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Items affiliated to "INAGRO, Department for Organic Crop Production (Rumbeke)"

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Number of items at this level: 50.

Journal paper

Athanassiou, C.G.; Coudron, C.L.; Deruytter, D.; Rumbos, C.I.; Gasco, L.; Gai, F.; Sandrock, C.; De Smet, J.; Tettamanti, G.; Francis, A.; Petrusan, J-I. and Smetana, S. (2024) A decade of advances in black soldier fly research: from genetics to sustainability. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, online, pp. 1-29.

Bongiorno, Valentina; Gariglio, Marta; Zambotto, Valeria; Cappone, Eleonora Erika; Biasato, Ilaria; Renna, Manuela; Forte, Claudio; Coudron, Carl; Bergagna, Stefania; Gai, Francesco and Schiavone, Achille (2022) Black soldier fly larvae used for environmental enrichment purposes: Can they affect the growth, slaughter performance, and blood chemistry of medium-growing chickens? Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, pp. 1-13.

Heines, Wiebke; Ristic, Dusan; Rosenberger, Sandra; Coudron, Carl; Gai, Francesco; Schiavone, Achille and Smetana, Sergiy (2023) Eggs or meat? Environmental impact and efficiency assessment of chicken protein production with potential of Hermetia illucens use in feed. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances, 16, ?-?.

Peigne, Joséphine; Casagrande, Marion; Payet, Vincent; David, Christophe; Sans, F. Xavier; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Cooper, Julia; Gascoyne, Kate; Antichi, Daniele; Bàrberi, Paolo; Bigongiali, Federica; Surböck, Andreas; Kranzler, Andreas; Beechman, Annelies; Willekens, Koen; Luik, Anne; Matt, Darja; Grosse, Meike; Heß, Jürgen; Clerc, Maurice; Dierauer, Hansueli and Mäder, Paul (2016) How organic farmers practice conservation agriculture in Europe. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 31 (1), pp. 72-85.

Newspaper or magazine article

Barbry, Joran and Willekens, Koen (2019) Strokenteelt beloftevol als nieuw teeltsysteem. [Strip cultivation as a promising new cultivation system.] Proeftuinnieuws, June 2019, 2019 (11), pp. 28-29.

Barbry, Joran and Willekens, Koen (2018) SUREVEG: Europese projectgroep bezoekt proefhoeve Inagro en workshop levert belangrijke input. [SUREVEG: European project group visits organic trial farm at Inagro and the workshop provides important input.] Biopraktijk, October 2018, p. 2.

Dewaele, Karel and Delanote, Lieven (2015) Samengestelde kruisingspopulaties bevestigen. [Composite cross populations confirm earlier results.] www.biopraktijk.be, October 2015, 5 (9), pp. 6-9.

Dewaele, Karel and Dewitte, Justine (2018) Robuuste rassen, weerbare bioteelt. [Robust varieties, resilient organic crops.] BIOpraktijk, March 2018, pp. 1-2.

Dewaele, Karel; Jamart, An and Delanote, Lieven (2015) Studienamiddag ‘Uitgangsmateriaal in de biologische akkerbouw en groenteteelt vandaag en in de toekomst'. [Back to the real origin of organic seed.] www.biopraktijk.be, March 2015, 2015 (March).

Himanen, Sari; Hondebrink, Merel; Koopmans, Chris; Axelsen, Jørgen Aagaard; Barbry, Joran; Blande, James; Dupont, Y.; Lepse, Līga; Mäkinen, Joonas; Nissinen, Anne; Saussure, Stephanie and van Apeldoorn, Dirk (2022) SureVeg - Supporting aboveground biodiversity by strip intercropping in organic vegetable production. CORE organic Practice Abstract, 12 January 2022, 00, 00-00. [draft]

Jamar, Laurent and Temmerman, Femke (2021) Les ravageurs des choux: de nouvelles pistes pour s'en protéger. [Cabbage pests: new ways to protect against them.] Itinéraires Bio, July 2021, 59, pp. 61-67.

Kempen, Ine and Beeckman, Annelies (2016) Regionaal voeder in een pluimveerantsoen: welke mogelijkheden? [Regional diets for poultry: which opportunities?] Biopraktijk, 9 March 2016, pp-pp.

Lippens, Louis; Barbry, Joran and Willekens, Koen (2018) Biologische teeltsystemen herbekeken. [Organic cultivation systems reconsidered.] Proeftuinnieuws, June 2018, 11 (11), p. 19.

Sobry, Luk (2018) Rogge als ‘graasgraan’ levert smakelijk gewas. [Rye as a tasty grazing crop.] BIOpraktijk, February 2018, pp. 1-2.

Van Gils, Bert; Willekens, Koen; Beeckman, Annelies and Delanote, Lieven (2014) Onderzoek naar niet-kerende bodembewerking en groenbemesters: resultaten veldproeven 2013. BIOpraktijk, 1 April 2014, pp. 1-3.

Willekens, Koen and Debode, Jane (2016) Bodemmicrobiologie als indicator voor bodemkwaliteit? [Soil microbiology as an indicator for soil quality?] BIOpraktijk, 17 February 2016, pp-pp.

Working paper

Beeckman, Annelies; Dewaele, Karel and Delanote, Lieven (2014) Rassenkeuze erwten en veldbonen in combinatie met triticale. [Variety choice of peas and faba beans together with triticale.] Working paper.

Coudron, Carl (2022) Compound diets formulation and Hermetia illucens larvae performance. Working paper.

Dewaele, Karel; Beeckman, Annelies and Delanote, Lieven (2015) Rassenkeuze erwten en veldbonen in combinatie met triticale. [Variety choice of pea and faba bean together with triticale.] Working paper.

Dewaele, Karel and Delanote, Lieven (2015) Erwt en veldboon voor biologische zomermengteelt. [Fodder pea and faba bean for organic summer mixed crops.] Working paper.

Dewaele, Karel; Delanote, Lieven and Temmerman, Femke (2014) Samengestelde kruisingspopulaties doen niet onder voor wintertarwerassen. [Composite cross populations keep up with winter wheat varieties.] Working paper.

Conference paper, poster, etc.

Bongiorno, Valentina; Gariglio, Marta; Zambotto, Valeria; Cappone, Eleonora Erika; Biasato, Ilaria; Bellezza Oddon, Sara; Gaddés, Marwa; Soglia, Dominga; Forte, Claudio; Renna, Manuela; Gasco, Laura; Gai, Francesco; Coudron, Carl; Bergagna, Stefania; Pagliasso, Giulia; Dellepiane, Lucrezia and Schiavone, Achille (2022) Blood chemistry of medium-growing male and female chickens supplemented black soldier fly live larvae. In: marta.gariglio@unito.it.

Dewaele, Karel; Delanote, Lieven and Beeckman, Annelies (2015) Meer eigen eiwitproductie met mengteelten van granen en peulvruchten. [More on-farm protein production with mixed crops of cereals and grain legumes.] Poster at: TAM Agroecology in action, Leuven, Belgium, November 16th, 2015. [Completed]

Dewaele, Karel; Delanote, Lieven; Dewitte, Kevin and Haesaert, Geert (2015) Organic field trials of winter and summer crop mixtures of grain legumes and cereals in Belgium. Poster at: COBRA Final Conference, Denmark, 24th-25th November 2015.

Dewaele, Karel; Delanote, Lieven and Temmerman, Femke (2015) Samengestelde kruisingspopulaties: alternatief veredelingsconcept in granen? [Composite cross populations: alternative breeding concept in cereals?] Poster at: TAM Agroecology in action, Leuven, Belgium, November 16th, 2015. [Completed]

Dewaele, Karel; Temmerman, Femke and Delanote, Lieven (2015) Performance of winter wheat CCP’s in comparison to reference varieties in organic field trials in Belgium. Poster at: COBRA Final Conference, Denmark, 24th-25th November 2015.

Ristic, D.; Heines, W.; Coudron, C.; Schiavone, A.; Claeys, J.; Gai, F. and Smetana, Sergiy (2021) Environmental impact of feeds utilized for poultry protein productions: soybean vs insect larvae. Oral Presentation at: 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Davos, Switzerland, 30/08/2021-03/09/2021.

Ristic, Dusan; Silva, Beatriz Q.; Heines, W.; Coudron, Carl; Schiavone, Achille; Claeys, Jonas; Gai, Francesco and Smetana, Sergiy (2022) Chicken: feed or insects, eggs or meat? Oral Presentation at: 4th Insects to Feed the World Conference, Québec City, Canada, 12/06/2022-16/06/2022.

Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Hefner, Margita; Willekens, Koen; Trinchera, Alessandra; Pirjo, Kivijärvi; Koopmans, Chris; Van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Lepse, Liga; Barbry, Joran; Valero, Constantino and Lakkenborg Kristensen, Hanne (2021) Faba Bean: A Potential Intercrop In Organic Vegetable Production In A European Perspective? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Zambotto, Valeria; Bongiorno, Valentina; Gariglio, Marta; Gasco, Laura; Daniele, Giulia Maria; Cianciabella, Marta; Schiavone, Achille; Gai, Francesco; Coudron, Carl and Predieri, Stefano (2022) Sensorial evaluation of breast of chicken reared in organic system and supplemented with live black soldier fly larvae. Poster at: 4th Insects to Feed the World Conference, Québec City, Canada, 12/06/2022-16/06/2022.


Agro Transfert, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Bio en Hauts de France, BioForum, inagro, Biowallonie, CRA-W, CCBT (editor): Campion, Morgane (Ed.) (2023) Féverole d’hiver, comment l’associer ? [How to combine winter faba beans?] .

Beeckman, Annelies and Delanote, Lieven (2013) Vlinderbloemigen tillen stikstofvoorziening naar een hoger niveau. [Legumes lift nitrogen supply to a higher level.] CCBT, Belgium.

Delanote, Lieven; Temmerman, Femke and Dewaele, Karel (2014) Composite cross populations keep up with winter wheat varieties. Inagro vzw .

Goffart, D.; Temmerman, Femke; Dubois, V. and Jamar, Laurent (2022) Mouche de la carotte (Psila rosae) Comprendre sa biologie et s’en protéger en “zéro phyto”. [Carrot fly (Psila rosae) Understanding its biology and protecting yourself with "zero phyto".] CRA-W, Inagro, Bio-HDF .

Hondebrink, M; Barbry, J; Himanen, Sari; Lakkenborg, H; Lepse, Liga; Trinchera, A. and Koopmans, Chris J. (2019) Overview of farmers expected benefits of diversification. Report on national stakeholder involvement. Lous Bolk institute, Driebergen.

Lateur, Marc; Jorion, Alexis; Jamar, Laurent; Goffart, Dimitri; Dendauwe, E.; De Groote, Stefanie; Temmerman, Femke; Tournant, Ludovic; Leleu-Wateau, Karine; Oste, Sandrine; Pertriaux, JB; Ameline, A. and Doury, G. (2022) « Zéro-Phyto » : Bilan et démonstrations sur le terrain de recherches transfrontalières d’alternatives pour cultiver des fruits et légumes sans traitements phytosanitaires. ["Zéro-Phyto": Review and field demonstrations of cross-border research into alternatives for growing fruit and vegetables without phytosanitary treatments.] CRA-W, Gembloux.


De Cock, Lieve (Ed.) (2021) Organic Food and Farming in Flanders: Research 2019-2020. [Organic Food and Farming in Flanders: Research 2019-2020.] 6 edition. De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek. ILVO, Merelbeke.

De Cock, Lieve (Ed.) (2020) De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: 2019-2020. [Organic Food and Farming in Flanders: Research 2019-2020.] 6 edition. De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek. ILVO, Merelbeke.

De Cock, Lieve and Van Waes, Johan (Eds.) (2018) De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek 2017-2018. [Organic food and farming in Flanders: Research 2017-2018.] 5 edition. Network for Organic food and farming research (NOBL), Merelbeke.

De Cock, Lieve (Ed.) (2016) De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek 2015-2016. [Organic Food and Farming in Flanders: Research 2015-2016.] 4 edition. Network for Organic food and farming research (NOBL), Merelbeke.

De Cock, Lieve (Ed.) (2014) De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek 2013-2014. [Organic food and farming in Flanders: Research 2013-2014.] 4 edition. Netwerk Onderzoek Biologische Landbouw en voeding (NOBL), Merelbeke.

Book chapter

Barbry, Joran and Willekens, Koen (2019) SUREVEG - Strip-cropping and recycling of waste for biodiverse and resoURce-Efficient intensive VEGetable production. In: De Cock, Lieve and Van Waes, Johan (Eds.) Organic Food and Farming in Flanders. NOBL, Merelbeke, pp. 84-85.

Project description

{Project} POULTRYNSECT: The use of live insect larvae to improve sustainability and animal welfare of organic chickens production. Runs 2021 - 2023. Project Leader(s): Gai, Dr. Francesco, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche .

{Project} POULTRYNSECT: The use of live insect larvae to improve sustainability and animal welfare of organic chickens production. Runs 2021 - 2023. Project Leader(s): Gai, Dr. Francesco, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche .

Practice tool

{Tool} Which harrow is suitable for weed control in organic cereals? (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Delanote, Lieven; Dewaele, Karel and An, Jamart. Issuing Organisation(s): Inagro. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 026. (2018)

{Tool} Fodder trees for organic dairy goats. [Voederbomen voor bio melkgeiten.] Creator(s): Golsteyn, Laura; Landuyt, Carmen and Valckx, Jan. Issuing Organisation(s): CCBT - Coordination centre for applied research and extension on organic agriculture, Wim Govaerts, Odisee - University of Applied Sciences, Inagro. (2022)

Web product

Barbry, Joran and De Laet, Patricia (2019) Strokenteelt en vast rijpadensysteem beloftevolle nieuwe technieken in biolandbouw. [Strip cultivation and controlled traffic farming promising new techniques in organic farming.] VLAM. Online at https://allesoverbio.be/artikels/strokenteelt-en-vast-rijpadensysteem-beloftevolle-nieuwe-technieken-in-biolandbouw, accessed on: November 2019.

Barbry, Joran and Willekens, Koen (2018) Strokenteelt en gecomposteerde plantaardige reststromen als nieuw teeltsysteem voor bio volleveldsgroenten. [Stripcropping and composted vegetable waste streams as a new cultivation system for organic vegetables.] Inagro vzw, Rumbeke-Beitem, Belgium. Online at https://leden.inagro.be/Artikel/guid/4364, accessed on: November 2019.


Barbry, Joran (2019) Alles over bio - Onderzoeker JORAN BARBRY van INAGRO over innovatieve technieken in de biolandbouw. [All about Organic farming - INAGRO researcher JORAN BARBRY on innovative techniques in organic farming.] VLAM, Youtube.


Dewaele, Karel and Delanote, Lieven (2015) A focus on cereals in conference on organic breeding and propagation material with Belgian stakeholders. COBRA.

This list was generated on Sun Dec 22 11:35:41 2024 CET.