Items in the subject area "China"
Number of items at this level: 42. Bai, Zhanguo; Caspari, Thomas; Ruiperez Gonzalez, Maria; Batjes, Niels H.; Mäder, Paul; Bünemann, Else K.; de Goede, Ron; Brussaard, Lijbert; Xu, Minggang and Santos Ferreira, Carla Sofia (2018) Effects of agricultural management practices on soil quality: A review of long-term experiments for Europe and China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 264, pp. 1-7. El Benni, N.; Stolz, H.; Home, R.; Kendall, H.; Kuznesof, S.; Clark, B.; Dean, M.; Brereton, P.; Frewer, L. J.; Chang, M. Y.; Zhong, Q. and Stolze, M. (2019) Product attributes and consumer attitudes affecting the preferences for infant milk formula in China – A latent class approach. Food Quality and Preference, 71, pp. 25-33. Gargili Kuehl, Asli and Yonggong, Liu (2014) Analytical overview of the Chinese organic sector with the focus on rural development. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 141-144. Giovannucci, Daniele (2005) Organic Agriculture and Poverty Reduction in Asia. IFAD Office of Evaluation. International Fund for Agricultural Development IFAD, Rome, Italy. Kledal, Paul Rye (2008) Opbrud i Landdistrikterne. [Changes in the rural areas.] Momentum theme edition on rural China (3), pp. 10-13. Kledal, Paul Rye (2007) Kina og den økologiske sektor. [The organic sector of China.] Jord og Viden, August 2007 (10), pp. 12-14. Kledal, Paul Rye (2007) Kinesisk økologi under lup. [Investigating chinese organics.] Makinbladet international, June 2007, 27 årgang (426), pp. 16-17. Kledal, Paul Rye; Hui, Qiao Yu; Egelyng, Henrik; Yunguan, Xi; Halberg, Niels and Xianjun, Li (2007) Organic food and farming in China. In: Willer, Helga and Yussefi, Minou (Eds.) The world of organic agriculture - statistics and emerging trends 2007. IFOAM & Fibl, pp. 114-119. Kledal, Paul Rye and Sulitang, Tuerxunbieke (2007) The organization of Organic vegetable supply chains in China - Flexible property rights and different regimes of smallholder inclusion. Paper at: 106th EAAE Seminar Pro-poor development in low income countries: Food, agriculture, trade, and environment, Montpellier, France, 25-27th of October 2007. Ma, Fanyi; Liu, Xiuhua; Tikkanen-Kaukanen, Carina; Särkkä-Tirkkonen, Marjo and Mynttinen, Sinikka (2017) Perception of food and locality among Chinese tourist experiences in Finland. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 104-105. Paull, John (2009) The Value of Eco-Labelling - Executive Summary. In: The Value of Eco-Labelling. VDM Verlag, Saarbrücken, Germany, chapter Executive Summary, xvii-xxii. Paull, John (2008) Green Food in China. Elementals: Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania (91), pp. 48-53. Paull, John (2008) Organics Olympiad 2007 - Perspectives on the Global State of Organic Agriculture. Acres Australia, 16 (1), pp. 36-38. Paull, John (2008) China's Organic Revolution. In: Bhaskaran, S. and Mohanty, Suchitra (Eds.) Marketing of Organic Products: Global Experiences. The Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India, chapter 17, pp. 260-275. Paull, John (2008) The Greening of China’s Food - Green Food, Organic Food, and Eco-labelling. Paper at: Sustainable Consumption and Alternative Agri-Food Systems Conference, Liege University, Arlon, Belgium, 27 - 30 May 2008. [Unpublished] Paull, John (2008) Price Premiums for Organic Food from Australia and China. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. Paull, John (2008) Price Premiums for Organic Food from Australia and China. In: Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), 2 (2008), pp. 412-415. Paull, John (2007) China's organic food showcased. Acres Australia, December 2007, 15 (2), pp. 31-32. Paull, John (2007) China's Organic Revolution. Journal of Organic Systems, 2 (1), pp. 1-11. Paull, John (2007) Organics Olympiad 2007 - Perspectives on the Global State of Organic Agriculture. Paper at: AGRI-FOOD XIV, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 25 -29 November, 2007. [Unpublished] Paull, John (2007) Our Organic Future - Cottage, Corporate, Commodified or Containerized? Paper at: National Conference of Organics Aotearoa New Zealand: Our Organic Future - Cottage or Corporate?, Lincoln University, New Zealand, 17 -19 August 2007. [Unpublished] Paull, John (2006) Provenance, Purity & Price Premiums: Consumer Valuations of Organic & Place-of-Origin Food Labelling (Executive Summary). University of Tasmania , School of Geography and Environmental Studies. Paull, John (2019) Organic Agriculture in Australia: Attaining the Global Majority (51%). Organic Agriculture in Australia: Attaining the Global Majority (51%), 5 (2), pp. 70-74. Paull, John (2017) Four New Strategies to Grow the Organic Agriculture Sector. Agrofor International Journal, 2 (3), pp. 61-70. Paull, John (2017) From Clean & Green to Organic: Opportunities and Impediments to Achieving an Organic Tasmania. In: School of Land and Food Research Conference. Paull, John (2016) Organics Olympiad 2016: Global Indices of Leadership in Organic Agriculture. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 7 (2), pp. 79-87. Paull, John (2014) Opportunities and challenges for organic food and agriculture: Australia and China. In: Mascitelli, Bruno and O'Mahoney, Barry (Eds.) Good Food for All: Developing knowledge relationships between China and Australia. 2014 edition. Connor Court, Ballarat, Australia, chapter 3, pp. 50-80. Paull, John (2013) China-Australia: Organic opportunities. [中国 - 澳大利亚: 有机=机会.] In: Proceedings of the Knowledge Exchange of Quality Food Production and Distribution: China and Australia Forum, 2013 (1), pp. 87-93. Paull, John (2012) Organics Olympiad 2012: Global Indices of Leadership in Organic Agriculture. Organic News, July 2012, 2012 (26 Jul), pp. 1-8. Paull, John (2011) The Uptake of Organic Agriculture: A Decade of Worldwide Development. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 2 (3), pp. 111-120. Paull, John (2011) The making of an agricultural classic: Farmers of Forty Centuries or Permanent Agriculture in China, Korea and Japan, 1911-2011. Agricultural Sciences, 2 (3), pp. 175-180. Paull, John and Hennig, Benjamin (2016) Atlas of Organics: Four maps of the world of organic agriculture. Journal of Organics, 3 (1), pp. 25-32. Pedersen, Susanne; Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica and Thøgersen, John (2017) Pride and prejudice - a comparison of consumer preferences for country-of- origins of imported organic foods in Germany and China. Abstract for EMAC 2018. Paper at: EMAC 2018, Glasgow, Scotland, May 29 - June 1, 2018. [Unpublished] Qiao, Yuhui; Martin, Friederike; Cook, Seth; He, Xueqing; Halberg, Niels; Scott, Steffanie and Pan, Xihe (2018) Certified Organic Agriculture as an Alternative Livelihood Strategy for Small-scale Farmers in China: A Case Study in Wanzai County, Jiangxi Province. Ecological Economics, 145, pp. 301-307. Sternfeld, Eva (2009) Biologischer Anbau "Made in China". Eu-China Civil Society Forum. Online at Sternfeld, Eva (2009) Organic Food "Made in China". EU-China Civil Society Forum Hintergrundinformationen, 10/2009, pp. 1-12. Sternfeld, Eva (2008) Organic Trends 12 - Newsletter for Organic farming and food development in China. Organic Trends - Newsletter for Organic farming and food development in China, 12 (12), pp. 1-12. [Unpublished] Sternfeld, Eva (2007) Organic Trends 8. Organic Trends, 8. [Unpublished] Sternfeld, Eva (2005) Organic Trends. Newsletter for Organic Farming and Food Development in China. Wiesmeier, M.; Steffens, M.; Kölbl, A. and Kögel-Knabner, I. (2020) Intensive grazing leads to degradation and spatial homogenization of topsoils in two major steppetypes in Inner Mongolia , P .R . China. In: The 21st International Grassland Congress / 8th International Rangeland Congress took place in Hohhot, China from June 29 through July 5, 2008. Hohhot, China from June 29 through July 5, 2008., p. 350. Yao, William (2014) Development Strategy of Organic Agriculture in China: A Case of Rural Urbanization in Xingyi. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed] Zhang, Fusuo; Qiao, Yuhui; Wang, Fanghao and Zhang, Weifeng (2007) A Perspective on Organic Agriculture in China - Opportunities and Challenges. Paper at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007. This list was generated on Thu Feb 6 23:51:37 2025 CET. |