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Items affiliated to "ORGTRACE - Organic food and health"

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Number of items at this level: 43.

Hansen, Thomas Hesselhøj; Laursen, Kristian Holst ; Persson, Daniel Pergament; Pedas, Pai; Husted, Søren and Schjørring, Jan Kofod (2009) Micro-scaled high-throughput digestion of plant tissue samples for multi-elemental analysis. Plant Methods, 5, pp. 5-12.

Huber, M.; Rembiałkowska, E.; S´rednicka, R.; Bügel, S. and van de Vijver, L. (2011) Organic food and impact on human health: Assessing the status quo and prospects of research. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 58 (3-4), pp. 103-109.

Husted, Søren (2010) Sensationslyst bag påstand om økologiske produkter. Videnskab.dk. Online at http://videnskab.dk/blog/sensationslyst-bag-pastand-om-okologiske-produkter, accessed on: 12 April 2010.

Husted, Søren (2009) Økologi og sundhed - videnskab eller ønsketænkning? Videnskab.dk. Online at http://videnskab.dk/blog/okologi-og-sundhed-videnskab-eller-onsketaenkning, accessed on: 13 December 2011.

Husted, Søren and Bügel, Susanne (2009) Økologi og Sundhed - fornuft eller følelse. ICROFS nyt, 2009, 1, pp. 4-5.

Husted, Søren and Laursen, Kristian Holst (2010) Faglige nuancer efterlyses. Økologi og Erhverv, 2010, 469, p. 2.

Husted, Søren; Laursen, Kristian Holst; Larsen, Erik Huusfeldt; Kapolna, Emese; Knuthsen, Pia; Søltoft, Malene; Bügel, Susanne ; Mark, Alicja Budek; Lauridsen, Charlotte; Jacobsen, Maja; Jørgensen, Henry; Halekoh, Ulrich and Kristensen, Kristian (2011) The OrgTrace project: Content, Bioavailability and Health Effects of Trace Elements and Bioactive Components of Food Products Cultivated in Organic and Conventional Agricultural Systems. In: Pulkrabová, Jana; Tomaniová, Monika; Kahl, Johannes and Hajšlová, Jana (Eds.) First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, ICT Prague Press, Prague, Czech Republic.

Husted, Søren; Persson, D.P.; Laursen, K.H.; Hansen, T.H.; Pedas, P.; Schiller, M.; Hegelund, J.N. and Schjørring, J.K. (2011) The role of atomic spectrometry in plant science. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 26, pp. 52-79.

Husted, Søren; Yngvesson, J.P.A.; Laursen, Kristian Holst and Pedas, P. (2008) Overdreven tillid til jordbundsanalysen. Agrologisk, 2008, 26 (11), pp. 18-21.

Husted, Søren; Yngvesson, J.P.A.; Laursen, Kristian Holst and Pedas, P. (2008) Utroværdige jordprøver. Agrologisk, 2008, 26 (1-2), pp. 12-13.

Jacobsen, Maja; Juul-madsen, Helle Risdahl and Lauridsen, Charlotte (2010) Development of an oral tolerance model in rats for investigation of bioactive food components. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 69, E289.

Jensen, Maja M.; Jørgensen, Henry; Halekoh, Ulrich; Watzl, Bernhard; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Lauridsen, Charlotte (2012) Health biomarkers in a rat model after intake of organically grown carrots. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 92, pp. 2936-2943.

Jensen, Maja M.; Jørgensen, Henry and Lauridsen, Charlotte (2013) Comparison between conventional and organic agriculture in terms of nutritional quality of food - a critical review. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 8 (045), pp. 1-13.

Jensen, Maja Melballe (2012) Health and immune responses in a rat model after intake of organically or conventionally grown foods. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Animal Science. .

Jørgensen, Henry; Bach Knudsen, Knud Erik and Lauridsen, Charlotte (2011) Carbohydrate and lipid composition of vegetables, and bioavalability assessed in a rat model: Impact different cultivation systems. In: Pulkrabova, Jana; Tomaniova, Monika; Kahl, Johannes and Hajšlová, Jana (Eds.) Book of Abstracts. First International Conference on Opganic Food Quality and Health Research, ICT Prague Press, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 119.

Jørgensen, Henry; Halekoh, Ulrich and Lauridsen, Charlotte (2011) Organic diets and physical activity: Research experience using a rat model. In: Pulkrabová, Jana; Tomaniová, Monika; Kahl, Johannes and Hajšlová, Jana (Eds.) Book of Abstracts. First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, p. 120.

Jørgensen, Henry; Halekoh, Ulrich and Lauridsen, Charlotte (2011) Preference of organic grown carrorts in a rat model. Poster at: First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, Prague, Czech Republic, May 16-20, 2011.

Kahl, J.; van der Burgt, G.H.M.; Kusche, D.; Bügel, S.; Busscher, N.; Hallmann, E.; Kretzschmar, U.; Ploeger, A.; Rembialkowska , E. and Huber, M. (2010) Organic Food Claims in Europe. Food Technology, , pp. 38-46.

Kapolna, Emese; Laursen, Kristian Holst; Husted, Søren and Larsen, Erik H. (2012) Bio-fortification and isotopic labelling of Se metabolites in onions and carrots following foliar application of Se and 77Se. Food Chemistry, 133 (3), pp. 650-657.

Kapolna, Emese; Hillestrøm, Peter; Laursen, Kristian; Husted, Søren and Larsen, Erik H. (2009) Effect of foliar application of selenium on its uptake and speciation in carrot. Food Chemistry, 115, pp. 1357-1363.

Kapolna, Emese; Laursen, Kristian H.; Hillestrøm, Peter; Husted, Søren and Larsen, Erik H. (2008) SE-ENRICHMENT OF CARROT AND ONION VIA FOLIAR APPLICATION. Poster at: Nordic Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Loen Norway, June 2008.

Knuthsen, Pia; Soeltoft, Malene; Laursen, Kristian Holst; Bysted, Anette; Madsen, Katja H; Nielsen , John; Halekoh, Ulrich and Husted, Søren (2011) OrgTrace – No Difference in Levels of Bioactive Compounds found in Crops from Selected Organic and Conventional Cultivation Systems. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research.

Lauridsen, Charlotte; Halekoh, Ulrich; Jacobsen, M. and Jørgensen, Henry (2011) Effect of organic diet on biomarkers of health and well-being in rat models. In: Pulkrabová, Jana; Tomaniová, Monika; Kahl, Johannes and Hajšlová, Jana (Eds.) Book of Abstracts. First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, ICT Prague Press, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 41.

Lauridsen, Charlotte; Halekoh, Ulrich; Jacobsen, Maja and Jørgensen, Henry (2011) Gør økologisk mad dig sundere - Hovedkonklusioner fra Ernæringsforskningen. Speech at: Plantekongres 2011, Herning, 11.-13. januar 2011.

Laursen, K.H. (2012) Multi-elemental and Isotopic Analysis of Organic and Conventional Crops using Atomic Spectroscopy and Chemometrics. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science , Department of Agriculture and Ecology. .

Laursen, Kristian Holst (2010) Dopingkontrol af økologiske planter med isotoper. Videnskab.dk. Online at http://videnskab.dk/blog/dopingkontrol-af-okologiske-planter-med-isotoper, accessed on: 7 March 2010.

Laursen, Kristian Holst (2009) På sporet af det økologiske fingeraftryk II. Videnskab.dk. Online at http://videnskab.dk/blog/pa-sporet-af-det-okologiske-fingeraftryk-del-ii, accessed on: 13 December 2011.

Laursen, Kristian Holst (2009) På sporet af det økologiske fingeraftryk. Videnskab.dk. Online at http://videnskab.dk/blog/pa-sporet-af-det-okologiske-fingeraftryk, accessed on: 13 December 2011.

Laursen, Kristian Holst; Hansen, Thomas Hesselhøj; Persson, Daniel Pergament; Schjørring, Jan Kofod and Husted, Søren (2009) Multi-elemental fingerprinting of plant tissue by semi-quantitative ICP-MS and chemometrics. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 24, pp. 1198-1207.

Laursen, Kristian Holst and Husted, Søren (2010) Økologien sætter fingeraftryk. Økologi og Erhverv, 9 April 2010, 453, p. 12.

Laursen, Kristian Holst; Schjoerring, Jan K.; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Askegaard, Margrethe; Halekoh, Ulrich and Husted, Søren (2011) Multielemental fingerprinting as a tool for authentication of organic wheat, barley, faba bean and potato. Journal of Agricultural and Food chemistry, 59, pp. 4385-4396.

Maiani, G.; Castón, M.J.; Catasta, G.; Toti, E.; Cambrodón, I.G.; Bysted, A.; Granado-Lorencio, F.; Olmedilla-Alonso, B.; Knuthsen, Pia; Valoti, M.; Böhm, V.; Mayer-Miebach, Esther; Behsnilian, D. and Schlemmer, U. (2009) Carotenoids: Actual knowledge on food sources, intakes, stability and bioavailability and their protective role in humans. Mol.Nutr.Food Res, 53, pp. 194-218.

Mark, A.B.; Kápolna, E.; Laursen, K.; Halekoh, U.; Rasmussen, S.K.; Husted, S.; Larsen, E.H. and Bügel, S. (2013) Consumption of organic diets does not affect intake and absorption of zinc and copper in men–evidence from two cross-over trials. Food & function, 4 (3), pp. 409-4019.

Persson, Daniel Pergament; Hansen, Thomas Hesselhøj; Laursen, Kristian Holst; Schjørring, J.K. and Husted, Søren (2009) Simultaneous iron, zinc, sulphur and phosphorus speciation analysis of barley grain tissues using SEC-ICP-MS and IP-ICP-MS. Metallomics, 1, pp. 418-426.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2006) Sædskifteforsøg skal give nye svar. [Crop rotation experiments expected to give new answers.] Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2006 (359), p. 9.

Soeltoft, Malene (2010) Secondary metabolites in organic and conventional crops and diets, and their human bioavailability. PhD thesis, KU-Life and DTU-Food . .

Soeltoft, Malene; Knuthsen, Pia and Nielsen, John (2008) Comparison of extraction methods for analysis of flavonoids in onions. In: Polyphenol Communications, 1.

Søltoft, Malene; Bysted, A.; Madsen, K.H.; Mark, Alicja Budek; Bügel, Susanne ; Nielsen, J. and Knuthsen, Pia (2011) Effects of organic and conventional growth systems on the Content of carotenoids in carrot roots, and on intake and plasma status of carotenoids in humans. J Sci Food Agric , 91, pp. 767-775.

Søltoft, Malene; Christensen, J.H.; Nielsen, J. and Knuthsen, Pia (2009) Pressurised liquid extraction of flavonoids in onions. Method development and validation. Talanta, 80, pp. 269-278.

Søltoft, Malene; Eriksen, M.R.; Träger, A.W.B.; Nielsen, J.; Laursen, Kristian Holst; Husted, Søren; Halekoh, Ulrich and Knuthsen, Pia (2010) Comparison of Polyacetylene Content in Organically and Conventionally Grown Carrots Using a Fast Ultrasonic Liquid Extraction Method. J Agric Food Chem , 58, pp. 7673-7679.

Søltoft, Malene; Knuthsen, Pia and Nielsen, John (2007) Bioactive metabolites in crops, diets and human samples. Poster at: Receto Enviro Symposium, Denmark, 5-6 nov. 2007.

Søltoft, Malene; Nielsen, J.; Laursen, Kristian Holst; Husted, Søren; Halekoh, Ulrich and Knuthsen, Pia (2010) Effects of Organic and Conventional Growth Systems on the Content of Flavonoids in Onions and Phenolic Acids in Carrots and Potatoes. J Agric Food Chem , 58, pp. 10323-10329.

Velimirov , A.; Huber, M.; Lauridsen, C.; Rembiałkowska, E.; Seidel, K. and Bügel , S. (2010) Feeding trials in organic food quality and health research. J Sci Food Agric., 90 (2), pp. 175-182.

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