Items affiliated to "AU, DJF - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences"
Number of items at this level: 421. Kargo, Morten; Poulsen, Nina Aagaard; Lehmann, Frode; Hansen, Isabella; Munk, Arne; Jørgensen, Leif Friis; Hjortø, Line; Larson, Peter and Hansen, Morten (Eds.) (2019) Fremtidens Økologiske Mælkeproduktion. . Proceedings of SOBcows workshop, Haraldskær Sinatur Hotel, Skibetvej 140, 7100 Vejle, 5. september 2019. [Unpublished] Rymer, Caroline; Vaarst, Mette and Padel, Susanne (Eds.) (2006) Future perspective for animal health on organic farms: main findings, conclusions and recommendations from SAFO Network. University of Reading, SAFO - Sustaining Animal Health and Food Quality in Organic Farming. Proceedings of 5th SAFO Workshop, Odense, Denmark, 1 June 2006. Schjønning, P.; Elmholt, S. and Christensen, B.T. (Eds.) (2004) Managing Soil Quality: Challenges in Modern Agriculture. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK. Halberg, Niels (Ed.) (2003) Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-food sector. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, DIAS Report, Animal Husbandry, no. 61. Proceedings of 4th International Conference, Bygholm, Denmark, 6-8 October 2003. {Project} ORGMILK: Økologiske produksjonsmetoder og melkekvalitet. [Organic production methods and milk quality.] Runs 2006 - 2009. Project Leader(s): Steinshamn, Håvard, Bioforsk-Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research . {Facility} Jyndevad: Long term crop rotation trials at Jyndevad research station. Runs 1996 - 2010. Facility Leader(s): Thomsen, Henning, Danish Institute for Agricultural Sciences (DIAS) . {Project} NatVit: Natural sources of antioxidants – a necessity for animal health and welfare and product quality in organic livestock production. Runs 2009 - 2012. Project Leader(s): Steinshamn, Håvard; Rebours, Celine; Novoa-Garrido, Margarita; Thuen, Erling; Abrahamsen, Roger K; Larsen, Hans Jørgen and Krogh Jensen, Søren, Bioforsk . {Project} BERRYMEAT: New market perspectives using herbs and berries in organic meat products. [Nye markedsmuligheder med krydderier og bær i økologiske kødprodukter.] Runs 2011 - 2013. Project Leader(s): Hansen, Flemming, The Danish Technological Institute - DMRI . Aagaard-Hansen, J.; Larsen, C.E. Schou; Halberg, N.; Hjortsø, C.N.; Gausset, . Q. and Kabirizi, J. (2007) Main-streaming participatory and cross-disciplinary approaches in animal science research in developing countries. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2 (4), pp. 119-130. Adler, Steffen; Steinshamn, H; Purup, S; Hansen-Møller, J and Krogh-Jensen, S (2009) Effekt av driftsmåte og engalder på kvalitet av kumelk. Speech at: Husdyrforsøksmøtet 2009, Lillestrøm, Norge, 11.-12. februar 2009. Adler, Steffen; Steinshamn, H.; Krogh-Jensen, S.; Purup, S.; Hansen-Møller, J. and Govasmark, E. (2009) Relationship between grassland management and bovine milk quality. In: NJF Report 5(2), NJF, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, Tartu, Estonia, p. 63. Adler, Steffen; Dahl, A.; Steinshamn, H.; Thuen, E.; Garmo, T. and Krogh-Jensen, S. (2009) Effekt av rødkløverbeite eller botanisk allsidig beite på kvalitetsegenskaper hos melk i økologisk drift. In: Husdyrforsøksmøtet 2009, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Ås, Norway, pp. 345-348. Adler, Steffen; Dahl, A.V.; Steinshamn, H.; Vae, A.H.; Thuen, E.; Garmo, T. and Krogh-Jensen, S. (2009) Effect of pasture botanical composition on milk quality in organic production. In: NJF Report 5(2), NJF, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, Tartu, Estonia, p. 69. Adler, Steffen; Höjer, Annika; Njåstad, Kari Marie; Purup, Stig; Hansen-Møller, Jens; Thuen, Erling; Gustavsson, Anne-Maj; Martinsson, Kjell and Steinshamn, Håvard (2013) Melkas innhold av fytoøstrogener påvirkes av engdriftsmåte og produksjonssystem. In: Brodin, Janne Karin (Ed.) Husdyrforsøksmøtet 2013, pp. 372-375. Adler, Steffen; Jensen, Søren K.; Thuen, Erling; Gustavsson, Anne-Maj; Harstad, Odd Magne and Steinshamn, Håvard (2013) Effekt av botanisk sammensetning i surfôr på omsetning av fettløselige vitaminer i vom og overføring til melk. In: Brodin, Janne Karin (Ed.) Husdyrforsøksmøtet 2013, pp. 101-103. Adler, Steffen; Steinshamn, Håvard; Dahl, Annette Veberg; Thuen, Erling; Jensen, Søren K. and Hansen-Møller, Jens (2011) Effekt av surfôr fra kortvarig eng eller langvarig eng på kvalitet i kumelk. In: Brodin, Janne and Fog, Megumi Ohta (Eds.) Husdyrforsøksmøtet 2011, pp. 181-184. Adler, Steffen; Steinshamn, Håvard and Jensen, Søren K. (2011) Driftsmåte og engalder påvirker melkekvaliteten. In: Brodin, Janne and Fog, Megumi Ohta (Eds.) Husdyrforøskmøtet 2011, UMB, Ås, Norway, pp. 185-188. Adler, Steffen; Steinshamn, Håvard; Thuen, Erling; Jensen, Søren K. and Hansen-Møller, Jens (2011) Hydrogenering av fettsyrer i vomma - effekt av botanisk sammenstening av surfôret. In: Brodin, Janne and Fog, Megumi Ohta (Eds.) Husdyrforsøksmøtet 2011, pp. 13-16. Adler, Steffen A.; Dahl, A.V.; Jensen, S.K.; Thuen, E.; Gustavsson, A.-M. and Steinshamn, H. (2013) Fatty acid composition, fat-soluble vitamin concentrations and oxidative stability in bovine milk produced on two pastures with different botanical composition. Livestock Science, 154, pp. 93-102. Adler, Steffen A.; Jensen, S.K.; Govasmark, Espen and Steinshamn, Håvard (2013) Effect of short-term versus long-term grassland management and seasonal variation in organic and conventional dairy farming on the composition of bulk tank milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 96 (9), pp. 5793-5810. Adler, Steffen A.; Jensen, S.K.; Thuen, E.; Gustavsson, A.-M.; Harstad, O.M. and Steinshamn, H. (2013) Effect of silage botanical composition on ruminal biohydrogenation and transfer of fatty acids to milk in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 96 (2), pp. 1135-1147. Adler, Steffen A.; Purup, Stig; Hansen-Møller, Jens; Thuen, Erling; Gustavsson, Anne-Maj and Steinshamn, Håvard (2014) Phyto-oestrogens and their metabolites in milk produced on two pastures with different botanical compositions. Livestock Science, 163, pp. 62-68. Adler, Steffen A.; Purup, Stig; Hansen-Møller, Jens; Thuen, Erling and Steinshamn, Håvard (2015) Phytoestrogens and Their Metabolites in Bulk-Tank Milk: Effects of Farm Management and Season. PLoS ONE, 10, pp. 1-16. Alfoeldi, Thomas; Gantner, Urs; Vaarst, Mette; Algers, Bo; Nicholas, Phillipa; Gratzer, Elisabeth; Henriksen, Britt I. F.; Mejdell, Cecilie; Hansen, Berit; Whay, Becky; Walkenhorst, Michael; Smolders, Gidi; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Hassing, M.; Roderick, Stephen; Leeb, Christine; Winckler, Christoph; Stöger, Elisabeth; Huber, Johann; Brinkmann, Jan; March, Solveig and Whistance, Lindsay (editor): Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen (Eds.) (2011) The process of minimising medicine use through dialogue based animal health and welfare planning, Workshop report FIBL. In: CORE Organic project no. 1903 - ANIPLAN. . Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Noe, Egon (2008) What makes organic agriculture move - protest, meaning or market? A polyocular approach to the dynamics and governance of organic agriculture. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology (IJARGE), 7 (1/2), pp. 5-22. Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2011) MultiTrust - A cross-disciplinary approach to multicriteria assessment and communication of the effects of organic food systems. Speech at: ARGOS Workshop, Lincoln University, 27. Oct. 2011. [Unpublished] Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2011) The non-trivial problem of cross-disciplinary science and the structure of scientific perspectives. Speech at: Seminars at CSAFE, Centre for Sustainability: Agriculture, Food, Energy, Environment, University of Otago, New Zealand, 20. Oct. 2011. [Completed] Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2011) Multikriteriel vurdering af økologiske fødevaresystemer. [Multicriteria assessment of organic food systems.] ICROFS, Foulum, Danmark. Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Noe, Egon (2011) A cross-disciplinary approach to multicriteria assessment and communication of the effects of organic food systems. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, John E.; Ssekyewa, Charles and Sohn, Sang Mok (Eds.) Organic is Life - Knowledge of Tomorrow, ISOFAR, 2, 313-316. Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Noe, Egon (2011) The paradox of scientific expertise. A perspectivist approach to knowledge asymmetries. Fachsprache - International Journal of Specialized Communication, 2011 (3-4), pp. 152-167. Askegaard, Margrethe (2006) Rodukrudt hører ikke hjemme i økologisk planteproduktion. [Perennial weeds are undesirable in organic agriculture.] Speech at: Kan høj produktion og lav miljøbelastning forenes i økologisk jordbrug?, Forskningscenter Foulum, 22. juni 2006. Axelsen, Jørgen Aagaard; Toft, Søren and Lôvei, Gabor (2007) Natural enemies and their food sources in an organic crop rotation with undersown crops and animal manure. , , . [Completed] Bagger, Christian; Bellostas, Natalia; Jensen, Søren K.; Sørensen, Jens C.; Sørensen, Hilmer and Sørensen, Susanne (2007) Processing-bioprocessing of oilseed rape in bioenergy production and value added utilization of remaining seed components. Paper at: 12th International Rapeseed Conference, Wuhan, China, 26-29 March 2007. Båth, B.; Kristensen, H.L. and Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2009) Root pruning reduces root competition in living mulch cropping systems. Poster at: Proceedings from the International Symposium Root Research and Applications, Vienna, Austria, 2-4 Sept. 2009. , Vienna, Austria, 2-4 Sept. 2009. Bellostas, N.; Casanova, E.; Garcia-Mina, J.M.; Hansen, L.M.; Jørgensen, L.N.; Kudsk, P.; Madsen, P.H.; Sørensen, J.C. and Sørensen, H. (2007) Biological activity of glucosinolate derived compounds isolated from seed meal of Brassica crops and evaluated as plant and food protection agents. Paper at: 12th International Rapeseed Congress, Wuhan, China, 26-29 March 2007. Bengtsson, M.; Green, H.; Leroul, N.; Pedersen, H.L. and Hockenhull, J. (2006) Effect of autumn application of urea on saprotrophic fungi in off-season leaf litter of sour cherry and evaluation of fungal isolates to reduce primary inoculum of Blumeriella jaapii. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 113 (3), pp. 107-112. Bengtsson, M. and Hockenhull, J. (2006) Control of apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) in organic apple growing. StopScab: A Danish research programme for screening substitutes to copper fungicides. IOBC / wprs Bulletin, 29 (1), pp. 1-3. Bengtsson, M. and Hockenhull, J. (2002) Control of apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) in organic apple growing. StopScab: A Danish research programme for screening substitutes to copper fungicides. Poster at: 6th International IOBC / wprs Workshop of Pome Fruit Diseases, Lindau, Germany, 31.8 -5.9 2002. Bennedsgaard, Torben Werner (2008) Mindre antibiotika med samme celletal. [Reduced use of antibiotics with the samme somatic cell count.] Kvæginfo, October 2008. Bennedsgaard, Torben Werner; Klaas, I.C. and Vaarst, M. (2010) Reducing use of antimicrobials — Experiences from an intervention study in organic dairy herds in Denmark. Livestock Science, 131, pp. 181-193. Berntsen, J.; Petersen, B.M. and Olesen, J.E. (2007) Simulating trends in crop yield and soil carbon in a long-term experiment - effects of rising CO2, N deposition and improved cultivation. In: Kersebaum, K.C.; Hecker, J.-M.; Mirschel, W. and Wegehenkel, M. (Eds.) Modelling water and nutrient dynamics in soil-crop systems. Springer, Netherlands, chapter 14, pp. 197-207. Berntsen, J.; Petersen, B.M. and Olesen, J.E. (2006) Simulating trends in crop yield and soil carbon in a long-term experiment – effects of rising CO2, N deposition and improved cultivation. Plant and Soil, 287, pp. 235-245. Bochtis, D.D.; Sørensen, C.G.; Jørgensen, R.N. ; Nørremark, M.; Hameed, I.A. and Swain, K.C. (2011) Robotic weed monitoring. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B. Soil and Plant Science, 61, pp. 202-208. Bonde, M. and Sørensen, J.T. (2007) Salmonella Infection Level in Danish Indoor and Outdoor Pig Production Systems measured by Antbodies in Meat Juice and Faecal Shedding on-farm and at Slaughter. In: “ANIMAL HEALTH, ANIMAL WELFARE AND BIOSECURITY” PROCEEDINGS, 2, pp. 729-734. Bonde, M.K.; Hegelund, L. and Sørensen, J.T. (2005) Nye tal på svinesundhed. Økologisk Jordbrug, October 2005 (346), p. 8. [Unpublished] Bonde, Marianne and Serup, Tove (2009) Manual: Reduktion af pattegrisedødelighed. Det Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet. Bonde, Marianne (2011) Store forskelle på økologisk svineproduktion i Europa. Maskinbladet, Svinebrug, August 2011, pp. 32-36. Bonde, Marianne (2011) Økologisk svineproduktion i Europa:Status på sundhed og velfærd. In: Temamøde om økologisk og konventionel frilandssvineproduktion. Intern Rapport, no. 106. Århus Universitet. Bonde, Marianne (2009) Forskning skal vise vej til øget velfærd for øko-grise. Økologisk Jordbrug, 12 June 2009, 434, pp. 16-0. Bonde, Marianne (2008) Økologiske søers sundhedstilstand. Økologisk Jordbrug, 2 May 2008, 408, 0-0. Bonde, Marianne and Sørensen, Jan Tind (2006) Animal health and welfare in organic European pig production: State of the art and challenges for the future, based on a Northwestern European questionnaire survey. Paper at: Organic Farming and European Rural Development, 30/5-31/5 2006. Bonde, Marianne and Sørensen, Jan Tind (2005) Sundhed og velfærd hos økologiske søer i Danmark og nabolande. Føjo e-nyt 2005, 2005, 6, . Bonde, Marianne and Sørensen, Jan Tind (2005) Sundhed og velfærd hos økologiske søer i Nordeuropa. Forskningsnytt om Oekologisk Landbruk i Norden, 2005, 2005, pp. 5-6. Bosshard, C.; Sørensen, P.; Frossard, E.; Mayer, J.; Mäder, P.; Nanzer, S. and Oberson, A. (2009) Nitrogen use efficiency of 15N-labelled sheep manure and mineral fertiliser applied to microplots in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems. Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst, 83, pp. 271-287. Brandt, Kirsten (2005) Agronomy as a manipulative tool. Speech at: COST 926 Conference; EUROPEAN WORKSHOP on Improving the health value of plant foods - phytochemical optimisation, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherland, 12 - 13 October 2005. Brandt, Kirsten (2002) Økologisk kost og sundhed. [Organic food and human health.] Speech at: LMC "Food Congress", KVL, Copenhagen, 17-18 Jan. 2002. Brandt, Kirsten; Bügel, Susanne Højbjerg; Ritskes-Hoitinga, Merel and Frøsig, Lars (2003) Organic food and health – a multigeneration animal experiment. Poster at: the EFFoST conference "New Functional Ingredients and Foods - Safety, Health and Convenience", Bella Center, Copenhagen, April 9-11 2003. Brandt, Kirsten; Ejlersen, Astrid; Nørbæk, Rikke and Lindhard Petersen, Hanne (2003) Effects of Cultivation Conditions for Apples on Growth Rates of Fruit Fly Larvae and Contents of Phenolics. Poster at: the EFFoST conference "New Functional Ingredients and Foods - Safety, Health and Convenience", Copenhagen, April 9-11 2003. Brandt, Kirsten; Nygaard Larsen, Hanne; Andersen, Jens-Otto; Mølgaard, Jens-Peter; Lauridsen, Charlotte; Jørgensen, Henry; Gundersen, Vagn; Larsen, Erik; Badsberg, Jens Henrik and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2001) Organic Food and Health: A new project to study the effects of plant cultivation methods (organic and conventional) on nutritional value, health and reproduction in an animal experiment. Poster at: FOOD and NUTRITION for BETTER HEALTH" (HEALFO Conference), Lanciano, Italy, 13-15 June 2001. Brandt, Kirsten and Kidmose, Ulla (2003) Nutritional Consequences of Using Organic Agricultural Methods in Developing Countries. In: Cakmak, Ismail; Graham, Robin D. and Welch, Ross M. (Eds.) Impacts of Agriculture on Human Health and Nutrition. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO. EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK. Brandt-Møller, Irene (2019) Avlsmål for en økologisk malkeko er ikke lige om hjørnet. Fagmediet Økologi, 10 October 2019, pp. 1-6. Canali , S. (2015) INTERVEG - Enhancing multifunctional benefits of cover crops − vegetables intercropping. AIAB - Associazione Italiana per l'Agricoltura Biologica , Italy. Carter, Mette S. and Chirinda, Ngonidzashe (2009) No effect of cropping system on the greenhouse gas N2O. ICROFS news, May 2009, 2, pp. 9-10. Carter, Mette S.; Ambus, Per; Petersen, Søren O. and Sørensen, Peter (2013) Kløvergræs ensilage og kompost som grøngødning. [Grass-clover silage and compost as green manure.] ICROFS Nyt, 15 November 2013, 4, pp. 4-5. Carter, Mette S.; Sørensen, Peter; Petersen, Søren O. and Ambus, Per (2013) Effects of green manure storage and incorporation methods on greenhouse gas fluxes and N mineralization after soil application. Poster at: Greenhouse Gas Management in European Land Use Systems, Antwerp, 16-18 September 2013. Carter, Mette S.; Sørensen, Peter; Petersen, Søren O.; Ma, Xiuzhi and Ambus, Per (2014) Effects of green manure storage and incorporation methods on nitrogen release and N2O emissions after soil application. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 50 (8), 1233-1246. Chirinda, Mr Ngonidzashe; Olesen, Professor Jørgen, E. and Porter, Professor John, R (2008) Effects of organic matter input on soil microbial properties and crop yields in conventional and organic cropping systems. Paper at: Second Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), Modena Italy, 18-20 June 2008 in Modena Italy. Chirinda, N. (2010) Influence of cropping systems on greenhouse gas emissions. PhD thesis, Copenhagen University . . Chirinda, N.; Carter, M.S; Albert, K.R.; Ambus, P.; Olesen, J.E.; Porter, J.R. and Petersen, S.O. (2010) Emissions of nitrous oxide from arable organic and conventional cropping systems on two soil types. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 136, pp. 199-208. Chirinda, N.; Kracher, D.; Porter, J.R.; Olesen, J.E.; Petersen, B.M.; Doltra, J.; Kiese, R. and Butterbach-Bahl, K. (2010) Simulating soil N2O and CO2 emissions from arable cropping systems using FASSET and MOBILE-DNDC. Plant and Soil, 343 (1-2), pp. 139-160. Chirinda, N.; Olesen, J.E.; Porter, J.R. and Schjønning, P. (2010) Soil properties, crop production and greenhouse gas emissions from organic and inorganic fertilizer-based arable cropping systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 139, pp. 584-594. Chirinda, N.; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Porter, J.R. (2012) Root carbon input in organic and inorganic fertilizer-based systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 359, pp. 321-333. Chirinda, Ngonidzashe; Olesen, J.E. and Porter, J.R. (2011) Post cold-storage conditioning time affects soil denitrifying enzyme activity. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 42 (17), pp. 2160-2167. Christiansen, J.S.; Thorup-Kristensen, K. and Kristensen, H.L. (2006) Root development of beetroot, sweet corn and celeriac, and soil N content after incorporation of green manure. [Rodudvikling hos rødbede, sukkermajs og rodselleri, samt jordens kvælstofindhold efter nedpløjning af grøngødning.] Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 81 (5), pp. 831-838. Christiansen, Julie S.; Kristensen, Hanne L. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2003) Rodsystemer hos rødbede, sukkermajs og knoldselleri efter grøngødning. [Root systems of beetroot, sweet corn and celleriac after green manure.] Forskningsnytt, 2003, 4, pp. 20-21. Cirujeda, A.; Melander, B.; Rasmussen, K. and Rasmussen, I.A. (2003) Relationship between speed, soil movement into the cereal row and intra-row weed control efficacy by weed harrowing. Weed Research, 43 (4), pp. 285-296. Constancis, Caroline; Hellec, Florence; Bareille, Nathalie and Vaarst, Mette (2022) Introduction and development of foster cow systems on organic dairy farms in France. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 2022, pp. 1-18. Dalgaard, R.; Halberg, N.; Kristensen, I.S. and Larsen, I. (2006) Modelling representative and coherent Danish farm types based on farm accountancy data for use in environmental assessments. Agriculture, Ecocystems and Environment (117), pp. 223-237. Dalgaard, R.; Halberg, N.; Kristensen, I.S. and Larsen, I. (2004) An LC inventory based on representative and coherent farm types. In: Halberg, N. (Ed.) Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-food sector, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (61), DIAS Report, Animal Husbandry, pp. 98-106. Dalgaard, T.; Halberg, N. and Fenger, J. (2002) Can organic farming help to reduce national energy consumption and emissions of greenhouse gasses in Denmark? In: van Lerland, E.C. and Lansink, A.O. (Eds.) Economics of sustainable energy in agriculture. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands , p. 18. Dalgaard, T.; Halberg, N. and Kristensen, I.S. (1998) Can organic farming help to reduce N-losses? Experiences from Denmark. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (52), pp. 277-287. Dalgaard, T.; Halberg, N. and Porter, J.R. (2001) A model for fossil energy use in Danish agriculture used to compare organic and conventional farming. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 87 (1), pp. 51-65. Dalgaard, T.; Kjeldsen, C. and Kristensen, I.T. (2008) Hvordan kan økologisk jordbrug være med til at styrke vækst og udvikling i landdistrikterne? In: Sammendrag af indlæg: Plantekongres 2008., Dansk Landbrugsrådgivning & Det Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet., 1, pp. 164-165. Dalgaard, Randi; Schmidt, Jannick; Halberg, Niels; Christensen, Per; Thrane, Mikkel and Pengue, Walter A. (2007) LCA of Soybean Meal. International Journal of LCA, 15, pp. 1-15. Dalgaard, T.; Hutchings, N. and Kjeldsen, C. (2008) Samspillet mellem landbrugets strukturudvikling og naturbeskyttelse i forskellige EU-lande. In: Sammendrag af indlæg: Plantekongres 2008., Dansk Landbrugsrådgivning & Det Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet., 1, pp. 288-289. David, Christophe; Celette, Florian; Abecassis, Joël; Carcea, Marina; Friedel, Jürgen K.; Corre-Hellou, Guénaëlle; Hiltbrunner, Jürg; Messmer, Monika; Peigne, Joséphine; Samson, Marie-Françoise; Schweinzer, Agnes; Thomsen, I.K. and Thommen, Andreas (2011) New challenges to improve organic bread wheat production in Europe. Lecture at: 3rd ISOFAR Scientific Conference, Gyeonggi Paldang, South Korea, September 26-October 5 2011. [In Press] Dickow, J.A.; Larsen, L.B.; Hammershøj, M. and Wiking, L. (2011) Cooling Causes Changes in the Distribution of Lipoprotein Lipase and Milk Fat Globule Membrane Proteins between the Skim Milk and Cream Phase. Journal of Dairy Science, 94, pp. 646-656. Dickow, J.A. and Wiking, L. (2010) Nedkøling påvirker mælken. Ny Kvægforsking, August 2010, 8 (4), pp. 8-9. Doltra, Jordi; Ølsen, Jørgen E. and Lægdsmand, Mette (2009) SIMULATING WINTER WHEAT YIELD AND NITROGEN LEACHING FROM ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL CROP ROTATIONS. In: Grignani, C.; Acutis, M.; Zavattaro, L.; Bechini, L.; Bertora, C.; Marino Gallina, P. and Sacco, D. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 16th Nitrogen Workshop: Connecting different scales of nitrogen use in agriculture, Università degli Studi di Torino; Università degli Studi di Milano, Turin, (Italy), pp. 519-520. Doltra, Jordi (2010) A better nitrogen use to improve organic wheat production. ICROFS News, November 2010, 4/2010, pp. 3-4. Eilenberg, Jørgen and Jespersen, Jørgen B. (2008) Status og nye udfordringer: Biologisk bekæmpelse af skadedyr. [Biological control of pests: Status and new challenges.] moMentum, Jord og Viden Tema, May 2008, 6 (2), pp. 4-7. Elsgaard, Lars (2010) Dynamics of mineral nitrogen, water-soluble carbon and potential nitrification in band-steamed arable soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils. Elsgaard, Lars; Elmholt, Susanne and Jørgensen, Martin Heide (2010) Effects of band-steaming on microbial activity and abundance in organic farming soil. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 137 (3-4), pp. 223-230. Engelbrecht, Anya (2019) Avl kan skabe fremtidens økologiske ko., 16 September 2019, pp. 1-3. Engelbrecht, Anya (2019) Danmark er først med fedtsyreprofiler på alle malkekøer. Landbrugsavisen, 16 September 2019, pp. 1-3. Fretté, C.; Kristensen, Troels; Eriksen, J.; Søegaard, Karen; Sørensen, John; Wiking, L. and Nielsen, J.H. (2009) Effect of grazing white clover pasture on milk composition of Holstein and Jersey cows. Poster at: 100th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo, Orlando, Florida, USA, May 3-6 2009. Früh, Barbara; Bochicchio, David; Edwards, Sandra; Hegelund, Lene; Leeb, Christine; Heinonen, Mari; Maupertuis, F.; Sundrum, Albert; Werne, Steffen; Wiberg, Sophia; Mejer, Helena; Prunier, Armelle; Roepstorff, Allan; Lubac, Stanislas; Bonde, Marianne; Rousing, Tine; Sundrum, Albert and Lindgren, Kristina (editor): Edwards, Sandra (Ed.) (2011) Knowledge synthesis: Animal health and welfare in organic pig production - Final Report COREPIG. . {Tool} Organic pig production in Europe: health management in common organic pig farming. Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Bochicchio, Davide; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Gunnarsson, Stefan; Leeb, Christine; Lindgren, Kristina and Mejer, Helena. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2011) Goodlass, G.; Halberg, N. and Verschuur, G. (2003) Input output accounting systems in the European community - an appraisal of their usefulness in raising awareness of environmental problems. European Journal of Agrnomy (20), pp. 17-24. Goodlass, G.; Halberg, N.; Verschuur, G.W. and Hanegraff, M.C. (editor): Goodlass, G.; Halberg, N; Verschuur, G.W. and Hanegraff, M.C. (Eds.) (2001) Study on Input/Output Accounting Systems on EU agricultural holdings. CLM . Gutzen, Kaja (2019) Organic Variety Testing - Qualitative content analysis approach to assess organic variety testing, case study of Germany. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Agrobiology. . [Submitted] Halberg, N.; Dalgaard, R.; Olesen, J.E. and Dalgaard, T. (2008) Energy self-reliance, net-energy production and GHG emissions in Danish organic cash crop farms. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 23 (1), pp. 30-37. Halberg, N. and Kristensen, I. Sillebak (1997) Expected Crop Yield Loss When Converting to Organic Dairy Farming in Denmark. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 14, pp. 25-41. 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Kristensen, Hanne L. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2006) Roots below one meters depth are important for nitrate uptake by annual crops. [Rødder under 1 meters dybde er vigtige for et-årige afgrøders optagelse af nitrat.] In: CD-rom "The American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meetings, November 12-16, 2006, Indianapolis, USA. No. 205-9., CD-rom "The American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meetings, November 12-16, 2006, Indianapolis, USA., no. Abstract No. 205-9.. Kristensen, Hanne L. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2006) Roots below one meters depth are important for nitrate uptake by annual crops. [Rødder under 1 meters dybde er vigtige for et-årige afgrøders optagelse af nitrat.] Speech at: The American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, USA, November 12-16, 2006. Kristensen, Hanne L. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2005) Grønkål optager nitrat fra mere end 2 meters dybde. [Curly kale takes up nitrate from more than 2 meters depth.] FØJOenyt, 4. Kristensen, Ib Sillebak; Dalgaard, Randi and Kristensen, Troels (2002) Indirekte beregning af N-fiksering. In: Kvælstofbalancer på landbrugsbedriften – status og perspektiv. Temamøde på Forskningscenter Foulum, 24. april 2002. Intern Rapport, no. 157. Danmarks JordbrugsForskning, pp. 31-40. Kristensen, K. and Willads, J. (2005) Incomplete split-plots in variety trials - based on alpha-designs. Speech at: PAGEN Workshop, Poznan, Poland, October 11-13, 2005. 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Kristensen, Hanne L.; Kidmose, Ulla; Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2011) Vegetable quality in a conventional and three organic cropping systems. Poster at: First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, Prague, 18-20 May 2011. Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg; Campanelli, G.; Bavec, Franc; von Fragstein und Niemsdorff, Peter; Canali, S. and Tittarelli, F. (2014) EFFECT OF AN IN-SEASON LIVING MULCH ON LEACHING OF INORGANIC NITROGEN IN CAULIFLOWER (BRASSICA OLERACEA L. VAR. BOTRYTIS) CROPPING IN SLOVENIA, GERMANY AND DENMARK. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 199-202. Kristensen, Kristian (2012) Incomplete split-plots in designs with many entries – a compromise between split-plots and randomized complete block designs. Euphytica, 183 (3), pp. 401-413. 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In: Rahmann, Gerold and Godinho, Denise (Eds.) Ressortforschung für den Ökologischen Landbau 2008, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut - Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei, Braunschweig, Germany, Agriculture and Forestry Research, Special Issue No. 362, no. 362, pp. 207-210. Novoa-Garrido, Margarita; Aanesen, Lise; Lind, Vibeke; Larsen, Hans Jørgen S.; Jensen, Søren K.; Govasmark, Espen and Steinshamn, Håvard (2014) Immunological effects of feeding macroalgae and various vitamin E supplements in Norwegian white sheep-ewes and their offspring. Livestock Science, 167, pp. 126-136. Nørremark, M.; Ponomarev, P. and Niemelä, M. (2012) Simulation and control parameter estimation of a permanent magnet tubular linear synchronous motor for tool guidance around crop plants. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 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