junqueira, Alexandre da Costa ; Ramos-Filho, Luiz Octávio and Canuto, João Carlos (2012) Utilização de práticas agroecológicas na construção de projetos sustentáveis para a reforma agrária: um estudo de caso no assentamento Sepé Tiaraju – SP. [Use of agro-ecological practices in building sustainable projects for land reform: a case study in the settlement Sepé Tiaraju – SP.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (1), pp. 3-13.

Noda, Sandra do Nascimento; Martins, Ayrton Luiz Urizzi; Noda, Hiroshi; Silva, Antonia Ivanilce Castro da and Braga, Maria Dolores Souza (2012) Paisagens e etnoconhecimentos na agricultura Ticuna e Cocama no alto rio Solimões, Amazonas. [Landscapes and ethno-knowledge in the Ticuna and Cocama agriculture at upper River Solimões, Amazonas, Brazil.] Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, 7 (2), pp. 397-416.

Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2003) Farm enterprises as self-organizing systems: A new transdisciplinary framework for studying farm enterprises? International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 11 (1), pp. 3-14.

Noe, Egon and Halberg, Niels (2002) Research Experience with Tools to Involve Farmers and Local Institutions in Developing More Environmentally Friendly Practices. In: Hagedorn, Konrad (Ed.) Environmental Co-operation and Institutional Change. Theories and Policies for European Agriculture. New Horizons in Enronmental Economics. , chapter 8, pp. 143-161.

Noe, Egon; Halberg, Niels and Reddersen, Jens (2005) Indicators of biodiversity and conservational wildlife quality on Danish organic farms for use in farm management. A multidisciplinary approach to indicator development and testing. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 2005 (18), pp. 383-414.

Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo F. (2014) Jordbrug, strukturelle koblinger og bæredygtighed. [Agriculture, structural couplings and sustainability.] In: Harste, Gorm and Knudsen, Morten (Eds.) Systemteoretiske analyser – at anvende Luhmann. Nyt fra samfundsvidenskaberne. Samfundslitteratur, Frederiksberg, chapter 4, pp. 89-107.

Noe, Egon; Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted; Thorsøe, Martin H.; Sørensen, Peter; Melander, Bo; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Fog, Erik (2015) Knowledge Asymmetries Between Research and Practice: A Social Systems Approach to Implementation Barriers in Organic Arable Farming. Sociologia Ruralis, Early, View- .

Nørgaaard, Jan Værum; Steenfeldt, Sanna; Theil, Peter Kappel; Åkerfeldt, Magdalena; Kongsted, Anne Grete and Studnitz, Merete (2021) Fulfil The Expectation Of 100% Organic Feed To Organic Pigs And Poultry. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Oberholzer, Hans-Rudolf and Zihlmann, Urs (2011) Langzeitversuch Burgrain: Bodenmikrobiologische Parameter in biologisch und integrierten Anbausystemen im Vergleich. Paper at: 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Gießen, 16.-18. März 2011.


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Olesen, Jørgen E.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær (2000) Design of an organic farming crop rotation experiment. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, section B, Soil and Plant Science, 50, pp. 13-21.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær; Askegaard, Margrethe and Kristensen, K. (2002) Whole-rotation dry matter and nitrogen grain yields from the first course of an organic farming crop rotation experiment. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge, 139, pp. 361-370.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Hansen, Elly M.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2007) The value of catch crops and organic manures for spring barley in organic arable farming. Field Crops Research, 100, pp. 168-178.

Oliveira, Alexandre Bosco de and Bosco, Maria Regilia de Oliveira (2013) Biometria, determinação da curva de absorção de água em sementes e emergência inicial de plântulas de Copernicia hospita Martius. [Biometry, determination of water uptake curve in seeds and initial emergency of Copernicia hospita seedlings.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (1), pp. 66-74.

Oliveira, Elton; Andrade, Fernando VS; Mello, João CCBS; Machado, Thelma B and Pereira, Carlos R (2014) Avaliação da eficiência de horticultores agroecológicos utilizando análise envoltória de dados. [Efficiency assessment for a group of agroecological family farmers using data envelopment analysis.] Horticultura Brasileira, 32 (3), pp. 336-341.

Oliveira, José Jeremias Fernandes de; Sousa, Regina Fialho; Carneiro, Romero Francisco Vieira and Fonseca, Jonathas Mendes (2013) Crescimento inicial de plantas de leucena frente à inoculação micorrízica e adubação orgânica. [Initial growth plant leucaena forward to mycorrhizal inoculation and organic fertilization.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (3), pp. 212-220.

Oliveira, Maria Aparecida Silva and Teixeira, Erly Cardoso (2005) Política de estabilização de renda para a agricultura familiar: uma análise de risco. [Stabilization policy of income for family farming: a risk analysis.] Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 43 (1), pp. 45-62.

Oliveira, Michel Angelo Constantino de; Sambuichi, Regina Helena Rosa and Silva, Ana Paula Moreira da (2013) Experiências agroecológicas brasileiras: uma análise à luz do desenvolvimento local. [Brazilian agroecological experiences: an analysis in the light of local development.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (2), pp. 14-27.

Oliveira, Oriane F. do Vale and Gondim, Maria José da Costa (2013) Plantas medicinais utilizadas pela população de Caldas Novas, GO e o conhecimento popular sobre a faveira (Dimorphandra mollis Benth Mimosoideae). [Medicinal plants used by the population of Caldas Novas, state of Goias, Brazil and popular knowledge about the faveira (Dimorphandra mollis Benth Mimosoideae).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (1), pp. 156-169.

Oliveira, Robson A.; Santos, Roziane S. dos; Ribeiro, Aristides; Barbosa, Márcio H. P. and Zolnier, Sérgio (2012) Estimativa da produtividade da cana-de-açúcar para as principais regiões produtoras de Minas Gerais usando-se o método ZAE. [Yield estimate of sugarcane in main producing regions of Minas Gerais using the AEZ method.] Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 16 (5), pp. 549-557.

Oliveira Junior, Clovis Jose Fernandes ; Gonçalves, Fernanda Silva; Couto, Fernando and Matajs, Leila (2013) Potencial das espécies nativas na produção de plantas ornamentais e paisagismo agroecológico. [Potential of native species in the production of ornamental plants and agroecological landscaping.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (3), pp. 190-200.

Oliveira Neto, Dionízio H.; Carvalho, Daniel F. de ; Silva, Leonardo D. B. da ; Guerra, José Guilherme M. and Ceddia, Marcos B. (2011) Evapotranspiração e coeficientes de cultivo da beterraba orgânica sob cobertura morta de leguminosa e gramínea. [Evapotranspiration and crop coefficient of beet in organic mulch of grass and legume.] Horticultura Brasileira, 29 (3), pp. 330-334.

Olivo, Clair Jorge; Aguirre, Priscila Flôres; Machado, Paulo Roberto; Santo, Juliano Costa dos and Araújo, Tiago Luís da Ros de (2013) Produtividade e proteína bruta de pastagens consorciadas com trevo branco e amendoim forrageiro. [Productivity and crude protein of pastures mixed to white clover or forage peanut.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (2), pp. 207-213.

Olivo, Clair Jorge and Aguirre, Priscila Flôres (2013) Produtividade e proteína bruta de pastagens de capim elefante manejadas sob os sistemas agroecológico e convencional. [Productivity and crude protein of elephant grass pastures managed under agroecological and conventional systems.] Ciência Rural, 43 (8), pp. 1471-1477.

Oppermann, Rainer (2011) Muss der Ökologische Landbau die Kommunikation mit Verbrauchern und Bürgern verbessern? [Does organic farming need improved communication practices?] Paper at: 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Gießen, 15.-18. März 2011.

Orhan, Emine; Esitken, Ahmet; Ercisli, Sezai; Turan, Metin and Sahin, Fikrettin (2006) Effects of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on yield,growth and nutrient contents in organically growing raspberry. Scientia Horticulturae, 111 (2006), pp. 38-43.

Ottmann, Michelle Melissa Althaus; Borcioni, Elis; Mielke, Érica; Cruz, Mailane Raizer da and Fonte, Nilce Nazareno da (2010) Impactos ambientais e sócio-econômicos das hortas comunitárias sob linhas de transmissão no bairro Tatuquara, Curitiba, PR, Brasil. [Enviromental and social-economic impacts of community gardens under power transmission lines in Tatuquara neighborhood, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (1), pp. 86-94.

Oudshoorn, Frank and de Boer, Imke (2005) Survey of the sustainability aspects of Automatic Milking Systems (AMS) in organic dairy production. In: Cox, Sydney (Ed.) Book: Precision Livestock Farming 05, Wageningen academic press, pp. 193-199.

Oudshoorn, Frank; Renes, Reint Jan and de Boer, Imke (2008) Systems in Organic Dairy Production. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 2008 (21), pp. 205-228.

Ozyazıcı, Gulen; Ozdemir, Osman and Ozyazıcı, Mehmet Arif (2010) Organik Kivi Üretiminde Toprak Düzenleyicilerin ve Organik Materyallerin Verim ve Bazı Meyve Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri. [The Effects of Organic Materials and Soil Regulators In Organic Kiwifruit Production On Yield and Some Fruit Properties.] Poster at: Türkiye IV. Organik Tarım Sempozyumu, Erzurum, 28 Haziran-1 Temmuz 2010.

Pacífico, Daniela A. and Soglio, Fábio Kessler Dal (2010) Transição para agricultura de base ecológica: um processo social. [Transition to an ecologically-based agriculture: A social process.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (2), pp. 50-64.

Padel, Susanne; Levidov, Les and Pearce, Bruce (2020) UK farmers’ transition pathways towards agroecological farm redesign: evaluating explanatory models. Journal Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 4 (2), pp. 139-163.

Padel, Susanne; Rubenstein, Oliver; Woolford, Amelia; Egan, Jim; Leake, Alastair; Levidov, Les; Pearce, Bruce and Lampkin, Nicolas (2018) Transitions to Agroecological Systems: Farmers’ Experience. A report for the Land Use Policy Group. Organic Research Centre and Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, Newbury and Fordingbridge.

Padel, Susanne; Rubenstein, Oliver; Woolford, Amelia; Egan, Jim and Pearce, Bruce (2017) Transitions to Agroecological Systems: Farmers’ Viewpoints. Aspects of Applied Biology, 136, pp. 27-32.

Padovan, Milton Parron; Motta, Ivo de Sá; Carneiro, Leandro Flávio; Moitinho, Mara Regina; Salomão, Gisele de Brito and Recalde, Kátia Maria Garicoix (2013) Pré-cultivo de adubos verdes ao milho em agroecossistema submetido a manejo ecológico no Cone Sul de Mato Grosso do Sul. [Pre-cultivation of green manure to corn in agroecosystem submitted to ecological management in the Southern Cone of Mato Grosso do Sul State.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (3), pp. 3-11.

Padovan, Milton Parron ; Almeida, Dejair Lopes de ; Guerra, José Guilherme Marinho ; Ribeiro, Raul de Lucena Duarte and Ndiaye, Aly (2002) Avaliação de cultivares de soja, sob manejo orgânico, para fins de adubação verde e produção de grãos. [Evaluation of soybean cultivars under organic management for green manuring and grain production.] Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 37 (12), pp. 1705-1710.

Padovan, Milton Parron ; Motta, Ivo de Sá ; Carneiro, Leandro Flávio ; Moitinho, Mara Regina and Brito, Gisele de (2012) Dinâmica de acúmulo de massa e nutrientes pelo milheto para fins de adubação verde em sistemas de produção sob bases ecológicas. [Dynamics of mass accumulation and nutrient by millet for green manure production systems under agroecological agroecosystem.] Revista Brasileira de Agorecologia, 7 (1), pp. 95-103.

Padovan, Milton Parron ; Motta, Ivo de Sá ; Carneiro, Leandro Flávio ; Moitinho, Mara Regina and Fernandes, Shaline Sefara Lopes (2011) Acúmulo de fitomassa e nutrientes e estádio mais adequado de manejo do feijão-de-porco para fins de adubação verde. [Accumulation of fitomass and nutrient and more appropriate developing stage of managementof jack bean for green manuring.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (3), pp. 182-190.

Paglia, Águida Goreti (2003) Produção de mudas de cebola (Allium cepa L.) sob uma perspectiva agroecológica. [Onion (Allium cepa L.) transplant production under an agroecological perspective.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Pelotas , Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel. .

Pagliarini, Maximiliano Kawahata ; Castilho, Regina Maria Monteiro de and Alves, Marlene Cristina (2012) Caracterização físico-química de misturas de componentes de substrato com resíduo de celulose para fins de produção de mudas. [Physical-chemical characterization of substratum components mixture with cellulose residue for seedling production.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (2), pp. 160-169.

Paleologos, María Fernanda; Flores, Claudia Cecilia; Sarandon, Santiago Javier; Stupino, Susana A. and Bonicatto, María Margarita (2008) Abundancia y diversidad de la entomofauna asociada a ambientes seminaturales en fincas hortícolas de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. [Abundance and diversity of arthropods associated to semi-natural habitats in horticultural farms from La Plata, Argentina.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 3 (1), pp. 28-40.

Paludo, Rafael and Costabeber, José Antônio (2012) Sistemas agroflorestais como estratégia de desenvolvimento rural em diferentes biomas brasileiros. [Agroforestry systems as rural development strategy in different Brazilian biomes.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (2), pp. 63-76.

Panzenhagen, Nestor Valtir ; Koller, Otto Carlos ; Vaquil, Paulo Dabdab ; Souza, Paulo Vitor Dutra de and Soglio, Fábio Kessler Dal (2008) Aspectos técnico-ambientais da produção orgânica na região citrícola do Vale do Rio Caí, RS. [Technical and environment aspects of the organic production on citric region of Caí Valley, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] Ciência Rural, 38 (1), pp. 90-95.

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Paqualotto, Nayara; Godoy, Wilson Itamar and Verona, Luiz Augusto Ferreira (2013) Agricultura familiar e Agroecologia: um olhar sobre o caminhar da juventude rural no sudoeste paranaense. [Family farming and Agroecology: a look at the journey of the rural youth in Paraná southwest.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (3), pp. 72-79.

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Ramos, Fabricio Tomaz ; Nunes, Maria Cândida Moitinho ; Campos, Daniela Tiago da Silva ; Ramos, Denis Tomás and Maia, João Carlos de Souza (2011) Atributos físicos e microbiológicos de um latossolo vermelho-amarelo distrófico típico sob cerrado nativo e monocultivo de soja. [Physical and microbiological attributes of a ferralsol under native cerrado and soybean monoculture.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (2), pp. 79-91.

Ranaldo, Marzia; Costanzo, Ambrogio; Carlesi, Stefano and Barberi, Paolo (2015) Can weed management in vegetable systems be improved by cover crop species mixture? Step 1: Screening of cover crop species and varieties. Poster at: 17th EWRS Symposium, Weed Management in Changing Environments, Montpellier, France, 23-26 June 2015,.

Ranaldo, Marzia; Carlesi, Stefano; Costanzo, Ambrogio and Bàrberi, Paolo (2016) Can weed management in vegetable systems be improved by cover crop species mixtures? Step 2: field implementation. In: Conference: 7th International Weed Science Congress, At Prague (CZ).

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Rayol, Breno Pinto and Alvino-Rayol, Fabrízia de Oliveira (2012) Uso de feijão guandú (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) para adubação verde e manejo agroecológico de plantas espontâneas em reflorestamento no estado do Pará. [Use of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) as green manure in the integrated weed management in reforestation in Pará State.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (1), pp. 104-110.

Rayol, Breno Pinto ; Alvino-Rayol, Fabrízia de Oliveira and Silva, Manoela Ferreira Fernandes da (2011) Similaridade florística entre o estrato arbóreo e a regeneração natural de uma floresta secundária, no município de Bragança, nordeste do estado do Pará, Brasil. [Floristic similarity between layer tree and natural regeneration de uma secondary forest, in the municipality of Bragança, northeast of the state of Pará, Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (3), pp. 107-114.

Rayol, Breno Pinto and Maia, Raimundo Tarcísio Feitosa (2013) Potencial da inserção de abelhas em sistemas agroflorestais no oeste do estado do Pará, Brasil. [Potential for inclusion of bees in agroforestry systems in the western Pará State, Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (3), pp. 101-108.

Rech, Morgana; Pansera, Márcia Regina; Sartori, Valdirene Camatti and Ribeiro, Rute Terezinha da Silva (2013) Microbiota do solo em vinhedos agroecológico e convencional e sob vegetação nativa em Caxias do Sul, RS. [Soil microbiota in agroecological and conventional vineyards and native vegetation in Caxias do Sul, RS.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (3), pp. 141-151.

Rech, Tassio Dresch ; Zanatta, João Cláudio ; Zanette, Flávio ; Brandes, Dieter and Nuerberg, Névio João (2011) Calibração das condições de implantação nos vimais no Planalto Sul Catarinense. [Calibration of the conditions for deployment willows crops in Southern Highlands of Santa Catarina.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (1), pp. 100-107.

Refsgaard, Karen; Halberg, Niels and Kristensen, Erik Steen (1998) Energy Utilization in Crop and Dairy Production in Organic and Conventional Livestock Production Systems. Agricultural Systems, 57 (4), pp. 599-630.

Reichert, Lírio José ; Gomes, Mário Conill and Schwengeber, José Ernani (2013) Metodologia multicritério de apoio à decisão para avaliar sistemas de produção de batata orgânica na região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul. [Methodology multicriteria decision support systems to evaluate organic potato production in southern Rio Grande do Sul.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (1), pp. 116-129.

Reissig, Linda (2015) «Fällt auf bäuerlichen Biofamilienbetrieben mehr Arbeit an?». Paper at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 17. - 20. März 2015.

Resende, André Luis Santos ; Lixa, Alice Teodorio ; Santos, Carlos Marcos Alves dos ; Souza, Silvana Aparecida da Silva ; Guerra, José Guilherme Marinho and Aguiar-Menezes, Elen de Lima (2011) Comunidade de joaninhas (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) em consórcio de couve (Brassica oleraceae var. acephala) com coentro (Coriandrum sativum) sob manejo orgânico. [Community of ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on kale (Brassica oleraceae var. acephala)intercropped with coriander (Coriandrum sativum), under organic management.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (1), pp. 81-89.

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Ribeiro, Maria de Fátima dos Santos and Raiher, Augusta Pelinski (2013) Desempenho econômico da cultura do girassol em sistemas de agricultura familiar do sudeste paranaense. [Economic performance of sunflower in family farming systems of southeastern Paraná, southern Brazil.] Ciência Rural, 43 (5), pp. 786-791.

Ricarte-Covarrubias, Juliana Duz ; Ferraz, José Maria Gusman and Borges, Janice Rodrigues Placeres (2011) Segurança alimentar através da agricultura urbana: um estudo de caso em duas comunidades de baixa renda em Porto Ferreira/SP. [Food security through urban agriculture: a study case of two low-income communities in Porto Ferreira/SP.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (3), pp. 62-80.

Rico, S; Escribano, B; Granes, JF; Escribano, AJ and Gaspar, p (2013) Comparación de la estructura y rendimientos ganaderos en sistemas de producción tradicional y ecológico de bovino en Extremadura. Comparison of the structure and livestock yields in traditional production systems and ecological bovine Extremadura. Speech at:

Rigotto, Raquel Maria; Carneiro, Fernando Ferreira; Marinho, Alice Maria Correia Pequeno ; Rocha, Mayara Melo ; Ferreira, Marcelo José Monteiro; Pessoa, Vanira Matos ; Teixeira, Ana Cláudia de Araújo ; Braga, Lara de Queiroz Viana and Teixeira, Maiana Maia (2012) O verde da economia no campo: desafios à pesquisa e às políticas públicas para a promoção da saúde no avanço da modernização agrícola. [The green rural economy: challenges to research and to public health policies posed by agricultural modernization.] Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 17 (6), pp. 1533-1542.

Riley, Hugh; Pommeresche, Reidun; Eltun, Ragnar; Hansen, Sissel and Korsaeth, Audunk (2008) Soil structure, organic matter and earthworm activity in a comparison of cropping systems with contrasting tillage, rotations, fertilizer levels and manure use. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 124, pp. 275-284.

Ringuelet, Jorge Abel; Ocampo, Rafael; Henning, Cynthia; Padín, Susana; Urrutia, María Inés and Dal Bello, Gustavo (2014) Actividad insecticida del aceite esencial de Lippia alba (Mill.) N. E. Brown sobre Tribolium castaneum Herbst. en granos de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.). [Insecticidal activity of the essential oil of Lippia alba (Mill.) N. E. Brown on Tribolium castaneum Herbst. in stored wheat grains.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (2), pp. 214-222.

Risku-Norja, Helmi and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2016) Organic food in food policy and in public catering: lessons learned from Finland. Organic Agriculture, Online, pp. 1-14.

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Rittl, Tatiana; Pommeresche, Reidun and Ebbesvik, Martha (2023) Long-term changes in soil characteristics and ley yields on an organic dairy farm in Norway. Poster at: Long Term Experiments: Meeting future challenges, Harpenden, UK, 20-22 June, 2023.

Rittl, Tatiana; Pommeresche, Reidun and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2023) The impact of long-term anaerobic digestion treated manure on soil organic matter, soil nutrients and ley yields in Norway. Poster at: Long Term Experiments: Meeting future challenges, Harpenden, UK, 20-22 June, 2023.

Rittl, Tatiana; Pommeresche, Reidun and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2023) Anaerobic digestion of cow manure – long-term implications for soil fertility and crop yield. Annual Scientific Days. Poster at: Annual Science Days 2023, Riga, Latvia, 12-14 June, 2023.

Roncon, Thiago Junqueira ; Beskow, Paulo Roberto ; Ortega, Enrique ; Margarido, Luiz Antonio Corrêa and Junior, Guaraci M. Diniz (2012) Valoração ecológica aplicada a áreas de preservação permanente. [Ecological valuation applied to areas of permanent preservation.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (3), pp. 3-15.

Rover, Oscar José and Anchau, Cleusa Teresinha (2013) A agroecologia e as estratégias de desenvolvimento de três redes cooperativas de produção de leite. [Agroecology and development strategies of three cooperative networks of milk production.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (1), pp. 92-101.

Rover, Oscar José and Munarini, Paulo Roberto (2010) A política de habitação rural e o desenvolvimento da agricultura familiar. [Rural housing policy and the development of family farming.] Revista Katálysis, 13 (2), pp. 260-269.

Roy, Sabyasachi (2012) Sowing Organic Seeds. Farming Matters, 28.2, p. 30.

Rutz, Dominik; Rist, Stephan and Schneider, Flurina (2011) Einflussfaktoren auf Soziale und Gesellschaftliche Lernprozesse im Wissenssystem Biolandbau. Paper at: 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Gießen, 15.-18. März 2011.

Sá, Cristiane Otto de ; Marinho, Glenda Lídice de Oliveira Cortez ; Sá, José Luiz ; Roner, Márcia Nunes Bandeira ; Nasimento, Irinéia Rosa and Sá, Francielen Paola (2012) Sustentabilidade dos sistemas de produção dos agricultores familiares e produtores de queijo em Nossa Senhora da Glória, semiárido sergipano. [Sustainability of the production systems of farmers and cheese producers in the Our ​​Lady of Glory, semiarid Sergipe.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (3), pp. 26-39.

Sacramento, José Maria Cardoso and Schmitz, Heribert (2013) Planos de uso como ferramenta de gestão comunitária dos recursos naturais em unidades de conservação no Brasil 1. [Land use plans as a tool for community natural resources management in protected areas in Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (2), pp. 75-86.

Sales, Janaína Paolucci; Noda, Sandra do Nascimento; Mendonça, Marco Antônio Freitas and Branco, Fidel Matos Castelo (2008) A pecuária nos sistema de produção familiar na microrregião do Alto Solimões, Amazônia. [The cattle raising in the system of familiar production in the micro region of the Alto Solimões, Amazônia.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 3 (1), pp. 20-27.

Salmi, Alexandre Porto (2012) Utilização de Flemingia macrophylla como adubo verde na produção orgânica de hortaliças em sistema de aléias. [Use of Flemingia macrophylla as a green manure for vegetable production under alley cropping.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro , Instituto de Agronomia. .

Salomon, Eva; Wahlund, Lotten; Odelros, Åsa; Aronsson, Helena and Lovang, Malin (2021) Phosphorus Retention Materials In Outdoor Paddocks And Distribution Of Laying Hens During The Grazing Period. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Salomonsson, Lennart; Cuadra, Margarita; Tesfay, Girmay; Ssekyawa, Charles; Mendieta, Bryan; Francis, Charles; Lieblein, Geir and Breland, Tor Arvid (2014) BRIDGING FIELD EXPERIENCE AND ACADEMIA: AN INTERNATIONAL AGROECOLOGY DOCTORAL PROGRAMME. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 887-890.

Sanches, Cinara Del´ Arco (2011) A contribuição da sistematização de experiências para o fortalecimento do campo agroecológico e da agricultura familiar no Brasil. [The contribution to the systematization of experiences strengthening the field of agriculture and agro-ecological family in Brazil.] Masters thesis, UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SÃO CARLOS . .

Sanguinetto, Evandro de Castro (2012) Design agroecológico de pequena propriedade rural na região da Serra da Mantiqueira, sul de Minas Gerais. [Agroecological design of a small rural property in the Serra da Mantiqueira, south of the state of Minas Gerais.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (1), pp. 63-81.

Santamaria-Fernandez, Maria; Molinuevo-Salces, Beatriz; Lübeck, Mette and Uellendahl, Hinrich (2018) Biogas potential of green biomass after protein extraction in an organic biorefinery concept for feed, fuel and fertilizer production. Renewable Energy, 129, pp. 769-775.

Santamaria-Fernandez, Maria; Ambye-Jensen, Morten; Damborg, Vinni K. and Lübeck, Mette (2019) Demonstration-scale protein recovery by lactic acid fermentation from grass clover – a single case of the production of protein concentrate and press cake silage for animal feeding trials. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 13, pp. 502-513.

Santamaria-Fernandez, Maria; Molinuevo-Salces, Beatriz; Kiel, Pauli; Steenfeldt, S.; Uellendahl, Hinrich and Lübeck, Mette (2017) Lactic acid fermentation for refining proteins from green crops and obtaining a high quality feed product for monogastric animals. Journal of Cleaner Production, 162, pp. 875-881.

Santamaria-Fernandez, Maria; Ytting, Nanna Karkov and Lübeck, Mette (2019) Influence of the development stage of perennial forage crops for the recovery yields of extractable proteins using lactic acid fermentation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 218, pp. 1055-1064.

Santos, Pablo; Nieto, Jaime; Plaza, Javier and Palacios, Carlos (2021) Effect Of The Ewes Density Per Hectare And Day On The Cultivated Pasture In Organic Farm. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Santos, Amaury da S. dos; Oliveira, Lanna C. L. de; Curado, Fernando F. and Amorim, Lucas O. do (2013) Caracterização e desenvolvimento de quintais produtivos agroecológicos na comunidade Mem de Sá, Itaporanga d’Ajuda-Sergipe. [Characterization and development of productive agroecological gardens in community Mem de Sá, Itaporanga d’Ajuda-Sergipe.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (2), pp. 100-111.

Santos, Carlos Antonio B dos; Rocha, Marcus Vinícius C; Espindola , José Antonio A; Guerra, José Guilherme M; Almeida, Dejair L de and Ribeiro , Raul de LD (2013) Cultivo agroecológico de berinjeleira sob doses de adubação orgânica em coberturas vivas perenes. [Agroecological cultivation of eggplant under different doses of organic fertilization using perennial species as cover crops.] Horticultura Brasileira, 31 (2), pp. 311-316.

Santos, Christiane Fernandes dos; Siqueira, Elisabete Stradiotto; Araújo, Iriane Teresa de and Maia, Zildenice Matias Guedes (2014) A agroecologia como perspectiva de sustentabilidade na agricultura familiar. [Agroecology as a sustainability perspective in family farming.] Ambiente & Sociedade, 17 (2), pp. 33-52.

Santos, Fernanda Carlini Cunha; Monteiro, Silvia Gionzalez and Vogel, Fernanda Silveira Flores (2012) Extrato aquoso de alho (Allium sativum) sobre nematóides gastrintestinais de ovinos. [Efficacy of garlic extract (Allium sativum) as an antihelminthic in sheeps.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (1), pp. 139-144.

Santos, Fernanda Carlini Cunha ; Vogel, Fernanda Silveira Flores and Monteiro, Silvia Gonzales (2011) Efeito do suco de alho (Allium sativum L.) sobre endoparasitas gastrintestinais de ovinos. [The effect of garlic juice (Allium sativum L.) in sheep’s gastrointestinal parasites.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (3), pp. 176-181.

Santos, Fernando Passos dos and Martins, Chalub Leila (2011) Agroecologia, consumo sustentável e aprendizado coletivo no Brasil. [Agroecology, sustainable consumption and collective learning in Brazil.] Educação e Pesquisa, 38 (2), pp. 469-483.

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Sautereau, Natacha and Petitgenet, Morgane (2014) Agriculture biologique : tensions entre de multiples enjeux. Cas des systèmes arboricoles en région PACA. [Organic farming: tensions between multiple stakes Case of organic fruit systems in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region.] Economie rurale, 339340, pp. 145-163.

Schanz, Lisa; MOERMAN, Marie and Winckler, Christoph (2020) Animal welfare on organic mixed livestock farms across seven European countries. In: Organic Animal Husbandry systems – challenges, performance and potentials, -111.

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Schneider, Fernando and Costa, Manoel Baltasar Baptista da (2013) Diagnóstico socioeconômico, produtivo e ambiental dos agroecossistemas na microbacia hidrográfica do rio Pirapora - município de Piedade/SP. [Socioeconomic, environmental and productive diagnosis of agroecosystems in the Pirapora river.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (1), pp. 217-231.

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Serikstad, Grete Lene; Magnusson, Christer; Brodal, Guro and de Boer, Anne (2015) Searching for the cause of clover fatigue. In: Zeverte-Rivza, Sandija (Ed.) Proceedings of the 25th NJF Congress, NJF Latvia, Riga, pp. 61-64.

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SERVAIS, Vincent; Wavreille, José and Stilmant, Didier (2012) « InvestPorc », un outil pour calculer son projet de diversification pour la production de porc bio ou de porc en plein air. ["InvestPorc", a tool to calculate your diversification project for organic or free-range pork production.] Poster at: Journées des productions animales, Gembloux, Belique, 07/03/2012.

Seuri, Pentti (2017) Evaluation of nutrient (nitrogen) efficiency - the concept of primary nutrients. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 41-43.

Severino, F.J.; Carvalho, S.J.P. and Christoffoleti, P.J. (2005) Interferências mútuas entre a cultura do milho, espécies forrageiras e plantas daninhas em um sistema de consórcio. I - implicações sobre a cultura do milho (Zea mays). [Mutual interferences among corn crop, forage species and weeds under a consortium system. I - implications on corn crop (Zea mays).] Planta Daninha, 23 (4), pp. 589-596.

Sharma, Arun K. (2015) SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION MODEL FOR SMALL FARMER IN RAINFED ARID LAND. Working paper, ILUM&FS, Central Arid Zone Research Institute,Jodhpur,INDIA .

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Siegmeier, Torsten; Möller, Detlev and Anspach, Victor (2011) Einsatz konventionell erzeugter Kosubstrate zur Biogasgewinnung im Öko-Landbau. [Non-organic substrate use for biogas production on organic farms.] Paper at: 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Gießen, 16.-18. März 2011.

Silva, Adilson José da and Junior, Milton Ferreira Silva (2010) Representações sociais e agricultura familiar: indícios de práticas agrícolas sustentáveis no Vale do Bananal - Salinas, Minas Gerais. [Social representations and family farming: evidence of agricultural practices in sustainable in the Bananal Valley - Salinas, Minas Gerais.] Sociedade & Natureza, 22 (3), pp. 525-538.

Silva, Alineaurea Florentino; Oliveira, Djane Silva; Santos, Ana Paula Guimarães; Santana, Luiz Manoel de and Oliveira, Ana Patrícia David de (2013) Comportamento de variedades de mandioca submetidas a fertilização em comunidades dependentes de chuva no semiárido brasileiro. [Cassava varieties behavior during fertilization in rain-dependent communities in Brazilian semiarid region.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (3), pp. 221-235.

Silva, André Wagner Barata ; Haro, Marcelo Mendes and Silveira, Luís Cláudio Paterno (2012) Diversity of the arthropod fauna in organically grown garlic intercropped with fodder radish. [Diversidade da artropodofauna em cultivo orgânico de alho consorciado com nabo forrageiro.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (1), pp. 121-131.

Silva, Claudia Bezerra da ; Brito, Guilherme Rodrigues ; Sanavria, Argemiro and Soares, João Paulo Guimarães (2009) Avaliação da utilização de Nim (Azadirachta indica) para o controle parasitário em bovinos de produção leiteira em sistema orgânico. [Evaluation of the use of Neem (Azadirachta indica) for parasite control in cattle dairy under organic production.] Boletim de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento, 47, pp. 1-34.

Silva, Danilo Fernando Guimarães ; Ahrens, Dirk Claudio ; Paixão, Magda Fernanda ; Neto, Francisco Skora ; Romel, Cátia Cristina ; Comiran, Flávia ; Nazareno, Nilceu Ricetti Xavier and Coelho, Caroline de Jesus (2012) Tratamento de milho em grão e espiga com pós inertes no controle do gorgulho do milho Sitophilus zeamais. [Treatment of corn and cob with inert powders in control of the maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (3), pp. 143-151.

Silva, Eliana Mara NCP da ; Ferreira, Regina Lúcia F ; Neto, Sebastião Elviro de Araújo ; Tavella, Leonardo B and Solino, Antônio JS (2011) Qualidade de alface crespa cultivada em sistema orgânico, convencional e hidropônico. [Quality of looseleaf lettuce in organic, conventional and hydroponic crop in Rio Branco State, Brazil.] Horticultura Brasileira, 29 (2), pp. 242-245.

Silva, Jenevaldo Barbosa da ; Rangel, Charles Passos ; Soares, João Paulo Guimarães and Fonseca, Adivaldo Henrique da (2009) Monitoramento das helmintoses gastrintestinais em rebanho leiteiro criado em sistema de produção orgânica na Fazendinha Agroecológica. [Monitoring the gastrointestinal helminthiasis in dairy herd raised on organic production system in Fazendinha Agroecológica.] Embrapa Agrobiologia. Documentos., March 2009, 261, pp. 1-20.

Silva, Joedna ; Jucksch, Ivo and Tavares, Rodrigo Castro (2012) Invertebrados edáficos em diferentes sistemas de manejo do cafeeiro na Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais. [Edaphic invertebrates in different coffee management systems in Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (2), pp. 112-125.

Silva, Jurandir Buchweitz e; Casalinho, Hélvio; Lima, Ana Cláudia and Schwengber, José Ernani (2014) Sistemas de manejo em transição agroecológica: coerências e contradições na prática cotidiana de agricultores familiares. [Management systems in agroecological transition: consistencies and contradictions in the everyday practice of family farmers.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (2), pp. 98-113.

Silva, Normandes Matos da and Pivello, Vânia Regina (2009) Conservação dos remanescentes vegetais de cerrado e a dinâmica de uso e ocupação das terras em Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul. [Conservation of the vegetation remaining of cerrado and land use in Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 4 (3), pp. 86-96.

Silva, Normandes Matos da and Silva, Ananias Marques da (2009) Estratégias de conservação de trilhas do Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso, Brasil. [Strategies for conservation of trails in the Chapada dos Guimarães National Park, Mato Grosso, Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 4 (3), pp. 97-106.

Silva, Sandro do Nascimento; Amaral, Cláudio Lúcio Fernandes; Rebouças, Tiyoko Nair Hojo and Morais, Otoniel Magalhães (2010) Adoção das práticas de conservação "on farm" e de seleção de variedades pelos produtores de urucum no município de Vitória da Conquista – BA. [Adoption of conservation practices on farm and selection of varieties by producers of annatto in the city of Vitoria da Conquista – BA.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (1), pp. 106-113.

Silva, Valkíria Fabiana da; Moraes, Jair Campos and Melo, Bruno Almeida (2010) Fontes de silício na indução de resistência a insetos-praga e no desenvolvimento de plantas de batata inglesa. [Sources of silicon in the induction of resistance for pest insects and in the development of potato enhancement.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (2), pp. 149-156.

Silva, Victor Maurício da; Ribeiro, Paulo Henrique; Teixeira, Alex Fabian Rabelo and Souza, Jacimar Luis de (2013) Qualidade de compostos orgânicos preparados com diferentes proporções de ramos de gliricídia (Gliricidia sepium). [Quality of organic compounds prepared with different proportions of gliricídia (Gliricidia sepium) branches.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (1), pp. 187-198.

Silva, Washington Luis Manduca da (2013) Bactérias de filoplano de maracujazeiro como agente de controle biológico da mancha-bacteriana. [Phylloplane bactéria as biological control agent of bacterial spot.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Roraima . .

Silva Junior, Roberto Donato and Biase, Laura De (2012) Na encruzilhada dos saberes e práticas: inserções antropológicas sobre estranhamento e alteridade no interior da Agroecologia. [In the knowledge and practice crossroad: anthropological reviews about estrangement and distinctive within Agroecology.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (2), pp. 3-18.

Silva Neto, Benedito (2014) Sistemas Agrários e Agroecologia: a dinâmica da agricultura e as condições para uma transição agroecológica no município de Porto Xavier (RS). [Agrarian Systems and Agroecology: the agricultural dynamic and the conditions for an agroecological transition in the municipality of Porto Xavier (RS-Brazil).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (2), pp. 15-29.

Silva Neto, Benedito (2013) Agroecologia, ciência e emancipação humana. [Agroecolgy, science and human emancipation.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (1), pp. 3-17.

Sipiläinen, T. and Oude Lansink, A. (2005) Learning in switching to organic farming. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (1), pp. 169-172.

Siqueira, Haloysio Miguel de and Souza, Paulo Marcelo de (2013) Dilemas da transição agroecológica no Território do Caparaó-ES. [Dilemmas of agroecologycal transition in the Caparaó Territory, Espírito Santo State, Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (2), pp. 28-43.

Siqueira, Haloysio Miguel de; Souza, Paulo Marcelo de; Rabello, Lilian Katiany Castello; Ferreira, Rodrigo de Souza and Alvarez, Célio Ricardo da Silva (2010) Transição agroecológica e sustentabilidade dos agricultores familiares do Território do Caparaó-ES. [Agroecological transition and sustainability of family agriculturists in the Territory of Caparaó, Espírito Santo State, Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (2), pp. 247-263.

Skonieski, Fernando Reimann; Viégas, Julio; Cruz, Pablo and Nornberg, José Laerte (2011) Dynamics of nitrogen concentration on intercropped ryegrass. [Dinâmica da concentração de nitrogênio em azevém consorciado.] Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, 34 (1), pp. 1-6.

Smith, Olivia M.; Cohen, Abigail L.; Rieser, Cassandra J; Davis, Alexandra G. Davis; Taylor, Joseph M.; Adesanya, Adekunle W.; Jones, Matthew S; Meier, Amanda R.; Reganold, John P.; Orpet, Robert J.; Northfield, Tobin D. and Crowder, David W. (2019) Organic Farming Provides Reliable Environmental Benefits but Increases Variability in Crop Yields: A Global Meta-Analysis. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fsufs.2019.00082/full, 3 (82), pp. 1-10.

Smith, Jo; Pearce, Bruce; Döring, Thomas F. and Wolfe, M S (2012) Developing modern multifunctional agroforestry systems for sustainable intensification. Poster at: SAC-SEPA Biennial conference: Valuing Ecosystems: Policy, Economic and Management Interactions, Edinburgh, UK, 3rd-4th April 2012.

Soares, Cristiana Silveira Antunes; Silva, Marise; Costa, Marlice Botelho; Bezerra, Carlos Eduardo Souza; Carvalho, Lívia Mendes and Soares, Alexandre Henrique Vieira (2012) Atividade inseticida de óleos essenciais sobre Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) em roseira. [Insecticidal activity of essential oils on the aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in roses.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (1), pp. 169-175.

Soares, Edimar Rodrigues; Baseggio, Eduardo Alberto; Sena, Suelen Plakitken de and Pereira, Márcio Dias (2014) Emergência e desenvolvimento inicial de plântulas de cupuaçu em substrato enriquecido com biofertilizante. [Emergency and initial development of seedlings of cupuaçu on substrate with 500 bio.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 9 (1), pp. 176-184.

Sodré, Federica Natasha Ganança Abreu dos Santos; Freitas, Rodrigo Randow de and Rezende, Vera Lúcia Ferreira Motta (2008) Um panorama da aqüicultura como alternativa sócio-econômica as comunidades tradicionais. [Aquaculture overview as a social and economic alternative to the traditional communities.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 3 (3), pp. 13-23.

Sodré, Federica Natasha Ganança Abreu dos Santos; Freitas, Rodrigo Randow de and Rezende, Vera Lúcia Ferreita Motta (2008) Histórico e desenvolvimento da maricultura no estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil. [Mariculture historical and development in Espírito Santo state, Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 3 (3), pp. 36-46.

Sousa, Fernando; Gian, Nicolay and Home, Robert (2016) Information technologies as a tool for agricultural extension and farmer-to-farmer exchange: Mobile-phone video use in Mali... International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 12 (3), pp. 19-36.

Souza, Jacimar Luiz de ; Casali, Vicente Wagner D ; Santos, Ricardo HS and Cecon, Paulo R (2008) Balanço e análise da sustentabilidade energética na produção orgânica de hortaliças. [Energetic balance and sustainability analysis in the organic production of vegetable crops.] Horticultura Brasileira, 26 (4), pp. 433-440.

Souza, Monique; Comin, Jucinei José; Leguizamón, Eduardo Sixto; Kurtz, Claudinei; Brunetto, Gustavo; Müller Júnior, Vilmar; Ventura, Bárbara and Camargo, Ana Paula (2013) Matéria seca de plantas de cobertura, produção de cebola e atributos químicos do solo em sistema plantio direto agroecológico. [Dry matter of cover crops, onion yield and soil chemical attributes in agroecological no-tillage system.] Ciência Rural, 43 (1), pp. 21-27.

Souza, Osmar Tomaz de and Brandenburg, Alfio (2010) A quem pertence o espaço rural? As mudanças na relação sociedade/natureza e o surgimento da dimensão pública do espaço rural. [Who owns the rural space? Changes in the society/nature relationship and the emergence of the public dimension of rural space.] Ambiente & Sociedade, 13 (1), pp. 51-64.

Souza, Taciany Ferreira; Fevero, Silvio and Conte, Cíntia de Oliveira (2010) Bioatividade de óleos essenciais de espécies de eucalipto para o controle de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). [Bioactivity of essential oils of eucalyptus species for control of Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 5 (2), pp. 157-164.

Specht, Leandro ; Quadros, Sergio Augusto Ferreira de ; Erpen, Julio Graeff and Rosa, Antonio Carlos Machado da (2012) Avaliação da sustentabilidade da pecuária de corte extensiva tradicional do Pantanal Sul-Mato-Grossense através da metodologia emergética. [Assessing the sustainability of extensive beef cattle Traditional Pantanal-Mato Grosso through emergy methodology.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (3), pp. 16-25.

Ssekyewa, Charles (2014) The Multi-stakeholder Centre. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1127-1130.

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Stupino, Susana Andrea; Frangi, Jorge Luis; Sarandón, Santiago Javier; Arturi, Marcelo Fabián and Ferreira, Ana Clara (2008) Plant diversity in two horticultural farms under organic and conventional management in La Plata, Argentina: A case study. [Diversidade de plantas em duas fazendas de horticultura em sitemas orgânico e convencional em La Plata, Argentina: um estudo de caso.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 3 (3), pp. 24-35.

Sudo, Ailena (1998) Viabilidade agronômica de consórcios de olerícolas sob manejo orgânico. [Vegetable intercroppings viability under organic management.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro . .

Sugasti, Juan Benjamin; Junqueira, Ana Maria Resende and Saboya, Pablo Aguiar (2013) Consórcio de rabanete, alface e quiabo e seu efeito sobre as características agronômicas das culturas, produção e índice de equivalência de área. [Lettuce, okra and radish intercropping and effects on agronomic characteristics, yield and area equivalent index.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (2), pp. 214-225.

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Tessaro, Dinéia; Matter, Juliana Maria; Kuczman, Osvaldo; Furtado, Lucia de Fatima; Costa, Luiz Antonio de Mendonça and Costa, Monica Sarolli Silva de Mendonça (2012) Produção agroecológica de mudas e desenvolvimento a campo de couve-chinesa. [Agroecological production of seedlings and field development of Chinese cabbage.] Ciência Rural, 43 (5), pp. 831-837.

Theodoro, Vanessa Cristina de Almeida ; Castro, Franciléia Paula and Aburaya, Fernando Hiroshi (2011) Indicadores ecológicos de sustentabilidade de unidades de produção agrícola do assentamento Facão – Cáceres, MT, Brasil. [Sustainability ecological indicators of agricultural production units from Facão settlement, Caceres, MT, Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (3), pp. 21-33.

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Tibasiima, Thaddeo; Dissing, Inge Lis; Dissing, Aage; Nalunga, Jane; Isgren, Ellinor and Masereka, Longino (2015) The Potential of ecological farming in delivering social and economic development to small holder farming families (The Rwenzori experience). In: Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 125-128.

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Tomasetto, Mariza Zeni de Castro ; Lima, Jandir Ferrera de and Shikida, Pery Francisco Assis (2009) Desenvolvimento local e agricultura familiar: o caso da produção de açúcar mascavo em Capanema - Paraná. [Local development and family agriculture: the brown sugar production case in Capanema city- Paraná state in Brazil.] Interações, 10 (1), pp. 21-30.

Török, Péter and Tóthmérész, Béla (2015) Ökológiai szemléletű gyeptelepítés elmélete és gyakorlata - második kiadás. [Organic grass-planting in theory and in practice - 2nd edition.] 2 edition. ÖMKi - Ökológiai Mezőgazdasági Kutatóintézet / Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Budapest.

Torres, Jose Luiz Rodrigues; Passaglia, Eliane Miziara; Salerno, Michele Couto and Nomeline, Virginia Mara Nomeline (2009) Avaliação da deterioração socioeconômica e ambiental da microbacia do córrego Saudade, afluente do rio Uberaba. [Socioeconomic and environmental evaluation of the deterioration of the Saudade stream microbasin, tributary of the Uberaba river.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 4 (3), pp. 57-66.

Tosetto, Estevão Marcondes; Cardoso, Irene Maria and Furtado, Silvia Dantas Costa (2013) A importância dos animais nas propriedades familiares rurais agroecológicas. [The importance of animals in rural family agroecological farms.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (3), pp. 12-25.

Turinek, Matjaž; Grobelnik Mlakar, Silva; Bavec, Franc and Bavec, Martina (2009) Bilan et perspectives de la Recherche en Agriculture Bio-dynamique. [Biodynamic agriculture research progress and priorities.] Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 24 (2), pp. 146-154.

Ulfet, Erdal and Adler, Steffen Andreas (2021) Protein From Fractionated Forage Legumes As Feed For Monogastric Animals. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

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Vaarst, Mette; Hellec, Florence; Verwer, Cynthia; Johanssen, Juni Rosann E. and Sørheim, Kristin (2020) Cow calf contact in dairy herds viewed from the perspectives of calves, cows, humans and the farming system. Farmers’ perceptions and experiences related to dam-rearing systems. J.Sustainable Organic Agric.Systems, 70 (1), pp. 49-57.

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Vicente, Luciano Ariel and Sarandon, Santiago J. (2013) Conocimiento y valoración de la vegetación espontánea por agricultores hortícolas de La Plata, Argentina: su importancia para la conservación de la agrobiodiversidad. [Knowledge and appreciation of the natural vegetation for horticultural farmers in La Plata: its importance for the conservation of agrobiodiversity.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (3), pp. 57-71.

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Wendling, Adenor Vicente and Ribas, Clarilton Edzard Davoine Cardoso (2013) Indice de conformidade do pastoreio racional Voisin (IC-PRV). [Voisin’s rational grazing – conformity index (CI-VRG).] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (3), pp. 26-38.

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Not peer-reviewed

De Cock, Lieve (Ed.) (2021) Organic Food and Farming in Flanders: Research 2019-2020. [Organic Food and Farming in Flanders: Research 2019-2020.] 6 edition. De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek. ILVO, Merelbeke.

Autio, Sari and Iivonen, Sari (Eds.) (2021) Research data and solutions for the development of organic production in Finland – Finnish Organic Research Institute’s research strategy for 2021–2024. Finnish Organic Research Institute, FORI .

De Cock, Lieve (Ed.) (2020) De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: 2019-2020. [Organic Food and Farming in Flanders: Research 2019-2020.] 6 edition. De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek. ILVO, Merelbeke.

Internationalt Center for Forskning i Økologisk Jordbrug og Fødevaresystemer (ICROFS) (editor): Jensen, Kirsten Lund; Ingvartsen, Klaus Lønne; Magid, Jakob; Sehested, Jakob; Andreasen, Lise; Uller-Kristensen, Helene and Studnitz, Merete (Eds.) (2019) Forsknings- og udviklingsstrategi 2019-2021 inden for Økologisk jordbrug og fødevaresystemer. [Research and Development Strategy 2019-2021 for Organic Agriculture and Food Systems.] International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), Tjele, Denmark.

Otte, Pia Piroschka; Zahl-Thanem, Alexander and Hansen, Sissel (Eds.) (2019) Norwegian farmers’ willingness to participate in a local climate crowdfunding program - results from a national survey. [Norske bønders vilje til å delta i et program for folkefinansiering av klimatiltak på gårdsbruk - resultat fra en nasjonal undersøkelse.] Ruralis report, no. R-5/2019. Ruralis, Trondheim.

De Cock, Lieve and Van Waes, Johan (Eds.) (2018) De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek 2017-2018. [Organic food and farming in Flanders: Research 2017-2018.] 5 edition. Network for Organic food and farming research (NOBL), Merelbeke.

De Cock, Lieve (Ed.) (2014) De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek 2013-2014. [Organic food and farming in Flanders: Research 2013-2014.] 4 edition. Netwerk Onderzoek Biologische Landbouw en voeding (NOBL), Merelbeke.

Wiesinger, Klaus; Cais, Kathrin and Obermaier , Sabine (Eds.) (2014) Angewandte Forschung und Beratung für den ökologischen Landbau in Bayern. Schriftenreihe der LfL, no. 2, pp. 1-249. Proceedings of Öko-Landbau-Tag 2014, Triesdorf, Deutschland, 09.04.2014.

De Cock, Lieve and Van Waes, Johan (Eds.) (2012) De Biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek 2011-2012. [Organic Food and Farming in Flanders: Research 2011-2012.] NOBL, Vlaanderen.

Wiesinger, Klaus and Cais, Kathrin (Eds.) (2012) Angewandte Forschung und Beratung für den ökologischen Landbau in Bayern. Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Freising, Schriftenreihe der Bayerischen Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, no. 4/2012, pp. 1-178. Proceedings of Öko-Landbau-Tag 2012, Freising-Weihenstephan, Deutschland, 29.03.2012.

Wiesinger, Klaus and Cais, Kathrin (Eds.) (2012) Angewandte Forschung und Beratung für den ökologischen Landbau in Bayern - Öko-Landbau-Tag 2012. Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Freising-Weihenstephan, Tagungsband - Schriftenreihe der Bayerischen Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (LfL), no. 4/2012. Proceedings of Öko-Landbau-Tag 2012, Freising-Weihenstephan, Deutschland, 29.03.2012.

MacKenzie, Joanna and Savard, Margaret (Eds.) (2012) Proceedings of the 2012 Canadian Organic Science Conference. Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada, pp. 1-143. Proceedings of Canadian Organic Science Conference and Organic Science Cluster Strategic Meetings, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, February 21-23, 2012.

Brock, Christopher; Wilbois, Klaus-Peter; Becker, Konstantin; Fischinger, Stephanie Anastasia; Spiegel, Ann-Kathrin; Spory, Kerstin; Williges, Ute; Zerger, Uli and Leithold, Günter (Eds.) (2011) Dokumentation der Dialogworkshops bei der 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau - Zusatzmaterial. . Proceedings of 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Giessen, 15.-18.03.2011. [Unpublished]

Brock, Christopher; Wilbois, Klaus-Peter; Becker, Konstantin; Fischinger, Stephanie Anastasia; Spiegel, Ann-Kathrin; Spory, Kerstin; Williges, Ute; Zerger, Uli and Leithold, Günter (Eds.) (2011) Es geht ums Ganze: Forschen im Dialog von Wissen-schaft und Praxis - Ergebnisse der Dialogworkshops bei der 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau (15.-17.März 2011 in Giessen). . Proceedings of 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Giessen, 15.-18.03.2011. [Unpublished]

ICROFS - Internationalt Center for Forskning i Økologisk Jordbrug og Fødevaresystemer (Ed.) (2010) FØJO III – Forskning i økologisk jordbrug og fødevaresystemer 2006-2010. Internationalt samarbejde og økologisk integritet – foreløbige resultater. [DARCOF III - Research in organic farming and food systems 2006-2010. International collaboration and organic integrity - preliminary results.] .

Mayer, J.; Alföldi, T.; Leiber, F.; Dubois, D.; Fried, P.; Heckendorn, F.; Hillmann, E.; Klocke, P.; Lüscher, A.; Riedel, S.; Stolze, M.; Strasser, F.; van der Heijden, M. and Willer, H. (Eds.) (2009) Werte – Wege – Wirkungen: Biolandbau im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ernährungssicherung, Markt und Klimawandel. Beiträge zur 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009. Band 1: Boden, Pflanzenbau, Agrartechnik, Umwelt- und Naturschutz, Biolandbau international, Wissensmanagement // Band 2: Tierhaltung, Agrarpolitik und Betriebswirtschaft, Märkte und Lebensmittel. Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin. Proceedings of 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, ETH Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009.

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Serikstad, Grete Lene (Ed.) (1998) Evalueringsseminar om gårdsstudier i økologisk landbruk. NORSØK Rapport. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk.

Abras, Morgan; Hardy, Brieuc; Huyghebaert, Bruno; Lacroix, Christophe; Sail, Simon and Vanwindekens, Frederic (2023) Trois ans d'expérimentation systèmes en grandes cultures bio. Itinéraires bio, January 2023, 68, pp. 55-59.

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Adler, Steffen; Fung, Stephanie; Huber, Gwendolyn and Young, Lee (2003) Learning our way towards a sustainable agri-food system Three cases from Sweden: Stockholm Farmers market, Ramsjö Community Supported Agriculture and Järna Initiative for Local Production. Ekologiskt lantbruk, no. 38. Centre for Sustainable Agriculture .

Adler, Steffen; Höjer, Annika; Njåstad, Kari Marie; Purup, Stig; Hansen-Møller, Jens; Thuen, Erling; Gustavsson, Anne-Maj; Martinsson, Kjell and Steinshamn, Håvard (2013) Melkas innhold av fytoøstrogener påvirkes av engdriftsmåte og produksjonssystem. In: Brodin, Janne Karin (Ed.) Husdyrforsøksmøtet 2013, pp. 372-375.

Adler, Steffen; Jensen, Søren K.; Thuen, Erling; Gustavsson, Anne-Maj; Harstad, Odd Magne and Steinshamn, Håvard (2013) Effekt av botanisk sammensetning i surfôr på omsetning av fettløselige vitaminer i vom og overføring til melk. In: Brodin, Janne Karin (Ed.) Husdyrforsøksmøtet 2013, pp. 101-103.

Ajena, Franceso; Bossard, Nicola; Clément, Chantal; Hibeck, Angelika; Tiselli, Eugenio and Oehen, Bernadette (2022) Agroecology & Digitalisation: traps and opportunities to transform the food system. Working paper, IFOAM Organics Europe .

AKSU, Şeref and UYGUR, Mutlu (2011) Organik Kayın Mantarı (Pleurotus Spp.) Yetiştiriciliği. [Organic Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus spp.) Cultivation.] In: ALAY VURAL, Ayşen (Ed.) Organik Tarım Araştırma Sonuçları. T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara/Turkey, pp. 81-86.

Allacherne Szepkuthy, Katalin (2016) Növényvédőszerek felhasználása ökológiai gazdálkodásban. [Usage of pesticides in organic farming.] Őstermelő, June 2016, 2016 (3), pp. 92-93.

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AMÉ, Adrien (2020) Sélectionner le maïs population sur la tolérance à la sécheresse : quels leviers de sélection mettre en oeuvre pour s'adapter? [Selecting open pollinated maize for drought tolerance: which selection levers to use to adapt?] AgroBio Périgord , Expérimentation semences populations.

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Atasay, Adem; İşçi, Mesut; Uçgun, Kadir; Öztürk, Gökhan; Kaymak, Suat; Akgül, Hüseyin; Eren, İsa and Karamürsel, Dilek (2011) M9 Anaçlı Elma Bahçelerinde Organik Yetiştiriciliğin Uygulanabilirliği. [Applıcabılıty Oforganıc Growıng On M9 Rootstock In Apple Gardens.] In: ALAY VURAL, Ayşen (Ed.) Organik Tarım Araştırma Sonuçları. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 27-34.

ATEŞ, Fadime; ALTINDİŞLİ, Özlem; OKUR, Nur; ÖZSEMERCİ, Fatma; ÇAKIR, Engin; ÇETİNKAYA, Nedim; KAYIKÇIOĞLU, Hüsnü; ALTINDİŞLİ, Ahmet; YAĞCI, Adem; TAKMA, Çiğdem; YAĞMUR, Bülent; GÜLER , Ali; KARABAT, Selçuk; YALÇIN, Harun; ILGIN , Cemal; YÜKSEL, İsmail; ÜNAL, Akay; İLTER, Ertan; ÖZ, Serpil; İLHAN, Gülcan and ÖZCAN, Berrin (2011) Organik Sultani Çekirdeksiz Üzüm Yetiştiriciliği. [Organic Sultani Çekirdeksiz Grapes Growing.] In: ALAY VURAL, Ayşen (Ed.) Organik Tarım Araştırma Sonuçları. T.C Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara/Turkey, pp. 65-72.

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Athanasiadou, S. (2017) Tackling the parasitological challenges in organic Ruminant farming practices. Workshop at: International workshop Toulouse 2017, Toulouse. France, 29 November 2017. [Completed]

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Axelsen, Jørgen Aagaard (2003) Efterafgrøder og grøngødning giver masser af liv i jorden. [Nitrogen catch crops and green manuere causes a lot of life in the soil.] Tidsskriftet Praktisk Økologi, 2003 (6), pp. 18-19.

Bachinger, Johann; Becherer, Uwe; Bee, Wilhelm; Belau, Till; Blum, Hanna; Blumschein, Anja; Brinkmann, Jan; Deerberg, Friedhelm; Dreyer, Wilfried; Euen, Sven; Frieben, Bettina; Fritzsche, Stephan; Fröba, Norbert; Früh, Barbara; Fuchs, Sarah; Fügner, Kerstin; Gaio, Christina; Gengenbach, Heinz; Gottwald, Frank; Hackeschmidt, Andreas; Hänsel, Martin; Häring, Anna Maria; Hartmann, Wilfried; Hauber, Melanie; Haugstätter, Martin; Hermle, Martin; Herrle, Jürgen; Heyne, Peter; Holle, Romana; Keppler, Christiane; Klages, Susanne; Klöble, Ulrike; Kloepfer, Florian; Kolbe, Hartmut; Kühne, Stefan; Lang, Gerhard; Lasner, Tobias; Leopold, Jochen; Link, Matthias; Loges, Ralf; March, Solveig; Möller, Kurt; Puffert, Markus; Rahmann, Gerold; Reiners, Eckhard; Reinhold, Christian; Retter, Stefan; Rudolf von Rohr, Ramona; Sanders, Jürn; Sauer, Norbert; Schmid, Otto; Schmidt, Elisabeth; Schumacher, Ulrich; Schwab, Bernhard; Simantke, Christel; Spengler Neff, Anet; Stein, Matthias; Stein-Bachinger, Karin; Matthias, Stolze; Urbatzka, Peer; Vogt-Kaute, Werner; Weber, Martin; Werner, Dirk; Wesselmann, Stefan; Williges, Ute; Winbeck, Manuela and Zankl, Anke (2015) Faustzahlen für den Ökologischen Landbau. [Key figures for organic farming.] 1 edition. Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft e.V. (KTBL), Darmstadt.

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Behrendt, Gerlinde; Peter, Sarah; Sterly, Simone and Häring, Anna Maria (2018) Bürgerschaftliche Finanzierungsmodelle in der Land- und Lebensmittelwirtschaft – Anwendungsbereiche, Ausgestaltung, Motive (Arbeitspapier 1 des Forschungsprojektes BioFinanz). Schriften zu den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften der Land- und Lebensmittelwirtschaft, no. 1/2018, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde .

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Bertelsen, Inger (2016) Vårsæd dyrkning. In: Oversigt over landsforsøgene - økologisk dyrkning. SEGES P/S, Aarhus C, Denmark, pp. 269-271.

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BEŞİRLİ, Gülay; SOYERGİN, Serap; SÖNMEZ, İbrahim; PEZİKOGLU, Filiz; HANTAŞ, Cemil and ERDOGAN, Seçil (2011) Organik Pırasa Yetiştiriciliği. [Organic leek growing.] In: ALAY VURAL, Ayşen (Ed.) Organik Tarım Araştırma Sonuçları . Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 9-18.

Best, Henning (2006) Are the motives of recent adopters in line with the conventionalisation hypothesis? Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Bestman, Monique; Eekeren, Nick van; Luske, Boki; Vonk, Mark; Anssems, Emiel; Boosten, Martijn and Bree, Miriam van (2014) INTRODUCING TREES IN DAIRY AND POULTRY FARMS - Experiences dairy and poultry farmers' networks in The Netherlands. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Bettina, Maccagnani; Roberto, Ferrari and Marco, Pozzati (2014) Fragola: le api nostre alleate nella lotta contro la botrite. [Strawberry: honey bees are useful to carry beneficial microrganisms against gray mould.] Agricoltura, February 2014, 1, pp. 71-72.

BİRCAN, Mustafa; ASLAN, Rasim; DEMİRTAŞ, Bekir; SON, Levent; ÖZTÜRK, Naim and CANIHOŞ, Ercan (2011) Mut Yöresinde Organik Kayısı Yetiştirciliği. [Organic Apricot Cultivation Region of Mut.] In: Organik Tarım Araştırma Sonuçları. T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara/Turkey, pp. 103-108.

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Bjørn, Gitte and Fruekilde, Anne Mette (2003) Kepaløg (Allium cepa L) dyrket konventionelt og økologisk - ligheder og forskelle. [Cepa onions (Allium cepa L) grown convetniollay and organically - similarities and differences.] Grøn Viden (153), pp. 1-6.

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Büchi, Lucie; Valsangiacomo, Alain; Burel, Enguerrand and Charles, Raphaël (2017) Indicateur agro-environnemental de la couverture du sol dans les exploitations agricoles. [Agri-environmental indicator for soil cover on Swiss farms.] Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 2017, 8 (2), pp. 48-55.

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Busch, Claudia and Henryson, Ann-Sofie (2019) Lebensabend in der Landwirtschaft. Ökologie & Landbau, 2019, pp. 43-45.

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Campanelli, G. (2015) Il CRA per la ricerca in orticoltura biologica Giornata divulgativa. [CRA (Italy Agricultural Research Council) for research in organic horticulture. Divulgation Day.] CREA-ORA Reserch Unit of Horticulture, Monsampolo del Tronto (Ascoli Piceno, Italy) .

Campiglia, Enio; Mancinelli, Roberto and Radicetti, Emanuele (2014) Multi-Environments Experiment (MEE) UNITUS. Poster at:

Campiglia, Enio; Mancinelli , Roberto and Radicetti, Emanuele (2015) Conventional vs. organic cropping systems: yield of crops and weeds in Mediterranean environment. Poster at:

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Canali, S. (2016) SOILVEG. Improving soil conservation and resource use in organic cropping systems for vegetable production through introduction and management of Agro-ecological Service Crops (ASC). [Introduzione e gestione di Colture di Servizio Agro-ecologico per migliorare la conservazione del suolo e l’utilizzo delle risorse in sistemi orticoli biologici.] Poster at:

Canali, Stefano (2013) Ecological Services providing crops (ESCs) in organic vegetable production systems. Speech at: TILMAN-ORG Interim Meeting, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, 21-22 January, 2013. [Completed]

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CHEHIDI, Hatem (2002) New methodology to design, test and improve organic agroecosystem prototyping under Mediterranean conditions. Case study: application to a pilot farm in the South of Italy. [Nouvelle méthodologie pour concevoir, tester et améliorer le prototyping des agroécosystèmes biologiques dans les conditions méditerranéennes. Cas d’étude: application dans une exploitation pilote en Italie du Sud.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Tesi Master of Science, no. 279. . [Unpublished]

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Coquil, Xavier; Fiorelli, Jean-Louis; Bazard, Claude; Foissy, Damien; Trommenschlager, Jean-Marie and Blouet, André (2006) Prototyping organic mixed crop-dairy systems at a local scale : a multi-attribute approach. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

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Costa, Cristina Amaro ; Correia, Paula; Correia, Helena Esteves; Guiné, Raquel; Rodrigues, Pedro; Teixeira, Daniela; Guerra, Luis Touriño and Basile, Salvatori (2014) FAMILY AND ORGANIC FARMING. NEW APPRENTICESHIP TECHNOLOGIES THROUGH M-LEARNING. Poster at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Costa Guzzatti, Thaise; Alécio Turnes , Valério and Bastezini, Daiana Andréia (editor): Sociedade Nacional de Agricultura, SNA, Centro de Inteligência em Orgânicos (Eds.) (2012) Cooperagreco: seus desafios e suas conquistas. [Cooperagreco: challenges and achievements.] Estudo de caso. Sociedade Nacional de Agricultura, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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Debode, Frédéric and Jamar, Laurent (2014) Les systèmes d'effarouchement du pigeon ramier en agriculture et horticulture. Itinéraires bio, December 2014, 19, pp. 33-35.

Devaux-Spatarakis, Agathe and Quiédeville, Sylvain (2018) Evaluating the impacts of agricultural innovations. In: Faure, Guy; Chiffoleau, Yuna; Goulet, Frédéric; Temple, Ludovic and Touzard, Jaen-Marc (Eds.) Innovation and development in agricultural and food systems. Éditions Quae, Versailles Cedex, France, chapter 14, pp. 251-268.

Devaux-Spatarakis, Agathe and Quiédeville, Sylvain (2018) Comment évaluer les impacts des innovations en agronomie? [How to evaluate the impacts of innovations in agronomy?] In: Faure, Guy; Chiffoleau, Yuna; Goulet, Frédéric; Temple, Ludovic and Touzard, Jean-Marc (Eds.) Innovation et développement dans les systèmes agricoles et alimentaires. Éditions Quae, Versailles, France, chapter 14, pp. 209-222.

Devide, Antonio Carlos Pries (2013) História ambiental do Vale do Paraíba. [Environmental history of the Vale do Paraíba.] Working paper, Departamento de Fitotecnia, Instituto de Agronomia - UFRRJ . [Submitted]

Dewitte, Justine (2013) Gebruik je koepel optimaal! [Optimising the use of polytunnels during the summer.] CCBT.

Dezsény, Zoltán (2016) Innovatív megoldások a kisléptékű ökológiai zöldségtermesztésben - alternatív mulcsanyagok gyomosodást gátló hatásának vizsgálata 1. [Innovative solutions for the small-scale organic vegetable cultivation - examining the inhibitory effects of alternative mulch materials for weediness 1.] Őstermelő, February 2016, 2016 (1), pp. 83-85.

Dezsény, Zoltán and Drexler, Dora (2014) Organic in Europe. Prospects and Developments. IFOAM, 2014/1, p. 1.

Dezsény, Zoltán and Drexler, Dora (2012) Present, past and future. Organic agriculture in Hungary. Ecology & Farming, 2012, pp. 1-4.

Dezsény, Zoltán; Réthy, Katalin and Drexler, Dora (2013) KÖZÖSSÉG ÁLTAL TÁMOGATOTT MEZŐGAZDASÁG-Zöldségközösségek Magyarországon. [Community Supported Agriculture in Hungary - Vegetable Communities in Hungary.] Biokultúra, 2013, 2013/5, pp. 17-19.

Dezsény, Zoltán and Réthy, Katalin (2013) Alternatív értékesítési csatornák- 8-10 millió a zöldségközösségből. [Alternative Marketing Channels – yearly 8-10 million from vegetables CSA.] Haszon Agrár Magazin, 2013/7, pp. 68-70.

Díaz-Gaona, Cipriano; Kongsted, Anne Grete; Nørgaard, Jan Værum; Papi, Eugenio; Perez, Angela Morell; Reyes-Palomo, Carolina; Rodríguez-Estévez, Vicente; Roinsard, Antoine; Steenfeldt, Sanna; Studnitz, Merete; Stødkilde-Jørgensen, Lene; Theil, Peter Kappel and Åkerfeldt, Magdalena (editor): Studnitz, Merete (Ed.) (2019) Feeding monogastrics 100% organic and regionally produced feed. .

Dilling, Christine and Kongsted, Anne Grete (2021) Træer i nye folddesign til udegående søer kan gavne miljø, økonomi og dyrevelfærd. Økologisk Nu, 15 July 2021, p. 1.

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Dind, Alice (2022) Prendre soin de son système agroforestier les premières années. Agrihebdo, 1 April 2022, p. 20.

Donkó, Ádám; Drexler, Dora; Illyes, Eszter; Herpergel, Zoltan; Valko, Orsolya; Laszlo, Gyula and Török, Peter (2013) Fajgazdag szőlősorköz-takarónövényzet magkeverékek fejlesztése és alkalmazási lehetőségei magyarországi szőlőültetvényekben. [Development and application of species rich seed mix for cover plants in viticulture in Hungary.] .

Donkó, Ádám; Illyés, Eszter; Török, Péter and Drexler, Dora (2013) Fajgazdag szőlősorköz-takarónövényzet magkeverékek vizsgálata és előzetes eredményei magyarországi szőlőültetvényekben. [Tests and preliminary results of species rich seed mixes as cover crops for vineyards in Hungary.] .

Donkó, Ádám; Miglécz, Tamás; Valkó, Orsolya; Deak, Balazs; Kelemen, Andras; Torok, Peter; Illyes, Eszter; Zanathy, Gabor; Zsigrai, György; Tóthmérész, Béla and Drexler, Dora (2018) Talajápolás a szőlőben – fókuszban a fajgazdag sorköztakarás. ÖMKi – Ökológiai Mezőgazdasági Kutatóintézet Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft., Budapest.

Döring, T F; Baddeley, J. A.; Brown, R; Collins, R; Crowley, O; Cuttle, S P; Howlett, S A; Jones, H E; McCalman, H; Measures, M; Pearce, B D; Pearce, H; Roderick, S; Stobart, R; Storkey, J; Tilston, E; Topp, K; Watson, C A; Winkler, L and Wolfe, M S (2013) Using legume-based mixtures to enhance the nitrogen use efficiency and economic viability of cropping systems - Final report (LK09106/HGCA3447). HGCA PROJECT REPORT, no. 513. HGCA, Kenilworth.

Drake, Lars and Björklund, Johanna (2001) Effekter av olika sätt att producera livsmedel – en inventering av jämförelser mellan ekologisk och konventionell produktion. Working paper, Centre for Sustainable Agriculture .

Duman, İbrahim; Altindisli, Ahmet and Aksoy, Uygun (2011) Organik Çiftlik Yönetim Modeli. [Model of Management Organic Farm.] Paper at: I. GAP Organik Tarım Kongresi, Şanlıurfa, 17-20 Kasım, 2009.

Dvorak, Petr; Hajšlová, Jana; Hamouz, Karel; Schulzová, Věra; Kuchtova, Perla and Tomasek, Jaroslav (2010) BLACK POLYPROPYLENE MULCH TEXTILE IN ORGANIC AGRICULTURE. Lucrări Ştiinţifice, 52, pp. 116-120.

Dvorak, Petr; Hajslova, Jana; Hamouz, Karel; Schulzová, Věra; Kuchtová, Perla and Tomasek, Jaroslav (2009) Influence of grass mulch application on tubers size and yield of ware potatoes. Lucrări Ştiinţifice, Seria Agronomie, 51, pp. 121-125.

Dvorak, Petr; Hamouz, Karel; Hajslova, Jana; Schulzová, Věra; Tomasek, Jaroslav and Kuchtová, Perla (2009) Mulč v pěstitelské technologii ekologicky pěstovaných brambor. [Mulch in Organic Farming of the Potato Growing.] Úroda: časopis pro rostlinnou produkci, 12, pp. 151-158.

Dvorak, Petr; Hamouz, Karel; Kuchtová, Perla and Tomasek, Jaroslav (2009) Effect of grass mulch application on tubers size and yield of ware potatoes in organic farming. In: Bioacademy 2009 -Proceedings, pp. 35-37.

Dvorak, Petr; Hamouz, Karel; Kuchtová, Perla; Tomasek, Jaroslav and Erhartová, Daniela (2009) Black polypropylene non-woven textile as mulch in organic farming. In: Bioacademy 2009 - Proceedings, pp. 38-41.

Dvorak, Petr; Hamouz, Karel and Tomasek, Jaroslav (2010) Vliv povrchového mulčování na teplotu půdy a výnos konzumních brambor. [Influence of mulch on temperature of soil and yield of potatoes.] Paper at: Vliv abiotických a biotických stresorů na vlastnosti rostlin 2010.

Dvorak, Petr; Hamouz, Karel and Tomasek, Jaroslav (2009) Povrchové mulčování brambor v různých půdně-klimatických podmínkách. [The Mulching of Potatoes in Different Soil and Climatic Conditions.] Úroda : časopis pro rostlinnou produkci, 12, pp. 169-174.

Dvorak, Petr and Tomasek, Jaroslav (2011) The findings of the cultivation of potatoes in organic farming. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, DEBRECEN, 44, pp. 113-116.

Dvorak, Petr and Tomasek, Jaroslav (2010) Pěstování biobrambor s podporou mulče. [Growing potatoes in mulch.] Úroda: časopis pro rostlinnou produkci, 8, pp. 55-56.

Dvorak, Petr; Tomasek, Jaroslav and Hamouz, Karel (2010) Ecological growing of potatoes with using of grass mulch and black textile mulch. In: 45th Croatian and 5th International Symposium on Agriculture, pp. 65-69.

Dvorak, Petr; Tomasek, Jaroslav and Kuchtová, Perla (2010) Mulčování brambor v různých půdně - klimatických podmínkách. [Mulching of potatoes in different soil-climatic conditions.] Úroda: časopis pro rostlinnou produkci, 12, pp. 453-456.

Dvorsky, Jan (2011) Bio kozí mléko je na trhu žádané. [Organic goat milk is desired on the market.] Zemědělec, 2011, 2011 (15), p. 28.

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Ekbladh, G.; Grönlund, E.; Ingemarson, F.; Karlsson, L.; Nilsson, S. and Strid Eriksson, I. (editor): Doherty, S. and Rydberg, T. (Eds.) (2002) Ecosystem properties and principles of living systems as foundation for sustainable agriculture – Critical reviews of environmental assessment tools, key findings and questions from a course process. Ekologiskt lantbruk, no. 32. Centre for Sustainable Agriculture .

Eksvärd, K.; Ögren, E.; Homman, K.; Andersson, O.; Berglund, K.; Eriksson, B.; Gäredal, L.; Pellas, G.; Sjöstedt, K.; Sjöstedt, M.; Wålstedt, T.; Nilsson, H.; Engström, U.; Ahde, E. and Ahde, I. (2001) Deltagande Forskning – Lärdomar, resultat och erfarenheter från Växthusgruppens arbete 1999–2000. [Participatory Research - Learning’s, results and experiences from the work in the greenhouse group 1999-2000.] Ekologiskt lantbruk, no. 31. Centre for sustainable agriculture .

Elekçioğlu, Naime Z.; Kara, Huriye; Pala, Hülya; Temel, Nazife; Özarslandan, Adem; Aras, Yusuf; Arslan, Rasim and Balki, Kemal (2010) Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi’nde Organik Turunçgil Üretiminde Hastalık, Zararlı ve Yabancı Otların Mücadelesinin Yönetimi. [Management of disease pest and weeds on organic citrus production in Eastern Mediterranean Region.] In: Alay Vural, Ayşen (Ed.) Organik tarım Araştırma Sonuçları 2005-2010. T. C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığ , Ankara Turkey, pp. 239-252.

Elmholt, Susanne and Krogh Mortensen, Gerda (2003) Kan OTA-dannende lagersvampe inficere kornet i marken? Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden, 2003 (1), pp. 18-20.

Elmholt, Susanne and Schioldann Haase, Maiken (2003) Improper handling of grain may result in high levels of Ochratoxin A. . Online at http://www.darcof.dk/enews/jun03/mycoto.html.

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Erdal, Ulfet (2021) ProRefine Field Day : A demostration in Aegean Region in Menemen Plain, Turkey (Prorefine Project). [Unpublished]

Erdal, Ulfet; Adler, Steffen A. and Sökmen, Ömer (2021) Organik Hayvan Yemi Üretiminde Monogastrik (Tek Mideli) Hayvanlar için Protein, Ruminantlar Gevişgetirenler) için Kaba Yem Kaynağı olarak Yüksek Lif Kalitesine Sahip Rafine Edilmiş Yerel Kaynaklı Baklagil Yem Bitkilerinin Üretimi (PROREFINE Project). Keynote presentation at: Organik Tarım Sektör Değerlendirme Toplantısı, İzmir, 19-20 Ekim 2021. [Completed]

Erenoğlu, Burhan; Yalçınkaya, Erol; Soyergin, Serap; Uysal, Erdinç; BEŞİRLİ, Gülay; HANTAŞ, Cemil and Öztürk, Mustafa (2010) Marmara Bölgesinde Bazı Bitki Besleme Uygulamalarının Organik Meyve Yetiştiriciliğinde Kullanımı (Çilek). [Organic Strawberry Growing In The Marmara Region (Using Of The Some Plant Nutrition Applications At The Organic Fruit Growing In The Marmara Region – Strawberry).] In: Alay Vural, Ayşen (Ed.) Organik Tarım Araştırma Sonuçları 2005-2010. T.C. Tarım ve Köişleri Bakanlığı, Ankara Turkey, pp. 183-188.

Eriksen, Jørgen (2010) Produktion og næringsstofudnyttelse i kløvergræsmarker. In: Økologisk græsmarksproduktion og udnyttelse til mælkeproduktion. Intern rapport • husdyrbrug Nr. 27, Aarhus Universitet, chapter 3, pp. 21-26.

Eriksen, J. (2018) Produktion af grønne biomasser til bioraffinering. [Production of green biomass for bio-refinery.] Speech at: Lokalt og bæredygtigt proteinfoder fra grønne biomasser, Aarhus University, Foulum, 17-09-2018.

Erisman, J.W. and Verhoeven, F.P.M. (2019) Kringlooplandbouw in de praktijk: Analyse en aanbevelingen voor beleid. Louis Bolk Instituut, Bunnik.

Eryılmaz, Zeynep; ÖZKAN, Cevdet Fehmi; DEMİRTAŞ, Elif Işıl; Çelik, Nejla; Tunçay, Mehmet and GÖLÜKÇÜ, Bilge (2010) Antalya Serik Koşullarında Organik Star Ruby Altıntop Yetiştiriciliğinde Yeşil Gübreleme ve Zeytin Keki Kullanım İmkânlarının Araştırılması. In: Alay Vural, Ayşen (Ed.) Organik Tarım Araştırma Sonuçları 2005 2010. T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Anakara Turkey, pp. 203-2012.

Experton, Catherine and Launay, Fabienne (2021) The new version of dissemination Plan of the Core Organic project MIX-ENABLE 2021. .

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Eyre, M.D.; Volakakis, N.; Shotton, P.N. and Leifert, C. (2007) The Effects of Crop Type and Production Systems on the Activity of Beneficial Invertebrates. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Faux, Anne-Michelle; Decruyenaere, Virginie; Stilmant, Didier and Guillaume, Mary (2019) Dossier : Autonomie alimentaire en élevage bovin biologique. [Dossier : Food autonomy in organic cattle farming.] .

Félix, Georges (2015) From slash and burn to 'slash and mulch'. Farming Matters, March 2015, pp. 14-17.

Fernandez, Maria Santamaria (2018) A NOVEL GREEN BIOREFINERY CONCEPT: Protein refining by lactic acid fermentation and biogas production from green biomass. PhD thesis, Aalborg University , Chemistry and Bioscience. .

Fernandez, Maria Santamaria; Uellendahl, Hinrich and Lübeck, Mette (2016) ORGANOFINERY: A biorefinery for the production of organic protein rich feed for monogastric animals. Speech at: Bioreseource Technology Conference, Sitges, Spain, 23-26. november 2017. [Unpublished]

Fernandez, Maria Santamaria; Uellendahl, Hinrich and Lübeck, Mette (2016) Organic protein-rich feed for monogastric animals by the Organofinery process. Speech at: 1st International Conference on Bioresource Technology for Bioenergy, Bioproducts & Environmental Sustainability, Sitges, Spain, 23.-26. october 2016.

Fernandez, Maria Santamaria; Ytting, Nanna Karkov and Lübeck, Mette (2017) Influence of the development stage of the plant biomass for protein yield in a green biorefinery. Speech at: 13th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, Wroclav. Poland, 7.-9. June 2017.

Fernandez, Maria Santamaria; Ytting, Nanna Karkov; Lübeck, Mette and Uellendahl, Hinrich (2016) Anaerobic digestion for closing the loop of a biorefinery for organic farming: Production of biogas and organic fertilizer from process residues. Speech at: 1st International Conference on Bioresource Technology for Bioenergy, Bioproducts & Environmental Sustainability, Sitges, Spain, 23.-26. october 2016.

Ferretti, Lorenzo; Santoni, Margherita; Gaifami, Tommaso; Filindassi, Fabrizio; Casella, Giovanna and Pacini, Gaio Cesare (2017) Impact of organic and conventional management and tillage operations on soil quality and productivity in the Montepaldi Long-Term Experiment (MoLTE). Poster at: Agroecology Europe Forum 2017, Lyon, France, 25-27 October 2017.

Fink, Leonie (2012) Konzeption und Entwicklung von Inhalten für eine Informationswebsite über Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). Thesis, Fachhochschule Münster, D-Münster , Fachbereichs Oecotrophologie - Facility Management. . [Submitted]

Fliessbach, Andreas; Mäder, Paul; Pfiffner, Lukas; Dubois, D. and Gunst, L. (editor): Koesling, M.; Serikstad, Grete Lene; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Loehr-Petersen, Klaus and Hermansen, Sven (Eds.) (2004) Økologisk drift gir bedre jordfruktbarhet og større biologisk mangfold. Erkjennelser fra 21 år med DOK-forsøk. [Organic farming enhances soil fertility and biodiversity Results from a 21 year old field trial.] FiBL Dossier, no. 1, 2004. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk, Tingvoll.

Fog, Erik (2019) Super økologisk grisekød produceret på græsprotein. [Super organic pork on grass-protein.] Poster at: ICROFS Statusmøde, 09-04-2019.

Fog, Erik (2019) Græsprotein - Skal det erstatte soja? [Grass protein - should it replace soya?] Speech at: Græsprotein - Skal det erstatte soja?, Herning, 14-03-2019.

Fog, Erik (2019) New protein sources to enhance sustainability and develop new products. [Nye proteinkilder til forbedring af bæredygtigheden og udvikling af nye produkter.] Speech at: Biofach Congress 2019, Nürnberg, 15-02-2019.

Fog, Erik (2018) Protein feed from clover grass for pigs and poultry. Results from Danish innovation projects. Speech at: Agromania at Agromek, Herning, 27-11-2018.

Fog, Erik (2018) Protein feed from clover grass for pigs and poultry.Results from Danish innovation projects. Speech at: Grünland nutzen und erhalten, Saarbrücken, 20-11-2018.

Fog, Erik (2018) Perspektiver, udfordringer og muligheder i grøn bioraffinering. [Perspectives, challenges and possibilities in green biorefinery.] Speech at: Møde med GUDPs bestyrelse d. 18. september 2018.

Fog, Erik (2018) Proteinkoncentrat fra kløvergræs. [Protein concentrate from grass clover.] Økologi - inspiration til jordbruget, August 2018, 2018 (6), p. 11.

Fog, Erik (2013) Præsentation af MultiTrust-redskabet på Økologi-Kongres 2013. [Presentation of the MultiTrust Tool on the Danish Organic Congress 2013.] Report on the congress experiences at: Økologi-Kongres 2013, Vingsted Centret, Danmark, 27-28 november 2013.

Földi, Mihály (2016) 2016-ban is folytatódnak az ÖMKi ökológiai búzafajta összehasonlító kísérletei, minden eddiginél több fajtával és még több helyszínen. [Wheat species' comparative experiments at Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi) are continued in 2016 as well with more varieties and locations than ever.] Őstermelő, April 2016, 2016 (2), pp. 96-97.

Foldi, Mihaly; Benedek, Szilveszter; Jakab, Péter; Papp, Orsolya; Csambalik, Laszlo; Laszlo, Gyula; Illyes, Eszter; Tarnai, Maria and Allacherne Szepkuty, Katalin (2012) Ökológiai gazdálkodás melléklet - 2012. április - május. Őstermelő, April 2012, pp. 99-104.

Forster, D.; Andres, C.; Verma, R.; Zundel, C.; Messmer, M. and Mäder, P. (2013) Economic profitability of organic vs. conventional cotton-based production systems in a long-term field trial in India. Poster at: First International Conference on Global Food Security, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 29 September - 2 October 2013. [Completed]

Foster, Carolyn and Lampkin, Nicolas (2000) FAIR3-CT96-1794 Organic and in-conversion land area, holdings, livestock and crop production in Europe. .

Fowler, S; Wynne-Jones, I and Lampkin, N (2001) Economics of organic farming (extension to OF0125)(0F0190). University of Wales, Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Studies.

Fowler, Sue; Green, Michael; Hitchings, Roger; Jedwell, Andrew; Kennard, Bob; Little, Tony; McCalman, Heather; Pearson, Neil; Powell, Jane; Rowlands, Gareth; Spiller, Gary; Thomas, Huw; Wacher, Carolyn and Weller, Richard (2004) Organic Farming in Wales 2003 - 2004. Organic Centre Wales .

Fowler, Susan; Lampkin, Nicolas and Midmore, Peter (2000) Organic farm incomes in England and Wales 1995/96 - 1997/98. University of Wales Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences.

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Francis, Dr. Charles; Breland, Dr. Tor Arvid; Lieblein, Dr. Geir; Moulton, Mr. Mike; Salomonsson, Dr. Lennart; Geber, Dr. Ulrika; Langer, Dr. Vibeke; Sriskandarajah, Dr. N.; Porter, Dr. John and Helenius, Dr. Juha (2006) Agroecology Education and Research: An Academic Platform for Organic Farming. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

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Geier, Uwe; Fritz, Jürgen; Greiner, Ramona and Olbrich-Majer, Michael (2018) L'agriculture biodynamique, une synthèse scientifique. [Biodynamic agriculture, a scientific summary.] In: UTB pour la version originale, Mouvement de l'Agriculture Biodynamique (MABD) pour la version française, Les Amis de la Biodynamie pour la version française (Eds.) Ökologischer Landbau: Grundlagen, Wissensstand und Herausforderungen. UTB, Stuttgart (DE), pp. 101-123.

GIULIANO, Simon; RIVIERE, Pierre and CRIBIER, Domitille (2021) Analyse de l'essai Date d'ensilage (Résultats de l'expérimentation date d'ensilage). [Analysis of the silage date trial (Results of the silage date trial).] Ecole d’Ingénieurs de Purpan, Toulouse , Agroécologie et agrophysiologie.

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Hamann, Karen Thorsted; Fog, Erik and Gylling, M. (2018) Forudsætninger for en succesfuld etablering og kommercialisering af økologisk græsprotein i Danmark. En interessentanalyse. [Preconditions for a successful establishment and commercialization of organic grass protein production in Denmark. A stakeholder analyses.] SEGES .

Hansen, Janne (2019) Organic greenhouse vegetables can become sustainable and resilient. Aarhus University, Aarhus.

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Hansen, Sissel; Serikstad, Grete Lene and Bergslid, Ildri (Rose) Kristine (2023) Økt økologisk bærekraft - Utfordringer og muligheter for økologisk landbruk. [Increasing environmental sustainability - Challenges and opportunities for organic farming.] NORSØK Rapport, no. 8, vol 8. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk, Tingvoll.

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Häseli, Andreas; Weibel, Franco; Daniel, Claudia; Schmid, Andi; Tamm, Lucius and Wyss, Eric (2013) Ochrana jádrovin v ekologickém zemědělství. [Protection of Pome Fruits in Organic Agriculture.] Bioinstitut o. p. s., Olomouc.

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Helmle, Simone (2001) Von Ideen und Symbolen zum Handeln - Fallstudie über eine Initiative im Bedürfnisfeld Ernährung. [Of Ideas and Symbols to Act - A Case Study on an Initiative in the Food Sector.] In: Krappitz, U.; Kunze, W. and Rojas, A. (Eds.) Selbstbestimmung statt Fremdsteuerung im ländlichen Raum. TUM/DSE, Hemau, pp. 55-69.

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Hermansen, J.E. (2011) Improved contribution of local feed to support 100% organic feed supply to pigs and poultry. An ERA- net project with 13 partners/10 countries 1/10-2011 - 30/9-2014. Speech at: Seminarium i Uppsala, 8. november 2011. [Unpublished]

Hermansen, J.E. and Jakobsen, M. (2014) Produktions- og miljømæssig samt økonomisk vurdering af økologiske svineproduktionssystemer baseret på slagtesvins fouragering. Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology.

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Hiller, Jörg and Wichmann, Thorsten (2010) Betriebzweigauswertung ökologisch und konventionell wirtschaftende Aquakultur-Betriebe. [Results of a comparison between organic and conventional aquaculture enterprises in Germany.] Landwirtschaftsberatung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern/Schleswig-Holstein GmbH, D-Schwerin , Beratungsbüro Schwerin.

Hoffmann, Heide (2002) Vergleich traditioneller und moderner ökologischer Anbauverfahren in der kleinbäuerlichen mexikanischen Landwirtschaft. [Comparison of traditional and modern organic production systems of the Mexican Agriculture of small farmers.] In: Korn, H. and Feit, U. (Eds.) Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt II: Interdisziplinärer Forschungsaustausch im Rahmen des Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt. LGF der HU Berlin , pp. 217-223.

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Husted, Søren (2013) AuthenticFood - Fast methods for authentication of organic plant based foods. Keynote presentation at: Italian workshop on organic food authentication, Rome, 12 Nov 2013.

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Jacobsen, Stine K.; Sigsgaard, Lene; Nielsen, Otto; Schwennsen, Trine Ø; Green, Ole; Johannsson, I; Vestergård, Mette; Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg and Nicolaisen, Mogens (2023) Strip cropping –improving biodiversity and crop resilience in organic farming. Poster at: XII European Congress of Entomology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 16-20 October 2023.

Jamar, Laurent and Leclercq, Véronique (2021) Plateforme SYCMA: expérimentations de SYstèmes de Culture en MAraîchage au CRA-W. [SYCMA platform: vegetable growing systems experiments at CRA-W.] Itinéraires bio, September 2021, 60, pp. 39-43.

Jean, Evens (2011) Maraîchage biologique et organisation du travail : Enjeux et conséquences de la diversification. Etude de cas : Vaucluse et Bouches-du-Rhône, PACA. Masters thesis, AgroParisTech et Museum national d'Histoire naturelle . . [Completed]

Jensen, Betina Zacher; Fog, Erik; Steincke, Nynne L. B.; Hermansen, Sven; Nielsen, Otto; Green, Ole; Kudjorjie, Enoch; Madsen, M. V; Nicolaisen, Mogens; Sigsgaard, Lene and Jacobsen, Stine K. (2024) Bæredygtighedsvurdering af stribedyrkning som biodiversitetstiltag i økologisk planteavl. [Sustainability Assessment of Strip Cropping as a Biodiversity Measure in Organic Crop Production.] Innovationscenter for Økologisk Landbrug , 8200 Aarhus N.

Jensen, Henning Høgh (2007) Ti ubekvemme om biobrændsler. Jord og Viden, November 2007, 14 (152), pp. 12-14.

Jensen, Søren K.; Søegaard, Karen; Sehested, Jakob; Lindqvist, Hanna and Nadeau, Elisabet (2010) Indflydelse af høstmetode og konservering på vitamin- og fedtsyreindhold. In: Kristensen, Troels (Ed.) Økologisk græsmarksproduktion og udnyttelse til mælkeproduktion. Intern rapport • husdyrbrug Nr. 27, Aarhus Universitet, chapter 4, pp. 27-32.

Jensen, Jørgen Dejgaard and Gylling, M. (2017) Using Green Biorefinery Technology to Enhance Domestic Self-Sufficiency in Protein Feed Supply – Economic Impacts on Conventional and Organic Farming. Paper at: XV EAAE Congress: “Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems: Balancing between Markets and Society”., Parma, Italy, August 29th – September 1st, 2017. [Submitted]

Jensen, Jørgen Dejgård (2016) Bio-Refining Agricultural crop Products into High-Value Materials - Economic impacts in the agricultural sector. Speech at: 152nd EAAE Seminar on Emerging Technologies and the Development of Agriculture, Novi Sad (Serbia), Novi Sad (Serbia), 30.08.2016-1.09.2016. [Unpublished]

Jensen, Thomas Secher and Olsen, Kent (2010) Vole spatial distribution and dispersal in European organic and conventional farming systems. Poster at: The 90th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Laramie, Wyoming, USA, 11-15 of June 2010.

Jensen, Torben (2019) Future organic products. [Fremtidens økologiske fodermidler.] Speech at: Biofach Congress 2019, Nürnberg, 15-02-2019.

Jezek, Josef; Vostrel, Josef; Krofta, Karel and Klapal, Ivo (2012) První český chmel v kvalitě bio. [The first Czech hop in organic quality.] Zemědělec, 2012, 2012 (40), p. 21.

Johansen, Niels Finn (2014) Fodring af økologiske høner med fluelarver, praksisforsøg. Videncentret for Landbrug .

Johansen, Niels Finn (2014) BIOCONVAL - praksisforsøg. Keynote presentation at: Slutmøde, 9. maj 2014. [Completed]

Johansen, Niels Finn (2013) Fodring af høns med bælgplanter og fluelarver. Keynote presentation at: Økologi-Kongres 2013, 27-28 november 2013. [Completed]

Johansen, Niels Finn (2013) Inspirationstur 31. oktober 2013. Keynote presentation at: [Completed]

Johansen, Niels Finn and Engberg, Ricarda M. (2014) Nutritional value of fly larvae and larvae meal. Videncentret for Landbrug .

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Johanssen, Juni Rosann E. and Sørheim, Kristin (2021) Ku og kalv sammen i melkeproduksjon - Intervjuer med melkeprodusenter. NORSØK Rapport, no. 15, vol 6. NORSØK, Tingvoll.

Johanssen, Juni Rosann E.; Brunberg, Emma and Sørheim, Kristin (2019) Separasjon av ku og kalv - Atferd hos ku og kalv i melkeproduksjon etter separasjon ved to ulike metoder. NORSØK Rapport, no. 6. NORSØK, Tingvoll.

Johanssen, Juni Rosann E. and Sørheim, Kristin (2019) Driftssystemer for slaktekylling som ivaretar helse og dyrevelferd, krav om økt andel egenprodusert fôr og utfasing av konvensjonelle proteinfôrmidler i økologisk fjørfeproduksjon. NORSØK Rapport, no. 3, Vol 4. NORSØK, Tingvoll.

{Tool} Organic living labs and lighthouse farms in Europe. Creator(s): Jonasz, Gerda and Varga, Korinna. Issuing Organisation(s): TP Organics. (2022)

Julian, C.; Smith, N; Oglethorpe, David and Wright, J (2002) The development of an integrated modelling system to support decisions on organic farms. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 161-164.

Jørgensen, Henry; Bach Knudsen, Knud Erik and Lauridsen, Charlotte (2011) Carbohydrate and lipid composition of vegetables, and bioavalability assessed in a rat model: Impact different cultivation systems. In: Pulkrabova, Jana; Tomaniova, Monika; Kahl, Johannes and Hajšlová, Jana (Eds.) Book of Abstracts. First International Conference on Opganic Food Quality and Health Research, ICT Prague Press, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 119.

Jørgensen, Uffe (2018) Proteiner for fremtiden – græsproteiner. Det nationale bioøkonomispanels anbefalinger. [Future proteins - from grass. Recommendations from the Danish Bio-economy Panel.] Speech at: Lokalt og bæredygtigt proteinfoder fra grønne biomasser, Aarhus University, Foulum, 17-09-2018.

Kahiluoto, Helena (2001) A systems approach to the management of arbuscular mycorrhiza. Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden (2), p. 9.

KARADAĞ, Serpil; AÇAR, İzzet; DOĞRUER KALKANCI, Nilgün; ÇALIŞKAN, Mustafa; ARPACI, Selim and SARPKAYA, Kamil (2011) Organik Antepfıstığı Yetiştiriciliği. [Organic Pistachio Production.] In: ALAY VURAL, Ayşen (Ed.) Organik Tarım Araştırma Sonuçları. T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara-Turkey, pp. 35-42.

KARADAĞ, Serpil; ASLAN, Kürşat Alp; AKGÜN, Abdülkadir; ARPACI, Selim; SARPKAYA, Kamil; DOĞRUER KALKANCI, Nilgün and ÇALIŞKAN, Mustafa (2011) Organik Üzüm Yetiştiriciliği. [Organic Grape Production.] In: ALAY VURAL, Ayşen (Ed.) Organik Tarım Araştırma Sonuçları. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara/Turkey, pp. 43-50.

KARADAŞ, Köksal; OLGUN, Murat; TURGUT, Bülent; KÜÇÜKÖZDEMİR, Ümran and GÜLSEVEN, Dilşat (2011) Erzurum Yöresinde Organik Tarımda Buğday ve Fiğ Yetiştiriciliği. In: ALAY VURAL, Ayşen (Ed.) Organik Tarım Araştırma Sonuçları. T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara/Turkey, pp. 123-128.

Kasperczyk, Nadja; Meier, Julia and Jahrl, Ingrid (2020) Kleine Gärten - große Wirkungen: Bildungsmaßnahmen zur Förderung des ökologischen Bewusstseins urbaner Gärtner mit dem Ziel der Ökologisierung städtischer Flächen und der Steigerung des Konsums von Biolebensmitteln. [Small gardens - big impacts; educational measures to foster ecological awareness of urban gardeners with the aim to ecologize urban areas and to increase consumption of organic food.] Forschungsinstitut für Biologischen Landbau FiBL, D-Frankfurt am Main .

Kastberg, Peter (2014) Animating Multicriteria Decision-making Processes in the Organic Value Chain. ICROFS news, 2014 ( 1), 6- 8.

Kastberg, Peter (2014) Multicriteria Assessment and Communication of Effects of Organic Food Systems. ICROFS news, 2014, 1, pp. 6-8.

Kastberg, Peter (2014) Multikriteriel vurdering og kommunikation af effekterne af økologiske fødevaresystemer. Working paper. [draft]

Keçeci, Mehmet; Cebel, Nesime; Terzi, Dilek; Peker, Murat; Kaya, Şule; Erdoğan, Pervin; Akbaş, Birol; Karahan, Aynur and Kodan, Münevver (2010) Ankara Koşullarında Organik Tarım Sisteminde Kullanılan Farklı Materyallerin Domates ve Mısır Münavebe Sisteminde Toprak Özelliklerine Etkisi. [The effects of various materials used in organic agriculture system on soil properties in tomato and corn rotation system in Ankara conditions.] In: Alay Vural, Ayşen (Ed.) Organik Araştırma Sonuçları 2005-2010. T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 341-346.

Kelly, Hilary; Shiel, Robert; Edwards, Sandra; Day, Jon and Browning, Helen (2002) The effect of different paddock rotation strategies for organic sows on behaviour, welfare and the environment. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 273-276.

Kettnerova, Miloslava and Honsova, Hana (2013) Polní dny nabité zajímavostmi. [Interesting field days.] Zemědělec, 2013, 2013 (29), p. 45.

Khanal, Tanka and Steenfeldt, Sanna (2017) Effect of Clover grass protein concentrate on performance, digestibility and egg quality of laying hens fed 100% organic diet. Working paper. [Completed]

Kieft, Henk and Znaor, Darko (2000) Impact of agricultural development scenarios on water resources in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania. In: Proceedings of the international conference “Water and agriculture”, World Wide Fund for Nature, Brussels, pp. 47-56.

Kilcher, Lukas; Weidmann, Gilles and Garibay, Salvador V. (2007) IFOAM Training Manual: Training Manual for Organic Agriculture in the Humid Tropics. 1 edition. IFOAM Training Manual . International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements , Bonn.

Kildested, Lars (2005) Vilde merudbytter til forbavsede forskere. Agrologisk, January 2005, 23 (1), pp. 6-8.

Kır, Alev and Mordoğan, Nilgün (2010) Organik Tarım Sisteminde Uygulanan Değişik Organik Gübrelerin Yalova Yağlık 28 Biberinin (Capsicum Annuum L.) Verim ve Bazı Kalite Kriterleri İle Topraktaki Azot Birikimine Etkileri. [The Effects Of Dıfferent Compost And Manure Applıcatıons On Fruıt Yıeld, Some Qualıty Parameters And Nıtrate (No3-N) Accumulatıon In The Soıl Profıle In Organıc Red Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) Productıon.] In: Alay Vural, Ayşen (Ed.) Organik Tarım Araştırma Sonuçları 2005-2010. T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Ankara Turkey, pp. 189-195.

KISAKÜREK, M. Nefi; GÖZCÜ, Doğan; ARPACI, Bekir Bülent; KILIÇ, Cevdet; ASLAN, Coşkun; ÇİÇEK, Bekir and ŞEN, İhsan (2011) Kahramanmaraş’ta Organik Pamuk Üretim Olanaklarının Araştırılması. [Research of Possibilities of Organic Cotton Growing in Kahramanmaraş.] In: ALAY VURAL, Ayşen (Ed.) Organik Tarım Araştırma Sonuçları. T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara/Turkey, pp. 115-122.

Kıvılcım, M. Niyazi; Erdogan, Oktay; Bozbek, Taner; Sezener, Volkan; Özkan, İsa; Erdal, Ülfet; Şimşek, Koray and Güler, Ali (2010) Büyük Menderes Havzasında Organik Pamuk Üretim Olanaklarının Araştırılması. [ Investıgatıon On Organıc Cotton Productıon Possıbılıtıes At Büyük Menderes Rıver Basın.] In: Alay Vural, Ayşen (Ed.) Organik Tarım Araştırma Sonuçları . T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara/Turkey, pp. 145-152.

Kiær, Lars; Skovgaard, Ib and Østergård, Hanne (2006) Meta-analysis is a powerful tool to summarize variety mixture effects - exemplified by grain yield and weed suppression of spring barley. In: Østergård, H. and Fontaine, L. (Eds.) Cereal crop diversity: Implicatons for production and products, ITAB, Paris, France, pp. 49-52.

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2004) Økologisk jordbrugs rolle i globalisering, handel og bæredygtighed. [The role of organic agriculture within globalization, trade and sustainability.] Speech at: Økologi-Kongres 2004, Odense Congress Center, 16.-17. November 2004.

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2020) Livscyklusvurderinger og zero emission agriculture. [Life cycle assessment and zero emission agriculture.] Speech at: Zero Emission Agriculture Workshop, AU Foulum, 8. januar 2020.

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2019) Økologi og bæredygtighed - er der en konflikt? [Organic agriculture and sustainability - is there a conflict?] Speech at: Fødevaredagen, Hindsgavl Slot, 24. september 2019. [Completed]

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Hermansen, John E. and Meyer-Aurich, Andreas (2011) Livscyklusvurdering af økologiske og konventionelle planteavlssædskifter - fokus på drivhusgasemissioner. [Life cycle assessment of organic and conventional arable crop rotations - focusing on greenhouse gas emissions.] Speech at: Faglige følgegruppemøder med Fødevareministeriet, Aarhus University, 5.-6. September 2011. [Completed]

Kögl, Hans and Rudow, Katja (2014) Untersuchungen der Wirkungen des Pachtmarktes auf das Wachstum von ökologischen und anderen, nachhaltig wirtschaftenden Betrieben. [Investigations on impacts of land rent market issues on the enlargement of organic or other sustainable farms.] Universität Rostock , Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche Fakultät.

Koistinen, Riitta (2003) Virna - a database on organic food production. Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden (4), p. 13.

Kolbe, Hartmut (2002) Wasserbelastung in Abhängigkeit von der Landnutzung [Contamination of water depending on the method of land use]. Ökologie & Landbau, 122 (2), pp. 34-35.

Kolstad, Solrun and Olesen, Ingrid (1996) Bjørgan - en økologisk sauegård i Nord-Trøndelag. NORSØK Rapport. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk, Tingvoll.

Kongsted, A.G. (2021) Presentation of the OUTFIT project at ICROFS status meeting 04-03-2021. Speech at: ICROFS status meeting 04-03-2021, 04-03-2021. [Unpublished]

Kongsted, A.G. and Hermansen, J.E. (2014) Agroforestry i økologisk husdyrproduktion. Økologi & Erhverv, 4 July 2014, 548, p. 14.

Kongsted, A.G.; Hermansen, J.E.; Hammershøj, M.; Horsted, K.; Roepstorff, A.; Hansen, L.L.; Steenfeldt, S.; Baggesen, D.L.; Andersen, B.H.; Pedersen, H.L.; Karlsson, A.H.; Claudi-Magnussen, C.; Allesen-Holm, B.H.; Mølbak, L.; Jensen, T.K.; Jensen, A.N.; Byrne, D.V.; Stolzenbach, S.; Thamsborg, S.M. and Meyer, H. (2010) Kvalitet og integritet i økologiske æg, kyllinge- og svinekødsprodukter (QEMP). . [Completed]

Kongsted, A.G. and Therkildsen, M. (2013) Forsøg med frilandsgrise på kløvergræs, urter, kål og jordskokker. In: Food Festival, Aarhus 2013.

König, Bettina; von Allwörden, Andrea; Reimers, Sebastian and Bokelmann, Wolfgang (2012) Minderung von Umstellungshindernissen für nachhaltige Angebotsanpassungen bei Bio-Gemüse: Neue Kooperationsformen zur verbesserten Abstimmung von Leistungen und Anforderungen in Lieferketten. [Diminishing conversion barriers for sustainable harmonisation of demand for organic vegetables: New modes of cooperation for improved adjustment of supply performance and demand requirements in retail chains.] Humboldt Universtät zu Berlin , Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften das Landbaus.

Köppen, Detloff (2001) Stand und Perspektiven des ökologischen Landbaus in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern. In: Brod, Hans-Georg (Ed.) Landwirtschaft in mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern - Potenziale und deren Nutzung,, 57.

Köppen, Detloff (2000) Agrarökologische Folgerungen für einen umweltgerechten Pflanzenbau: Leistungen des ökologischen Landbaus – ein Betriebsvergleich. unpublished, 2000. [Unpublished]

Kotera, Jan (2013) Farma, kde se zelenině daří bez dotací. [The farm where vegetables thrive without subsidies.] Zemědělec, 2013, 2013 (1-2), p. 26.

Kratochvil, Ruth (1999) Nachhaltigkeit des Biologischen Landbaus – Ökonomie. [Sustainability or Organic Agriculture - Economy.] Universität für Bodenkunde Wien , Insititut für ökologischen Landbau. [Unpublished]

Krawczyk, Wojcieck; Walcek, Jacek and Musial, Kamila (2018) Effect of organic fertilizers on permanent grasslands in the Lower Beskids – the Polish part of the Western Carpathians. In: Procc. of 1st European Symposium on Livestock Farming in Mountain Areas. 20-22.06.2018, Bolzano, Italy., 1. [draft]

Kristensen, Ib Sillebak; Dalgaard, Randi and Kristensen, Troels (2002) Indirekte beregning af N-fiksering. In: Kvælstofbalancer på landbrugsbedriften – status og perspektiv. Temamøde på Forskningscenter Foulum, 24. april 2002. Intern Rapport, no. 157. Danmarks JordbrugsForskning, pp. 31-40.

Kristensen, Troels; Eriksen, Jørgen and Søegaard, Karen (2007) Afgræsning af græsblandinger med bælgplanter og cikorie. Ny Kvægforskning, April 2007, 5 (2), p. 2.

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2018) Intensiv grøntsagsproduktion på plantebaseret gødning. Økologi & Erhverv, 11 May 2018, 632, p. 15.

Kristensen, Helene (2015) Troværdighed er afgørende for afsætningen af økologisk kylling. ICROFS . Online at http://icrofs.dk/aktuelt/nyheder/nyhed/artikel/workshop-om-oeget-afsaetning-af-oekologiske-kyllinger/, accessed on: 19 May 2015.

Kristensen, Kristian; Bigongiali, Federica and Østergård, Hanne (2008) Efficiency of incomplete split-plot designs – a compromise between traditional split-plot designs and randomised complete block design. In: Proceedings of IAMFE 2008, pp. 47-53.

Kristensen, Kristian and Ericson, Lars (2007) Relation between growth characteristics and yield of barley in different environments. In: Lammerts van Bueren, E.T.; Goldringer, I. and Østergård, H. (Eds.) Plant breeding for organic and sustainable, low-input agriculture: dealing with genotype-environment interactions, Wageningen University, p. 16.

Kristensen, Kristian and Ericson, Lars (2007) Will growth characteristics describe yield differently in different environments? In: Østergård, Hanne; Backes, Gunter and Kovacs, Geza (Eds.) Procedings of the COST SUSVAR workshop on Varietal characteristics of cereals in different growing systems with special emphasis on below ground traits, pp. 45-48.

Kristensen, T. and Søegaard, K. (2013) Hay production in North Europa. ICROFS, September 2013, 3, pp. 8-9.

Kristensen, T. and Søegaard, K. (2013) Høproduktion og fodring. Landbrugsavisen, 12 July 2013, pp. 1-2.

Krogh-Jensen, S. (2019) Grønne proteinkilder - perspektiver og udfordringer. [Green protein sources - perspectives and challenges.] Speech at: Fodringsseminar, SEGES, Kolding, 10-04-2019.

Krogh-Jensen, S. (2019) Hvorfor og hvordan laver man græsprotein til grisefoder? [Why and how are we producing grass protein for pig feed?] Speech at: Græsprotein - Skal det erstatte soja?, Herning, 14-03-2019.

Kuhnert, Heike; Behrens, Gesine; Hamm, Ulrich; Müller, Henriette; Sanders, Jürn; Nieberg, Hiltrud and Strohm, Renate (2013) Dauerhafte Ausweitung des ökologischen Landbaus in Deutschland: Analyse der Ausstiege von Betrieben und Entwicklung eines Konzepts zur nachhaltigen Vermeidung. [Extension of organic farming in Germany: Determination of reasons for re-conversion of organic farms to conventional agriculture and development of a sustainable approach to prevent it.] Thünen-Institut, Institut für Betriebswirtschaft, D-Braunschweig, Land uns Markt, D-Hamburg und Universität Kassel, Fachgebiet Agrar- und Lebensmittelmarketing, D-Witzenhausen .

Kyed, Sybille; Kongsted, Anne Grete; Jørgensen, Uffe and Hermansen, John E. (2015) Oplæg til afgrødekode der kan anvendes til græsarealer med vedagtig bevoksning til svin på friland. Working paper, Økologisk Landsforening . [Completed]

Kyntäjä, Soile; Partanen, Kirsi; Siljander-Rasi, Hilkka and Jalava, Taina (2014) Tables of composition and nutritional values of organically produced feed materials for pigs and poultry. MTT, Agrifood Research Finland, Animal Production Research.

Lakner, Dipl. Ing. Sebastian (2002) Ökonomische Bewertung der Integration von Naturschutzzielen in den Ökologischen Landbau am Beispiel der Staatsdomäne Frankenhausen. [Economic evaluation of the integration of nature conservation aims in organic agriculture at the state property Frankenhausen.] Thesis, Universität Kassel , Fachgebiet Ökologischer Land und Pflanzenbau. . [Unpublished]

Lambion, Jérôme (2018) Gestion agro-écologique des punaises du chou grâce aux plantes-pièges. [Agro-ecological management of Eurydema bugs with trap plants on cabbage.] Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique (GRAB) .

Lampkin, Nic and Powell, Jane (2003) Organic Farming in Wales 1998 - 2003. Organic Centre Wales .

Lampkin, Nicolas (2023) Policy support for organic farming in the European Union – past achievements and future challenges. Paper at: 97th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, University of Warwick, United Kingdom, 27-29 March 2023.

Lampkin, Nicolas; Smith, Laurence and Padel, Katrin (2019) Delivering on net zero: Scottish Agriculture. A report by Organic Policy, Business and Research Consultancy for WWF Scotland , Edinburgh.

Langer, Vibeke; Dalgaard, Tommy; Heidmann, Tove; Elmegaard, Niels; Mogensen, Lisbeth; Odderskær, Peter and Hasler, Berit (editor): Langer, Vibeke (Ed.) (2002) Omlægning til økologisk jordbrug i et lokalområde. Scenarier for natur miljø og produktion. [Conversion to organic farming in a local area. Scenarios for nature, encviroment and production.] FØJO-rapport, no. 12. .

Lankester, Martien and Znaor, Darko (2009) Paving the Road to Organic farming in Afghanistan. Avalon Foundation , Wommels.

Larsen, Mette Krogh; Nielsen, Jacob Holm; Kristensen, Troels; Søegaard, Karen and Eriksen, Jørgen (2010) Mælkens indholdsstoffer ved afgræsning. In: Kristensen, Troels (Ed.) Økologisk græsmarksproduktion og udnyttelse til mælkeproduktion. Intern rapport • husdyrbrug Nr. 27, Aarhus Universitet, chapter 7, pp. 48-55.

Lauridsen, Charlotte (2011) Sundhedseffekt af øko-gulerødder? Økologi Erhverv, 28 January 2011, 471, .

Laursen, Klaus Brønd and Noe, Egon (2015) Partnerships as an organizational form in midscale values based food chains. PowerPoint presentaion at: XXVI European Society for Rural Sociology Congress, Aberdeen, Scotland, 18-21 August 2015.

Lee, Howard and Fowler, Susan (2002) A critique of methodologies for the comparison of organic and conventional farming systems. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 281-284.

Lehmann, Jesper O. (2012) Production of Hay milk. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Department of Large Animal Sciences. , Copenhagen, Denmark. [Submitted]

Leisner, Marianne (1992) Permakultur - 5 gårdsbruk. 30 bruks-prosjektet, no. 12. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk og GAIA Lista, Tingvoll.

Lewis, Sophie (2011) Agroforestry Survey: A Summary of Response. Organic Research Centre , Research.

Lichtsteiner, Stéphanie and Oehen, Bernadette (2015) Imkerei und Landwirtschaft – zwischen Abhängigkeit und Gegensätzlichkeit. Agrarforschung Schweiz, 2015, 6 (6), pp. 278-285.

Lieblein, Geir and Østergaard, Edvin (1993) Gårdsstudier - definisjon, utforming og helhetlige betingelser. 30 bruks-prosjektet, no. 13. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk, Tingvoll.

Lilleør, Karen (2006) Nye støttemuligheder i sigte. In: Hansen, Jesper (Ed.) Økologisk Planteavlsberetning 2006. Økologisk Rådgivning, chapter 6, pp. 11-13.

Litterick, Audrey M; Watson, Christine A and Robson, Melissa C (2002) An investigation into the relationship between preceding break crops and weed populations in barley crops in organic ley/arable rotations. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 227-228.

Lübeck, Mette (2018) Refining proteins from green crops for high quality feed products for monogastricanimals and dairy cows. Speech at: 1st International Conference on Microbial Food and Feed Ingredients, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2.-4. April, 2018.

Lübeck, Mette (2018) Refining proteins from green crops for high quality feed products for monogastric animals and dairy cows. Speech at: Protein Feed Vision, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6.-7. March 2018.

Lübeck, Mette (2016) Bioraffinaderier kan mindske import af miljøbelastende soja. Videnskab.dk, 22 November 2016, p. 1.

Lübeck, Mette and Ambye-Jensen, Morten (2017) Storskala produktion af græsprotein og krav til raffineringsteknik. Speech at: Økologi-kongres 2017, Comwell, Kolding, Danmark, 29.-30. november 2017.

Lucas-Barbosa, Dani (2023) Resilient cropping systems & functional agro-biodiversity. Keynote presentation at: EPS Get2gether, Soest, The Netherlands, 1-2 May, 2023. [Completed]

Løes, Anne-Kristin (1996) Melkeproduksjon og bygdeturisme - økologisk drift på fjellgården Fausko i Buskerud. NORSØK Rapport. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk, Tingvoll.

Løes, Anne-Kristin (1992) Aktuelle omleggingsproblemer - en spørreundersøkelse. 30 bruks-prosjektet, no. 9. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk, Tingvoll.

Løes, Anne-Kristin (1990) Prosjektplan - Utarbeidet våren 1990. 30 bruks-prosjektet, no. 4. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk, Tingvoll.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Ebbesvik, Martha and Vittersø, Helge (1996) Solli - en biologisk-dynamisk melkeproduksjonsgård i Vestfold. NORSØK Rapport. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk, Tingvoll.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Flaten, Ola; Lien, Gudbrand and Koesling, Matthias (2009) Noen økobønder slutter - hva er årsakene? [Some organic farmers opt out, what are the reasons?] In: Fløistad, Erling and Munthe, Kari (Eds.) Bioforsk-konferansen 2009. Mat, vann og klima. Bioforsk Fokus 4(2), 2009, Bioforsk, 4 (2), Bioforsk FOKUS, no. 4(2), pp. 253-254.

Løes, Anne-Kristin and Schmidt, Knud (1993) Hva var 30 bruks-prosjektet? En beskrivelse av prosjektforløp og resultater. 30 bruks-prosjektet, no. 20. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk, Tingvoll.


Løes, Anne-Kristin; Pommeresche, Reidun and Khalil, Roger (2017) Effects of marble application to manure and anaerobic digestates. [Effekten av å tilsette finmalt marmor til husdyrgjødsel og råtnerest.] NORSØK REPORT, no. VOL.2/ NR. 5. NORSØK, Tingvoll.

MACİT, İdris; KOÇ, Aysen; GÜLER, Semiha and DELİGÖZ, İlyas (2011) Karadeniz Bölgesinde Organik Çilek Yetiştiriciliği. [Organıc Strawberry Growıng In The Black-Sea Regıon Of Turkey.] In: Organik Tarım Araştırma Sonuçları. T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara/Turkey, pp. 87-94.

Mäder, Paul; Fliessbach, Andreas; Dubois, David; Gunst, Lucie; Fried, Padruot and Niggli, Urs (2002) Bodenfruchtbarkeit und biologische Vielfalt im ökologischen Landbau. [Soil fertilty and biodiversity in organic farming.] Oekologie & Landbau, 124, pp. 12-16.

Malusa, Eligio; Zucchini, Matteo and Neri, Davide (2020) Deliverable 6.3. .

Maren, Korsgaard (2013) Ekstensiv frugtavl i skovlandbrug. [Extensive fruit production in agroforestry.] In: Økologisk Planteavlsberetning 2013. Økologisk Rådgivning, pp. 38-41.

Marian, Livia (2012) Hvad synes eksperterne om økologisk kød? Økologi & Erhverv, 2 November 2012, p. 17.

Marian, Livia (2012) GfK Panel Data Analysis of meat consumption. Working paper, Aarhus University . [Unpublished]

Markussen, Mads Ville; Østergård, Hanne; Oleskowicz-Popiel, Piotr; Schmidt, Jens Ejby and Pugesgaard, Siri (2009) Energy and emergy evaluation of potentials for energy self-sufficiency in Danish organic dairy farms by production of biogas and bioethanol. In: Fredriksson, Pelle and Ullvén, Karin (Eds.) Proceedings from 1st Nordic Organic Conference. Towards increased sustainability in the food supply chain. 18-20 May 2009. Gothenburg, Sweden, Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk (CUL), SLU, p. 168.

Marton, Silvia; Rolf, Epple; Keller, Olivia; Gabel, Vanessa M.; Schader, Christian and Baumgart, Lukas (2018) Repräsentative SMART-Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung der Bio Suisse-Betriebe. Kurzbericht 2018. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Measures, Mark (2004) Farm Auditing for Sustainability. In: Hopkins, A (Ed.) Organic Farming: Science & Practice for Profitable Livestock and Cropping, British Grassland Society, Reading, BGS Occasional Symposium, no. 37, pp. 27-30.

Mejnertsen, Peter (2004) Blandsæd giver dig flere muligheder i dit markbrug. [Intercropping gives you more posibilities in your arable crop production.] . Online at http://www.lr.dk/planteavl/diverse/oekovaerk_blandsaed.htm.

Messmer, Monika; Bocci, Riccardo; Bianchi, Pier Giacomo; Bicker, Charlotte; Kovács, Tina; Pederson, Tove Mariegaard and Rossmanith, Gebhard (2018) Presentations at the LIVESEED – ECO-PB & CPVO workshop on Organic Heterogeneous Material and Organic Varieties. Paper at: LIVESEED – ECO-PB & CPVO Workshop on Heterogeneous Material and Organic VarietiesWorkshop attached to Annual Meeting of Examination Offices (MEA), Angers, France, 6th December 2018. [Submitted]

Messmer, Monika M. (2013) Welcome to the 7th European Workshop on Organic Seed Regulation in Brussels 2013. Speech at: 7th European Workshop on Organic Seed Regulation of the European Consortium for Organic Plant Breeding, Brussels, Belgium, 9th -10th October 2013. [Submitted]

Meyling, N.V.; Navntoft, S. and Eilenberg, J. (2010) Økologisk dyrkning af hvidkål fremmer biodiversitet og naturlig regulering af skadedyr. ICROFS nyt, March 2010 (1), pp. 8-9.

Midmore, Peter and Padel, Susanne (2002) Attitudes towards conversion to organic production of farmers in England. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 325-326.

Milestad, Rebecka; von Oelreich, Jacob and von Münchhausen, Susanne (2015) Exploring the adaptive capacity of growing mid-scale organic value chains in Europe. Conference proceeding and presentation at: XXVI European Society for Rural Sociology Congress, Aberdeen, Scotland, 18. - 21. august 2016.

MISCHLER, PIERRE (2019) Effects of livestock species diversity on the economic performance of commercial farms compared to specialized ruminant farms. Institut de l'élevage (IDELE) .

Moerman, Marie (2020) Introduire la diversité dans les systèmes d'élevage - une option gagnante sous certaines conditions. [Introducing diversity into livestock systems - a winning option under certain conditions.] Itinéraires bio, December 2020, 55, pp. 48-50.

Moerman, Marie; Minnekeer, Beverley and Tadli, Dounia (2019) Le parcours aménagé, un outil au service d’un élevage performant. [The enriched outdoor run, a tool for efficient breeding.] Itinéraires Bio, August 2019, 47, pp. 40-42.

MOERMAN, Marie and Moerman, Marie (2021) L'élevage des monogastriques au sein des systèmes de poly-élevage. [Monogastric production in mixed farming systems.] Pleinchamp 04/02/2021, 4 February 2021, p. 10.

MOERMAN, Marie (2020) Introduire la diversité dans les ateliers d’élevage, une enquête menée dans 16 fermes wallonnes. [Introducing diversity in livestock production farms, a survey conducted in 16 Walloon farms.] Le Sillon belge, 13 August 2020 (3927), pp. 6-7.

MOERMAN, Marie (2019) Comment l'élevage contribue à réduire le gaspillage ? En réduisant sa consommation ! [How does livestock farming help reduce waste? By consuming more efficiently!] Poster at: Foire agricole de Battice, Battice, Belgium, 05 & 06/09/2019.

MOERMAN, Marie (2019) Comment l'élevage contribue à réduire le gaspillage ? En valorisant les co-produits! [How does livestock farming contribute to reducing waste? By recovering co-products!] Poster at: Foire agricole de Battice, Belgium, Battice, 05 - 06/09/2020.

Moeskops, Bram (2018) Press release at the launch of the extended Farm knowledge platform (Deliverable 1.11 OK-Net EcoFeed Project). .

Moeskops, Bram (2014) The European Innovation Partnership: opportunities for innovation in organic farming and agroecology. IFOAM EU Group, TP Organics, ARC20020 .

Mogensen, Lisbeth; Kristensen, Troels; Jensen, Søren K. and Søegaard, Karen (2010) Besætningens forsyning med vitaminer og mineraler – case studier og model. In: Kristensen, Troels (Ed.) Økologisk græsmarksproduktion og udnyttelse til mælkeproduktion. Intern rapport • husdyrbrug Nr. 27, Aarhus Universitet, chapter 6, pp. 40-47.

Mogensen, Lisbeth; Kristensen, Troels; Jensen, Søren K. and Søegaard, Karen (2010) Cows fed vitamin-rich feed produce vitamin-rich milk. ICROFS News, May 2010, 2, pp. 8-9.

Mogensen, Lisbeth; Vaarst, Mette; Jensen, Margit Bak and Lehmann, Jesper Overgaard (2019) Systems for mother-bonded calf rearing during the milk feeding period in organic dairy farming. In: Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP).

Molinuevo-Salces , Beatriz; Santamaria, Maria; Kiel, Pauli; Uellendahl, Hinrich and Lübeck, Mette (2015) ORGANOFINERY: FROM GREEN CROPS TO PROTEINS, ENERGY AND FERTILISER. Poster at: 11th International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries, York, June 3-5 2015. [Completed]

Möller, K. (2013) Improving the phosphorus efficiency of organic farming systems. CORE Organic newsletter, October 2013, pp. 2-3.

Monti, Michele; Crozat, Yves; Dahlmann, Christoff; Dibet, Audrey; von Fragstein, Peter; Gooding, Mike J.; Hauggaard Nielsen, Henrik; Jensen, Erik S.; Kasyanova, Elena; Bellostas Muguerza, Natalia and Pristeri, Aurelio (2006) Agronomic performance and yield stability of pea-barley intercropping in European organic farming system. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Mosnier, Claire and Parsons, David (2021) Mixenable Deliverable D5.1: Development of the IAT and ORFEE models for simulating mixed livestock farms. .

Müller, Adrian (2018) Das FAO-Modell: Kostenberechnung der Nahrungsmittelproduktion. In: Engelsman, Volkert and Geier, Bernward (Eds.) Die Preise lügen - Warum uns billige Lebensmittel teuer zu stehen kommen. oekom-Verlag, München, pp. 127-130. [Completed]

Mulyadi, Tommy (2014) History of the Internal Control System at the Association of Organic Cacao Farmers (APKO) in Pidie. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Borec, Andreja (2015) Healthy Growth of Value Based Organic Food Chains: Management, value communication and perspectives of growing values-based food chains. Workshop at: Agrimba-Ava Conference, Porec, Croatia, 17.-19. June 2015. [Completed]

Munk, Arne; Vestergaard, Mogens and Kristensen, Troels (2014) Produktionsøkonomi ved økologisk opdræt af Holstein tyre og Limousine x Holstein krydsningstyre og -kvier i et græsbaseret produktionssystem. Videncentret for Landbrug / Aarhus Universitet .

Møller, HB (2020) Hvad kan biogasanlæggene gøre for at sikre en optimal gødningsproduktion? Speech at: HM Møller, 29/10-2020.

Nelder, Rebecca (2009) On Farm Feeding Poultry Trial: Wholegrain Wheat in the Commercial System. Poster at: [Completed]

Nelder, Rebecca (2009) On Farm Feeding;Replacing Bought in Pig Feed with Home-Grown Straights at Sheepdrove Organic Farm. Poster at: [Completed]

Nemecek, Dr. Thomas; Huguenin-Elie, Dr. Olivier; Dubois, Dr. David and Gaillard, Dr. Gérard (2007) Life cycle impact of Swiss arable cropping and forage production systems on global warming. Working paper, Biodiversity and Environmental Management, Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon Research Station ART . [Unpublished]

Nielsen, Bea; Thamsborg, professor Stig Milan; Hermansen, senior researcher John; Kristensen, senior researcher Troels and Enemark, Peter Stamp (2001) Økologisk oksekødsproduktion baseret på tyrekalve fra malkekvægsbesætninger. [Organic beef production based on dairy breed bull calves.] FØJO-rapport, no. 13. Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming .

Nielsen, Otto and Philipsen, Holger (2005) Abundance of naturally occurring entomopathogenic nematodes and establishment of inoculated Steinernema feltiae in an organic cropping system. In: IOBC Bulletin, 28 (3), pp. 31-34.

Nielsen, Otto and Sigsgaard, Lene (2022) Ni afgrøder giver 362.880 muligheder. Økologisk Landbrug, 25 March 2022, 674, p. 7.

Nielsen, Karen Munk (2014) Grise gror godt på lucerne. Økologi & Erhverv, 23 May 2014, 545, p. 16.

Nielsen, Karen Munk (2013) Dagens ret 4 gram larver. Økologi og Erhverv, 23 May 2013, 523, p. 15.

Nielsen, Karen Munk (2012) Stor interesse for alternativt svinehold. Økologi & Erhverv, 27 September 2012, p. 39.

Nielsen, Karen Munk (2012) Grise på overlevelsestur. Økologi & Erhverv, 24 August 2012, pp. 14-15.

Niggli, Urs; Schader, Christian and Stolze, Matthias (2010) Organic Farming - An efficient and integrated system approach responding to pressing challenges. In: Kölling, Antje (Ed.) Organic food and farming - A system approach to meet the sustainability challenge. IFOAM EU GROUP, chapter 6, pp. 17-20.

Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2005) The challenge of management of multidimensional enterprises analysed from a logo-poietic perspective. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2002) Farm enterprises as self-organizing systems: A new framework for studying farm enterprises? Paper at: XVth ISA World Congress of sociology, RC40 Sociology of agriculture and food, Brisbane, Australia, 7 – 13th July 2002. [Unpublished]

Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2002) Luhmann and Actor-Network Theory combined: Farm enterprises as self-organizing systems. Paper at: XVth ISA World Congress of Sociology, RC51 Sociocybernetics, Brisbane, Australia, 7 – 13th July, 2002. [Unpublished]

Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2013) Agroecology and Social Sciences. In the perspectives of multidisiplinarity. Paper at: AGROECOLOGY AND LAW: A TRANSDISCIPLINARY DIALOGUE, Lecca, Italy, NOVEMBER 15-16, 2013. [Completed]

Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2013) Agroecology and Social Sciences Regulation of Agroecosystems. Agroecology and Law: A Transdisciplinary Dialogue, Lecce, Italy, November 15-16, 2013. [Completed]

Noe, Egon; Brodersen, Svend and Rebecka, Milestad (2015) Partnerskaber – vejen til mere bæredygtighed og bedre afsætning (1). Speech at: Økologikongressen, Vingsted Hotel & Konferencecenter, 25/11 2015.

Noe, Egon; Laursen, Klaus Brønd and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2016) Mediation of quality in values-based food chains. In: IRSA: RC 58 - Assessing the Potential of Values Based Food Chains for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods: Conceptualizing Values-Based Supply Chains and Agriculture of the Middle..

Noel, Robin (2019) Protocole de sélection 1: Évaluer l’efficacité de la sélection massale sur le poids de l'épi, pour augmenter le potentiel de rendement. [Selection protocol 1: Evaluate the effectiveness of mass selection on ear weight to increase yield potential.] AgroBio Périgord , Expérimentation semences populations.

Noel, Robin (2019) Protocole de sélection 2 : Evaluer l’efficacité de la sélection massale sur le poids d’épi et floraison mâle, pour augmenter le potentiel de rendement et la précocité. [Selection protocol 2: Evaluate the effectiveness of mass selection on ear weight and male flowering, to increase yield potential and earliness.] Agrobiopérigord, 7 Impasse de la Truffe 24430 COURSAC , Expérimentation semences populations.

Nordentoft, Steen (2014) Parasites and fly larvae in Poultry manure. National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark .

Nordentoft, Steen (2014) Report on the microbial changes in manure and inside larvae during composting. National food institute, DTU .

Nordentoft, Steen (2014) Report on the possibilities to decontaminate living fly larvae v.2. DTU Fødevareinstituttet .

Nordentoft, Steen (2014) Risk assessment of using live Musca domestica larvae as feed for ecological egg layers. DTU Fødevareinstituttet .

Nordentoft, Steen (2013) BioConval – Conversion of manure to high value poultry feed. Keynote presentation at: Second international conference on organic food quality and health research, Warsaw, Poland, 5-7 June 2013. [Completed]

Nordentoft, Steen; Cederberg, Tommy Licht; Fischer, Christian Holst and Bjerrum, Lotte (2014) Accumulation of Dioxins and PCB in House Fly larvae (Musca domestica) reared in poultry manure and used in feed for organic laying hens. Poster at: [Completed]

Nordentoft, Steen and Engberg, Ricarda M. (2014) Feeding chickens fly larvae (Musca domestica) protein improves gut health and performances. National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark .

Nordentoft, Steen; Fischer, Christian Holst and Bjerrum, Lotte (2014) Reduction of bacterial pathogens in poultry manure by Musca domestica fly larvae. Applied and Enviromental Microbiology. [Completed]

Norton, Lisa R (2002) Factors influencing biodiversity within organic and conventional systems of arable farming – methodologies and preliminary results. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 231-236.

Novrizal (2014) Lessons from the Internal Control System of the CoCoA Aceh Utara Cooperative. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Nowack, Karin and Epple, Rolf (2018) Knospe-Betriebe unter der Lupe. Bioaktuell, 2018 (4), pp. 36-37.

Nykänen, A.; Leinonen, P. and Nykänen-Kurki, P. (2002) Management of red clover content of organic grassland. In: Scientific aspects of organic farming, Latvia University of Agriculture, pp. 101-103.

Nykänen, A.; Leinonen, P. and Väisänen, J. (2000) Clover content and yield of swards on organic farms - maintenance and estimation. In: Viiralt, Rein; Lillak, Rein and Michelson, Maria (Eds.) Conventional and ecological grassland management : comparative research and development, Estonian Grassland Society, pp. 149-152.

O'Brien, Miss Josie; Aspray, Miss Claire and Philipps, Ms Lois (2006) Research and development into the viability of a one hundred per cent organic ration for organic table birds within a silvo-poultry system. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Oehen, Bernadette; Quiédeville, Sylvain; Stolze, Matthias; Verrière, Pauline and Binimelis, Rosa (editor): Gall, Eric and Verrière, Pauline (Eds.) (2018) Socio-economic impacts of GMOs on European Agriculture. IFOAM EU.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2002) Sommer i sædskifteforsøget. Økologisk Jordbrug, June 2002 (268).

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2001) Gunstige effekter af efterafgrøder i sædskifteforsøget. Økologisk Jordbrug, August 2001 (245), p. 8.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2000) Status i sædskifteforsøget. Økologisk Jordbrug, October 2000, p. 8.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2000) Sommeren står for døren i sædskifteforsøget. Økologisk Jordbrug, June 2000, 243, p. 8.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2000) Europæisk forskning i sædskifter til økologisk jordbrug. Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden, March 2000 (2), pp. 16-17.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2000) International forskning i økologiske sædskifter. Økologisk Jordbrug, 2000, 209, p. 8.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (1999) Synlige forskelle i sædskifteforsøget. Økologisk jordbrug, August 1999, p. 8.

Olesen, Jørgen E. and Askegaard, Margrethe (2003) Nitrate leaching from arable crop rotations in organic farming. Paper at: 12th N workshop, Exeter, Devon, UK, 21-24 September, 2003. [Unpublished]

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Berntsen, Jørgen (2004) Nitrate leaching from arable crop rotations in organic farming. In: Hatch, D.J.; Chadwick, D.R.; Jarvis, S.C. and Roker, J.A. (Eds.) Controlling nitrogen flows and losses, Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 389-396.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær (2002) Sædskiftets indre dynamik i økologisk planteavl. In: Corell, A.; Kjær, L.B. and Frederiksen, H.B. (Eds.) Djf rapport Markbrug, 78, pp. 71-74.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær (2000) Crop production during the first course of an organic crop rotation trial in Denmark. In: Cook, S.K.; Cormack, W.F.; Green, M.; Holland, J.M.; Leake, A.R. and Welsh, J.P. (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology, The association of applied biologists, 62, pp. 187-195.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær (2000) Udnyttelse af husdyrgødning i sædskifter til økologisk planteavl. In: Sommer, Sven G. and Eriksen, Jørgen (Eds.) FØJO rapport, FØJO, 7, pp. 75-82.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær and Askegaard, Margrethe (2002) Udbytter i forsøgssædskifter til kornproduktion. Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2002 (263), p. 9.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær and Askegaard, Margrethe (2001) Fangafgrøder i sædskiftet øger udbyttet i vårsæd. Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2001 (238).

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær and Askegaard, Margrethe (2001) Planteavl uden kløvergræs mulig. Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2001 (238), p. 8.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær and Askegaard, Margrethe (2001) Udbytter i sædskifter til økologisk kornproduktion. Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden, 2001 (2), pp. 12-13.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær and Askegaard, Margrethe (2000) Danske forskere tester sædskifter. Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2000 (215), p. 14.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær and Askegaard, Margrethe (2000) Crop rotations for grain production. In: Alföldi, T.; Lockeretz, W. and Niggli, U. (Eds.) Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, p. 145.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær and Askegaard, Margrethe (2000) Økologisk vinterhvede kan lykkes på god jord. Landsbladet Mark, 2000 (8), p. 26.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2007) Varmere klima gavner økologisk jordbrug. [Warmer climate benefits organic farming.] In: Hansen, Jesper (Ed.) Økologisk Planteavlsberetning 2007. Økologisk Rådgivning , chapter 7, pp. 55-57.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Sørensen, Peter; Melander, Bo; Bertelsen, Inger and Nielsen, Erling (2018) RowCrop workshop til Store Markdag 2017. .

Oppermann, Rainer and Rahmann, Gerold (2005) Transforming Rural Communication Three sociological case studies in a developed and urbanized rural area of northern Germany: regional partnership Lübeck bay, organic dairy farming and nature protection. Sonderhefte der Landbauforschung Völkenrode, no. 284. Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (FAL).

Ortolani, Livia (2012) VISITA PRESSO I CAMPI SPERIMENTALI DEL PROGETTO InterVeg Benefici e la multifunzionalità delle colture di copertura consociate in orticoltura biologica. Workshop at: [Completed]

Ortolani, Livia and Canali, Stefano (2012) Incrementare i benefici multifunzionali delle colture consociate (InterVeg). [Enhancing multifunctional benefits of cover crops – vegetables intercropping.] Workshop at: University of Sassari , Sassari , 20 March 2012.

Özdem, Ayşe; Zeki, Cevdet; Yıldırım, Ayşegül; Atlamaz, Apdullah; Kalinbacak, Kadriye; Atasay, Adem; Kodan, Münevver; Bozkurt, Vildan; Baliç, Necla; Kan, Mustafa; Özyiğit, Selma and Conger, Ergun (2010) Orta Anadolu Bölgesinde Organik Kiraz Üretiminde Hastalık, Zararlı ve Yabancı Otların Mücadelesinin Yönetimi. [Management of disease, pest and weeds on organic cherry production in Central Anatolia Region.] In: Alay Vural, Ayşen (Ed.) Organik Tarım Araştırma Sonuçları 2005 2010. T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Ankara Turkey, pp. 223-230.

Ozyazıcı, Gulen; Ozdemir, Osman; Ozyazıcı, Mehmet Arif and Ustun, Guler Yasemin (2011) Bazı Organik Materyallerin ve Toprak Düzenleyicilerin Organik Fındık Yetiştiriciliğinde Verim ve Toprak Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri. [The Effects of Organic Materials and Soil Regulators In Organic Hazelnut Production On Yield and Some Soil Properties.] Poster at: Türkiye IV. Organik Tarım Sempozyumu, Erzurum, 28 Haziran-1 Temmuz 2010.

Padel, Susanne (2006) Report of the second stakeholder workshop of the Organic Revision Project. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Internal Project Report), no. D 6.3. Univerisity of Wales, Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth .

Padel, Susanne; Nicholas, Phillipa; Jasinska, Aleksandra and Lampkin, Nicolas (2008) Ethical concerns associated with organic food in Europe. In: Cultivate the future. Proceedings of 16 IFOAM world congress (CD).

Padel, Susanne; Sanders, Jürn and Stolze, Matthias (2012) Use and efficiency of EU public policy measures for organic farming. Organic Research Centre Bulletin, June 2012, 109, pp. 10-11.

Pak, Chang Nam (2014) Organic Agriculture in DPRK. A Strategy for Sustainable Development. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Pakpahan, Juniper (2014) LOCAL WISDOM AND BIO-DIVERSITY. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Pallari, Maarit (2004) Ekostrategi för finska Lappland - grundad på utredning av eko-odlingens historia, nuläge och visioner. Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden (1), pp. 10-11.

Papp, Orsolya (2016) Különböző talaj-mikrobiológiai oltóanyagok hatásának vizsgálata ökológiai burgonyatermesztésben. [Effects of different soil microbial vaccines in organic potato cultivation.] Őstermelő, June 2016, 2016 (3), pp. 89-90.

Papp, Orsolya (2012) Amikor beszél a burgonyagumó. [When potato starts to speak.] Biokultúra Évszakok, 2012, p. 1.

Papp, Orsolya; Illyés, Eszter; Tarnai, Mária; Kodobocz, Laszlo; Muranyi, Attila and Allacherne Szepkuty, Katalin (2012) Ökológiai gazdálkodás melléklet - 2012. június - július. Őstermelő, June 2012, pp. 99-104.

Paull, John (2024) Evolution of Rudolf Steiner’s ‘Agriculture Course’ from 1924 to 1929. Lecture at: Biodynamics 100 (BD100), Nailsworth,Gl, UK, 24-26 May 2024.

Paull, John (2010) Mr Carbon Farming. Acres Australia, 18 (1), p. 28.

Paull, John (2008) The Surprising History and Geography of the First "Organic Farming" Association. Paper at: Agri-Food XV, University of Sydney, Australia, 26-28 November 2008. [Unpublished]

Paull, John (2007) Book Review - Rudolf Steiner: An Introduction to His Life and Work, Gary Lachman, 2007. Elementals: Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania (87), pp. 53-56.

Paull, John (2020) GMO Wars: Democracy or Düsseldorf for South Australia? ISDRS Newsletter, Q1 (7), pp. 1-4.

Paull, John (2020) GMOs & SA: Food Sovereignty & Consumer Sentiment. Keynote presentation at: GMO Forum, Parliament House, Adelaide, South Australia.

Paull, John (2019) Dalmore Farm: Victoria’s first biodynamic farming venture (1933-1934). Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 2019 (131), pp. 26-31.

Paull, John (2019) World Maps of GMOs and Organic Agriculture. International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) Newsletter, 2019 (3), pp. 6-8.

Paull, John (2019) GMOs: the wisdom of crowds & the folly of deregulation. In: Parliament of Australia Forum: GMOs, Regulation or Deregulation.

Paull, John (2019) A Review of the Independent Review of the South Australian GM Food Crop Moratorium and Fourteen Alternative Findings. Public Submissions to the GM Independent Report. Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA), Adelaide.

Paull, John (2019) Organic Directions:The World, Australia & WA. Keynote presentation at: Directions Workshop, Ocean Reef, Perth, Western Australia, February 8, 2019.

Paull, John (2018) The Pioneers of Biodynamics in New Zealand. Harvests, 70 (3), pp. 38-40.

Paull, John (2018) Submission to: Inquiry into mechanisms for compensation for economic loss to farmers in Western Australia caused by contamination by genetically modified material. WA Inquiry, Perth.

Paull, John (2018) Tasmania's Organic Spring: The 99.8% Opportunity. Paper at: Tasmanian Organics Network, Burnie, Tasmania, 18 April 2018.

Paull, John (2018) Torquay: In the footsteps of Rudolf Steiner. Journal of Biodynamics Tasmania, 125 (Mar), pp. 26-31.

Paull, John (2017) Australia's original Demeter Farm (1934-1954). Journal of Biodynamics Tasmania, 123 (Sept.), pp. 16-19.

Paull, John (2016) Marsh v Baxter, Kojonup to Canberra: Foresight, Hindsight and Insight. Paper at: Geography & Spatial Sciences Conference 2016, University of Tasmania, 7-8 June 2016.

Paull, John (2014) Organic versus GMO farming: Contamination, what contamination? Journal of Organic Systems, 9 (1), pp. 2-4.

Paull, John (2013) China-Australia: Organic opportunities. [中国 - 澳大利亚: 有机=机会.] In: Proceedings of the Knowledge Exchange of Quality Food Production and Distribution: China and Australia Forum, 2013 (1), pp. 87-93.

Paull, John (2013) Koberwitz (Kobierzyce): In the footsteps of Rudolf Steiner. Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 109 (Autumn), pp. 7-11.

Paull, John (2012) Tintagel: In the Footsteps of Rudolf Steiner. Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 107 (Spring), pp. 11-15.

Paull, John (2011) A Postcard from Korea: Worldʼs First Organic Agriculture Museum. Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 104 (Summer), pp. 11-14.

Paull, John (2011) The Future of Organic Agriculture: Otopia or Oblivion? Australian Certified Organic Magazine, 1 January 2011, 2011 (Autumn), pp. 22-24.

Paull, John and Hennig, Benjamin (2019) New World Map of Organic Agriculture: Australia is 51%. Acres Australia, 2019 (101), pp. 35-36.

Petersen, Karen Koefoed (2019) Tomater i et agroøkologisk system. Gartner Tidende, 19 September 2019, 135 (11), pp. 16-17.

Petersen, Maja Eline (2014) Seed Sovereignty - How can organic agriculture contribute to the development and protection of the seed, a case study of Nepal. Working paper, Aarhus University . [Completed]

Petersen, Søren O. (2009) Flow of nutrients and climate relevant gases in experimental rotations on three soil types. Workshop at: Regulation of soil organic matter and nutrient turnover in agriculture, Witzenhausen, Germany, November 12th to 13th, 2009.

Petersen, Søren O. and Sørensen, Peter (2014) Klimaeffekten af mobil grøngødning. [Climate impact of mobile green manures.] ICROFS nyt, February 2014 (1), pp. 5-7.

Philipps, Lois; Engel, Cindy and Wolfe, Martin (2002) Development of an agroforestry system for chicken production. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 257-258.

Philipsen, Holger and Nielsen, Otto (2003) Host potential of insects from cruciferous crops to entomopathogenic nematodes and augmentation of nematodes through oil seed rape growing. In: IOBC Bulletin, 26 (1), pp. 141-146.

Philipsen, Holger and Nielsen, Otto (2003) Host potential of insects from cruciferous crops to entomopathogenic nematodes and augmentation of nematodes through oil seed rape growing. In: IOBC Bulletin, 26 (1), pp. 141-146.

Piamonte Peña, Rene (2014) Resilience based on the principle of the individual living organism. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Picchi, Valentina (2016) SANA - Salone Internazionale del Biologico e del Naturale. La ricerca transnazionale in agricoltura biologica: il programma “Core organic”. [SANA - International Exhibition of Organic and Natural. Trans-national Research in Organic farming: CORE Organic Programme.] .

Pommeresche, Reidun (2017) Levende frisk jord - en sikkerhet for framtidig og trygg matproduksjon. Lecture at: [Completed]

Pommeresche, Reidun (2016) Åkerproduksjon uten pløying. www.agropub, March 2016, p. 1.

Pretty, Jules N; Brett, Craig; Gee, David; Hine, Rachel; Mason, Chris; Morison, James; Rayment, Matthew; van der Bijl, Gert and Dobbs, Thomas (2002) Externe Kosten in der Landwirtschaft - Herausforderung für die Politik. Ökologie & Landbau, 2002, 2/2002 (122), pp. 19-24.

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Rahmann, Gerold (2003) Why do humans keep animals? Does the answer help to define standards for organic animal husbandry? Paper at: 1 st SAFO Workshop "Socio-Economic Aspects of Animal Health and Food Safety in Organic Farming Systems", Florenz, 05. - 07. September 2003.

Rebours, Celine; Friis Pedersen, Susanne; Øvsthus, Ingunn and Roleda, Michael (2014) Seaweed - a resource for organic farming. In: Fløistad, Erling and Günther, Morten (Eds.) Bioforsk FOKUS, Bioforsk, Ås Norway, 9 (2), Bioforsk FOKUS, p. 107.

Reckling, Moritz and Grosse, Meike (2022) On-farm Research to Diversify Organic Farming Systems. Organic Farming, 8 (1), pp. 1-2.

Refsgaard, Ph. D. Karen (2001) Evaluation of sustainability in farm and wastewater systems – decision theoretical applications. [Vurdering av bærekraftighet i jordbruks- og avløpssystemer - beslutningsteoretiske tilnærmelser.] Thesis, Norges landbrukshøgskole. Now called "Norwegian University of Life sciences" , Institutt for økonomi og samfunnsfag. Now called Economics and Resource Management. Doctor Scientiarum theses 2001, no. 5. Agricultural University of Norway.

Réthy , Katalin and Dezsény , Zoltán (2013) Közösség által támogatott mezőgazdaság. [Community Supported Agriculture.] http://www.biokutatas.hu/images/stories/kiadvanyok/kozosseg_altal_tamogatott_mezogazdasag.pdf, 2013, pp. 1-15.

Ripoche, Frederic and Prache, Sophie (2019) Systèmes mixtes d'élevage. Ovin-bovin : quels bénéfices ? [Mixed livestock systems. Sheep and cattle: what benefits?] BioFil, March 2019, 122, pp. 53-55.

Rippin, Markus (2010) Konzeption einer an die Praxisbedürfnisse angepassten Marktberichterstattung für den Öko-Markt in Deutschland. [Conception of a praxis oriented market reporting system for the organic market in Germany.] Agromilagro research, D-Bornheim .

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2016) Local food and public food procurement. Paper at: 12th European IFSA Symposium, Harper Adams University, 12/7-15/7 2016.

RIVIERE, Pierre; CRIBIER, Domitille; LEBOSSE, Pierrick; SIMMONEAU, Gildas; COUILLAUD, Florian and CHOUIN, Dominique (2021) Analyse de l'adaptation de la variété Poromb dans 4 fermes de la FD CIVAM 44. [Analysis of the adaptation of the Poromb variety in 4 farms of the FD CIVAM 44.] FD CIVAM 44
4 rue de la Résistance
44390 Saffré .

Roberto, Lo Scalzo (2016) CONVEGNO LA RICERCA PER L’AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA E BIODINAMICA: UNA VISIONE DI INSIEME. [Conference. Research in organic and biodinamic farming: an overview.] Poster at:

Roesch, Andreas; Marton, Silvia; Thalmann, Christian; Schader, Christian; Grenz, Jan and Gaillard, Gérard (2018) Messung der Nachhaltigkeit auf Betriebsebene: welches Instrument für welchen Zweck? [Measuring sustainability at farm level: what tool for what purpose?] Agrarforschung Schweiz, 2018, 9 (10), pp. 332-339.

Roesch, Andreas; Marton, Silvia; Thalmann, Christian; Schader, Christian; Grenz, Jan and Gaillard, Gérard (2018) Mesure de la durabilité à l’échelle de l’exploitation: quel instrument dans quel but? Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 2018, 9 (10), pp. 332-339.

Rommel, Marlon (2019) Developping a Concept of the International Community Supported Agriculture in order to foster Sustainability in Global Food Systems. Bachelorarbeit thesis, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg . . [Submitted]

Rudmann, Christine; Chevillat, Véronique and Richter, Toralf (2006) FiBL-Betriebsnetz. Jahresbericht 2005. [FiBL-FarmNet. Annual Report 2005.] Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) CH-Frick .

Rudmann, Christine; Chevillat, Véronique and Richter, Toralf (2006) FiBL-Réseau bio. Rapport annuel 2005. [FiBL-FarmNet. Annual Report 2005.] Rapport annuel. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) CH-Frick .

Rüegg, Johanna; Schneidewind, Ulf; Milz, Joachim; Schneider, Monika and Armengot, Laura (2022) Cocoa and by-crop yields in three organic production systems entering mature stage. In: Book of Abstracts - Latest Research of Swiss Research Institutions. International Symposium on Cocoa Research, 5-7 December 2022, Montpellier, France,, p. 14.

Ruşen, Mine; Tuncer, Celal; Turan, Ali and Ak, Kibar (2010) Fındık Kurdu [Balaninus(= Curculio) Nucum L. Colertera: Curculionidae)] ’na Karşı Organik Kökenli Preparatlarla Mücadele İmkanlarının Araştırılması. [Investıgatıon Of Strugle Possıbılıtıes By Usıng Organıc Preparatus Agaınst To Balanınus (Curculio) Nucum L.] In: Alay Vural, Ayşen (Ed.) Organik Tarım Araştırma Sonuçları 2005-2010. T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Ankara Turkey, pp. 265-270.

ŞAHİN , Sezai; ATAY, Salih; GÖKALP, Kadir; ÇOLAK, Sinan; DEMİRTAŞ, M.Naim; ÖZTÜRK, Bülent; YILMAZ, Kadir Uğurtan; FİDAN, Şevket and ÇELİK, Belgin (2011) Malatya Yöresinde Organik Kayısı Yetiştiriciliği. [Organıc Aprıcot Growth In Malatya Regıon.] In: ALAY VURAL, Ayşen (Ed.) Organik Tarım Araştırma Sonuçları. T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara/Turkey, pp. 51-56.

Sanders, R; Woodward, L; Fleming, D; Jones, Dr H; Hinchsliffe, K and Hitchings, R (editor): Sanders, R and Woodward, L (Eds.) (2007) The Organic Research Centre - Elm Farm:Bulletin 87. The Organic Research Centre Bulletin, no. 87. The Organic Research Centre - Elm Farm .

Sanders, Richard; Niedeggen, Barbara; Jones, Hannah; Wolfe, Martin; Hitchings, Roger and Fleming, David (2005) EFRC Bulletin 81 December 2005. Elm Farm Research Centre , all departments.

Sautereau, Natacha; Fourrié, Laetitia; Experton, Catherine; Cresson, Céline; Mundler, P.; Bellon, Stéphane; Le Tailleur, F.; Garnier, J.F.; Dumontier , A. and Willot , M. (2012) Co-Designing an organic framework: the ”REF’AB” Project in France. Paper at: 10th European ISFA Symposium (International Farming System Association), Aarhus, Denmark, 1-4 July 2012.

Schader, C.; Lampkin, N.; Christie, M. and Stolze, M. (2011) How cost-effective are direct payments to organic farms for achieving environmental policy targets? Paper at: EAAE 2011 Congress: Change and Uncertainty; Challenges for Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Zurich, Switzerland, 30th August to 2nd September 2011 . [Completed]

Schader, Christian; Meier, Matthias; Grenz, Jan and Stolze, Matthias (2012) The trade-off between scope and precision in sustainability assessments of food systems. Paper at: The 10th European IFSA Symposium, Aarhus, Denmark, 1-4 July 2012 . [Completed]

Schader, Christian; Petrasek, Richard; Lindenthal, Thomas; Weisshaidinger, Rainer; Müller, Werner; Müller, Adrian; Niggli, Urs and Stolze, Matthias (2013) Volkswirtschaftlicher Nutzen der Bio-Landwirtschaft für Österreich. Diskussionspapier. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick, A-Wien.

Schäfer, Martina; Kröger, Melanie and Wirz, Axel (2010) Mit „alten“ Werten die Zukunft gestalten. Eckpunkte für ein faires Miteinander entlang der Bio-Wertschöpfungskette. Technische Universität Berlin , Zentrum Technik und Gesellschaft (ZTG).

Schäfer, Dr. Winfried (2003) Gantry technology in organic crop production. In: Niemeläinen, Oiva and Topi-Helmi, Mari (Eds.) Proceedings of the NJF's 22nd Congress "Nordic Agriculture in Global Perspective", MTT Agrifood Research Finland and NJF, p. 212.

Schäfer, Martina; Kröger, Melanie and Wirz, Axel (2010) Fairness entlang der Wertschöpfungskette – Möglichkeiten der Profilierung am Biomarkt und der Verbraucheransprache mittels regionalem Mehrwert. [Fairness in value added chains – Chances for differentiation at the organic market and addressing consumers with organic& fair trade issues.] Technische Universität Berlin , Zentrum Technik und Gesellschaft (ZTG).

Schjønning, P.; Jørgensen, M.H.; Olesen, J.E.; Rasmussen, G.; Munkholm, L.J. and Melander, B. (2001) Forsknings- og udviklingsaktiviteter på området reduceret jordbearbejdning. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Crop Physiology and Soil Science.

Schjønning, P.; Munkholm, L.J. and Elmholt, S. (2003) Jordkvalitet og dyrkningsmetoder. [Soil quality and management.] In: Holmstrup, M. (Ed.) Økologisk landbrug og naturen - gør økologisk landbrug en forskel for natur og miljø?. Miljøbiblioteket, no. 1. Gads Forlag, chapter 1, pp. 9-19.

Schjønning, P.; Munkholm, L.J.; Elmholt, S.; Debosz, K.; Mikkelsen, G.H. and Trautner, A. (2000) Den danske dyrkningsjords tilstand og kvalitet - konsekvenser af trafik og jordbearbejdning. [The quality of Danish agricultural soils - impact of traffic and tillage.] In: Tidsskrift for Landøkonomi, Landhusholdningsselskabet, 4, pp. 293-300. [Unpublished]

Schjønning, P.; de Jonge, L.W.; Moldrup, P.; Christensen, B.T. and Olesen, J.E. (2010) Searching the critical soil organic carbon threshold for satisfactory tilth conditions – test of the Dexter clay:carbon hypothesis. [På jagt efter et nedre, kritisk indhold af organisk stof i jord - test af Dexter's ler:kulstof hypotese.] In: de Jonge, L.W.; Moldrup, P. and Vendelboe, A.L. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 1st international conference and exploratory workshop on soil architecture and physico-chemical functions "Cesar", Aarhus University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Research Centre Foulum, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 341-346.

Schjønning, P.; de Jonge, L.W.; Olesen, J.E. and Greve, M.H. (2009) Effekten af økologiske driftsmetoder på ler-dispergering i kulstof-udpinte jorde. ICROFS Nyt, December 2009 (4), pp. 5-7.

Schjønning, P.; de Jonge, L.W.; Olesen, J.E. and Greve, M.H. (2009) Organic farming effects on clay dispersion in carbon-exhausted soils. ICROFS News, November 2009 (4), pp. 8-10.

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Schmid, Andi; Weibel, Franco and Häseli, Andreas (2013) Ekologické ovocnářství část 1: Založení nízkokmenného ovocného sadu. [Organic Fruit-growing Part 1: Creating a Dwarf-Tree Orchard.] Bioinstitut, o. p. s., Olomouc.

Schmid, Andi; Weibel, Franco and Häseli, Andreas (2013) Ekologické ovocnářství část 2: Údržba nízkokmenného ovocného sadu. [Organic Fruit-growing Part 2: Dwarf Tree Orchard Maintenance.] Bioinstitut o. p. s., Olomouc.

Schmid, Otto and Obrist, Robert (2020) Bio auch in der Kantine. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick , Frick.

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Schmid, Otto; Quiédeville, Sylvain; Sterly, Simone; Barjolle, Dominique and Midmore, Peter (2016) Research Brief: Analysis of Impact Pathways of Research on Agriculture. FIBL , Socioeconomics Department.

Schmid, Otto ; Hamm, Ulrich; Richter, Toralf and Dahlke, Andrea (2004) A Guide to Successful Organic Marketing Initiatives. Handbook. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Schmidtner, Eva and Dabbert, Stephan (2009) Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und Ökologischer Landbau im Bericht des Weltagrarrates (International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development, IAASTD 2008). [Sustainable agriculture and organic farming in the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD).] Universität Hohenheim, D-Stuttgart , Institut für Landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre.

Schneider, Flurina; Stolze, Matthias; Kriege-Steffen, Astrid; Lohscheidt, Julia and Boland, Hermann (2009) How can consumer trust in organic products be enhanced? In: Millar, Kate; West, Pru Hobson and Nerlich, Brigitte (Eds.) Ethical futures: bioscience and food horizons, Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 271-276.

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Schwentesius, Rita (2014) PARTICIPATIVE TECHNOLOGIES TO IMPROVE DIETS IN MEXICO AND FOR ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Searles, Katja; Markow, Jekatarina; Braun, Charis Linda; Reimann, Ruby; Häring, Anna Maria and Manek, Gwendolyn (2022) Entwicklung nachhaltiger Selbstmanagementkonzepte für Gruppen zur Optimierung regionaler Wertschöpfungsketten (Verbundvorhaben). [Sustainable self-management concepts for groups optimizing local-regional value chains.] 1. Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, D-Eberswalde; 2. 2818OE117, D-Mainz .

Sehested, Jakob; Jensen, Søren K. and Søegaard, Karen (2010) Effekt af mineral- og vitaminrige, grønne fodermidler på malkekoens produktion og sundhed. In: Kristensen, Troels (Ed.) Økologisk græsmarksproduktion og udnyttelse til mælkeproduktion. Intern rapport • husdyrbrug Nr. 27, Aarhus Universitet, chapter 5, pp. 33-39.

Sehested, Jakob and Uller-Kristensen, Helene (2019) Grobund for innovation, værkst og troværdighed. Økologisk Landbrug, 29 March 2019, 643, p. 22.

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Simba, J.T. Muriithi (2014) THE ORGANIC FARMING FROM SMALL-HOLDER FARMERS GENERAL PERSPECTIVE. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

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Soyergin, Serap; Uysal, Erdinç and Albayrak, Barış (2011) Zeytin Kekinin (Pirinanın) Kompost Yapım Teknikleri ve Organik Gübre Olarak Kullanım Olanaklarının Araştırılması. [COMPOSTING OLIVE-MILL BY-PRODUCT (OLIVE CAKE).] In: Alay Vural, Aysen (Ed.) Organik Tarım Araştırma Sonuçları2005-2010. T. C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Ankara Turkey, pp. 163-168.

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Steinshamn, Håvard; Bleken, Marina Azzaroli and Hansen, Sissel (2004) Lite nitrogentap fra mjølkegarder som baserer seg på egen fôrprodukjson. [Minor nitrogen losses from dairy farms based on feed self-sufficiency.] Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden, 2004 (2), pp. 3-6.

Stolz, Hanna and Stolze, Matthias (2010) Farmer Consumer Partnerships: WP 5 Report on the results of Consumer Choice Experiments. ICROFS and FiBL, Tjele, Denmark, and Frick, Switzerland.

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Strüber, Klaus (2011) Humussphäre - Projekt zu Energie sparenden und Humus aufbauenden Methoden in der Landwirtschaft. Teil 6: Das Jahr 2010: "Das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen". [Humussphäre- a projekt about energy-saving and build-on humus methods in agriculture. Part 6: The year 2010: Basic income guarantee.] Starke Pferde, 59, pp. 41-42.

Styczen, M.; Poulsen, R.N.; Gudbjerg, J. and Gjettermann, B. (2005) Simulering af DOC og DON i indsatsområde "Søndersø" på Fyn: Endelig rapport for Arbejdspakke 6 i projektet "Regional Grundvandsbeskyttelse ved hjælp af optimerede Økologiske Dyrkningssystemer". [Simulation of DOC and DON in groundwater protection area "Søndersø" on Funen: Final report for work package 6 of the project "Regional Groundwater Protection by optimised organic farming systems".] DHI Water & Environment , Hydrology, Soil and Waste.

Stødkilde, L (2019) Kan grisene lide græsprotein? - Erfaringer fra fodringsforsøg. [Do pigs like grass protein? Knowledge from feeding trials.] Speech at: Græsprotein - Skal det erstatte soja?, Herning, 14-03-2019.

Støier, Susanne and Maribo, Hanne (2014) Ophør af kastration uden bedøvelse i 2018. Power point presentation at: Kongres for svineproducenter 2014, Herning kongrescenter, 21-22 October, 2014. [Completed]

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Søegaard, Karen; Jensen, Søren K. and Sehested, Jakob (2010) Vitaminer, mineraler og foderværdi af græsmarksarter. In: Kristensen, Troels (Ed.) Økologisk græsmarksproduktion og udnyttelse til mælkeproduktion. Intern rapport • husdyrbrug Nr. 27, Aarhus Universitet, chapter 2, pp. 15-20.

Søegaard, Karen; Sehested, Jakob; Eriksen, Jørgen; Askegaard, Margrethe; Mogensen, Lisbeth and Jensen, Søren K. (2010) Urter i græsmarken. In: Kristensen, Troels (Ed.) Økologisk græsmarksproduktion og udnyttelse til mælkeproduktion. , chapter 1, pp. 5-14.

Sørensen, Peter (2023) Potentialer ved anvendelse af forskellige efterafgrøder - Eftervirkning, udvaskning og kulstof i jord. Speech at: Økologikongres 2023.

Sørensen, Peter (2013) Mobil grøngødning bør ensileres. Lanbrugsavisen, 10 May 2013 (10 maj), p. 5.

Sørensen, Peter (2012) Udbytter i økologiske sædskifter. Økologi og Erhverv, 20 April 2012, 498, p. 21.

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Sørheim, Kristin and Blomstrand, Berit Marie (editor): Strøm, Turid (Ed.) (2022) Økologisk svinehold og nytt regelverk. [How to meet new EU regulations for organic pig production in Norway.] NORSØK Rapport, no. 2, Vol 7. Norwegian Centre of Organic Agriculture, Tingvoll.

Sørheim, Kristin; Johanssen, Juni Rosann E. and Adler, Steffen A. (2021) Short report Norway - Kalvelykke & GrazyDaiSy. Working paper, Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture .

Sørheim, Kristin; Johanssen, Juni Rosann E.; Friis Pedersen, Susanne and Adler, Steffen A. (2021) Innovative driftssystemer for økologisk kylling. NORSØK Rapport, no. 14, Vol 6. Norwegian centre of organic agriculture, Tingvoll.

Sørheim, Kristin; Lund, Søren and Skarbø, Bjørn Steinar (2021) Enklere, billigere og automastiserte fjøsløsninger i melkeproduksjonen. NORSØK Rapport, no. 17, Vol. 6. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk, Tingvoll.

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